One Step Forward Two Step Back

1 + 1 fools = ?
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One step forward two step back [idiom] : you make progress but then experience events that cause you to be further behind than you were when you made the progress. || things aren't going to go smoothly. 




The late autumn was fairly mild for its generous amount of sunlight flowing through the branches of the treetops outside. Only the chilly breeze could remind them of the winter nearing closer each day but for now it was the least of their worries. Especially when Soojin sighed for the nth time while waiting for Shuhua to be ready. 


“I swear I’m going to leave without you if you’re not finished in the next 5 minutes.” Soojin warned as she glanced at her watch yet again. 


“You could help me pack instead of standing there, unnie !” Shuhua growled back as her hands moved in haste to shove more necessaries into her messy suitcase.


“Nah-ah, I’ve told you many times to prepare your stuff before d-day. Now you face the consequences young lady.” Soojin deadpanned, still crossing her arms over her chest, leaning against the doorframe for support and looking at the younger woman dead in the eyes.


“Well ! I didn’t expect you to ask me to help you clean the bar after classes. If I knew, I would've done it yesterday night.” Shuhua huffed as she sat on the stubborn puffed up luggage that refused to close itself, the zipper getting caught in a stray piece of garnement that protruded clumsily. “Why-won’t it… close !” 


Soojin watched with exasperation and a sliver of fondness bubbling up from the pit of her stomach at the way Shuhua was down right wrestling her poor black luggage like she was part of the WWE, battling for dear life in a rather theatrical fashion. “What would you do without me, geez.” she said at last, finally stepping in to stop that intense baggage abuse. Pushing the red faced girl off, she opened the luggage and started arranging the items inside in a more organised way, leaving Shuhua to only glare at the offender and pout in defeat.


Luggage 1 - 0 Shuhua 


After settling that suitcase fiasco the both finally made their way downstairs with Shuhua almost tripping over her large baggage which she kicked in revenge once she reached the ground floor. Stupid thing. 


Luggage 1 - 1 Shuhua 


“We are going to fetch Soyeon first, Yuqi is already tasked to drive the two oldies.” Soojin informed while loading the trunk of her car. 


While Soojin and Yuqi lived relatively close to each other as they could meet up after a few minutes walking, Soyeon’s and Minnie’s place were on the polar opposite of this city. Miyeon lived near the bar too but since she is residing with their rich Thai friend for now, she’ll have to ride with Yuqi. 


Sure, Minnie could have just driven the two of them but they wanted to save some gas and the planet too in the process. So they settled with 2 cars for the 6 of them, they could have tried to fit everyone in a single car but none were owners of a SUV and they weren’t really hyped at the idea of being inside a cramped engine for 2 hours straight. The last time they all tried to fit inside a car Yuqi had been forced inside the trunk because she was moving around too much in the backseat and made everyone else even more squished than they originally were. The latter had yelled and trashed around so much from her spot inside the trunk that Soojin feared they might get pulled over by some cops suspecting them of kidnapping. The Chinese influencer didn’t mind her experience there but she was dramatic enough to make it known that she’ll have her revenge on them, particularly directing a nasty glare at Soyeon who was the one orchestrated the whole idea after Yuqi had accidentally elbowed her. 


“At least she’s not riding with us.” Shuhua muttered while taking her seat behind knowing that their captain liked riding shotgun the best. 


After a 15 minutes ride they were in front of Soyeon’s place, the said woman already down her building wearing what Shuhua would call a scandalous outfit with her back exposed to such breezy weather. Nevertheless she hopped in after putting her small luggage behind and gave everyone a small smile. 


“Why the sunglasses ?” Soojin demanded as she started driving again.


“Didn’t sleep much.” Soyeon replied curtly, exhaustion catching up on her.


“You’re lucky the loud ones aren’t with us then, catch a nap cap’.” Shuhua snickered, earning a little approving giggle out of the music producer. 


“I’m rightfully frightened just thinking of them in the same car.” Soojin shuddered at her own thoughts before focusing back on the road.


The ride was mostly silent, the radio was on but left at a reasonable volume. Only the soft buzzing of the engine could be heard as they already reached the highway along with the robotic voice from their trusty friend Google map to make up for the lack of conversations. “Hm. If you’re tired I can drive the rest of the way.” Shuhua offered noticing her best friend yawning before taking a gulp of her iced Americano. Soyeon was long passed out in her seat which didn’t really help Soojin’s slight drowsiness. Sleep was contagious and she reminded herself to be careful on the road. 


