
Reborn: Tale of a concubine.
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Sehun lowered his head, mind a swirling mess like a tornado with no end. Junmyeon was speaking but all Sehun could hear were muffled sounds. Like all the air had gone out of the room and all the strength had been taken out of his muscles. His child had survive. His and Kai's in a different timeline.  How was he going explain his pregnancy to anyone? Only Baekhyun would understand and his family would believe him too. What was he supposed to say? The truth wouldn't make sense, not to many. Even Sehun was having difficulty believing it himself. However the certain facts were a sure thing. Thinking about it, Sehun concluded the child had been in some sort of a dormant state after his Rebirth which was why he didn't notice a damned thing for over two months and it only became active the first time he met Kai in this lifetime. Maybe sensing it's sire had been what made it come to life again. Oh mothers. Things were making lot more sense. The prophecy. The visions.The little Fenigriff was this babe inside him. If his child was related to the curse breaking it made sense the goddesses brought it back to life. Maybe it was because of the child Sehun got a second chance. But what about the strange baby dragon in his dreams? Was that a conception dream or something? Sehun doubted so, because he had seen the same dragon in the vision. If there were another Fenigriff in this world Sehun would have thought he was carrying the dragon instead. But no, the Fenigriff had to come from him for obvious reasons. The dragon was probably another of Kai's child from a different carrier. Would it be possible for both of Kai's children to be the dragon and the Pearl? Would their relationship be platonic? It had to be, or this would be truly ed up . Another question was. How far along was Sehun? He had no ing idea. He was three weeks in when he died, and the child had been dormant for months. Did that mean the pregnancy was two month old now? He wasn't showing any physical signs. But would two month old fetus be able to move this early?  He would need to see a healer to know for sure. . This was actually happening, a reality that came crashing whether he was ready or not.  There were other men, some more fertile than Sehun could ever dream of being. But none of those men were able to get knocked up by the emperor. Kai being able to impregnate anyone might be a factor but, it didn't necessarily mean it was why Sehun was able to conceive. Kai was his mate, and vice versa. It might be what made it possible. However Sehun doubted the emperor knew what Sehun meant to him or he shouldn't have been able to kill him in cold blood, unless Kai was under the influence. Sehun wiped his cheeks with his sleeve, but more tears followed. Ridiculous. Situation was awful, but no point bawling. Wouldn’t help no one. But the tears wouldn’t stop. It came to him, after a while, that he wasn’t crying out of the fear of the situation, but for having his babe survive. He was happy about it, at same time terrified. He ought to be. There were a lot of things he needed to– "Sehun please talk to me." A hand on his cheek had him snapping his attention to Junmyeon. "Help me understand." The mage wiped away the tears on Sehun's face. Sehun dragged in a deep breath, before releasing it slowly. "It's hard to. You won't believe me." His hand on his belly wrapped tight as though to hug the babe inside. "I've seen and heard of unbelievable things. You might be surprised how open minded I can be." "I–" Sehun scrubbed a hand down his face, not sure how to explain in a way that wouldn't disrupt Junmyeon's three views of life. "Is it a magical babe? I mean does it not have a sire?" He sounded dead serious and Sehun almost laughed. Junmyeon was staring at Sehun's crotch. Wait. No, he wasn’t. He was looking more off to the up to Sehun's belly. "I am not Mary. Carrying Jesus." He threw at the guardian. " Mary?" Junmyeon looked utterly confused. He had most definitely never heard of Mary or Jesus. Shaking his head, Sehun opted to speak in a way Junmyeon would understand."I mean, it does have a sire. It's just really complicated." "He doesn't want a baby? Perhaps a one time thing lead to this? But who wouldn't when conception has become a miracle? They should be glad, celebrate. Or he can't be with you, because he's already married." The water mage concluded. Once again Sehun almost laughed."Junmyeon, please stop letting your imagination run wild. It's not what you think." Junmyeon nodded. "You don't want to have a baby out of wedlock? Afraid people would judge you?" Like Sehun ing cared what people thought of him."That's the least of my worries." "Your family reputation?" "No" Sehun could leave to a far away place where no one knew him, have his baby and raise it for some time, then come back and tell a story about his wife that died during childbirth. And people would believe him. "You don't want the child?" It was clear the mage wanted to understand. "Not