To Live Without Regrets

Better Late Than Never

"...Is that really you? Jongwoon hyung?"

"You...? Eh... Who are you again? Sorry, your face is really familiar but I can't recall the name."

"It's me, hyung, Cho Kyuhyun. Your penguin brat!"

"Penguin...? Oh, it's you, Kyuhyun!! You've changed so much that I couldn't remember you. For example, your belly is really sticking out."

"I almost couldn't remember you too, hyung, what with your lack of hair."

"Now that's just rude!"


Jongwoon hit the big-belly old man with his cane and Kyuhyun pretended to get hurt. Then, they laughed at their silly banter which reminded them of the time when they were young. They were neighbors four years apart in age who grew up together as close friends. They played together, went to school together, and basically did everything together. They also realized in their teenage years that they were in love with each other. They naively thought that they could be together like this forever, but their dream got crushed when Jongwoon was forced to marry a girl his father chose after he graduated from college...



"... The day after tomorrow is your wedding, right?"

"Yes, that's why I asked father to go on a bachelor trip to Jeju with you today." 

"...Then, we won't meet again after today."

"Yes, this is our last night together..."

"Hyung, can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing."

"It might sound old-fashioned but can we do it? More than just hugs and kisses... I want to go all the way with you and let it be our first night."

"I want you to be my first time too... That's a given." 



That night, Kyuhyun embraced the groom-to-be and made the older man his. Jongwoon also held his best man with his dear life and gladly accepted the essence of the younger man deposited in him. After they made a vow with their bodies and hearts, the young and helpless couple held each other and cried together until the sun rose. After that, both of them pretended as if that night never happened, as if Kyuhyun didn't whisper 'I love you' while ing and Jongwoon didn't beg for more while sobbing 'I love you too' in return. Jongwoon got married to the girl as his father wanted and Kyuhyun was there to witness his hyung putting the ring on for her from the front row. Not long after that, Kyuhyun's father also chose a girl for him to marry and Jongwoon, with his wife, was there at the wedding to witness the newlyweds bowing to the guests. Even though they loved each other dearly and no one else, the unfortunate pair accepted their fate and worked hard to provide for their new family. When Jongwoon's wife got pregnant, her health declined so the Kim family moved to another city to recuperate. At the same time, Kyuhyun was offered a better job so the Cho family also moved away from their hometown. During the first few months, the two men tried to keep in touch and secretly called their beloved behind their wives to exchange a hopeless "I always love you" and "I miss you." However, they began to lose contact once Jongwoon's first daughter was born and Kyuhyun's wife got pregnant. Aiming to be the good father that he never had, Jongwoon decided to resolutely cut ties with the love of his life and became a faithful husband with a hidden broken heart. As for Kyuhyun, when the call was ignored more than three times, he quickly picked up the hint and accepted the truth that their love must end, even though it killed him alive. After that, they tucked their secret love in the deepest corner of their minds and their hearts and lived separately. They never met again until today when they accidentally became a roommate at a retirement home...


"...I can't believe it. To think that we would meet again after all these years... How many years has it been again?"

"About fifty years. Hyung, I thought you're very proud of your great memory?"

"Not anymore. I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about two years ago. That's why my daughter decided to send me here so someone can always keep an eye on me."

"Alzheimer's...? Then, do you still remember me? Our stories? Our love...?"

"I sometimes forgot what you look like but my heart always knows that you're the only person I've ever loved. Kyuhyun, I still love you..."

"Jongwoon hyung..."


Kyuhyun got up from his bed and groaned at the aching back and knees. He slowly made his way to the opposite bed and sat down beside the almost-bald old man. He grasped the bony hand and held it preciously in his chubbier hands.


"I still love you too, hyung. I never forgot about you no matter how many years have passed."

"Even though I'm old and ugly now? I don't even have much hair left."

"I love you more than just your looks. I love everything about you, hyung."

"Me too," Jongwoon chuckled weakly and patted Kyuhyun's bloated tummy, "I love you even if you have one pack here."

"At least it feels good to touch, right?"


Jongwoon chuckled again and nodded while lightly patting the squishy meat. Kyuhyun also lift the thin hand to his lips and kissed it with the utmost care. The reunited couple sat in silence for a long while, just marveling at the fact that fate had brought them together again even though they were both in the last stage of their lives now. After a couple more minutes of comforting silence, Kyuhyun spoke up.


"Jongwoon hyung?"


"How is your family? Has your wife recovered?"

"Unfortunately, no. She died when our daughter turned seven and I had been a single father all these years. What about you?"

"I'm sorry to hear that. As for me, my wife demanded a divorce as soon as my son turned fifteen. She got married to another man, left my son with me, and never visited us again."

"Eh? Did she cheat on you?"

"...No, she knew all along that I never loved her. I thought I hid my feelings well but she was very perceptive. She only stayed in this broken marriage for the sake of our son. That's why she wanted an out immediately after my son graduated from middle school."

"Kyuhyun... I'm sorry for ruining your marriage..."

"No, you did nothing wrong. Both of us and our wives are a victim of our fathers' and society's narrow minds."

"If only we were born a little later... our love would've been accepted and blessed..."

"It's never too late to begin again, hyung."


Kyuhyun cradled the thin face full of wrinkles and stared into the dull black eyes lovingly.


"Let's go on a date. We're no longer bound by any obligations and our times are running out. Let's spend what remains of it by each other's side and be happy together."

"A date? But we're both old men now... What do we even do? Won't people look at us and laugh?"

"We'll make up for the time we lost. And who cares what other people think? I just want to be with you and be happy with you. What about you?"

"I want to be with you too, Kyuhyun."

"Good! Then, for our first date after the reunion, let's take a walk in the garden after dinner!"


Jongwoon fondly watched his love laugh in a good mood so earnestly that his round tummy shook. Although they had neither looks nor vigor now, their hearts still beat with love and excitement, ready to start anew.



This time, they wouldn't let anything get in the way of their love.




Two weeks later...



"Jongwoon hyung, say ah!"



Jongwoon happily ate the kimchi soup that his boyfriend fed him. Not long after they agreed to retry their relationship, Kyuhyun happily suggested that they did everything a normal couple would do to compensate for their lost opportunities. However, both of them were a rookie when it came to dating. After a few hours of quarreling, they decided to come up with rules for dating. For example, they must feed their boyfriend while eating and sing a lullaby before going to bed. At first, Jongwoon was very embarrassed to do these lovey-dovey acts in his seventieth. However, he soon realized that no one here really cared about what they did and he cared far more about Kyuhyun's feelings than the strangers'. So, they proudly embraced their relationship and openly showed affection in front of other people at the retirement home. They took turns feeding each other and took a walk together in the garden after a meal. Kyuhyun liked to pick up a fallen flower and put it on his ear. Meanwhile, Jongwoon contentedly put his head on the large shoulder and held the chubby hand as they sat together on a bench under a cheery blossom tree. Today, too, the elderly couple came out in the garden after their dinner and sat at their usual spot. Kyuhyun wrapped his chubby arm around the frail body while Jongwoon patted his boyfriend's round tummy absentmindedly.




"Do you want to go on a date with me...?"

"Hyung, we're already dating!"

"No, I mean, going out together and doing what couples do... Like, watching movies or going to a cafe...?"


