


It's the last few hours of Gahyeon's break from the bar shifts. Instead of hanging out with her coworker, Handong, she decided to stay in her apartment living room to wait for a lanky girl.


The sound of a door knob being turned has the red haired's ears perk up. This has been what she's hoping, for her girlfriend to go through the door and be crushed by her warm hug.


And so, Yoohyeon does appear once the door opens. Gahyeon stands up, excitement getting the best of her. She instantaneously embraces her girlfriend in a longing hug.


"You have no idea how much I've wanted your presence. As much as I wanted to have some peace and quiet, I missed you so damn bad." She sheepishly admits, widely grinning.


Yoohyeon mumbles, "Work's been hectic. I'm sorry for not visiting you that often. You know how focused I could get with the amount of paperworks I had to do." She apologizes.


Gahyeon gently Yoohyeon's hair, using comforting patterns to ease her worries. The taller girl giggles in return. They stay like that for several moments. They're a soft sight to look at.


"Completely understandable. At least you're free from the hellhole that is your office work." It's the red haired's turn to giggle, letting go of her hug and bringing the blonde to the living room.


Yoohyeon sighs in content. "I'm bored. Do you got anything to do?" She asks, glancing at the red haired who seems to be spacing out. The younger's thinking of what she hasn't done.


"Right now? No. Tomorrow? It'll be a busy day. I'll be back dealing with lovesick and hopeless people." Says Gahyeon, gulping the remaining liquid in her water bottle.


"Alright then... How about we continue where we've left off?" The taller hesitantly suggests.


That catches Gahyeon off guard, spitting out the water she's about to swallow. "What'd you mean?" She confusedly says, almost coughing from the blonde's comment.


Yoohyeon, reaches for a tissue box, wiping off the water on the table. "You good?" She then worryingly asks because Gahyeon's clearing for the nth time in mere seconds.


"I'm okay, you j-just surprised me there." The younger girl finally replies after taking several seconds to calm her nerves. That took her own soul, almost.


She doesn't want to hit the tree though for the sensation of choking she just experienced.


"The Guitar Hero battle. You said we were gon' finish at Jordan but you didn't let me because I went mad." Yoohyeon clarifies, jokingly rubbing her own forehead, massaging it soon after.


"I remember. But promise me you won't break anything in this apartment." Gahyeon strictly says. She's taken good care of everything and those are left to be untouched (destroyed).


The older girl finds herself visibly shaking. "I'll be fine! I was too triggered and determined to beat you back then." She nervously states to her girlfriend (more to herself).


She prays that her clumsiness won't ruin in the younger's apartment. Aforementioned girl runs to her room to grab two guitar controllers. The blonde sets up the TV with the game disc.


Inserting said disc, the loading screen appears and she smirks to herself. She has thought of a plan that'll throw her girlfriend off. She'll see if it does turn out in her favor.


"I hope you don't rage..." Gahyeon begs to the taller girl, looking at her with concerning eyes. Concerning, because, it's not really concern. It's the other definition.


"I hope you don't provoke me again." The older retorts back. It's true, that the teasing the red haired girl gives to her just triggers furious and hotheaded emotions inside of her.


"Ohh come on, that was supposed to fuel your ambitions to win against me!" The younger girl foolishly excuses, scratching her head.


Yoohyeon groans, "That only made me lose it! You how I was when I almost broke machines in the damn room." Gahyeon is surprised once again when the blonde gives her an accusing stare.


The younger sighs and sets up the controllers. "Fine, but you better step up your game 'cause I won't go easy on you." She challenges. They both know what could possibly happen later.


"No problem. I can handle myself." The blonde growls. That's totally out of character for her. Sure, she's had her moments of anger, but she was never pissed off because of provocations.


"Calm down there, game hasn't begun, yet." Gahyeon notes the her girlfriend's tone, feeling a bit guilty to cause such a scene. She prays to anything above them that they won't brawl.


Navigating the game menu that they always loved, they speedily went through the selection of characters and guitars. The only thing left's the song selection menu. 


They weren't going to wait any longer. Jordan flashes as red on the TV screen, signaling the blonde to press on continue. Jordan on expert. Yes, they aren't practicing for the nightmare they're about to play.




In the middle of nowhere, Gahyeon's phone's vibrating like crazy. Yoohyeon's visibly getting irritated while her burnt out fingers beg to stop the madness and misery they got put in.


The former lets out a huff, but it sounds like a rough howl got mixed into it. "Who the hell is calling me at this time?!" She yells in confusion and a bit of concern. 


Yoohyeon drastically inches closer to her. "We could just pause this for a bit, you know?" She suggests, staring at the caller's name on the red haired's phone.


"And if we both miss the chance of getting star power?" Gahyeon dramatically scoffs out loud. They were having a fun and tense time while breezing through, repeatedly spamming and strumming.


"It doesn't matter, I have a losing score." She fires back. She just wants her girlfriend to get the phone and answer it. The shorter reaches for her phone on the couch.


No one usually calls her during the early hours of the afternoon. It's odd but she knows better than to ignore her endlessly buzzing phone.


