you almost missed the train!

you almost missed the train!
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"Are you looking for him?" Heechul asked with his feet propped up on the seat in front of him. "You know he's a year younger and in a different house, right? He probably has other friends to sit with on this train."

Yesung kept watching through the window of their door. Plenty of students were walking around in the hallway, looking for a place to sit in. Some peeked in but, after seeing the two 7th Year Slytherins occupying the compartment, quickly moved to find a different place. "He told me he'd sit with us on the way to Hogwarts."

"Ooooh," Heechul leaned towards his friend with a knowing smile. "Have you been exchanging letters over the summer break?"

"I exchange letters with you during summer break." Yesung pushed him away. "It's not that different."

"Sure, but I'm your friend." Heechul grinned widely. "He's your crush."

Before Yesung would say anything else or maybe even hit Heechul's head, the compartment door slid open and revealed a familiar face smiling brightly.

"Hi!" Donghae waved before quickly moving inside with his things. "I thought I wasn't gonna make it."

Heechul opened his arms out for a hug. "My favorite Hufflepuff! I would've stopped this train with my bare hands if you weren't on it."

"He isn't here yet?" Yesung asked Donghae, knowing the two were close. "The train's about to leave soon."

Donghae shook his head with a sigh. "Ah, you know him. It's already our sixth year and he still doesn't know how to manage time."

"Some things just don't change." Heechul narrowed his eyes as Yesung stood up and opened the door. "And where are you going?"

"I'll be back soon."

"You know, the train isn't going to wait for you. He's gonna get there fine either way." Heechul tried reasoning out, but Yesung had already left.

"Do you think they'll tell eac

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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: I really love it! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story <3
Lari-Campos #2
Thank you so much for writing that AU, I absolutely loved it!

How you put in there yearning, obliviousness and pure adoration.

The knowledge that they exchanged letters during summer break (what do I do with this information now?! I can imagine their smiling faces and shining eyes every time an owl lands on their window)

Heechul poking fun at Yesung "but he's your crush!" so typical for their age

Heechul and Donghae talking "behind their backs" just show how obvious yehyuk are

Yesung almost missed the train (too!) just because he had to wait for Hyukjae (and bickering while doing so!). His desperation when he saw Donghae and Hyukjae wasn't there

Hyukjae's disappointed face when Yesung reminded him that it's his last year and Hyukjae's promise to annoy him the whole year, and Yesung's warm smile (like he's not expecting anything less than that!)
Chapter 1: Isn’t this cute? ^^
I can’t wait for an HP au of YeHyuk.
Nanarif #4
Chapter 1: It's a great story, can't wait for the next