Chapter 5

Till Death
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A subtle gasp escapes Sana's trembling lips, abruptly sitting up her chest heaving. Cold sweats are noticeable on her face, her shaky hand holding her chest as tears trail down her Rosen's cheeks.

"Hey," Momo calls out softly, holding onto Sana's wrist to calm her down. Sana stares down at Momo "Was it another nightmare?" Sana sighs looking down on her lap, confirming to Momo that it was a nightmare. "I'm sorry I woke you up Momo" comes Sana's sincere apology, Momo shakes her head and hugs Sana. "It's ok-"

The two girls jumped scared by a loud bang from the main door, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung groggily sat up with their weapons at hand disheveled hairs wondering what that noise was.

"W-what was that?" Asked Chaeyoung their attention goes back to the second bang at the main door and hears distant snarls slowly fading away.

Jeongyeon stands quickly checking outside through the window. "The sun's almost out," she tells the group in a whisper. "Pack your s, we are leaving soon."


Sometime later the group is cautiously walking down the streets on high alert, Momo is focused on their surroundings she didn't notice Jeongyeon beside her. Impersonating a fish out of the water, of how many times she opened to speak but would just close it and not say a word.

Jeongyeon looks back up from her feet ready to strike the first conversation with Momo, "Hey look!" Sana calls out excitedly interrupting Jeongyeon's train of thought. "A military truck" Jeongyeon stood back and sighs seeing no use talking to her now, as the group quicken their pace towards the truck and scavenge whatever they can find.

Jeongyeon joins them a few seconds later and sees how quick they are about to flip this truck upside down, "This truck is empty, others most likely reached it first" Sighs Chaeyoung disappointedly.

"Not quite," Begins Sana getting off the passenger side of the truck with a paper in hand, Momo furrows her brows in question, she points with her lips at what her friend holds. "What's that?"

Sana opens up the paper to what looks like a map, all three girls stare at it with curiosity, wondering their eyes around the map. "It looks like a map of the area" starts Chaeyoung with an obvious statement, making Sana chuckle lightly. "Yes it is, but I did notice something" Sana begins to point out with her finger where a mark is placed on the map.

"They placed a mark on this area, meaning-"

"A military base" Jeongyeon finishes Sana's sentence after noticing what the map shows. Sana nods agreeing with Jeongyeon.

A chill ran down to their spines hearing from a distance loud tires screeching, the engine roaring loud through the city streets

They already knew who it belongs to.

"Snatchers, are you kidding me?" Chaeyoung says between her gritted teeth. "We need to hide. Now!" Momo suggests urgently hearing the vehicles get near not wanting to come across them again.

Jeongyeon surveys the area in detail every building entry is barricaded with cars or wooden boards. "Hey there!" Points out Chaeyoung towards a shop with a crack entryway, enough for them to go through.

Once inside the four girls rush in and block the door with anything they could find. It was a small dining restaurant. Sana and Chayeoung squat behind a couch while Jeongyeon and Momo hid under a table.

Afraid that the snatchers might see them. Their chest heaves with their throbbing hearts. A sigh of relief left Jeongyeon's mouth when she saw the snatchers' truck drive off.

Everything went still. Quiet as a graveyard.

The silence in the city and in the shop was overwhelming until they heard a few sniffs coming from behind the counter.

Chaeyoung slowly got up, ready for combat while holding her bow. The girls watched her with anxious eyes until they saw her lowering her bow.

"It's a child" she stated.

Sana rushed to the counter and saw a seven years old girl sitting on the floor. There was a mattress next to her with some empty water bottles and canned food.

"Hey" Sana smiled as she squatted in front of the frightened girl "my name is Sana and this is my friend Chaeyoung," she said offering her hand "don't be afraid of us, we won't hurt you"

Momo watched her friend with a smile, unlike Jeongyeon who rolled her eyes and headed to the curtains and closed them.

The little girl finally held Sana's hand and got up, she wiped her tears and looked up at the adult "I want my mother"

"Don't we all?" Chaeyoung sighed as she sat on the chair.

Jeongyeon wandered around the shop to see what they could use when she noticed a piece of paper on the counter and grabbed it.

"My name is Nara, I went to find some food and water for my daughter and me. If I am gone, whoever is reading this please protect my daughter at all costs." read Jeongyeon to herself and looked at the girl "She wrote this two days ago, hey kid what's your name?"

"Haru, Lee Haru"

"I have a chocolate bar, here you go" Momo offered the girl her last chocolate bar and Haru didn't hesitate to take it and eat it right away "my name is Momo by the way" the latter smiled.

"Okay since the introduction party is over. Can we leave before some snatchers or zombies notice us?" Jeongyeon in "Irene and Wendy must be worried"

Earning a glare from the three girls Jeongyeon yelped in fear, she leaned in and whispered to Chaeyoung "we can't keep her with us!"

"She's a child! Her mother is probably dead! She won't be a burden to us" Chaeyoung whispers back.

Jeongyeon sighed as she watched the girl eat her chocolate bar peacefully. She cleared and approached her "you will go with us to a safe house where there are two other women. If you want to take anything from your belongings go ahead"

Haru nodded and walked to her mattress, she wore her jacket before grabbing her dirty teddy bear. The girls couldn't help but smile at her innocence.

Her innocence was all the world needed at the moment as everyone is doing their best to survive and fight. Haru was a bloomed flower.

"I am ready" Haru stated as she stood in front of Jeongyeon, the latter looked down at her and sighed "let's go"

The four girls surrounded Haru who held Momo's hand throughout the whole walk.

A few minutes passed...

"Ah I am so tired" Chaeyoung stated as she stepped into the safe house dramatically dropping her belongings and herself on the floor, making Irene and Wendy rush to her "we were so worried!" the latter expressed her annoya

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Wivern #1
Chapter 6: New characters. 😀
Wivern #2
Chapter 4: There's an enemy aside from the snatchers?!! 😱
Minayeonfan #3
Chapter 2: Exciting 😁😁
Wivern #4
Chapter 2: Nice!
Is it bad that I'm still thinking about what happened to the mint choco ice cream? 😁
113 streak #5
Chapter 1: yay can't wait!!