Chapter I.

The Princess and The Spy

Chapter I.



“Princess Hwang. She is your target.”


The spy frowned in confusion and inquired:


“A princess? I don’t understand. Normally, my missions are to intercept dictators, merciless leaders and certainly not a princess. What did she do?”


The regent rubbed his chin and explained into a malicious tone:


“Princess Hwang Young Miyoung. Hmm… She did nothing wrong actually. Her only mistake is to be the daughter of that stupid Hwang King.”


“Sir?” The Lieutenant raised his brown, not liking at all where this conversation was going.


“Yet, the people love their precious princess and if something happen to her… Well, they would be devastated.”


Now Jung was feeling his breathing hitching in anticipation. Not holding himself, he tried to be reasonable:


“Sir, is this an assassination mission? Because if it is, I’m not taking pa—“


“Now, calm down. Of course not. No need to be all worked up.”


The regent explained into an awful calm tone as he continued his evil plan:


“Your main mission is to get Intel. Before starting a war with Hwang’s Kingdom, I want to exploit every weakness and know everything about their defenses, army and weaponry. The princess’s kidnapping would be a plus to my plan. They will be completely disorientated…”


Before Jung could even reply, a rushed and sudden knock on the door, followed by breathless soldier bursting inside the room. The latter gave his military salutation while bowing to his superior and remarked into a pleading tone:


“Sir! Please, forgive my boldness. But our dear regent can’t send this Jung for such an important mission!”


Jung only raised a brown while shaking his head and muttering in disdain: “What a bother…”


The regent seemed surprised before such audacity and asked into an escalating angry tone:


“And what are your reasons, sergeant?! You better give me a good one before I send you to the prison for insubordination!”


“Because I am far more qualified for this assignment, sir! This Jung is too soft! He doesn’t have the determination and my warrior’s skills in field! I can make our enemies bend into their knees in your name, High Regent.”


“What you call of determination, I call stupidity…”


Jesse replied coldly after hearing his “colleague” boasting himself. However, the latter didn’t let this one slide as he angrily stood up and questioned:


“What did you say?!”


“What exactly you heard, Sergeant Jang. Are you having hearing problems already?”




“Wooyoung! Sooyeon! Stop this right now before I send both of you to the jail!” The regent barked off as he rises from his elegant chair to stop the stupid bickering.


Both men restrained himself as Wooyoung gritted his teeth to his Sooyeon while the latter didn’t even flinch. He was feeling completely calm and ignored the sergeant’s presence without any effort. After recovering himself from his outburst, the regent sat again and started into a tired tone:


“Sergeant, I appreciate your concern with this mission. However, I must admit due your superior’s report, subtlety isn’t your ‘forte’. And by the way, how are your cooking skills, Lieutenant Jung?”


And all of sudden, the confusion reaction invaded the room. Sooyeon frowned and pressed on:


“Sir? My cooking skills?”


The regent opened a huge sinister smile as he gestured with hands his explanation:


“That is another reason why you are perfect for the job. I heard that your cooking skills among our army are very impressing.”


Still confused, Sooyeon remained in silent while the regent stood up from his seat to walk into his direction. The latter patted his shoulder into a satisfied tone as he added:


“Your disguise will be the chef assistant of the Hwang’s Kingdom.”


Out of nowhere, Wooyoung snickered disdainfully and replied into a malicious tone:


“It suits you, Jung. Be a housekeeper. What will be the next step? Wash the clothing? Sewing? Pfffft…”


“I am not ashamed of my skills, but if you are, you have serious insecurity’s issues, sergeant. Maybe that’s why you still didn’t find a girlfriend.”


Sooyeon replied with a smug grin as he managed to irritate Wooyoung even more. When the latter was ready to snap back in anger, once again the annoyed regent interrupted them:




The latter decided to finish this meeting already before his both men would end up ripping the other’s head. Directing his attention to the Jung, the regent added:


“Lieutenant Jung, for this mission I will allow you to bring a soldier of your choice to go with you and help you with the reports.”


For a moment, Jung felt a little bit more relieved since now; he already has a name in mind. He nodded his head and answered calmly:


“I will bring my cousin, Soldier Im.”


“Of course. I strongly suggest to you start your preparations now and inform about the mission to your cousin. The ship will depart tomorrow at the sunrise and you better be on it.”


“Yes, sir. Anything else?”


Jung saluted and spoke into a dry tone as he refrained himself to not roll his eyes at this wicked man. The latter waved his dismissively as in expression that the lieutenant could leave. However, picking the subtle clues of Sooyeon’s nonconformist attitude, he started into a calm, yet mischievous tone:


“Oh, I forgot to ask, Lieutenant. How is your sister? I heard her birthday is coming soon.”


With his back against the wicked regent, Sooyeon had to hold his emotions and forced his jaw to not speak his mind. He took a deep breath and replied into a “neutral” tone:


“She is fine, sir. She is turning to 23.”