Kyuhyun turned to his boyfriend and pouted, causing his layered chin to be more prominent.


"Hyung! You'd have told me sooner! I only have old and worn-out clothes here. All of my best outfits are at home! Though I don't think I can fit in some now..."

"Hahaha, Kyuhyun, you're still a chubby old man with a beer tummy no matter what you wear."

"Hyung! You hurt my feelings! Just so you know, back in my days when I was a manager at my company, I was chosen as the most desirable bachelor for four years straight! I might be fat now but—"


Jongwoon pecked the sulking old man's cheek with the tip of his nose and it was very effective. Kyuhyun immediately stopped complaining though he still pouted.


"I know that you care about fashion so I want to look the best on our first date after all these years..."

"That was me fifty years ago. Now, I only care about being with you, Kyuhyun-ah."



Kyuhyun smiled softly and tightened his arm around the older man. That's right. The only thing that matters to them right now is the beautiful days they are going to spend together.



Before their times ran out.




"The movie was fun, right? Kyuhyun?"

"It was alright. I hate the bright flare though."

"Yes... I forgot that the director likes to use this technique. Sorry..."

"I'm okay. Let's take a break at some cafe. My eyes hurt."


With their hands loosely hooking, the old couple slowly made their way to the nearest cafe and sat by the window. Kyuhyun helped his boyfriend sit down and groaned when it was his turn to do so. He sighed and squeezed his knees. He was only four years younger than Jongwoon hyung so he wasn't in a better condition. After they got some rest, they called a waiter and spent almost ten minutes fumbling over the menu which was full of long English names that they couldn't read. In the end, they settled for a simple green tea set and cheesecake. The waiter who was a teenage boy openly showed his annoyance at their slowness making an order which made them feel embarrassed. After the boy left, Kyuhyun immediately complained.


"Kids these days are so rude! If I was still young, I'd have scolded his disrespectful attitude already."

"Just ignore him. Getting worked up is bad for our blood pressure."

"Sigh, you're right. That kid just reminded me of my bratty grandson, so proud of himself, though my brat is way more polite and cuter."

"I'm luckier than you then. My grandson is a real angel and we enjoy spending time together. In fact, he promises to visit me this weekend!"

"I'm happy for you, hyung! Maybe we should introduce them to each other."

"You're not going to force them together, aren't you?"

"Of course not. We've experienced it first-handed so I'll let him fall in love with whoever he wants, just like what I did to my son."

"I couldn't agree more."


Their orders arrived just in time when they finished the conversation. The same waiter boy placed the tea set and dessert on the table. The young man didn't even bother to hide his disgust watching them taking turns feeding the cheesecake, but they paid him no heed. They were too old to care about people's gaze. They leisurely enjoyed their date and the treats as they chatted about the old days before they were separated.


"Hyung, do you remember the two puppies that we rescued from a garbage site?"

"I do! Eh... Their names... What is it again...?"

"Kkoming and Melo. Back then, I was afraid of dogs but your father wouldn't let you keep them so—"


Kyuhyun suddenly winced and doubled over while holding his stomach.


"Kyuhyun? Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, it's nothing... Ugh!"



Jongwoon got up with difficulty due to his stiff knees after sitting too long without moving. He put his weight on the table and the cane while checking his boyfriend worriedly. Kyuhyun shook his head and smiled, but his face was very pale. The chubby old man tried to stand up but instantly fell to the floor in the next second with a painful expression. Jongwoon almost hurt his back as he kneeled down beside his boyfriend and called him in panic amidst the crowd's chaotic shouting.


"Help! Anyone!!?"

"Did he die?"

"Hurry up and call the ambulance!"

"Jeez, what a way to ruin people's day."


Jongwoon ignored the surrounding people and only focused on calling his boyfriend, but Kyuhyun wouldn't answer him no matter how many times he called...



"Kyuhyun-ah, Kyuhyun, don't leave me..."




"Doctor! Is Kyuhyun-ah alright? What's wrong with him?"

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with the patient?"

"I'm..." Jongwoon hesitated for a few minutes but decided to be frank in the end, "I'm his boyfriend."



Although the doctor did his best to hide his reaction, Jongwoon still saw disbelief and disgust in the younger man's eyes. He couldn't help the sadness crushing his heart. Their love is still looked down upon by other people. Nothing changed at all...


"Yes, I'm his boyfriend, please, doctor... I want to see him..."

"I'm sorry, Sir, but only family members and relatives are allowed to visit the patient."

"T-Then, could you at least please tell me what happened to him? Please, I beg you..."

"I can't disclose patients' personal information, sorry. If you'll excuse me."


The doctor avoided his shaking hand and strode away, leaving Jongwoon with a broken heart. He slumped down on a bench and groaned at the hurting knees and back. He was worried about Kyuhyun but he couldn't meet the man. Despite that, he didn't want to leave his boyfriend alone so he kept waiting. He watched doctors and nurses walk around for a long time without doing anything, not even realizing that his phone rang until a nurse told him. He answered the call and told his grandson where he was, before continuing to wait. More time passed but he still had no idea what happened to his boyfriend nor was he allowed to see Kyuhyun, yet he still waited...


"Excuse me, I'm Cho Kyuhyun-ssi's grandson, Lee Hyukjae."


Jongwoon looked up and saw a slender young man talking to a nurse. His dark-brown hair was the exact same shade as Kyuhyun's. He finally saw some hope after wandering in darkness and quickly got up as fast as he could, before calling out to the young man. Lee Hyukjae stopped and rushed to help steady him, and he noticed that the young man had Kyuhyun's perceptive eyes.


"Sir, do you need my help?"

"Yes, you're Kyuhyun-ah's grandson, right? Please let me see him too..."

"You are...?"

"Kim Jongwoon, I'm his boyfriend."


As soon as those words left the old man's mouth, Hyukjae immediately made a face and snatched his hands back. Although the elder looked hurt, it didn't stop him from sneering at the other man.


"So, it's you who stole my grandfather and made my father and grandmother suffer!! And what boyfriend? Both of you are this old but do you still think about dating? You creepy old man! Stay away from my family!"

"Stole...? No, we didn't—"

"Don't touch me!"


Hyukjae slapped the old man's frail hand out of disgust. However, he accidentally used too much force which sent him stumbling. Jongwoon lost his balance and fell to the floor. The younger man flinched noticeably but showed no sign of helping him up despite a cry of pain. Just then...




Another young man hurriedly came to Jongwoon's side and helped him up, before glaring daggers at Hyukjae. He avoided the accusing gaze guiltily but still pursed his lips and clenched his fists, muttering through gritted teeth with difficulty.


"... It's your fault for getting involved with my family. Don't ever come back to my grandfather again."

"Wait, please, at least tell me if he's safe..."


Jongwoon's plea didn't reach the grandson of his boyfriend as Hyukjae blatantly ignored him and stepped into the room. Without his own grandson supporting him, he might have collapsed to the floor already. Again. Even though they were this old, they still weren't allowed to be together...


"I-I'm going to wait and beg him again. Maybe..."

"Grandpa," his grandson called him softly, "let's go home. Did you know that eomma and I almost had a heart attack when the retirement home called to inform us that you hadn't come back yet?"

"But I want to see Kyuhyun-ah..."

"I know. I promise I'll take you to see him later but you need to get some rest now."