“Maybe later when we stop at a gas station to buy some snacks.” Soojin nodded, she wasn’t declining the help Shuhua was gently giving her. Though she was the youngest amongst them, it was no secret that she was probably the best driver. If it was someone else suggesting to drive in her stead she’d have refused right away but she trusted Shuhua not to crash her precious car. The only person she could think of that could be a real danger behind the steering wheel suddenly popped up inside her mind and she suppressed a chuckle… 


She hoped that the other 3 would arrive in one single piece, alive and well. 




“Lord forgive me for I WILL commit a sin.” 


These were the first words Soojin heard from the newly arrived trio. Minnie walked towards the awaiting woman who smiled at the sight of the girls still in one single piece after a 2 hours ride. They, themselves, only arrived a moment ago, just enough to put the luggages inside and have a look around the fancy looking building.


“Hi everyone, how was the ride ?” Soojin opted to ignore Minnie’s first comment and demanded gently.


“Terrible.” The Thai woman sighed while pinching her nose bridge in exasperation. Just the memory of it brought an overwhelming migraine. 


“Well you do look jade-” The bar owner could barely finish her words before she witnessed something akin to a volcanic eruption. Minnie’s face got so red and tense that it would have been comical under normal circumstances.


“See ! Even Soojin says it !” She heard Yuqi yell while collecting her belongings from the trunk.


“NOT YOU TOO ! THAT’S IT ! I WILL BURN THE NEXT DICTIONARY I SEE !” Minnie’s voice was so high that some might have mistaken it for a crow choking on something or perhaps a not so happy sheep with a sore throat, her hands furiously coming up in the air before she power-walked towards the opened front door and disappeared behind. Anyone else would have found the sight worrying, some might even call her a madwoman, but Soojin simply shrugged like it was a regular Friday evening. Which it technically was, disregarding the fact that she wasn’t working behind the counter for once. Following behind the enraged movie producer, a dejected businesswoman also made her way inside, barely sparing a look at Soojin. 


“Okay… what’s up with Minnie and Miyeon ?” She demanded the only other one who lived through that car ride, the driver.


“Miyeon didn’t get to drive.” Yuqi explained shortly while struggling to pull all of her baggages.


“Well that’s a given. Bless her soul, she didn’t drive. But what about Minnie ?” Soojin nodded in approval, a safe choice she thought. 


“Minnie is semantically-discriminating.” Yuqi vaguely replied only leaving Soojin to wonder what the hell happened in those 2 hours. But before she could ask more Yuqi shot her an innocent and sheepish look “Help me with these please ?” She pointed at the 5 overly packed luggage. 


Soojin sighed, well, it was just another regular day befriending those embarrassing and weird dorks. What happened in that car will remain in that car it seems. 




Shuhua was on the couch, phone in hand and texting her friends back in Taiwan while the others busied themselves with their own activities. Soyeon was asleep in one of the empty rooms, resuming the nap she had had in the car. She didn’t really notice Soojin leaving her side, engrossed with whatever tea happened in her home country and giggling whenever silly stories were brought up. 


She didn’t even acknowledge the stomping woman barging in and disappearing somewhere in the depth of the large interior. But her little bubble was easier to break than it seemed, one moment she was tapping her fingers across the screen and the other she froze at the weight leaning on her side as a pleasant familiar scent filled her nostrils. That’s really all it took to bring her back to the reality around her. The change of perfume didn’t go unnoticed either, it’s strong but feminine, on the more floral end of the spectrum but it retained a more mature tint that screamed importance. Rose and jasmine, musk and woody hints, prestige was what she would describe this charming bouquet. The perfume of a young director in a rising company. 


She felt a head nuzzling into her neck and that’s when she remembered the world and realm that she lived in as heat slowly blossomed inside of her chest and spread into a lovely rose upon her pale face. Regaining her bearings and turning off her phone to pay attention to the clingy woman next to her. “Unnie.” She let out in a stern voice.


“Hm.” Miyeon merely hummed back, the vibration felt on her neck almost making Shuhua shiver. 


“Let go of me.” She simply commanded and surprisingly enough the businesswoman complied right away, no questions asked. Weird.