“Good. She is turning into a beautiful young lady. I heard she is studding to be a teacher, am I correct?”


Sooyeon had to gulp deeply to not punch the man’s audacity of speaking about his sister. He says into a serious voice while closing his hands into a tight fist:


“Yes. Just like my mother.”


“I see. That’s great news. I know she will do a great job.”


The regent added with a sinister grin as he walked to Jung’s direction and placed his hand on his shoulder into a “comforting” way while adding:


“After the success of our mission, you can tell your sister to search for me. We will have an excellent job offer that both of you will be unable to refuse. We are always in need … of young blood in this old palace. And such eloquent young lady certainly would be a fine acquaintance while you are away. Don’t you think, Lieutenant Jung?”


Sooyeon had to really, REALLY restrain himself to not twist the regent’s wrist from his shoulder. The bast@rd had the guts to speak his sister’s name. As he quick finished, more quick he will leave this rotten place. With a fake grin, Jesse nodded his head and answered:


“I see. Thank for your concern, regent. I will talk to her. Now, is that all, sir?”


“Yes. You are dismissed. I am expecting great things from you, Lieutenant Jung.”


“I will not fail, sir. Excuse me.”


The latter gave his last salutation and finally left the room. Meanwhile, the fake grin also on the regent’s lips dropped instantaneously as he heard Wooyoung complaining:


“High Regent, would allow that Jung be honored with such important mission?! It is completely obvious that he doesn’t share our vision about the war!”


“I know this too well, Sergeant Jang. That’s why you are going to follow him.”


“What? Are you asking me to be his babysitter?!”


“Watch your tongue when you are talking to your superior! After your act of insubordination today, I could easily throw you to rotten in jail!”


It seems like he rather lost his ability to speak after the regent’s outburst as he bowed his head like a scared dog. After recomposing himself, the regent walked to his window and watched the Jung leaving the palace at small distance. He frowned angrily and confessed:


“There is something very familiar on that Jung’s eyes. Although I don’t trust him at all, I cannot deny that he is our best spy. However, I know that he isn’t very loyal to our case.”


“Sir, if you want, I can end with his life in two seconds. Just give me the word.”


Wooyoung saw a perfect moment to finish with his adversary’s life. He has always hated him for him getting all the praises while himself was treated like the second best. The regent laughed at his enthusiasm and proposed:


“At ease, boy. You will have your chance. After this mission and when the Hwang’s kingdom is at my mercy, you can do anything you want to that Jung and his family. Afterwards, the position of lieutenant will be waiting for you.”


Now Wooyoung found all the motivation he needed, even if the regent didn’t give him a reward, to end with that stupid Jung was his ultimate goal. Both wicked man laughed as they already planned their backup actions against the Jung’s family.




“An infiltration mission, oppa?!”


The young lady asked in surprise while she was sat on her bed and watched her older brother packing his clothing inside a duffel bag. He nodded tiredly and confessed into an annoyed tone:


“Yes. Our dear regent sent me to infiltrate the Hwang’s Palace, to gather Intel and of course, kidnap their princess!”


His sister gasped in horror and couldn’t help into a baffled tone:


“You didn’t agree with them, right?!”


He brother gave her THE look and raised an eyebrow. Feeling furious, she stood up from her bed and barked:


“You can’t take part of that, oppa! That Regent is sick!”


“And what am I suppose to do, Soojung?! Huh?! I am open for ideas!”


Soojung flinched at her brother’s despaired tone. It was when she knew he was deadly worried. Seeing her reaction, he sighed deeply and burrows his face in his hands and whispered in sorrow:


“That devil is on my tail. Just one slide and we can say goodbye to our lives.”


He removed his hands from his face as he stared sadly to their family portrait and admitted woefully:


“Do you think is easy to receive orders from our parents’ murder? Because of him, we have to hide ourselves, change our names and we can’t even visit our mom and dad’s grave…”.


Soojung nodded and decided to take a seat beside her brother as she remarked angrily:


“That ruthless man labeled our parents as traitors while himself was responsible to the murder of the entire royal family! Oppa, I saw what he is trying to do at the university. He wants to erase their history and paint himself as our nation’s savior!”


His sister rubbed his back in comfort as he shook his head and continued after gulping deeply:


“The worst part is that I must go for this mission and leave you alone here. Soojung, if something happens to you or Yoong, I don’t know what I would do…”


“Oh, oppa… I am not just a little girl anymore. I am able to take care of myself. You raised me too well and if someone mess with me, I will beat them up!”




Sooyeon smiled weakly and pulled her for a tight hug. They stood like this as the bedroom’s door busted open to reveal a friendly figure:


“Hyung! Why you didn’t tell me that you would go to a secret mission?!”


“I guess is not so secret anymore now that everyone is talking about it, Yoong.”


