Chapter 1- The rightful heir

The Twisted King

Spring 1495

There was a time in the kingdom of Joseon where a pregnancy could be as much a blessing as a curse. 

The Crown Princess Consort Sinui had a feeling early on that her pregnancy would be one she should handle with caution. That's why she managed to leave the royal palace just a few days before delivering with a very few amounts of trusty maids.

In the intimacy of a secluded secondary royal house, she gave birth to a boy.

"Mama," her personal first maid inquired her voice full of worry, "there's one more..." 
The Crown Princess Consort smiled through the pain, not even surprised by the announcement. Her body had felt the two lives growing inside of her long ago. And that was the exact reason she had troubled herself with the long trip in the countryside of the kingdom.

She knew what having twins meant for her babies. They were seen as a very ominous sign and a king couldn't have a twin living around. One of her children would've been killed if she had gave birth at the palace.

Here she was in control. She had ordered to be giving birth alone with her trusty maid Kim In-sop and her daughter In-soon.

She heard the sharp cry echoed in the air announcing her second child arrival. It was a vigorous scream, one that was meant to be heard from afar. One with a purpose.

"It's a girl your highness."

"A boy and a girl. What a blessing", she smiled.

The midwife looked at the children with sorrow, "a blessing they were born here or one would already be dead. Only one can come back to the palace."

Sinui kissed both infants on their head as they were placed on her.

"The girl will stay here until we can sneak her back into the palace when she's older," She said her eyes fixed on the little baby whose eyes were wide opened. 

"She is meant to a great destiny," she added. " somehow I can feel how strong her aura is."

She then looked at the little boy who was already fast asleep, "they both are here for a purpose. They will be named Jinsoo for the boy and the girl will be Jisoo."

The newly named litte girl let out a powerful high pitch scream in response.

"Yi Jisoo, the flourishing and gorgeous girl with the will for justice and righteousness. This name is just perfect for her."

"Hopefully she'll be strong enough for what comes for her Mama," In-sop wished outloud. 

"I'll make sure she is!" Sinui said kissing once more her child. "In-soon will be the one taking care of her until I find a safe way to let her in the palace with us. She just had a son too she'll be able to provide for both infants."

The midwife and her daughter just nodded respectfully.

They did as said, returning with the baby boy while leaving Jisoo behind.

Times passed by both infants growing apart from each other with the best care, education and love from their mother.


Winter 1506

"Seja jeoha," In-sop welcomed the royal highness the Crown prince as he entered the room.

His son's body was shivering on the bed, fat drops of sweat all over his body.

Sinui looked at her husband, tears in her eyes. 
"I think I should take him back to the countryside," she let out silently. "He will need the fresh air to recover."

Her husband's eyes never left his son as he answer, "I can't lose a son... he is the future of this kingdom. The travel might kill him."

Sunui made her way to the man a hand on his torso, "I can assure you if you let me go to the country house I'll come back with a healthy son for you to reign on this kingdom." She assured a plan already forming in her head as her husband's eyes falls on her, "you have to trust me." 

The Crown Prince turned his eyes once more towards his son before adding, "Do as you please. Just bring my son back to me or there'll be consequences."

And with that he made his exit.

The silence that followed was broke by the maid, "Mama, Jinsoo won't survive this fever..." She whispered sadden by the boy's condition. "I'm not even sure he'll pass the next few days."

The Crown Princess Consort hugged her precious son, "he was always so calm." She said a single tear running down her face.

She let out a deep sigh before turning to the wise woman next to her.

"I want my son to be with his sister when he leave this earth, just like he came into it with her," she explained. "Besides, like I said a healthy son will come back with us afterwards. We are leaving tonight."

"Yes Mama." 

The maid exit the room this time, leaving Sinui alone with her son.

"Eomma loves you so deeply Jinsoo-ya. You have no idea how much my heart is bleeding right now," she confessed her voice broken. "Eomma will be here with you all the road baby. I won't leave you alone even for an instant. You don't have to be scared."