Albeit reluctantly, he gave up on waiting and let his worried grandson take him back to the retirement home. However, he couldn't sleep in a room without Kyuhyun and tried to escape to the hospital, but the staff caught him first. In the end, he was given some medicine and fell asleep while still calling out to his boyfriend.



He just wanted to be with Kyuhyun...




"How is my grandpa?"

"We gave him relaxation medicine so he's asleep now. However, stress and loneliness will take a toll on his health so I advise you to keep him company for the time being, at least until Mister Cho comes back. If his family will let him, that is..."

"I see... Thank you so much."


Donghae sat down on a stool beside the adjustable bed and looked at his sleeping grandpa with teary eyes. When his grandpa first told him about his boyfriend, he was a bit taken aback but genuinely congratulated him in the next second. Ever since being diagnosed with Alzheimer's, he rarely saw his grandpa being lively again so he gladly welcomed anyone or anything that made the older man happy again. Plus, his mother and he had always known that grandpa had someone he forever held dear in his heart but that didn't make him love them any less. They were surprised but also happy after finding out that their precious elder had miraculously reunited with his first and only love.


However, that only light in his grandpa's life was about to be taken away by that narrow-minded guy. Donghae tried hard to calm down as he recalled how the jerk treated his grandpa, a poor helpless old man who was separated from his love.


"I'll definitely punch you after everything ends..."



But first thing first, he had to help his grandpa see his boyfriend again.




"Ugh... Where am I...?"

"A hospital. Congratulations, old man, you almost died from the liver cancer acting up but somehow survived."

"Hospital...? Wait, where's Jongwoon hyung? Oh no... He must be worried to death now! I have to see him!!"

"Jeez!! The first person who came to your mind is your boyfriend instead of your grandson? Are you crazy?"


Hyukjae said in disdain while forcing the old man to stay in bed and not take out the cannula at his inner elbow. His grandfather tried to struggle but he couldn't win against a man decades younger than him. So, Kyuhyun lay down in irritation while Hyukjae rolled his eyes back at the older man.


"Seriously, you're about to enter your seventieth but you still have enough time to think about dating and stuff?"

"What would a brat like you know? I'll never give up on my love for Jongwoon hyung even if I turn a hundred years old."

"...All the while abandoning your wife and son? You selfish old man!!"


Hyukjae shouted as he felt his eyes getting warmer. Ever since he was young, he only heard about how their grandfather never loved them from his father who heard about it from his mother; that grandfather only saw them as a burden keeping him and his gay lover apart. He was furious every time he thought about it. Although his grandfather worked hard and provided everything for his father and grandmother, he forgot the most important thing: love. His father never lacked anything but he also never felt any warmth in the family, growing up between a miserable mother who hated him because he had her husband's face and a homoual father who never forgot his past love. Eventually, they divorced when his father turned fifteen and he was left under the heartless man's care while his grandmother found a new family and never looked back. For that reason, his father was also cold with him and he grew up yearning for the man's approval. When he look at the old man who had the decency to look guilty, it angered him even more.


"We never meant anything to you, didn't we?"

"Hyukjae-ah..." Kyuhyun's gaze softened, "that's not true. I love your father and you. As for your grandmother... Well, I didn't love her but I respect her."

"Love? The three of us can't even compare to half of what you have for that cheater!"

"Jongwoon hyung isn't a cheater. We cut ties after your grandmother was pregnant with your father and I never saw anyone else. Most importantly, I really do love you two, though I admitted that I was horrible at expressing it..."


Kyuhyun forced himself to sit up with difficulty. Hyukjae didn't want to step in but eventually helped his grandfather to lean on a pillow. The elder man looked at his grandson and smiled sadly.


"Hyukjae-ah, I know that I wrong your father and I'm very selfish for still clinging to Jongwoon hyung after all these years. I can't apologize enough. However, I probably won't live long. Can't you indulge this old man just once?"



Knock knock ​​​​​​


Hyukjae quickly wiped the tears away and opened the door, thinking that it was a doctor or a nurse. However, the person standing before him was a good-looking young man with a muscular build— the infamous lover's grandson. He glared at the other man who was around his height but appeared bigger due to those muscles in his buff arms.


"If you have no business here then leave."

"Then, I can stay because I do have business with you. I'm Lee Donghae, Grandpa Jongwoon's grandson. Do you have a moment?"



He rejected the other man without hesitation and closed the door, but the grandson grabbed the door first. He frowned and tried to push the other party out of the way but Lee Donghae didn't even budge. In the end, Hyukjae gave up annoyingly and stepped out of the room, leading the buff clown away from his grandfather. They headed to the rooftop and stood under the starry sky. Hyukjae turned to glare at the other man while tapping his finger on a metal rail impatiently. He was about to complain but stopped when Lee Donghae suddenly bowed at him.


"What are you doing?"

"Please let my grandpa meet Kyuhyun-ssi. He already has sacrificed many things for my mother and me so I want him to be happy."

"By destroying other people's families? Does selfishness run in your whole family's blood?"

"...I don't know what happened in your family so I'll pretend that I didn't hear what you said just now. However, I still want you to reconsider it. Both of our grandfathers are very old now... Don't you think they deserve to be happy?"

"Ha. Happy? Why should he be happy when we're suffering?"

"Can I ask you something? Is your grandfather really that bad of a person? Does he really not deserve happiness?"


Hyukjae went quiet after hearing the question because Lee Donghae just stabbed his weak spot. There were two images of his grandfather in his heart. His father often said coldly that the man had no love but Hyukjae only ever saw a kind-hearted grandfather. Sometimes when his father was busy with work, he had to stay at his grandfather's house for a few days and the old man was always kind to him. He wanted to believe that his grandfather was a good person but his father's painful expression arguing with the older man haunted him. Before long, the conflict took root in his heart and he decided to side with his father, blaming the old man for ruining everything in their lives.


"...But it's not fair that he got to be happy alone. What about my father and me...?"

"Do you really consider getting to be with the love of his life only for a few years after being separated for decades happy?"


"Please, Hyukjae-ssi, don't separate them again..."


While he was rendered speechless, Lee Donghae grasped his hand and pleaded with him with a saddened gaze. Hyukjae looked at the other man's eyes but only saw the sincerity in them. He couldn't help the bitterness surging in his heart. Even though they are in the same situation, why does Lee Donghae still care about his grandfather? What is the difference between them?



If he learned that secret, would his heart finally be at peace?



"... Alright. BUT I'll tag along. No way in hell I'd let them go with just the two of them."

"Actually, I was about to purpose that. With both of us accompanying them, our grandpas can enjoy their time without worrying about anything. Thank you so much for listening to me, Hyukjae-ssi! Maybe we can be good friends if you're not a jerk!"

"Who wants to be your friend?"


Hyukjae scoffed and snatched his hand away, but he admitted grumpily that Donghae's sincere smile did soothe some negativity in his heart.




Hyukjae and Donghae came back to the patient room to see the old man in the middle of escaping. Kyuhyun had already taken off the IV drip needle and was about to change his clothes, and Hyukjae felt like going back on the promise he made with Donghae.


"Old man, what are you doing!!?"

"Jongwoon hyung has Alzheimer's. He might forget that I fainted and panicked if he didn't see me after waking up. Plus, I don't like staying away from him too long."

"You're hopeless! Stay here. I'll notify the doctor and properly get you discharged."


