Part 1

Dreaming Of You (SungWon)

" Ngh, J-Jungwonie~" Sunghoon moaned. "T-Too much..."

"That's it, princess. You're taking me so well." Jungwon praised, kissing his neck.

"Jungwon ah! I'm gonna c-!" Sunghoon gasped out, gripping onto Jungwon's broad shoulders.

"Already? Wow, baby. That was fast." Jungwon says, ing harder into him. Sunghoon whimpered when he grabbed his .

"N-No, please, leader... let me ..." Sunghoon weakly begged.

"You don't get to come until I do, understand?" Jungwon says in a dominant voice. Sunghoon immediately submitted, nodding.

"Good boy." Jungwon cooed, pulling the older into a kiss. And then everything faded into black...

Sunghoon woke up with wide eyes. He then checked his pants if it was wet, which it was. Then he grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. 

Sunghoon thinks he's losing it, honest to God. This has been his third wet dream this week and his fiftieth in total for the past eight months and he doesn't know for sure but that's gotta be a record somewhere. And he has absolutely no idea why he's having them and why Jungwon was there, too.

It's starting to be a problem now, because it's awkward every morning whenever the members ask him why he changed pants (unless the pajamas he wore were black and he decided not to change) and it was even more awkward to lie to them,  especially to the maknae Riki, who in contrast to whatever anyone thought, was still innocent as a little kid. And Jake and Heeseung didn't want to give him the talk until he was twenty and will murder anyone that dares to corrupt him.

Sunghoon groans as he pulls back the sticky sheets, got out of bed and grabbed a new pair of boxers and pajamas. He then immediately changed the bed sheets and tossed the dirty ones in the laundry.



"Again?" Jay asked, bewildered. Of course Jay noticed the problem with his clothes and bedsheets, he's the one responsible for laundry.

Sunghoon just sighed and nodded.

"Ok, that's it. We're talking about this, whether you like it or not." Jay declared, grabbing the younger's wrist and pulling him into his and Jake's shared room, locking the door. Sunghoon sighed. He knew he couldn't ignore it. And now he knows that neither can the other members.

"I never believed the 'I still wet the bed when I'm nervous' bull. You never did that before in I-Land, which is a place to be nervous and is still traumatizing to me, and you never wet the bed during comeback season, which is another reason to be nervous. What is going on with you?"

Sunghoon gulped. "Promise you won't make fun of me?"

"I won't." Jay says, doing the Scout's sign.

Sunghoon didn't know where to start. "Well... I've been getting wet dreams where Jungwon is ing me since last April and I don't know why it's happening but these dreams are ing torturing me because Jungwon is supposed to be my cute baby brother but in those dreams he was all dominant and hot and I really need help with this!" Sunghoon ranted, panting heavily.

Jay was so stunned that Sunghoon thought he traumatized him for a second.

"Wait... that's been your problem?" Jay finally says. Sunghoon nods, covering his face in shame. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I was ashamed, and also worried that Riki might hear this." Sunghoon admitted, pushing his hair back.

"Okay, the second one's actually a good point. Jake would totally lose his if his baby is corrupted." Jay agreed, wincing at the thought of Riki eavesdropping this conversation and Jake finding that out. "But the first one isn't... you can tell me anything, you know? Even the embarrassing and shameful stuff."

Sunghoon smiled at the older. "I promise I won't hide any secrets from you again, even the embarrassing stuff. After all, one and only unit, right Jongseongie?"

Jay smiled back. "One and only unit, Hoon-ah." The two did their handshake and hugged.

"By the way... you said Jungwon was in your dream, right?" Sunghoon nodded, his entire face blushing. "What do you think is the reason why?"

"I-I don't know! All I know is that these dreams are torturing me!" Sunghoon whined, covering his face again. Jay pats his back sympathetically.

"If it makes you feel better, I have dreams about of being in a dog's body chasing squirrels."

"Why...?" Sunghoon asked, weirded out.

"Remember that time when I puppy-sat Gaeul?"

"Oh, yeah... You saw a squirrel and thought my precious sweetie pie would chase it?"

"Yeah... Seriously, how is she so well-trained?"

"My parents sent her to a puppy school."

"Makes sense." An idea lit up in Jay's head. "Hey, maybe your dreams have something to do with something that happened between you and Jungwon?"

"What?!" Sunghoon shrieked.

"You know I'm right!"

", you are." Sunghoon rubbed his temples. "So, what exactly did you two do that started it?"

Sunghoon couldn't think of anything. "Nothing... We're just friends, all we do is stuff that friends do!"

Jay was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey guys. The food arrived." Jake said from the other side.

"In a minute, Jaeyun!" Jay yelled. Jake said okay then left.

"I'll tell you when I find out why the dreams are happening." Sunghoon says. Jay nods and the two leave the room.