that," he couldn't imagine a life without his babe, now that he knew of it's existence. A gift from the Goddesses, that he would cherish and protect with his all. Another nod. "What are you doing to do?" Realizing Sehun might not elaborate, Junmyeon decided to change the question. "Keep it, and have it." "Then you have our support. We will protect your child just as much as we would you. No matter." Junmyeon probably had no idea how much his words meant to Sehun. Smiling, Sehun reached out to hold and squeeze Junmyeon's hand in gratitude. "Can I at least know who the sire is?." The mage asked cautiously. "Kai." Junmyeon deserved to know that, so many secrets between them. And Sehun was tired of them. "Huh?"his friend had a dumb expression for a moment before it clicked in and his voice rose"W-what, what, when did you –" Holding Junmyeon firmly Sehun said."In my previous life when we were married, I died while pregnant." Junmyeon gave him a look as if Sehun had lost his mind but the mage was too considerate to say so. Sehun added."I was reincarnated or resurrected whichever you prefer." He didn't wait for the water mage to react, as he went on, explaining the whole story. Junmyeon in a breath, eyes unblinking on Sehun, an expression as though in sudden realization."Now I understand why I have those dreams." "Dreams?" That had Sehun quirking an eyebrow. Did Junmyeon have visions in form of dreams too? "Yes, for the past two months plus, no more no less, I have a feeling something was off but had no explanation why. I've been having dreams about myself, like I was living a different lifetime. I've asked the elite if any of them are having similar dreams. Minseok does, Luhan too, but not as very vivid as mine. In that lifetime we aren't close with you, even though I see you occasionally. Sometimes in the palace when I came to visit my husband or cousin. But i never–" "Wait you had a husband?" Sehun couldn't help it, that word had him started. He was certain Junmyeon was having dreams about his previous life, and in which Sehun had never thought Junmyeon got married. "Yes." It was Junmyeon time to quirk an eyebrow. "Shouldn't I have one?" "Uhm no, I um just didn't know you had someone." "My childhood sweetheart. Yixing." The mage mumbled, redness coating his cheeks. Oh boy. "Really? You married Luhan's cousin?" Sehun would have never guessed. He knew Yixing the healer, half fae, half human. He was also aware the healer was married but he'd never asked to whom. "In my dreams yes, I was. But how did you know Yixing? He's in Lore and is due to join the Royal infirmary in a few weeks after his–" Junmyeon suddenly paused. "From your previous life. Oh goddess. It really happened" Sehun nodded."Is Yixing still your childhood sweetheart?" "Yes," Junmyeon admitted a little shyly. Well now Sehun found who his competition was. However it seem like a lost battle. Sehun didn't have a chance, he never did. It was clear Junmyeon liked Yixing for years. Love that deep wasn't something you see on daily basis. He couldn't help but laugh out loud and that had Junmyeon gazing, brows ceased.  "I am glad you found something amusing despite all this." Junmyeon said. "I couldn't help it." Sehun shrugged.Truth was Sehun, knew deep down he wouldn't end up with Junmyeon, not when his beast and fate were concerned, yet he had hoped despite that. Sehun must give up now, whether he wanted to or not. Things were out of control to be stuck on that. He would support Junmyeon to pursue his happiness, he deserved it. Sehun's happiness? It didn't really matter. He would marry Kai. It was the only solution to remain in Lexn, Carry out his responsibility as the curse breaker as well as protect Hyunjin and the people on his list. It was clear he wouldn't be able to evade his fate, it was foolish of him to even try.  "You really lived another life." The water mage said again. Maybe it was due to his connection to the goddesses, Junmyeon was taking it well. "I did. And you believed me." "I do. Sehun if it were anyone else I probably wouldn't. But I believe you. However I am scared for you, considering what happened with the emperor, and what is about to happen. Are you sure getting together with him will be wise?" Sehun didn't respond to that as he allowed himself to think. And surprisingly marrying Kai didn't seem as terrifying as it had been yesterday or moments earlier. Maybe it was the fact that it was the best if not the only way to give his child a real life. It should be born and raised in the palace like every Royal blood should.  