While Hyukjae was away, Donghae happily introduced himself to the older man and the two chatted about Jongwoon amicably. Kyuhyun was amazed and respected his boyfriend even more after knowing that Jongwoon sincerely told his daughter and grandson about their stories. He couldn't help but lament. If he told his son everything from the beginning, would he save their relationship and prevent the father-son from hating him? He wondered but quickly shrugged it off. He couldn't turn back time and fix it, but he could do better in the present day, starting by being a better grandfather...


"Thank you, Hyukjae-ah, for listening to my request."

"...Just don't make me regret it later."


The two young men and one elder then headed to the retirement home and waited for Jongwoon to wake up. When he did, the old man forgot about what happened before as Kyuhyun feared, and just thought that he had just woken up. It could only mean that his Alzheimer's had worsened... Donghae turned around to hide his reddened eyes and a sniffle as his grandfather talked about going on a "first" date with his boyfriend. Hyukjae didn't want to but still lightly patted the man's back to comfort him. Meanwhile, Kyuhyun did excellent hiding his sadness and happily agreed to go on a "first" date.


"Hyung, let's go to Jeju for our first date!"

"Eh? Why Jeju? Isn't it too far away?"


Kyuhyun's mask cracked and he accidentally let his sadness slip. He tried to pull himself together in the next second but Jongwoon had already noticed it. The frail old man bit his lip and looked down guiltily.


"...Did I forget about our memories again? I-I do remember we once went to a beach together. You carried me in your arms and spun around while I giggled. Then, you tripped and we both fell into the water, but we laughed it off and kissed under the full moon... I-I remember what happened but not when or where... Sorry... Kyuhyun..."

"It's okay hyung. If you forget some, we just have to recreate it!"


Hyukjae flinched. Although the old man was grinning and laughing, he knew better than anyone that his grandfather was faking it. He could tell from the overly-enthusiastic tone that the old man was actually in pain, though his so-called boyfriend didn't seem to realize it; or he simply lost the ability to do so... While he was watching the old couple quietly, Donghae suddenly put his arm around his shoulder and leaned in, and he secretly frowned when his heart skipped a beat at the other man's determined gaze.


"Hyukjae-ssi, we MUST help them with their Jeju date! Oh, if you're still uncomfortable about it then just leave it to me. At least don't get in the way of their happiness."

"Jeez, I'm not that bad of a person, okay? And he's still my grandfather no matter what. Of course, I'll help him."

"Really? Thank you! Maybe we can get to know each other more on the way. If we get along well, our grandpas will be happy!"

"I told you, I have no plan to get chummy with you."


Despite that, Hyukjae didn't swat the other man's arm away.




The four of them flew to Jeju on the earliest flight available and checked in at the first hotel they saw. A friendly young manager named Ryeowook didn't show any negative reaction as he efficiently settled them into a family villa. Obviously, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon slept together so Hyukjae had no choice but to room with the annoyingly-buff clown, though they agreed to keep the doors of both bedrooms open so they could check on the two elders. After that, they went to a restaurant that the old couple used to visit and stopped to take photos everywhere that Jongwoon felt familiar with. Bits by bits, Jongwoon slowly recalled his and Kyuhyun's time when they came here before his wedding, and Kyuhyun couldn't be any happier. At the same time, Donghae also occasionally pulled Hyukjae's arm and told him to look at their grandpas whose hands never separated and cooed at their actions, like Kyuhyun feeding Jongwoon or Jongwoon wiping Kyuhyun's forehead; to which Hyukjae kept rolling his eyes at but secretly smiled. He still thought it was weird seeing two old men acting lovey-dovey but admitted that the couple genuinely loved and cared for each other. It was the first time he saw his grandfather smile this unrestrainedly and Donghae's grandfather also looked lively and happy, unlike the frail and melancholic old man whom he met at the hospital.

After about an hour of walking around, the two elders started to show signs of fatigue so they stopped at a cafe. While the old couple was discussing and trying to recall their orders in the past, Hyukjae left them to stand outside of the cafe, looking up at the bright blue sky with a troubled heart. Then, he felt something cool touch his shoulder and turned to see Donghae smile at him. The other man came to stand next to him and handed a can of cola to him.


"Here, Hyukjae-ssi, the weather is quite hot so you should stay hydrated."

"Thank you..."


Hyukjae took a small gulp of the beverage. The sweet and frizzy soda drink made his chest feel full and he was able to gather the courage to ask what had been bothering him.


"Donghae-ssi, can I say something?"

"Sure. As long as you're not being rude like before."

"Firstly... I'm sorry for pushing Jongwoon-ssi that day... It was my first time meeting the infamous lover of my grandfather so I was being irrational."

"At least you regret it. But why? Why do you hold grudge against my grandpa? As far as I know, my grandpa never contacted Kyuhyun-ssi again after my mother was born. How could he cause disturbance in your family?"

"... Because grandfather never forgot him and it showed. I didn't see with my own eyes but my father told me that his father and mother fought a lot about it, how grandfather treated grandmother like a commodity rather than a wife, out of necessity, not love. She hated coming second in his world and despised the absent mistress, which further strained their already-bad relationship. Grandfather always worked until late and didn't come home while grandmother kept crying to my father that they're not loved... Worst of all, my father was hated by his own mother just because he resembled grandfather... Eventually, they divorced and never met again but the damage had been dealt to my father. He... blamed grandfather for everything... And he also gets angry at me for getting close to him... So, I just developed my dislike towards grandfather too, even though he has always been kind to me..."




Donghae suddenly squeezed him with his muscular arms and slapped his back so hard that he coughed. Hyukjae stood awkwardly and panicked when he heard a quiet sniffle from the other man. He hesitated for a while but eventually hugged Donghae back while sighing.


"Hey, why are you crying...?"

"Because I called you a jerk even though I don't know what you've been through..."

"That's all? Aren't you too sensitive? It's my own life yet I don't even cry."

"T-That's why I'm crying for you..."


Hyukjae stopped his hand. Why? Why would Donghae cry for him when they are just strangers who barely knew each other? He thought the other man faked it but when he glanced at the sniffling man in his arms, once again, he only saw the sincerity in those dark-brown eyes. He understood why Donghae did everything for his grandfather but for him...? What would the man gain from feeling sympathy for him?


"...What about you?"


"You and your mother are in the same boat as us, having someone in your family care more about an outsider, aren't you upset even the slightest?"

"First of all, Kyuhyun-ssi isn't an outsider because he's Grandpa Jongwoon's most important person. Second of all, my mother and I have always known about grandpa's past love and we genuinely feel bad for both of them. The love that grandpa has for your grandfather and for us are different, so he can keep loving Kyuhyun-ssi while still caring for us. Last of all, I'm not upset at all and I genuinely want him to be happy."


So, that was the difference between them. Donghae grew up in a warm and loving home so he was b with sincerity and was able to smile so freely. There was no shadow in his heart and he never lacked affection, that's why he also has unlimited empathy for other people. Hyukjae scoffed at himself in pity at how they lived in a totally different world.


"... I'm jealous of you. I wish I had a loving family too."

"Well, you can start anew with your own family. Cut the chain of hatred and don't let history repeat itself."

"But I don't know how to be affectionate."

"Easy! I'll help you! I'm the best at giving affection!"