“Okay.” Miyeon eyed the younger woman with tired eyes and the latter gulped down the knot forming in .


“Your perfume.” Shuhua worded, disliking how silent her friend was. Usually it would be impossible for her not to blabber her ears off but today it seemed like she had no mind to talk and that was quite worrisome in a way.


“What about it ?” The oldest questioned with a confused frown, still shy of words but definitely intrigued as she took a tentative sniff at her own sleeve.


“It’s not the same as last time ? Did you change your perfume again?” Shuhua demanded instead, trying her best to make a conversion out of something and that something just happened to be the nice fragrance that she could recognise in a heartbeat. Playing dumb in her fake ignorance, she knew all too well this scent and all the ones that Miyeon enjoys wearing and parade around. 


“Oh, well it’s usually the one I wear when I go to work. I wear another one when I hang out.” Miyeon nodded as she explained her change of perfume. Shuhua just blinked and bit her lower lip at the lack of small talk. She imagined the former going on a long tirade about her fascination for luxury fragrances but was met with only 2 sentences, 21 words, a coma and two periods with just one onomatopoeia -she definitely wasn't counting- but still no chatty businesswoman. 


Now, thinking of it, both were familiar to her and had distinctly different effects on how she views her silly friend. This one was mature and was a reminder that she was a successful working woman in society, someone that she admires, focused and independent. The other was gentler and fresh, gone were the overbearing flowers and strong aromas, it was like a sea breeze, faint and pleasant. The only thing that remained similar were the woody hints that held a certain strength to them because Miyeon was just that, a strong person. 


“No wonder it felt familiar.” Shuhua mumbled unconsciously. She had seen both sides, the businesswoman and the goofy friend, while she should be able to differentiate the two with ease, to her they were the same exact person and Miyeon was to blame for that. Especially when she has taken a liking to hang out with the younger one right after work, not bothering to change attires or take a rest. For someone who valued separating her work and her private life, Shuhua seemed to fit perfectly in the middle of it all. 


“What did you say?” Miyeon asked, seeing more than hearing her younger companion.


“You had work earlier.” Shuhua lied, slightly embarrassed that her thoughts have slipped out of her lips. Her faux passive attitude seemed to have worked as Miyeon didn’t question further and only entertained her again.


“I had a meeting, boring as usual but what can I do when I’m the best at presenting and making a PowerPoint?” The oldest smugly replied, slightly regaining her cheeky persona. Shuhua would never admit that this was better than the silence from before, but her heart would agree with ease.


“Stop bragging like that, it makes you look pretentious.” Were the harsh words that left the younger’s mouth to mask the tremor deep within her chest.


“Yahhh ! I’m only stating facts ! Not only did I come up with a genius idea, I also sold my idea so well that everyone agreed on the project in a heartbeat.” Miyeon huffed, cheeks puffing with air and lips pouting ever so slightly.


“Yeah yeah, what was that genius idea of yours anyway ?” The pale maiden asked away with a defiant tone, her eyes only holding the smallest hint of curiosity.


“I suggested a joint collaboration with Sana’s company, she works for a very famous modeling agency. Since I’m now managing the fashion department, I discussed the possibility of an exclusive photoshoot showcasing our products to Sana and she said that it was a great idea. I brought it up to the board and they were all in for it.” Miyeon gently explained, eyes closing as she spoke lazily but still a proud expression upon her delicately carved face. 


“Oh … Sana again.” Shuhua blurted out before quickly covering . What was with her and her word filter lately ?


“Hm ?” Thankfully for her, the older woman was as drowsy as one could be.


“Go to sleep. Soyeon is also completely passed out in the other room.” Shuhua sighed before motioning to a door on her left.


“Join me in my nap ?” Miyeon offered with a tired smile, making herself more comfy on the couch and opening her arms to Shuhua who blinked in return. With some luck the latter would agree and they would cuddle for the rest of the afternoon. Everyone knew that their (not so) little youngest could fall asleep, everywhere and anytime but best in between someone else’s arms. An affection and cuddle hungry gremlin.


To her delight Shuhua leaned in closer and for a split second she thought that it was all a dream… 


Her face was close and if Miyeon just made the move, she’d trap Shuhua in a dead grip, pressing her body against her own like a comforting weight that would fit nicely in between her arms, face nuzzled against her neck and sweet fragrance of well-cared for hair lulling her into Morpheus’ embrace-. “In your dreams. Now move your and go to sleep for a bit. Idiot.” 