She hugged the boy not minding how his tiny body was burning her up.

The road was quiet as Jinsoo was fighting to make it back to his twin sister.


The girl had spent eleven winter secluded in the countryside all alone with her tutor and her best friend Jung Haein. 

They were almost her only audience as she never left the house. Some teachers had come from her young age to educate the girl on science, history, literature and so much other items. She didn't know where she came from, why was she lost, forgotten in that house or who was her parents.

Her parents... She only received letters from her mother whom she had never met until this day.

She had never questioned her life in the peaceful scenery, nor as her origins but she was definitely aware that there was some kind of mystery behind it. She just knew that eventually the time would come when she will be acknowledged by her destiny. 

The night was well engaged when she heard the horses stepping into the court, followed by the noise of people hurrying inside.

She wasn't sleeping as Haein had sneaked into her room for their usual midnight shenanigans. They liked to explore the house and its environment. They were partner in crime Jisoo liked to joke about. 

This time as the weather was bad they had stayed in her room. They were in the middle of a gonggi contest.

She sneaked outside of her bed followed by Haein and spied on the little procession.

A woman engulfed in a long cape was holding something in her arms. The thing looked so tiny she wasn't sure what it could be, but the woman seemed to give a lot of care holding with gently against her. She was followed by a good amount of maids holdings luggages.

As the maids approached the house, the first maid, the one close to the woman holding the precious package, turned to them.

"All of you go back to the palace," she announced. "I'll take care of the princess Consort as she wishes to stay alone to take care of her son."

The maids looked at each other not knowing what to do, whispers starting to form.

"Just obey the order of your Mama." The first maid spited with authority.

The unwanted maids bowed to the woman with cape and made their exit.

"The princess consort" Haein whispered surprise. "what will the highness do here at our house?"

Jisoo didn't the answer to that question but her thoughts were going wilds.

'She was with the young prince of Joseon... he must be the tiny package in her arms. what was the meaning of all of that?' Jisoo needed to approach quietly of she wanted to get more informations without being seen.

She quickly made her way to the room The princess Consort had entered with her maid.

She heard her tutors voice, "Mama! I wasn't expecting your visit at this hour of the night."

"In-soon-ha," the maid spoke. "This trip wasn't planned ahead. Jinsoo's illness is only getting bad and her majesty wanted him to be reunited with his sister before it was to late."

Jisoo’s eyes grew out of their pocket as she witnessed the words. She was smart and she was the only girl in this house, so that made her his sister. That meant that woman was also her mother and she was from the... royalty of the great kingdom of Joseon. 

She stumbled a bit falling back into Haein behind her who lost his balance, hitting a vase in the process.

The sound of the crashing object attract the attention of the women inside the room as both kids' frame froze. 

"Jisoo, my dear," the voice was so sweet full of a love she had never witnessed outside of those letters. "You don't have to hide. Come here." Sinui asked her daughter, her son still in her arms.

Both kids approached fully bowing to the ground as they stepped inside.

"May you forgive us Mama for ears dropping!" They said in unison. 

"How big are you now my love," she replied not minding the apologies. "And you must be Jung Haein, In-soon ha idle. You have became an handsome boy too. Get up, both of you and come here Jisoo. I have so much to tell you."

Jisoo rised up and finally saw what was in her mother's arm. It was the body of a shivering boy. He was a little bit tinier than her but he shared the exact same face with her. 

She was shocked by the discover. Sinui had seemed to follow her daughter actions. 

"This is Jinsoo, the next heir of Joseon. Your twin big brother," she introduced the boy still sleeping on her. "You were both born in this house. I felt the both of you and wanted to protect you from death." She explained to the girl whose eyes never left the boy.

"Sadly, I've felled my son from the tragic destiny," she followed, eyes on her boy now kissing his head gently. "He's seriously ill as you heard In-sop earlier. We only made the travel to have you both reunited." 