"Will you give me your affection?"




Looking at Donghae's widened eyes, Hyukjae realized what he just blurted out and blushed darkly next, and the other man also blushed in response at the implication. Awkwardness then fell on them as both men averted their eyes shyly. Had it not been for Kyuhyun waving his hand to beckon them from inside the shop, they would have stood in place dumbly for a while longer. Seeing the strange air between the two men, the quick-witted old man quickly grasped the situation and smirked.


"You brat, you have to step over my dead body if you want to court Donghae-ah."

"Cough—! Wha- What the hell old man!!?"


Hyukjae hurriedly shot down what his grandfather said while Donghae pretended to not hear their conversation and chatted with his grandpa, though he looked a bit flustered.




After the two elders got some rest, they continued their dating trip (no, it's not a double date— Hyukjae insisted when Kyuhyun ) to the last destination for the day— the beach where the old couple made their vows. Having to walk all day, Jongwoon already got tired again and his knees hurt even though they just had a break not long ago. So, they settled down in a beach chair and watched the foamy waves crashing against the shore that turned golden under the sunset. Kyuhyun and Jongwoon leaned on each other while hooking their hands as they whispered among themselves, recalling the bittersweet memories before their separation. On the other hand, no conversation happened between Hyukjae and Donghae. They looked at everything except the young man beside them and quickly looked away if their eyes happened to meet. Donghae was aware of Hyukjae's curious gaze and Hyukjae was aware of Donghae's evading eyes, but neither of them bought it up.


"I'm sorry, Kyuhyun... Even though we made it this far, I don't think I can walk on the beach with you..."

"Don't apologize, hyung, as long as we're together here."


The two young men turned their attention to their grandfathers. Jongwoon was staring at his knees with a saddened gaze while Kyuhyun kept comforting him by squeezing his bony hand. Hyukjae and Donghae turned back and nodded in silent tact. Then, Donghae came to kneel down before his grandfather as Hyukjae patted his grandfather's shoulder.


"Grandpa, get on my back, and let's see the beach closer together!"


"I can't give you a ride like that buff smiling puppy but I'll help support you when we take a stroll."

"Of course, how could an anchovy like you pull that off?"

"Yah! You old man!"

"Just kidding. Thank you, Hyukjae-ah."


Kyuhyun took his grandson's hand to get up and ruffled the young man's fluffy brown hair. Hyukjae pouted but he was actually happy deep down because it reminded him of when he was young... After that, the grandfather-grandson pair helped Jongwoon get on Donghae's back, before slowly making their way to the beach. Donghae secured his grandpa safely while Hyukjae let his old man hold his arm. Not having to worry about tripping, Kyuhyun reached out to his boyfriend's smaller hand and intertwined it with his own. Jongwoon smiled tearfully as he squeezed the chubbier hand. Although Kyuhyun was now wrinkled and old, he was still the same dashing handsome man in his eyes. The same goes for Kyuhyun. Although the sunlight shone and reflected on the bald head instead of the silky black hair like in the past, to him, his Jongwoon hyung was always the most gorgeous person. Most importantly, although their eyes were now dull and no longer good, they could still see the genuine love in the other pairs.


"Kyuhyun-ah... I love you..."

"I love you too, Jongwoon hyung, always have been."


The old couple smiled and remade their vows under the orange sunset while never letting go of their partner's hand. At the same time, Donghae openly sniffled at the confession but Hyukjae looked away to quickly wipe the tear from his eyes, not wanting to admit that he had already accepted their love.




After that, the two men quietly accompanied their grandfathers on a trip down memory lane along the beach until the moon rose. Exhausted after the long day, Jongwoon dozed off on Donghae's back so he returned to the hotel first. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, dragged his grandson to a nearby souvenir shop amidst Hyukjae's complaint of wanting to rest too. Kyuhyun went straight to the accessories corner and started choosing a gift for his boyfriend. Hyukjae who came to stand beside the older man couldn't help but ask.


"What are you looking for, old man?"

"A bracelet for Jongwoon hyung and a matching one for myself."

"Why are you buying fake stuff instead a real ring?"

"For safety reasons. No one would try to rob and hurt us if it's just a cheap beaded bracelet."

"I guess that makes sense..."


Hyukjae looked around the shop in boredom while waiting. Then, he saw a handmade clown fish keychain made of cloth and it strangely reminded him of someone he knew. He picked it up to observe closely. As he thought, its foolish smile and silly googly eyes really resembled Lee Donghae...


"If you like him, chase him and follow your heart."

"What the heck! Old man, you surprised me! When did you finish choosing the gift?"

"When I saw you smile stupidly at this keychain. Donghae-ah is a good-looking young man with a heart of gold. So, it's easy to fall for him, right?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."


Hyukjae rolled his eyes and put the keychain back, before striding out of the shop. Kyuhyun sighed at his stubborn grandson and slowly caught up with the younger man.


"Hyukjae-ah, I'm saying this because I love you and I want you to be happy. You're still young and have plenty of time. Spend it wisely but without other people's expectation"

"...I told you. I didn't like him. I don't even like men."

"Gender has nothing to do with love. I love Jongwoon hyung because of who he is. Most importantly, you've seen with your own eyes what happened to me and Jongwoon hyung. Time waits for no one so you should live without regrets. Don't wait until it's too late."


"But even if you're late to something, remember, better late than never."


"If you're worried about your father... Well, I can say for sure that he's a better father than I could ever be. He'll want you to be happy too."



Although Hyukjae didn't say anything, Kyuhyun could tell from the young man's furrowed brows that his grandson did ponder what he said. He smiled and patted the younger man's back. Halfway to the hotel, Hyukjae's phone rang and Kyuhyun knew without looking who was the caller, because his grandson had to clear his throat and take a breath before answering. However, the young man's expression soon worsened and he hurriedly ended the call after a calming "We'll go back soon." Then, Hyukjae looked at him in worry and Kyuhyun had a bad feeling about it.


"Grandfather... Donghae-ssi just called me and said that Jongwoon-ssi was g-gone from the room..."




A few hours ago...



Donghae smiled at Manager Kim Ryeowook who kindly opened the door for him. He carefully laid the elder on his back on the bed and took off his shoes. He pulled up a blanket and adjusted the pillow while watching his sleeping grandpa with a happy smile. He did it. He made his grandpa meet his love and recreate their memories! Although he couldn't see his grandpa's face because he was giving a ride, he knew that the older man was genuinely contented as he said "I love you" to Hyukjae's grandpa... 



"Will you give me your affection?" 



His cheeks heated up when he recalled that strange question from Lee Hyukjae. Before that, he was busy being angry at the other man for getting in the way of his grandpa's happiness but when he got to spend time with Hyukjae, he admitted that the man wasn't bad at all. Actually, he wouldn't mind getting to know that guy more...


"Ah, what am I thinking about!? Sigh, I need a quick shower to clear my head..."




Jongwoon woke up feeling disoriented. He looked around the unfamiliar room and panicked. Where is he? Where is Kyuhyun? Why is he here? He left the bed and panicked even more after seeing an unfamiliar view outside of the window. No! He has to find Kyuhyun and go home together! He left the place and came out to a garden that he had never seen before. He walked aimlessly as he looked around for his boyfriend. He arrived at a busy footpath and road but he still couldn't find Kyuhyun. He looked at a flower shop opposite the road. Maybe his boyfriend is there...? He stepped onto the road...