Though sudden, but Sehun had made up his mind. He would marry Kai, get the emperor to him maybe once, and then a few weeks later stage a scenario that would lead to his pregnancy becoming known. A little deception wouldn't hurt anyone, besides it wasn't like it was someone's child, that he would be placing the responsibility of on Kai. It was Kai's. Since this was his fate, Sehun would embrace it to make life easier for himself as well as the child growing inside him. He had a feeling no matter what or how he tried he wouldn't be able to escape. So yeah let's do this in a better way. But what he wouldn't accept was dying again. The world might throw at him, Sehun might bend but he wouldn't break. He wouldn't let history repeat itself. He would become Kai's concubine, protect himself, his unborn child, Hyunjin and all the good people that died unjustly while he was at it. He wouldn't let anyone step on him, the ministers, Kai's consorts, other peerages or any er, not even the emperor himself. First of, he needed power– of his own, not the one tied to his parents–to counter those that wanted his downfall. Thus he would make a deal with Kai. Sehun wouldn't be fourth junior concubine. Not this time. He had to be one of the distinguished consorts. That was the deal or Kai could shove it down his . He wouldn't settle for anything less. The queen dowager could hump herself to death for all he cared. He remembered thinking that even if he were to be first noble consort, he wouldn't want it. Now he wanted to scoff at himself. There was already a first noble consort, Sehun might covet that position. Or maybe he should ask for it, just to see the extent Kai was willing to go for him? Nah, Sehun had another plan. He knew just right the person he needed to take out first. Moreover first consort was someone Sehun never had an issue with. The Fire-Hound rarely showed herself to people, she prefer to stay away in her quarters dealing with internal court and when she's out, she kept to the shadows. Sehun wondered if the first consort had anthropophobia. "You know I don't want to live with what ifs, and regrets, so I will tell you, not because I expect something in return." He said, eyes going up to Junmyeon."I've always liked you, the more than friends type, in the past and even in this timeline" Junmyeon's eyes went wide, as he opened and closed his mouth as though speechless. "Just thought you should know. Ah now l feel better." He let out a sigh. It felt like letting go of the feelings in his heart with that one breath. "I want you to be happy Junmyeon. I really do and now more than ever, I know your happiness lies elsewhere. So live your life the way I might never get to–" With a choke sound, Junmyeon suddenly pulled Sehun into his arms. "I am sorry Sehun, I never realized." Smiling bitterly, Sehun patted his back. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was my decision to like you. And now I am letting you go. Alright."  The water mage was silent for a while, then he said. "No matter how messed up the situation is, I sincerely hope you find your happiness where you never expected." "I don't think it matt–" A paw clawing at the door cut him off. "The healer is here to see you." Lyla told him. "Hurry he seems jumpy around us. And Baekhyun says to bring your down this instance." "What is it?" Junmyeon asked, pulling back with a scowl. "Is it Kai?" "Not him. The healer is here to see me" Sehun rose. "And Baekhyun wants me to haul my down." "What is your plan now?" Junmyeon stood as well. "I have a plan going. We need to have a meeting with the others, I will need all your help for my plan to work." Sehun smiled. "Now I'll start with the healer. I need him on our side." "He's my brother's husband, he's already on outside." "Perfect." Sehun made a gesture heading for the door. *** Sehun smiled at the high alchemist. Junmyeon had been right, Seokjin was on their side just like he had been in the past. It turned out while treating Sehun last night, he had found out about the pregnancy, and Sehun's unusual disposition. But hadn't told the emperor the truth of what he had found and only claimed Sehun was stressed. When Sehun had asked why. Seokjin had said it was because he had a feeling Sehun wouldn't want Kai to know he was different as well as pregnant. Besides Junmyeon asked him beforehand to keep anything he found from Kai. Seokjin didn't ask how Sehun was different or whom the sire of his babe was. Sehun truly appreciated, his lack of curiosity. Though Seokjin was truly on their side, the healer feared his husband might pick up something. As a truthsayer, Namjoon could tell his husband was hiding something and according to Seokjin, Namjoon was very loyal to the emperor and was likely to alert him if sensed anything suspicious. "We have a solution for that." Sehun said, a hand running through Lui's mane, that was laying next to him. "How?" The healer asked, briefly glancing at the hellacats surrounding Sehun like some sort of exotic display. "Minseok. We'll have to get you to believe you have nothing to hide." Baekhyun gazed at Sehun with a frown. "You want Minseok to mess with his head?" He chanced a brief glance at the healer. "Yeah, nothing major, just add and omit a few things, of course with your permission." Sehun gestured at the healer. "Are you okay with that?" Junmyeon crossed his arms, eyes on Seokjin. Surprisingly, Seokjin readily agreed with Sehun's suggestion. One thing out of the way, it was time to tackle another.