Gahyeon ultimately sighs, "Alright. I just need a few moments with this call." She leaves for the bedroom and presses the answer button.


"Where are you guys at? I thought we're gonna meet right now!" Minji yells and the red haired gets hit with the sudden realization.


"! I totally forgot that I'm driving y'all to the venue!" She could hear Siyeon disappointedly muttering words she doesn't comprehend.


"Lee Gahyeon, you promised that you'll take us to the damn concert!" The older's boisterous voice nearly destroys her phone's speakers as she goes on with the scolding.


"I know! I'm playing a game with Yoohyeon! We didn't know time could pass too quickly!" The younger girl excuses.


"Get your asses off that console and dress up you idiots!" Minji and Siyeon say at the same time, ruining their younger friend's eardrums.


Gahyeon yells back, "Alright!" She presses on the hang up button right after that, making a run for the living room, basically panting hard like she ran 2 marathons in a row.


"Who was that and why were you screaming?" Is the first thing Yoohyeon asks the moment she sees Gahyeon in a state of panic.


The latter sits on the couch, breathing in and out (obviously gasping for air). She closes her eyes and opens , her breath literally shaking, and it's just because of the very thing she unconsciously forgets.


"It's Minji. I'm supposed to be taking you, her, and Siyeon to the 'The Vamps' concert!" She manages to say after letting out a mouthful of curses.


"Oh my lord, I'm sorry for not stopping us from playing!" Yoohyeon apologetically states, exits the game they were just playing, and plugs off everything from her girlfriend's TV.


Gahyeon pouts. "I should be the one taking the blame, but let's wear something presentable and pick them up." She says, returning the disc of the game along with the controllers back to their boxes.


"! My fingers absolutely hurt like hell." The blonde complains once she tries opening then closing for hand.


That's what happens when you aren't ready to mash, tap and strum at the same time, which is what Gahyeon exactly responds.


"That's what you and me get from mashing on the buttons." She rasps out before clearing to continue speaking.


"You shower first, I'll convince Minji to not get infuriated with both of us." She instructs to the older girl.


Yoohyeon nods. "If you say so. I'll try to hurry!"


"You better!" Gahyeon threateningly yells.




The two girls make it to the meeting place with Minji and Siyeon. They almost crashed several times 'cause of Gahyeon going over the speed limit.


Yoohyeon steps out of the car first and runs to hug the two older girls. Gahyeon then follows, embracing Siyeon in a loving hug. 


The first thing the former gets is a hard smack on her head once she gets close to Minji. "Ahh- What the !" She shouts out loud.


"Why did you even let us hope you'll pick us up on time?!" Siyeon yells at Youngjo. The latter is staring at her and Gahyeon with fury.


"You'll never understand how much I struggled to make my way to here!" He tries to reason with his friend, visibly looking hurt.


Because he really did get away from the cops chasing him. But the way he clarifies what just happened to him makes Siyeon's blood boil even more.


Gahyeon is frozen, her knees on the ground. She is holding in her well of tears, aching. She's never seen her older sister and her "brother" have a heated moment before.


"You're just the filthy piece of that you are! You ain't gaslighting both of us! I thought you're my trusted best friend!" Siyeon retorts after Youngjo explains everything, slapping her friend hard on the head.


"! I don't wanna remember whatever they said!" She frantically says. Her eyes suddenly open, not realizing that Yoohyeon and Minji are looking at her in absolute shock.


"G-Gahyeon?!" Siyeon rushes to her, helping her stand up from her kneeling position. Holy , she was actually on the ground while her memory flashed in front of her eyes.


"That hurt like hell. Why'd you even smack my head that hard?" Gahyeon feebly states to Minji. Her head is pounding, her heart is going at a faster pace, and she's about to tear up. 


"You literally triggered a goddamn memory in her with your damned smack! I know what she just saw in her head!" Her sister yanks Minji's collar, the girl in question unable to mutter out a single word.


"I know I'm your girlfriend but you got no rights to hurt my sister like that!" She coldly mutters in the oldest's ear.


"For 's sake, how about y'all stop with the drama and get inside the damn venue! We'll talk about this later." Yoohyeon grumbles. She proceeds to walk towards the main entrance.




"Damn, they really are the stupidest people on this planet!" Yubin wheeze laughs, the look of disgust and amusement shown throughout her whole face.


Handong replies, "I know right? People literally gathered around them and stared at them like they were insane and drunk!" She whistles in a madwoman type.


"I'll take care of Gahyeon, that hit she got from Minji looked like the beginning of World War 3 to me." Bora chuckles, though it sounds like it's in reverse. 


She watches over the three walking toward the arena before running down (sliding) the stairs to check on the tenant making her way to her car.


A/N: Youngjo is RAVN from ONEUS. I just suddenly thought of him verbally fighting with Siyeon and decided to put it in the story because I'm insane, just like 2Hyeon and SingJi.


I promise, this I just wrote ain't angst. Things like this only happened once in Gahyeon and Siyeon's life in this alternate universe.

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