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A/N: EnJOY! Happy Irene Day!

Son Seungwan really does things differently. So sweet.



The car slowed down a little before coming to rolling stop. 


The lights had went from green to red. 


And then the whistling traffic as pedestrians begin crossing. 


Wendy looks up for a short while and finds herself peeking out the windows. 


Even after so many years of reading scripts, working through lyrics while on the road, signing photocards whilst on route to her next scheduled location or just as simple as using her phone to search or maybe scan the map while in a moving vehicle. 


It’s still proving difficult and it causes just a bit of motion sickness.


Like right now. 


Wendy could almost feel her weak stomach churning inside and fears how any sudden movement might amplify that nauseating feeling and send dinner spilling out from the same opening it entered from a few hours ago. 


“God, help me”, Wendy pleads comically. 


“Why don’t you put your phone down for a second there, we are reaching soon.”


Wendy hums softly in response to her manager, but continues anyway. 


It’s close to midnight.


In just a few more minutes, it will be a brand new day. 


29th March. 


Irene Day. 


Her Joohyun unnie’s birthday!


Like every year, Wendy makes it a point to be the first to wish her.




‘Unnie, I’ll write you a letter every year then, okay?”


“Call! The cameras are recording, your can’t back down now! If you do, I’d pull up this clip Son Seungwan! I tell you, I really will!”


The room erupts in laughter at the two girls’ bantering.


It took place just a year after Red Velvet had debuted. Wendy wasn’t too sure what led to such a bold promise, hell, she was still trying her best to know the older girl a little better despite the . 


Wendy had actually wondered if she could really be able to live up to such a “long-termed” commitment.  


Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the joyous occasion. Everyone was laughing, fooling around, celebrating. 


It was honestly a really fun night!


Maybe, just maybe? It’s was the smile that radiated off her Irene unnie. 


And Wendy thought of giving a go at making Irene smile even brighter. With everyone in such a good mood, who was Son Seungwan to spoil it?


Wendy didn’t think Irene’s smile that had already reached the eyes could be any brighter. But when she see’s the blinding smile on Irene’s face as the older girl agrees to Wendy’s idea, she thinks it will all be worth it. 


And so here Wendy was, by the honour of her word, she’d be gifting yet another heartfelt letter to Irene on her birthday. 


And she does so, every year, without fail. 




One time, Wendy had forgotten.


And when it dawned on her, that apologetic look, was one Irene would never forget. 


Although it had been rather amusing too. 


Wendy had basically threw everything aside; the ongoing birthday party back in the living room, including one birthday girl, Bae Joohyun who was left awkwardly by the sofa. 


Wendy would disappear for a whole hour in her room before finally turning up with a hand-written letter in her hand.


(A story retold by Irene whom made it sound way nicer so as not to tease the younger girl even more.)


“One hour for a birthday letter, it might as well be a confession letter!”, Yeri exclaims whilst hiding behind Irean less she gets hit.  


“Whipped!”, Joy cheers along.


“Seungwan-ah”, Seulgi laughs warmly while giving an embarrassed and sorry Wendy an encouraging pat on the back. 


“Sorry unnie, I’ve forgotten.” Wendy spoke softly. Apologetic and bashful as she hands the letter up.


It was just like that genuinely sorry kid who was always doing well in class, but had to march up shyly to hand up a late assignment.


“You will read it to me!”, Joohyun finds it cute and joins in the fun. 


Wendy scratches an imaginary itch at the back of her head unknowingly, cheeks flushing pink. 


Well, the letter was no ordinary letter in the first place. It was one that took an hour. Naturally, it meant the contents itself will contain some parts that are more private, heartfelt and occasionally greasy. 


Maybe a little like a confession letter if that paints a better picture. (Yeri was right)


The room that was roaring with laughter and high pitched giggles earlier had gone somewhat silent as Wendy read out the contents of her letter slowly. 


Everyone was just listening to it so attentively and respectfully. Not to mention their stares at a flushed red Son Seungwan, and not forgetting a crimson looking Bae Joohyun too. 




Irene’s abrupt command shook everyone. 


“I-I’ll r-read it myself!”, Irene whom gone all shy all of a sudden snatches the piece of paper from Wendy. 


Holding it up to herself only and adjusting her body so nobody could take a peek at it’s content. Irene glances through the letter - maybe over some of the sentences and paragraphs a few more times than a normal person would when reading something. 


Doing so to fully comprehend them at face value, at the same time questioning herself if any of the words had a deeper connotation, or lies any forced feelings that were nothing but genuine. 


But if anything, this letter was genuine. 


Straight up, fresh out, from Son Seungwan’s heart an hour ago. Even without focusing on the words, Irene had been real appreciative and recognises the younger girl’s efforts in spending all the time in the room outting every and character in this piece of paper. 


Irene could see the dried tear-stained marks that were left on the paper and the words written, tiny, so all that was needed to be said were able to fit into the paper. 


As Irene almost reaches the end of what appears to be an essay, no longer a simple letter - the tears had allowed themselves to fall from the older girl’s eyes. 


Tears of joy, that is. 


Joy, like overwhelming happiness. 


Not tears from Joy, like Joy - Park Sooyoung.


Irene moves and leans into give Son Seungwan a tight embrace as the rest of the members cheered. 


The girls sneaking sly smiles and thumbs up at Wendy cheekily when Irene had her back turned against them during the hug, knowing that Wendy had redeemed herself and Wendy had scored that night. 


“What a save”, Yeri mouthed cheekily and Joy, Seulgi nods in agreement.  


It was a night that could have gone wrong in all ways possible, but it turned out better than expected. 


Wendy thinks of that night as a defining moment, one that motivates her even more to make sure she’s gets a birthday letter to Irene every year, and be the first to do so. 

And for Irene, well - after bringing up this episode one time, a fan asked in conclusion "Are you happy?". Irene without a second of doubt replies, "Of course I am!" a little too quickly.

If only they knew... She was over the moon.



“But don’t forget next time!”, Irene pouts and turns to the side with feigned anger. 


Wendy clings helpless onto the older girl’s arms like a koala with a helpless grin on her face as she plays along, attempting to dissipate an air of fury that wasn’t even there. It’s one of the rare occasions that Wendy shows aegyo with real deliberation. 


And Joohyun succumbs, whispering so only Wendy hears - the older makes it clear alright, “I’ll be w

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Thank you all for the lovely comments and upvoted. Improved it a little and fixed all the funny typos. Updated!


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Chapter 1: (╥﹏╥) So good. ♡♡♡
1701 streak #2
Chapter 1: Re read this again, I need fluff
Chapter 1: They are just so sweet esp Son Seungwan with her antics when it comes to Joohyun's birthday 😍💖😍💙😍
Chapter 1: Hmm this is so sweet
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Chapter 1: I feel warm 💝
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Chapter 1: Awwwww 🥺💗💙
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Chapter 1: Awww that was so nice love itt!!