"Yes, honey, I'll arrive in just a few minutes!"


Ryeowook beamed as he chatted with his girlfriend happily on the phone. He just got off work and was about to meet his girlfriend for a date. Tapping the steering wheel along with the music from a radio, he frowned after he drove past a familiar old man walking alone on the footpath. He slowed down the car and looked in the rearview mirror. Yes, that elder man was one of his guests who just checked in today. What is he doing here alone? Where are his grandsons and friend? (Brother? Husband?) Nevertheless, it was none of his business and Ari is waiting for him. So, he continued to drive.


...And turned right to go back to where he saw the guest.


It wasn't his business and he already got off work, but he had a bad feeling about it. Well, he will just check on the older man quickly and explain it to Ari. She will understand him and, most importantly, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life if he did nothing. He drove slowly by the leftmost lane and kept looking for the guest, Kim Jongwoon-ssi. Soon, he saw the older man standing in the middle of the footpath, looking rather lost. He drove a little ahead of the older man and parked his car. Then, his heart dropped to the ground when he saw Kim Jongwoon-ssi walking onto the road and a car was honking its horn at him while speeding towards him. He ran onto the road too and was able to pull the old man back to the footpath just in time for the car to narrowly avoid hitting them. His heart was racing at the realization that the older man almost died. If he didn't turn back the car...


"Jongwoon-ssi, what are you doing here alone? Where is your family?"

"Excuse me... Do you see Kyuhyun? He's my boyfriend but I can't find him..."


Boyfriend? Ryeowook was surprised to hear that but he wouldn't judge anyone for their personal lives. Instead, he focused on the confused old man who looked at him as if they had never met before. Could it be...?


"Sir, you don't remember me?"

"Oh, do I know you?"

"...No, but I do know you. And I know where your boyfriend is too. Would you please come with me?"

"Really? Thank you so much! You're so kind, young man."


Ryeowook smiled amidst the sadness in his heart. This person probably had Alzheimer's but he didn't forget his boyfriend... He led the older man to his car and drove back to the hotel while calling his girlfriend to apologize for being late.




"I-I'm sorry, Kyuhyun-ssi, this is my fault! I'd have kept an eye on grandpa and never left him alone! Hic, if something happened to him..."

"It's not your fault, Donghae-ah. The police will definitely find him."


Kyuhyun comforted the younger who was sobbing in his grandson's arms. After they hurried back to the hotel, they found out from the teary Donghae that he couldn't find his grandpa anywhere after taking a shower. They asked the hotel staff and saw in the camera footage that Jongwoon walked out of the place alone, probably forgetting about them going to Jeju. Hyukjae called the police and had been by Donghae's side until now, while he prayed to God that nothing would happen to his boyfriend.




A voice that he yearned for got rid of all of his worries. Kyuhyun looked up to see his boyfriend walking towards him with the hotel manager's help. He squeezed the frail older man in relief while Donghae bowed nonstop to the helpful manager who sent their person back and Hyukjae called the police to update the situation.


"Jongwoon hyung, why did you leave alone?"

"I was looking for you, Kyuhyun. By the way, where are we?"


The older man's question made his heart sink. His boyfriend forgot about their date again... Kyuhyun smiled to hide the heartache and held the smaller hands preciously.


"We're here on a date, hyung."

"Oh... Did I forget it again? Sorry..."

"It's fine. Let's go back to our room. Hyung must be tired, right?"

"Kyuhyun-ah, you won't leave me alone, right?"



Kyuhyun promised and kissed the bony hands. Then, the four of them went back to their villa and headed to their respective bedrooms. Kyuhyun helped his boyfriend change into pajamas and massaged his legs after walking around all day. Before going to bed, he took out the souvenir— two bracelets with a penguin and a turtle pendant—and put it on the thin wrist. The older man's dull eyes brightened up instantly and it made his heart soften in affection. Although his boyfriend forgetting their date was painful, he would be fine as long as Jongwoon hyung never forgot their love. After that, Jongwoon also put the bracelet on for the younger man and when the band barely circled the man's thick wrist.


"Kyuhyun, you almost can't wear it!'

"It's hyung who's too thin! The bracelet literally fell off the first time I put it on for you!"


Kyuhyun protested and pouted, but he soon smiled when his boyfriend leaned on him and patted his tummy while chuckling. He enveloped the smaller man's body and kissed his temple.


"Jongwoon hyung, let's always be together this time."

"Of course, we will."


After making a promise, Kyuhyun helped his boyfriend lie down on the bed and sang him a lullaby. Although his voice was no longer rich and mellow, Jongwoon hyung still praised him with a bright smile, before falling asleep. He pecked the wrinkled forehead and hollow cheeks and pulled the cover up. He should change his clothes and get some rest too. Kyuhyun smiled to himself and headed to the bathroom. Maybe they can see the sunrise together in the morning! The last time they came here before Jongwoon hyung's wedding and had to hurry back, so they didn't get to watch the sunrise. But this time, they will definitely—



Kyuhyun slipped and his head hit the floor.




Jongwoon woke up after he turned to lie on his side and snuggle to the left but only met with an empty space. He called out softly to his boyfriend but there was no response. Pushing himself up, he the bed lamp but didn't see Kyuhyun in the room. So, he got off the bed to look for the younger man. Then, he saw the boyfriend he was looking for lying on the floor in front of the bathroom. With great difficulty, he crouched down and shook the man lightly.


"Kyuhyun, why are you sleeping here? You'll catch a cold."




"Kyuhyun-ah, wake up, let's go back to bed."




Jongwoon chuckled. His penguin brat was still the same-old sleepyhead. Shaking his head, he lay down beside his boyfriend and snuggled closer. He held the larger hand and lifted it up to see their matching bracelets. Kyuhyun was a penguin because he liked to waddle after him since he was young and he was a turtle who never won in a race against Kyuhyun. He is Kyuhyun's turtle and Kyuhyun is his penguin... He smiled and squeezed the cold hand as he made a wish.



May their love last forever.




Hyukjae sighed.


"Hey, if you have something to say then say it. Stop moving around already. I'm tired and want to sleep."


Donghae stiffened and lay still in bed. However, he managed to do so only for a few minutes and started shuffling around again. He turned to face the other man who was sleeping on the other side of the bed.




"I just want to say... Thank you..."

"For what?"

"When my grandpa was gone, I didn't know what to do except cried like a baby. But you called the police for me and helped console me... Thank you... And..."


The other man went quiet but Hyukjae could feel his expectant gaze in the darkness. Sighing again, he turned to face Donghae and nodded, giving the man his full attention. Donghae grinned and shifted a little closer to his temporary roommate.


"...And I realized that the thought of grandpa l-leaving never crosses my mind. Like, he's always been there for me and my eomma so it feels like he'll be with us forever. But I realized n-now that he's really old a-and the Alzheimer's... S-So..."

"Stop thinking about it and go to sleep."


Hyukjae put his hand on the big puppy's mouth after he sensed that the man was about to cry. Then, he patted the muscular arm awkwardly.


"No one knows what will happen so let's just do our best in the present and make them happy while we can."

"Hyukjae-ssi... I know that but..."

"If you're worried about him, how about we check up on them together?"