The young soldier ruffled his dongaeng’s hair as the latter whined at him, making him give his famous crocodile laughter. He quickly sat on his bed and explained into a hyper tone:


“I am so proud you. That stupid regent and his watch dog Wooyoung will swallow their words! I heard you will need a partner. Who will be?”


Sooyeon sighed at his “cousin” hyper activeness and gave a side glance to his sister who raised her hand in defeat not wanting take part of this. He cleared his throat and answered:




“Me?! B-but me?! I am not that qualified to this mission rank, hyung.”


Yoong asked in shock while his “cousin” just shook his head and replied sincerely:


“I read your reports. I know everything about your training. You are far more qualified for this kind of mission. And although I would prefer you here to taking care of Soojung, I am more than sure that the vicious Regent will send someone to watch our every step. I trust you fully to watch my back.”


“I understand now. Well, you don’t need to ask twice, hyung. I will be right there for you. Count on me!”


“I know. You can count on me too.”


Both men gave a firmly handshake to prove their words as Soojung wrapped her arms around their shoulders. Then, she warned them into a caring voice:


“You two better come back in one piece after this mission.”


They nodded in agreement as Sooyeon started into earnest tone:


“I don’t know what will happen after this assignment. But I will use everything in my power to dethrone that farce and set out country free from his lashes to become our beloved land once again.”


“Count us in!”


The younger siblings high fived each other in agreement as a pact was sealed.




As the night falls, before going to bed, Sooyeon watched his sister sleeping peacefully. Taking a deep breath, he walked beside her bed and kneeled as he brushed a hair from her face. Being a light sleeper, she opened her eyes in surprise to see her brother in such depressed state. It was when he whispered as his life depends of his words:


“Soojung, promise me that you will take care of yourself.”


“Oppa… I will be all right. Don’t wor-“


“Promise me. Please.”


Her brother was always calm and collected, but when it comes her and Yoong, he looked more a paternal figure rather than her brother. Maybe because after they lost their parents, Sooyeon gave up from his childhood to make sure that her and Yoong would be safe. Trying to less his concern a little, she held his hand tightly and answered truthfully:


“I promise, oppa.”


After getting some comfort in his words, he smiled in relief as he gingerly placed a ring in her hands. Without understand, she frowned quizzically as he explained into a serious voice:


“This is my lieutenant ring. There are a few persons that I really trust besides you and Yoong. But if you have problems, look for the Corporal Choi Siwon and give it to him. I saved his life and he is a decent man.”


She nodded in agreement as her brother whispered tenderly:


“Now, good night, sis.”


He added with a peck in her forehead as he returned to his bed. After smiling in reaction, Soojung replied:


“You too. And oppa, try to not fall for the princess… or maybe do. We love you but we admit that you need a woman in your life.”


“Soojung…” Sooyeon faking an angry tone warned her as she quickly covered up and says:


“Good night, brother. Sweet dreams!”


With that they finally fell asleep, but not before Sooyeon think in his sister’s words. “Fall in love with a princess? Hmph as if this is going to happen…”




On the next day, before the sunrise, the duo already was boarding on the large wooden ship. While they made their departure, Sooyeon watched the calm waves as he fabricated his plan inside of his mind.


Suddenly, he removed the princess’s painting from his pocket and stared for a while. He couldn’t deny that as a matter of fact, she was beautiful and his heart jumped only at the sight of her image. How would it be when he saw her in flesh and bones?


However, this was irrelevant. His mission was to guarantee the safety of both kingdoms. He was resolute and will everything to come back to his family. Whispering to one in particular as he watched the calm waves, he continued:


“Princess Miyoung, who are you really?”





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Hyacinth_93 #1
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)💙
Chapter 4: Aigooo... nick.... really you are... yours... look in the mirror first🤣
not only jeti's heart beats fast, but my heart also beats fast when reading it🤭
amateur... don't joke thornim, you are already a pro...👍
Thanks thornim
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 4: Thanks for this long update. When i found this story i thought Tiffany was the male but it's sica. I can't wait for sica to kill nick...ssshhhh
Hyacinth_93 #4
Chapter 4: thank you for the great update you make my day great!! thank you again
Update please 🥺
Jeti48 #6
Omg u are back!!!! I promise u i'll rooting for ur hard work... Thanks for not giving up on ur fic... Love uuuuuu
Thea050713 #7
Chapter 3: I just read the update .. i was busy... Thanks for this.. jeti finally meet...
Chapter 3: How did the first impression really affect Jeti... didn't expect Princess Tiffany to have such skills... wow.. so cool princess.
hey...don't forget the sweet potato couple too😁😁
although it's very unfortunate, but I respect whatever your decision....
always healthy, thornim
Chapter 3: The progress..their attractions towards each other is so cute.
Thanks author nim. Like you said, it is true, the feeling os not the same given the real situation is, but fanfic like yours giving us some soothing moment to getaway from reality even just a while.
It's a pity you'll be retiring. But i pray for the best of you.
Hyacinth_93 #10
Chapter 3: thank you for the update!!! can't wait for the next update