Jisoo proceed to grab the boy's hand, her heart heavy somehow. It was her first time seeing him or knowing about his existence but she felt so connected to him in that moment.

As if to reply, the boy's eyes made a wiggled as if he was trying to open them but couldn't find the energy to do so. Instead, Jisoo felt the weak squeeze on her hand, allowing her tears to fall down her face.

Sinui's tender hand found her daughter's face to dry them, "I'm sorry baby. Eomma had done her best for the both of you."

Jisoo went on and took the hug she had waited for her entire life as her body engulfed in her mother's embrace.

The moment was pure as the sun rised up slowly taking Jinsoo last breath with him.


The following days had been hard for every one as a very secretive funeral had taken place in a secluded area of the property. 

The boy was honored only by his mother, his twin, In-sop, In-soon and Haein.

Later that day, Sinui had asked for Jisoo to come for a walk.

"Jisoo-ya, I know the last few days must have been really hard specially for you," she started looking at her child. "You are already such a brave woman at such a young age, having to face all of those hard works."

Jisoo stayed silent not knowing what to say to that. She didn't find herself braver than any another person, she just had to deal with how her life was.

"When you were born, I knew immediately what a great person you will grew into. I just knew that your destiny was strong, your soul was so impregnated of that strength, that power. I knew you will find a way back into the palace as you should."

Jisoo didn't seemed to catch on so Sinui pursued, "now that your brother has left us, the kingdom is left without an heir... your father the prince Consort will be threatened by his family from loosing his position and the throne. That's why you have to take over at the palace as your brother Jisoo-ya."

The girl seemed at lost of words for a second before recovering her voice, "Mom I'm not sure if I'm capable of that task. I'm just a girl." She worried.

Sinui turned around to face the beautiful girl, grabbing both of her arms, 

"Jisoo you are special like no other human being . I knew it from the womb that's why I fought for you to live. 
You are not just a girl. You are the next king to reign after your dad. You're more than capable of the task you were destined to accomplish. You are strong enough, smart enough and capable enough." She boosted the girl confidence. "Also, you're not alone anymore my dear. I'll be here all along to help you in the process. 
I'll help you to become the most powerful king Joseon had never witnessed on its throne. You will have all the training necessary to succeed."

Jisoo nodded embracing her new purpose.  She saw how much her mother trusted her to be up to the task.

"We will stay here until your primary training is over and you can come to royal residence as the prince Yi Jinsoo. I'll inform your father that you seems to recover better in the countryside and should stay until you're strong enough for the city. Also I'll ask him to send trainers for your physical training, a king must know the art of fighting and war" Sinui conclued.

She had to be strong from the start Jisoo thought, to succeed and become the man of such a legacy. The rightful king of Joseon. 

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Kazioo21 #1
Hello everyone! I know several are waiting for the update. And I'm earning on it. I'm very sorry for the delay . I've just been very busy with life between work friend's and other thing and I didn't get the time to finish the chapter I already started. Initially I tried to post smt last week but I couldn't manage to finish and i don't want to rush smt out. Soon (in 2 weeks) I have some days off hopefully I'll get the time to write peacefully
Ajaypinky #2
Chapter 2: Update pls
1130 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hi authy still busy?
Ajaypinky #4
Chapter 2: Nice one. Waiting for next.
1130 streak #5
Chapter 2: Oh wow king Jisoo... Now I get why Jisoo told Jennie that she is king Jisoo and not princess Jisoo like what Jennie insist on one of their video together 😁😁😁
1130 streak #6
When I read the first sentence about the twins being onimous sign the first thing that comes to my mind was the kdrama Queen Seondeok...
Chapter 2: love the story author-nim! can't wait for the nxt update :)
reflektorr1 #8
Chapter 2: Update pls
Jensoo4everlove #9
Chapter 2: Wow!! King Jisoo in your area!!!
AanchalShriwas #10
Chapter 2: It is good hope u will update soon