And that’s how Miyeon was unceremoniously pushed off the couch and rolled down onto the floor in a muted grunt. Her eyes snapped towards the black haired maiden who just had the slyest and nastiest smug grin etched onto her beautiful face, looking down on her. A single thought crossed her mind.


What a brat.




Saturday came quicker than they had expected. The day prior Minnie and Yuqi had gone to visit the movie producer’s coworkers who resided in two cottage houses nearby. Miyeon and Soyeon lounged around after their nap, reading books and keeping themselves entertained in this calm environment that was hard to find back in the big bustling city. At some point in the late afternoon, Soojin and her favourite employee slash housemate decided to do some groceries for dinner (It was easy to tell who dragged the other into this chore). They all shared a hearty meal before calling it a day as they all felt the tiredness seeping into their bones from the trip and weeklong grinding also called adulthood. 


Soyeon’s alarm was the first one to blare through the whole place, waking Soojin in the process. A grunt from Minnie could be heard but no further movement was to be seen. None were morning people and it certainly wasn’t today that things would take a change for the better. It took another 45 minutes and Soojin rhythmically hitting against a frying pan with her spatula to get everyone to move their bum and gather for breakfast. 


“Morning Gremlin.” Soojin greeted Shuhua who, despite being awake, looked two seconds away from hitting the hay again. It might have something to do with how her face still had the pillow marks from her peaceful night of sleep or the way her hair stuck out in the most unnatural way known to this world. 


“G’morn-awhhh” was what left the youngest's mouth as her words were swallowed in a big yawn.


“If I didn’t know better I would think that you all fought in a war.” Soojin commented while eyeing the whole lot in front of her. As much as Shuhua was shining in her morning glory, the rest of them were no better, if not worse. All sat half awake around the table, eyes barely opening and brain not registering a single damn thing. Their cumulative IQ here would be equal to the one of an NPC at best. 


“I fought with my bed. It didn’t want me to go away.” Miyeon said in a serious voice, making the ordeal twice as amusing. She could have said anything with that tone and it would have taken anyone a double take to understand the ridicule of her words.


“I can see that… you have a dried up trail of drool down the right corner of your lips, darling.” The bar owner playfully pointed out which seemed to have started the cold engine that is Miyeon’s few functional brain cells and prompted the businesswoman to run to the bathroom and wash her face. The words sunk in their mind, more awake than ever, resulting in them, except Shuhua and Soyeon, running for their lives to freshen up. 


“You’re not going ?” Soyeon asked the black haired maiden who opted to indulge in her breakfast calmly and unbothered. As if there wasn’t a tornado of women running past her just a second ago nor an ear piercing shriek coming from the bathroom. 


“Hmm ?” Shuhua looked up from her bowl with her cheeks puffed out from the food she was munching on so enthusiastically, having regained her wits in the form of hunger.


“To wash up.” The music producer explained while pointing at where the other three had bolted out, though the muffled out noise and screams were already enough to attest to their presence there. 


The younger one simply gulped down her mouthful with some water and looked back at the two women presently at the table. “I look perfect as I am.” She replied which elicited two snorts out of them considering the state their dear youngest was in at the moment with a black mop as an unfortunate morning hairstyle.


“Confident much ?” Soojin uttered in sheer disbelief, putting some more meat onto her housemate’s bowl, the endearing sight was bringing out her sisterly side. 


“It’s the key to success.” Was Shuhua's answer, followed by a grateful smile at the sight of her now refilled bowl. “And I get to eat more.” 


“Stomach over visuals.” Soyeon shook her head at the silliness, it was too early for that kind of shameless boldness but she wasn’t complaining, it was somewhat really cute.


“Always.” The young woman spared her a look with a proud grin showing making her look unfairly adorable above all.




“Hi Qiqis all around the world, it’s your favourite flawless woman Yuqi ! Today I’m on a trip with my best friends in-“ The loud voice reverberated inside the car, a camera in hand and using a theatrical tone of voice to narrate this seemingly epic journey. 


