Chapter 2

Till Death
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Word count: 3200+


Three sleepless nights have passed, slower than the two best friends could ever imagine. Jeongyeon was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling blankly when Chaeyoung came out of the bedroom wearing a UFO military pants with boots and a green t-shirt “luckily the owner wasn’t tall” she chuckled looking at herself.

Jeongyeon sat down and sighed. She wore a random tracksuit from his closet. It was probably for his girlfriend or sister. They needed to wear comfortable outfits as they know a lot of running is waiting for them.

Chaeyoung walked to her nervous friend. Even though Jeongyeon’s aura was strong, she knew her best friend more than anyone. She kneels in front of her and smiles “what’s wrong?”

Jeongyeon frowned and looked away “what do you think is happening outside? Who survived? Who not? Our families and friends?” she sighed “will we be able to meet someone we know?”

“We can’t know but I know we will survive; we have each other’s back. If you die, I die” she smiled before standing up “ok so we prepared the two outdoor backpacks” Chayeoung sighed looking at the two bags on the floor “we are so lucky that the owner of this apartment was a hiker and a camper” she commented as the two used all the ropes, knives and equipment he had.

“See? I always tell you to help the poor so God can gift you later” Jeongyeon said while putting a water bottle in her yellow bag.

“Yeah, that’s why I always feed you” Chaeyoung jokes, earning a glare from the older. “Anyway, let’s go” she added putting the bag on her back “together?”


The two fist-bumped and walked to the main door. Chaeyoung gripped her baseball bat as soon as Jeongyeon opened the door “No one’s outside” she whispered as the two stepped out.

They made disgusted faces as soon as the smell of dead bodies hit them. Chaeyoung covered her nose with her arm, she looked at Jeongyeon with a puzzled expression, but they know they must get used to this.

They slowly walked down the stairs and headed to the building’s main gate. They yelped when they saw a few zombies walking in front of the gate. They stared at them through the gate’s glass. These zombies were normal humans like them a few days ago. They had families and work but right now they can’t recognize anything.

Jeongyeon waited for them to pass by the building before she opened the gate, she gripped her hatchet and slowly walked on the sidewalk. Her gaze was focused on the road. Cars randomly parked in the middle of the street with opened doors. Some shops are closed some are not. Chaeyoung nudged her friend and pointed at a girl laying on the ground.

The girl was dead. A big part of her neck was bit it was probably a meal for one of these zombies. It pained the two that the woman was probably 8 months pregnant. Chaeyoung stared at her for a few seconds before Jeongyeon patted her “let’s go” she mouthed.

The twos destination was their houses. It wasn't far but with them walking cautiously and slowly they knew it will take them a few days to arrive.

Jeongyeon wiped the sweat from her forehead, they had been walking for five minutes without catching any zombie’s attention that is till’ Chaeyoung trips by a dead body’s leg laying on the floor.

They both held their breaths scared out of their wits, when her bat contacted the concrete sidewalk, causing a loud echo to run in the quiet area. Knowing their ‘being stealthy’ plan is ruined Chaeyoung got up in a hurry and looked around, all the zombies looked towards the origin of the sound “run” she yelled a bit at her friend who compiled. The two swore that nothing had their heartbeat this fast. Being chased by dozens of zombies was the last thing they imagined. They prayed that someone could show up and helped them but the two were alone in this zombie city.

From taking random stairs, streets, and roads. The two arrived at a random building, they headed to the first floor and opened every apartment door.

“” they cursed when none of them would open until they entered apartment 103. Jeongyeon closed the door and pushed the couch to lock the door, while Chaeyoung was scurrying around the apartment making sure no one was inside.

“It’s empty,” she said while catching her breath same as Jeongyeon who was still staring at the door, the zombies were banging their heads onto the door hard, making the girls flinch before they looked away and walked around again.

“I’m sorry” Chaeyoung apologized once alone head hung low feeling bad, they almost got caught because of her being clumsy, there is no room for clumsiness or errors during an apocalypse. Jeongyeon sees how silent Chaeyoung is knowing her friend is beating herself up from the events of earlier, Jeongyeon places her weapon down and embrace the youngest in the warmest comforting hug.

“There’s no time to blame or apologize.” Comes Jeongyeon’s words softly, she breaks the hug after a few seconds making Chaeyoung look at her showing the softest smile, “It looks like we only have each other, my friend,” she said while cupping the younger’s face in her warm hands. It put Chaeyoung’s heart at ease.


A hard slam of the hand makes the other bodies in the room present flinch, of how angry the man with gray side hairs who hasn’t slept in days sits behind the desk furiously. “Dammit!” He roars inside the tiny room, helplessly looking at the monitor as the ‘solution’ that was supposed to help the people turned deadly by spreading globally at an unstoppable pace. “He played us, played us all” His rough hands rub his face in frustration, he looks at the other bodies present and asks, “Any luck in finding that scientist?” but his hope of finding the one responsible came to a dead-end once again “No Prime Minister, there is no trace of the scientist anywhere.” The prime minister sighs in defeat “May God help us all.”

Momo's point of view

It has been two weeks since the fall happened, two weeks since a sudden virus began to spread, infecting the innocent and turning them into wild flesh-eating monsters. No one knows how this began. Anyone bitten by one takes ten seconds before it starts craving for you, but for me, that was not the case.

It has been two weeks since me and my family were trying to flee away, together with our long-time family friends and neighbors the Minatozakis. Reaching a safe zone, we thought we were safe, but it didn't last long. It got overrun in just twenty-four hours. We tried to run, but unfortunately, Sana's parents didn't make it. She watched the entire thing, her parents turning into flesh-eating monsters and getting gunned down by the military.

They are the nicest people anyone could ever meet- well were...

We kept moving, searching for a new safe zone. It was always a dead-end, seeing them overrun one after the other, one day when moving around the city unexpectedly a z

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Wivern #1
Chapter 6: New characters. 😀
Wivern #2
Chapter 4: There's an enemy aside from the snatchers?!! 😱
Minayeonfan #3
Chapter 2: Exciting 😁😁
Wivern #4
Chapter 2: Nice!
Is it bad that I'm still thinking about what happened to the mint choco ice cream? 😁
113 streak #5
Chapter 1: yay can't wait!!