**** A week later.


With eyes half lidded, Sehun watched the emperor leave, Jungkook and other guards dutifully taking position on either side of him. Sehun shook his head still unable to believe Kai had actually acquiesced.  He didn't know why but Kai had been in accord with most of the things Sehun demanded. And they'd come to a consensus. Sehun wouldn't be participating in the three way selection, his wedding would be held before the ceremony began. Which would consist of a handful of people, his family, guardians and a few from Kai's side.  His demand to remove consort Lee and take his place as fourth senior consort was accepted. Though Kai had asked what Sehun had against the kitsune. Of course Sehun had done the shrug-bow thing, he'd seen Kai did when he didn't want to elaborate. And the emperor didn't ask again. However Kai had warned Sehun, the queen dowager might not consent to it, but Kai would do whatever he could in his power to make it happen. Sehun was well aware it wouldn't be simple, because consort Lee was the queen dowager's person, she had traveled personally to Peño to ask for his hand in marriage, so that the Kitsune didn't have to participate in the selection of Royal consorts.  Though Sehun wanted power, but he would be okay as long as consort Lee was below him. In the past the fox had been the one to disrupt Sehun's peace the most and never failed to show/remind Sehun would be nothing more than a mere junior concubine. He shuddered remembering how Mark had made him knelt for more than half a day just because Sehun neglected to come pay his respect the morning after his wedding to Kai, until the emperor himself came to rescue him. Sehun had been unable to walk Kai had to carry him bridal style which only infuriated the fox. As a junior concubine he was to go around paying his respects to all the consorts above him. Which he didn't have the time and patience to waste on such useless traditions. Sehun could deal with the other Consorts/Concubines in different ways, but the kitsune had to fall. Sehun's dress code would be unique. He would dress in a way that would signify his role as head of Hyunjin's security as well as give away his position – albeit subtly as Kai's consort. Thank the heavens he wouldn't be dressed like a doll, they way he had in the past, Sehun swore some of the clothes were females clothing he was forced to wear. He needed to be comfortable in what he wore, so that he would be able to protect Hyunjin at any given time without anything getting in the way. Kai had agreed with the idea, seem to like it even. He had commented about Sehun presenting himself with a style only unique to him. Of course Sehun didn't let the subject linger as he moved to the next. Bang Chan was to join the prince's guards team immediately, he would be Sehun's second in command, protecting Hyunjin while Sehun was attending to other things. His salary would be double the amount normally paid to other guards. Kai had raised an eyebrow, questioning what was special about the hound. Sehun had shrugged, pointing out he didn't accept payment for the job, thus Chan was to get paid in his stead. As though exasperated, Kai had let out a sigh waving a hand for Sehun to continue.  His next demand was for a special unit be formed, that would only consist of the elite, and any paladin Sehun deemed worthy to be a part of. Prosecutors of justice. They shall be called. As paladins they would have their own unique style and they were to have access to top secret documents if the need arise. But the officers in the Unit were different from the others in the department of justice. They would take on monsters: rogue sorcerers/mages, and anything malevolent that tore into this world. It was similar to their jobs as paladins. "Why paladins only?" Kai asked. The reason why Sehun insisted on paladins only was because they were used to handling difficult opponents. Their work made them hard, not just physically but psychologically.  As elite, they controlled forces anyone couldn’t even imagine holding in their body, and they accepted responsibility not just for the protection of noble lives, or common folk but also for all the races. They weren’t people who made mistakes or accepted them easily. They were thorough and took pride in what they did. The prosecutors of justice would answer to Sehun and no one else, just like how Shadow guards answered only to Kai. However every progress they made would be reported to Kai. "Why would I agree to it?" Kai had said. "I don't see how this is beneficial, I got the police/magic bureau for that. And of course every paladin in the order is to work for the empire." Sehun had mentioned his intentions to investigate the attacks on Hyunjin in his own way. It would be significant to have a special unit investigate things the police or magic bureau couldn't handle. And Kai couldn't argue Sehun was right. Though that was his main intension, but Sehun wanted his guardians in every corner of the palace, to have his hands on materials and information to make his investigation easier, as well keep them close and protected.  