“Shut it Woogs ! I can’t hear the GPS because of you !” Someone had interrupted with no mercy from her spot on the driver’s seat, not hiding the murder in her voice one bit. She would have saved herself from the hassle that was driving but she was NOT willing to stay at the back with the rest of them. Sure, she could have sat shotgun but it was Soojin’s car and by the rules of politeness she left it to her ex-boss to use. So she only had one escape left, it being driving.


“Qiqis ! I’m presenting to you one of my favourite people on this whole earth, the star producer, composer and lyricist JEON. SO. YEON !” As if deaf to the threat thrown at her, the Chinese influencer simply shoved that handheld camera straight into Soyeon’s face who glared before softening up in an instant. She might want to punch Yuqi right now, she knew for a fact that the girl would use that footage against her and she was not going to deal with the thousands of fans being on her for being mean to their oh so sweet, sweet Yuqi. That girl had an astounding number of devoted followers and there’s no way in hell she could survive them all. Her red cheeks had nothing, the emphasis being on the nothing, to do with the words that her loud idiot screamed so proudly as if showing her off like a hard earned trophy. Nope. Nopes. Definitely not. She was simply… camera shy… right. 


“Hi Qiqis.” Their cranky music producer said with a tight lipped awkward smile, eyes still on the road ahead which made Soojin next to her snort a giggle. The way the influencer smiled after seeing some form of cooperation from her dearest captain would blind anyone, the sun was clearly put to shame here and it sure did as Shuhua cringed when she unfortunately glanced at the reflection of it on

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Happy Miyeon day ~ (also belated Shushu day). Wish them both the best and success with this new comeback!<3

Thank you all for the 166 subs, 10 upvotes and the comments you leave me, they make me feel absolutely elated ever time I read them.


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1198 streak #1
Chapter 1: Something tells me this is about to be complicated 🤣🤣
twiceonce999 #2
Chapter 6: I LUV U AUTHOR-NIM, been waiting for tooooo loooongggf, but it's worth the wait.... I'm excited for the upcoming chapters, thank u for writing again, u r the best.... <3<3<3
Chapter 5: I have so many things to say, firstly; I’m loving their chemistry 😮‍💨 It’s so obvious there’s something more going on, but denial is strong af, even Yiren saw that lol I really wish Shuhua would treat Miyeon better. I mean, Miyeon is giving her 110% and even tho Shuhua has her own reasons for her panic acting near Miyeon, she’s just way too hard on the poor hamster 😭💜 she just has to leave her tsundere side move and accept she likes Miyeon, or at least show her she’s on the same channel and give a little bit back. I just wanna see them happy together :,(
I also would like to compliment your writing because gOD the way swallow the chapters like they’re gourmet. The pacing is amazing and the narrative is soft and hilarious, I love the humor you put on certain moments, it truly was a rollercoaster of feelings. I also really appreciate how long the chapters are. I feel like everything is well explained, doesn’t feel rushed, nor slow, it’s just perfect.
Finally, I hope you’re doing great and school and projects aren’t too tight. I would love if you continue this fic because it quickly became one of my favorites, but your health comes first, and above all the things that I said I hoped, I just wish for you to be okay 💜 I really loved what you built in here ! :)
Chapter 2: Not the lady Gaga meme lol I laughed so loud in that part. Honestly Miyeon is so whipped for Shuhua like damn where do I get one of those? :,) poor baby had her heart broken by the end but I’m sure Shuhua will fix it… right?
Chapter 1: I was having such a nice time thinking the chapters would be quite long (I enjoy lengthy readings) until I read the notes lol still that was a beautiful introduction! I love their chemistry! Their personalities are so entertaining to read :,)
Madipopopp #6
Chapter 5: author will there be a continuation of the story?
Madipopopp #7
Chapter 5: when will there be a continuation of this wonderful story?)
ImCape #8
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update 😭 your story is really good author-nim 😭
Chapter 5: Hello author nim! I just decide to open my aff, and i beyond happy when saw notif you update your story!! Aaaaaaa thank you cure my sadness self, this is so cute and make my blushing too what the hell happened to me😭😭😭 but i still not understand why Shuhua suddenly, think like that in the last part? Because she cant help Soojin? Or because her suitcase? Anyways! Thank you for update!! I already read it twice and i will read again again until you update hahaha!! HAVE NICE DAY AUTHOR NIM
wkim01 #10
Welcome back author!