So, the two of them left their bedroom and headed to the another one. However, they saw both old men lying on the cold floor in front of the bathroom. Donghae helped his grandpa to get up and covered him in a blanket. The older man seemed confused but otherwise was fine.


"Old man...?"


Donghae looked up and saw Hyukjae kneeling beside his grandfather, trying to wake him up but the older man wouldn't respond. His heart sank in a bad premonition and he quickly dialed an emergency number while still hugging his weak grandpa in one arm. Hyukjae shook his grandfather harder and called him louder in desperation.


But Kyuhyun still wouldn't respond.


"You two, don't bother him! Kyuhyun is a heavy sleeper. He'll only wake up when he gets a full rest."


Donghae turned back to see his grandpa smiling while holding his boyfriend's hand and felt like crying but pressed it down. He needed to be strong now. Hyukjae suddenly snapped his head up and threw an accusing glare toward his grandpa but Donghae shook his head. No. He pleaded through his eyes. Not here. Not now. Hyukjae who understood it thinned his lips and clenched his fists, before looking away and trying to call his grandfather again.



But Kyuhyun still wouldn't wake up.




One week later...



Donghae knocked lightly on the door and stepped in after quietly announcing his arrival. In the vast white room, Kyuhyun was lying unconscious on the bed with a tube in the nose connected to an oxygen machine. Hyukjae was sitting beside the bed with his head hanging low in his palms. Donghae swallowed a sniffle and stood beside the depressed man, squeezing his shoulder lightly.


"Hyukjae-ssi... Did you manage to get some sleep?"


"I can cover you for a few hours so—"

"They said that he won't wake up again."

"... Hyukjae-ssi."

"T-The doctor said that although his heart is still beating, he's technically dead because his brain no longer responds. I-If I had checked up on him earlier that night... I-If I had checked the room thoroughly before... I-If I didn't let him go to Jeju... None of this... T-This is my fault..."

"But you make him happy, right? Isn't it you who said that we should focus on making our grandpas happy? Kyuhyun-ssi would never blame you. On the other hand, he's very proud of you and thankful for making him reunite with his love again."

"B-But I haven't told him yet that I love him! T-That I never hate him and I like spending t-time with him... hic..."

"He knows, Hyukjae-ssi, he definitely knows..."


Donghae let the other man hug his waist tightly and cry, all the while he squeezed the man's shaking shoulder and patted his messy hair...




After a long while, Hyukjae stopped crying but he still kept looking down and clung to Donghae. He let the man be and continued to pat his head and console him, just like what Hyukjae used to do for him.




"How is your grandfather? Does he...?"

"No, he forgot everything about the trip to Jeju... Actually, his condition worsened again and he lost a lot of memories from his latest years... He even forgot about meeting Kyuhyun-ssi at the retirement home. But maybe it's better this way... If he can't remember, then..."


Hyukjae went quiet for a while as if he was deep in thought, then he looked up at Donghae with a saddened but determined gaze.


"Where is Jongwoon-ssi now?"

"At home. We decided to take care of him ourselves. Why?"

"Donghae-ssi, no, Donghae, I want our grandfathers to meet. I know that this is what the old man wants and your grandpa deserves to see his boyfriend too."

"Of course, I'm all for their happiness but are you sure? What about your father...?"


Hyukjae looked into the other man's worried eyes and grasped his hand.


"Leave it to me."




Donghae went back home and came back with his grandpa. Although the older man didn't seem to understand the situation, Jongwoon was happy just knowing that he was about to see Kyuhyun. They met Hyukjae at the main entrance and headed to the patient room together. However, they ran into Hyukjae's father in front of the room. Donghae hugged his grandpa protectively while Hyukjae came to stand in front of them and addressed his father.


"Hyukjae, who are they?"

"Father, this is Kim Jongwoon-ssi and his grandson Lee Donghae-ssi. They're here to see grandfather because Jongwoon-ssi is his boyfriend."



Hyukjae's father stared at them coldly but Hyukjae didn't back down. He stared back bravely.


"Father, please step aside. This is what grandfather wants and we should grant... his final wish."

"Even though this man is the reason why grandmother left us? No. I won't let you see him. Why would—"

"Are you Youngsa-ah?"


Everyone turned to look at the oldest person among them. Jongwoon smiled kindly and stepped in front of the son of his boyfriend, before patting his arm like a proud father. The man seemed uncomfortable but didn't move away from the frail old man.


"How did you know my name?"

"Kyuhyun told me! He was very excited when he realized that he was about to have a son. He called me and rambled for hours about what would be the best name for you. In the end, he chose 'Youngsa' which means a brave warrior. He wanted you to be brave and stay true to your feelings, never wavering no matter what the world throws against you. And that was our last conversation before we cut ties..."



Hyukjae's father, Youngsa went quiet after hearing what the elder said. Even Hyukjae was stunned too. He had never heard about the story behind his father's name and he doubted his father did, judging from his shocked reaction. Hyukjae grasped his father's hand and squeezed it, drawing the man's attention to him.


"Father, believe me, grandfather always loves and cares about us even though he isn't good at expressing it. He has already sacrificed many things for us so... Please..."



Youngsa glanced up at the older man, the mistress whom he had always hated for ruining his family, but only met with a sincere fatherly gaze. He looked away, clenched and unclenched his fist, and spoke up quietly.


"...Do whatever you want."

"Thank you, father!"


Hyukjae briefly hugged his father and led the two guests into the patient room. Youngsa waited until the door was closed to quickly wipe the tears away from his eyes.




Getting inside the room, Hyukjae and Donghae stood by the door and watched the older man slowly walk to the bed. Jongwoon leaned against the bed with a bright smile as he took in the sight of his sleeping boyfriend.


"Kyuhyun, you sleepyhead penguin, wake up."


Donghae was about to tell his grandpa that the man on the bed would never wake up again but Hyukjae stopped him, by placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head.


"Kyuhyun-ah, wake up, you're going to be late for school."




"I won't cover you this time if your father catches you skipping a class! No hug or kiss accept!"




"Kyuhyun-ah... Didn't we promise to always be together?"




"Don't tell me... You can't stay with me anymore?"




"I see... I guess it can't be helped, huh? Life is never fair to us but..."


Jongwoon smiled and bowed his head to kiss Kyuhyun's forehead.


"But I'll always love you and never forget you. So, you have nothing to worry about. Be free, my love..."


At the end of Jongwoon's sentence, a single teardrop trickled down Kyuhyun's cheek and hit the pillow. After that, the red line on the screen became a straight line and the machine stopped beeping...




A few days later...



Dressed in a formal black suit, Donghae approached the crowd in a black-colored outfit with a sunflower bouquet in his arms. He came to stand beside a young man who kept his distance from other people, staring at the bright blue sky without saying a word.


"Hyukjae... My condolences."

"Thank you, Donghae."

"Are you... alright?"

"No, I'm not."


Hyukjae averted his eyes from the sky and forced a smile toward the other man. He put his head on Donghae's shoulder and stayed like that, and Donghae just rubbed his back soothingly. After a long while, Hyukjae stepped back and was able to smile more freely.


"Thank you, Donghae, is that for my old man?"

"Yes... Grandpa always told me that sunflowers are the symbol of their love."

"I see. Come with me. Let's put it on the coffin."