The elite should also be appointed other positions in the palace in places of their choosing, but mostly the ministry of justice with the exception of Baekhyun that would serve as Sehun's personal guard just the way he had in the past. Sehun knew Baekhyun would rather be his personal guard than have any other position of power. Though all of them were from a powerful house or clan, however Sehun wanted them to establish their own connection and build power, one not tied to their houses. Junmyeon as part of the Royal house, didn't need Sehun's meddling to have any position he wanted. When Kai protested Sehun had stunned him speechless, quoting the privileges he was entitled to have as Kai's concubine or consort. And it include the right to have at least two of his people in good position, six was much, but he knew Kai would agree. He seem to want Sehun bad, and Sehun was using that to his advantage. "But I've already gave your family enough." "I didn't ask you to, it was your choice not mine. So it doesn't count. Besides as fully trained paladins they're entitled to be part of your court." It was one of the reasons many wanted to be a paladin but only a few could get into the order. "Yes but, they don't get to choose, I get to put them where I see fit." Sehun didn't respond, only shrugged. "How did you even know so much?" The emperor had asked gazing at Sehun's head as if wanting to see through it. "I like to understand what I am getting into." Was his response. Suddenly Kai inched forward, invading Sehun's space, a hand going to his waist, and Sehun's heart jumped when the babe–two months In, according to Blink – inside him moved, probably sensing Kai's closeness. Blink had said the more time he spent with Kai the faster it's growth. If he were carrying a dr
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Ghadino94 #1
Chapter 44: Pls don’t stop writing about sekai stories🥹🥹I love all of your works 😍😍😍
Exoleris1485 #2
Chapter 44: This chapter was so lovely and cute. This story was really great to read. Loved reading it. Please don’t stop writing sekai you are the best. Will be waiting for you to come back with another story. 💕
748 streak #3
Chapter 44: Such a lovely ending, Yasmin.❤️ Everything has come full circle and all are happy and protected. The babies are so sweet and they all have such delightfully distinct personalities. Thank you for giving us a happy ending as well as a glimpse into the future for Kai and Sehun, and their kingdom.

Please never stop writing about SeKai, they bring such vivid life to your work, as do the other characters that we love. If you decide to leave AFF, please let us know where you will be taking your future stories. I will always support you.
charinamus #4
Chapter 44: Thanks for great stories authornin
Pshintani #5
Chapter 44: This was truly such a sweet ending, I loved this chapter. Its up to you if you wanna continue writing here or somewhere else.... but if you do decide to write somewhere else, please let me know. Thank you for writing this beautiful story
Chapter 44: I love your writing!!!!!!!! Please still write Sehun and Kai and anyone else you want to. I will miss you if you stop writing here as I really enjoy your talented storytelling. I hope if you do decide to stop writing here that you will leave your stories and account here for us to read and any new readers to find and enjoy.

This was a good ending, I like the way you took us through the years with them. You answered some questions voiced and unvoiced. You give a clear path that they were traveling as a family and kingdom. You tied-up loose ends and showed us a very happy couple and family. Thank you!
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 43: More kidssssss
748 streak #8
Chapter 43: It was my favorite chapter as well, I even read it a couple of times.

There is never a dull moment in the Byun household and I love that Mina is still there with them. It’s also obvious that Baekhyun is her favorite. Little Steph is a sweetheart as well, I am still laughing over Baek and the paternity test. I can’t wait for the wedding.

Kai and Sehun are still the same and it’s hilarious that Kai has absolutely no control over his dragon, especially where his mate is concerned. It was also great to see Sehun send those ministers packing, Hyunjin is the rightful Crown Prince.

Lastly, I also enjoyed Blink visiting and the hellacats still being with Sehun. Thank you so much for this update, I am sure I will read it again before the next one.
Chapter 43: I can see why this was your favorite one to write, I really enjoyed reading it too. My favorite part is how the four hellcats are so protective of Sehun and everyone knows they are there for him, not Kia.

I can't understand why the minister/counselors would think Sehun would oust Hyunjin. Especially this many years later with hearing and seeing Sehun treat him lovingly as his own. I wonder if the minister was thinking of marrying his son or a close relative to the girl to take the throne maybe?

It's cute how Beakhyun is the only one to take Mia to task for changing the natural order/timing of change with her abilities just because she is curious. It only works because she loves and respects him so much and he is not afraid of her or what she can do.
I love his son, and how he had a DNA test to see if he was Chanyeols. The way Chanyeol teases him and laughs about it is fun too.
Thank you for this great chapter looking forward to the next. Hoping you have a good week.
748 streak #10
Chapter 42: Now they are mated in every sense of the word. It was nice to see them without a care in the world except each other. Thank you for another lovely chapter.