"Hello, princess." Jungwon says, bringing the older onto his lap. Nobody batted an eye since Jungwon's been treating Sunghoon like that for months.

"Baby, say ah~" Jungwon says, bringing food to his mouth. Sunghoon blushed and ate the food.

As they all ate their food, Sunghoon wondered, was Jungwon's actions really things friends do?

After breakfast, Sunghoon tapped Jay's shoulder.

"Hey I think I might have an idea where all the dreams started." Sunghoon said.

"What? Already?" Jay asked, surprised.

"Yeah, well. Surprise." Sunghoon snarked, pulling them back into Jay's and Jake's shared room.

"Well..." Sunghoon began awkwardly. "You know the stuff that Jungwon does?"

"What stuff? Jungwon does a lot of stuff."

Sunghoon fiddled with his fingers. "Stuff with... me. He... He calls me 'princess' and 'baby', he's overly touchy, he makes me sit on his lap, he always slaps my and he constantly grabs my waist."

"I'd ask if he did more, but I don't want to know," Jay said. "Maybe that's why."

"No... that can't be why," Sunghoon scoffed in denial, sitting on a bed. "We're friends, more or less. And affection and skinship is regularly common in Korea."

"It is," Jay says, his chin in thought. "It's just that... maybe there's more to Jungwon's actions than friendship. C'mon, man. Most friends don't call each other 'princess' and grab their waists."

"I'm sorry, are you saying that Jungwon is interested in me?" Sunghoon exclaimed, yet not loud enough to be heard outside of the room. "I'm getting these dreams over someone I have a regular friendship with because I have feelings for him?!"

"First of all, could anyone not like you?" Jay asked, quirking up an eyebrow. "You're one of the three aces and a visual. Plus, you're smart and cool yet a sweetheart."

Sunghoon pulled at his hair. "But we're friends. Nothing more or nothing less. He's supposed to be my baby brother, yet I have dreams where he and I have ! That is not okay!"

"It's okay," Jay says, hugging the younger. "It's just your feelings. Letting your feelings out is healthy."

"So... you're saying that I somehow know the person who is supposed to be my leader and little brother is in love with me?" Sunghoon concludes incredulously. "What happened in my past life?"

"Probably something amazing." Jay says, pulling the younger into a comforting hug.



So Sunghoon concluded that he's probably in love with Jungwon and the wet dreams are torturing him. And what makes it worse is the fact that Jungwon's affections were suggestively not friendly. He can't believe he never knew that. Now he knows that these are the consequences of not having a lot of close friends growing up.

Sunghoon wakes up from another wet dream, in the middle of the night. The maknaes were still fast asleep, and the time was 1:00 AM. "It's still night? Great, what am I going to do?" Sunghoon asked the penguin plushies he won during EN-O'CLOCK, which he named one Oreo and the other Cookie. Realistically, they didn't respond to him since they were just inanimate objects.

Sunghoon sighs and hugs Oreo. "I should really do something about it, it's starting to ruin my life. What do you think I should do, Oreo?"

Sunghoon suddenly and randomly thought of an idea. A really stupid idea. He buries his face into his pillow. "Why did I think of that?! Jungwon and I have a special bond, I can't risk that!"



"It's strange that we're leaving except you and Jungwon because both your families are coincidentally out of Korea." Jay says.

"Yeah, strange..." Sunghoon mumbled, crossing his arms. "I'll be okay."

"Well... I gotta go. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"No promises." Sunghoon says, hugging the older. Jay just laughed as he left.

As soon as the door was closed, Sunghoon sighed. How was he gonna handle a week alone with Jungwon? Especially with the dreams?

Sunghoon goes to the kitchen to get a drink. As he drinks the water, Jungwon walks in, sleepy, wearing sweatpants, and was shirtless. Sunghoon chokes on his drink. 

"Oh , he spent too much time in the gym with Jake." Sunghoon says between chokes.

By the time he stopped choking, Jungwon was in front of him, wide awake, a towel in his hand, and still ing shirtless.

"Are you okay?" Jungwon asked, grabbing Sunghoon by the waist to pull him closer. He then proceeded to gently wipe his face.

, this is even more tortuous than the dreams. Sunghoon thought. Also, did Jungwon get taller?

When they met as trainees, Jungwon was a head shorter. Now, he's around the same height as Jay and a few inches away to becoming taller than him.

"There. You're a clean baby now." Jungwon cooed.

It was at this moment that Sunghoon realized he underestimated himself.



"Hey, princess. Eternals is on Disney Plus. You wanna watch it with me?" Jungwon asked.

"S-Sure. Why not?" Sunghoon says, sitting next to Jungwon. He lets himself relax as Jungwon hits the play button. It's a superhero movie. What could happen?

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