Donghae followed the other man to the center of the crowd and nodded at Hyukjae's father. Crouching down by the dug hole, he carefully placed the sunflower bouquet on the black coffin and bowed his head out of respect. After that, he retreated to stand at the back with the deceased's grandson while the ceremony carried on.


"How is your grandpa?"

"He's already lost more than half of his memories. Right now, grandpa thinks that he's in college and he sits on the porch all day, waiting for Kyuhyun-ssi to come back from high school..."

"He didn't know...?"

"I don't think he does... The doctor said that his condition will only deteriorate more and he'll forget even how to eat or speak eventually. A-And eomma said that grandpa might not have much time left..."


Seeing the shaking hand, Hyukjae wrapped his hand around it and squeezed, and Donghae squeezed back after hesitating for a moment.


"I want to make grandpa happy in his last moment but I'm powerless... There's nothing I can do..."

"Maybe there is."


With his free hand, Hyukjae took out an old polaroid photo from a pocket and showed it to the other man. It was a picture of Kyuhyun when he was young and vibrant, smiling happily at the camera. However, there was a cut line in the middle of the photo that separated him from the owner of a hand in Kyuhyun's hold.


"Have you seen it before? I found it in the old man's wallet when we were checking his belongings. Look like it means a lot to him."

"Wait... I think I know what it is. Grandpa also has one, his photo, probably the other half of this. In fact, he looks at it every day while waiting for Kyuhyun-ssi..."

"Why did they take their part instead of their lover?"

"Because people would judge them if they carried a photo of a married man with them. So, they carried this instead as a memento of their time in Jeju... Grandpa once told me..."

"In that case," Hyukjae hooked the smaller hand, "let's go and return it to the rightful owner."




"Grand— I mean, Mister, look at what we brought for you."


Donghae almost made a slip due to his old habit. His beloved grandpa no longer remembered him... He nodded sadly at Hyukjae and the man kneeled down beside the rocking chair, giving the polaroid photo to the old man who barely looked their way. At first, Jongwoon ignored them and kept looking over the fence for a man who would never come back, his hand clutching the old photo in expectation. It was only when Hyukjae said the name "Kyuhyun" softly that those clouded and dull eyes turned to face them. Then, Jongwoon's eyes widened and his shakey hand reached out to take the photo. Lifting it close to his eyes, Jongwoon smiled lovingly at the man in the photo.


"You're finally back... Kyuhyun... I was waiting... for you.. all... this... time..... As we... promised..........."


The pale bony hands dropped both photos. They fell on his lap covered by a blanket just as Jongwoon's head dropped sideward weightlessly. The wrinkled eyelids also closed down like a curtain closing on performance, but his dry and pale lips were painted in a bright, ecstatic genuine smile.


"Grandpa... No... Grandpa!!!"


Donghae collapsed to the floor and cried with his head on his grandpa's lap. Hyukjae moved to sit beside the mourning man and hugged him, patting his head and whispering "They'll meet again" repeatedly. Donghae threw himself in the other man's arms and howled in pain as he clung to the other man with his dear life. Although the hold was very strong that he almost couldn't breathe, Hyukjae actually hugged Donghae back tighter and kept whispering the same comforting words...



"They'll meet again somewhere and they'll be happy this time."




Two weeks later...



Standing in front of a large gravestone, Hyukjae whose arm was around Donghae's shoulder pulled the man closer while reading the carved texts on the white marble.



Here lie two souls whose fates intertwine inseparably

Cho Kyuhyun & Kim Jongwoon

May your hearts be free and reunite where you would rather be 



"Hyukjae... Do you think our grandpas have met again and they're together somewhere, happy and free?"



Hyukjae answered without hesitation while lightly slapping the other man's shoulder. It had been two weeks now since the funeral of Donghae's grandpa. That day, they fixed the polaroid photo and begged their parents (specifically Hyukjae's father) for permission to burrow both men in the same grave. Donghae's mother agreed wholeheartedly but Hyukjae's father only gave in after he saw the photo and heard its story. After that, they placed the photo and the couple's bracelets together with the two coffins, before watching the soil gradually pile up above what used to be their beloved grandfathers. Life went back to normal after the melancholic funeral as if nothing happened and time still advanced without waiting for anyone. The only thing that changed was the two young men's relationship. Having gone through the same loss, Hyukjae and Donghae came to understand each other even more and they got along better and better with each passing day. Today, Donghae asked Hyukjae out to greet their grandpas together and came to the graveyard. They took turns telling the grave about their days and future plans. Hyukjae who had already spoken his part kept staring at Donghae who was telling a story about his newly-opened fitness, especially at Donghae's sincere eyes and soft smile...




"I like you. Will you go out with me?"

"Sure— Wait what!!?"


Donghae snapped his head to look at his new friend in great surprise, his cheeks turning redder.


"I like you, Lee Donghae. I want to know you more and fall in love with every side of you. Will you go out with me?"

"Wha— wait, this is too sudden! Where did that come from!!?"

"You don't think of me that way?"

"No, I-I mean, yes! No—! I mean, I like you too but why now of all the time!!?"

"I'll take that as a yes then. And I'm just following what my old man taught me... a valuable life lesson..."


Hyukjae smiled from the bottom of his heart and lifted Donghae's small hand to kiss the knuckle.


"Time waits for no one so you should live without regrets. Don't wait until it's too late."

"Like what happened to our grandpas...?"

"Well, that's true but not entirely true, because..."



Hyukjae leaned in and kissed Donghae.






Better late than never ​​​​​​









Author's note:

Hahaha how many times did you cry?  xD

Don't worry cuz I cried a lot too while writing + editing! It's a happy ending! But for eunhae, not kyusung  ;p

This story is very long but I didn't cut it cuz I think it'll flow better as oneshot. It might be boring or too tedious to read but I hope there'll be someone who like it~

Take care and love you!!  <3


Ps. I have no plan for next week yet but I can guarantee that it'll be something sweet and cute for sure xD

Pss. If you want something to heal your heart, check out my KyuSung commission fanart  here!!! 

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Chapter 1: I am crying the whole time while reading this story. This is so good. Thank you for giving both of them.their happiness before going to the next life.
Chapter 1: this is heartbreakingly good!!! it almost like the movie called She's Dating the Gangster. It's a Filipino movie and it somewhat reminds me of some of the few parts and EunHae's relationship. Well done author-nim for making me ball out and cry the whole damn time reading this ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ♡
400 streak #3
Chapter 1: T__________T This story reminds me of my favorite movie the notebook

Just so you know, I made my pajamas wet, and even made my son said "eyuh mom, gross"

Worth to read, thank you for this wonderful story beib~ always been your fans since Meet the Parents, and I'm happy you're still here writing T^T
400 streak #4
I don't know why I didn't get the notif for this story! Makes me so angry T^T

PS : It's fine, I'm going to stalk your profile from now #cough
Lunayaa #5
Chapter 1: Crying hard every time. Argghh good storyyy but sadddd
Arshilahuiz #6
Chapter 1: It's dead night and i am crying so hard. Thank you much, it is beautiful story
Chapter 1: stuffy nose from crying!? bdw why can't I imagine them looking old
Lion_5678 #9
Chapter 1: This is qhy I don't want to read angst. You truly made me ugly crying 😭😭
yekyu3424 #10
Chapter 1: I cried until i got hiccups T^T