The Corgi and The Dragon

Exo Tails

A soft glow washed over the two as they stared out of the window, the sun slowly setting in the sky. And the low humming of the car easing some of their anxieties, but there was an underlying feeling of dread.


“Are you two ready?” The man’s voice was soft, but his hands twitched while he asked the question; It seemed that he was a bit jittery too. “I’m sure the others are going to love to meet you.”


The others


“Y-Yeah, but what if they don’t like us though?” Pointed ears moved over with a whimper as two pairs of eyes landed on the corgi hybrid; The man’s foot was tapping at a blinding speed while he kept glancing at the window. 


Gentle oranges and reds caused the corgi’s hair to glitter as they all swayed to the right. “Baekhyun, I know this has to be hard, but-” 


“You really don’t, Myeon.” The sarcastic comment caused the other two to raise their eyebrows, a sigh fell out of the driver’s mouth as he made a sharp turn, and suddenly the car stopped. They all jerked forward and let out a small yelp


It seemed that the sarcasm just punched the man in the jaw.


“Jongdae…I understand that I must seem clueless, but I’ve heard horror stories from eight other hybrids, and-” Junmyeon took a deep breath as his face softened; It seemed that something was happening under the surface. “ And, I hope that they’ll be the only ones I hear, but if it becomes ten. I-I’ll make sure that nothing like that will ever happen again.”


The car’s humming died and their voices did too; Everything was silent as the two hybrids gazed at Junmyeon, his eyes turning bloodshot as a weight formed in their stomachs. “I promise that you’ll be loved here and the others…the others are going to welcome you with open arms.”


“Baekhyun,” At hearing his name the hybrid leaned closer to the window, his eyes moving over the house that was only a few feet away and noticing the silhouettes moving behind the blinds; A head even poked out from behind them as a pair of small antlers came into view. “They’ll love you to bits and Jongdae-”


“Okay, I get it, I’m sorry for being a bit of an .” Jongdae let out a sigh before unbuckling himself and pushing the car door open. 


“Where are you going-” Baekhyun was cut off by the door closing,the trunk being opened and a muffled ‘To the house’ as Jongdae pulled out their suitcases.


A gentle chuckle vibrated Junmyeon’s body as he glanced over at the corgi-hybrid. “I guess we should join him, right?”


“Yeah, I’m not sure what he’ll do once he makes it to the house.” After a few seconds the three men had suitcases in hand and nervous faces glued to their heads, but there was a feeling of hope as well.


“So, who lives over there?” Baekhyun’s question caused the others’ to follow his gaze to the house next door, it looked small in comparison with a fence around the backyard, and a small tree in the yard; A home for one person.


“Oh, I actually don’t know.” Junmyeon’s voice came out in a soft chuckle, but the others didn’t seem amused. “He left me a box of cookies when I first moved here and he goes on walks occasionally. But I’ve never caught his name.”


That’s comforting 


“Anyway, he’s harmless and he seems to be fine with hybrids, so there’s no need to worry Baekhyun.” The corgi gave a small nod before taking a few steps towards the house, his shoulders relaxing as he took a few more steps closer; Their new home was pulling them in.


Just a few feet away, they saw a house whose windows were like giant eyes and whose door looked like a gaping mouth as it swung open. In the doorway, two people appeared, barely visible in the doorway, but the sheer excitement radiating from them put a smile on Junmyeon's face.


“Hyung,you’re back!” Two hybrids came rushing down the stairs with wide grins on their faces. They seemed young and excited to see Junmyeon again. “Are these the two you were talking about?”


Their faces were finally able to be seen now that they were a little too close for comfort. On one of the hybrids there were small rounded ears, on the other there were pointed white ears (almost like cat ears). “Yeah, this is Baekhyun and Jongdae.”


The grins on the newcomers’ faces somehow became bigger as they closed the small gap between them; Jongdae wasn’t really a fan of the close proximity, but Baekhyun’s form inched closer to the white eared hybrid. 


 A smile formed on his face as they eyed each other, and ignored the gagging from Jongdae.“Hi, I’m Chanyeol. 


“I’m Baekhyun, it's nice to meet you.” 


“And, I’m going to puke!” Jongdae rolled his eyes at the two of them as they made small talk.



“How old are you?”


“I’m twenty and you, Yeol?”


“Oh, I’m twenty too-” 


“That’s it, If i wanted to watch two people flirt I would have watched a drama! I’m going inside!” Jongdae’s whine cut the new ‘friends’ off as he left the four in the dust, but Junmyeon and the other hybrid quickly followed behind. 


“We’re not flirting!”                                                                                                                                                                                                     “We’re not flirting!”




A small sigh escaped his lips as he gazed over at the taller, gripping the suitcase tighter and nodding towards the house. "I guess we should head inside, Chanyeol."


“Yeah, we don’t want to make them wait.” The two hybrids grinned as they rushed after the others, only to have their sprint cut short as soon as they crossed the threshold.


Baekhyun suddenly found himself on a couch squished next to Jongdae while nine other people(counting Junmyeon and Chanyeol) surrounded them. Their eyes jumped across tails, ears and a familiar  pair of antlers as millions of questions attacked their ears.


“What’s your name?”


“What’s your favorite color?”


“How old are you?”


“What kind of hybrid are you?”


“Do you like spicy food?”


“Are you going to be staying with us?”


“Where did you come from?”


“Are you okay with staying here?”



“Guys, give them some air!” A loud cartoonish whine filled the room as Junmyeon pushed a few excited hybrids off the couch; They didn’t seem too happy about being pushed away from the newcomers in their home. “And, one question at a time! You’re going to make them have a malfunction.”







“No, no, no and no more!” Junmyeon gave a few more pushes and after shaking his finger at a few, they finally stopped crowding around the two and decided to sit. On the floor. Around them.


Baekhyun and Jongdae didn’t seem that impressed as they glared at the only human in the room. They only got a shrug and an odd smile. “At least you tried, Myeon.”


“Anyway, can I ask a question?” Every pair of eyes was glued to the corgi-hybrid as he looked around the room, but his focus was on something in particular: a pair of antlers.


“What’s your name?”The hybrid cocked his head to the side and smiled, it seemed like he wasn't expecting a question.However, he didn’t seem to mind. 


“Luhan, I'm Luhan." Luhan had a soft voice that completed his features, but when Baekhyun looked into Luhan's eyes, he would look at his feet instead. “Why did you ask for my name? I’m not very interesting..”


“I just wanted to ask you first, you seem like the nicest one here.” Silence fell over the room before a voice cut into pieces.


“Yes, he is a damn good guy” This time, Jongdae glanced over at a grayed eared hybrid as he smiled at luhan; A soft glow appeared on the deer-hybrid’s face as he smiled back at him.


“Alright, so who are you?”


“Sehun, and yooour?”


“Jongdae…so can we just get this over with?”


“Get over with what?” Junmyeon somehow got out of the crowed sitting circle, and he was back with an antique tray with little porcelain cups resting on it.


“Learning everyone’s names, so…so if I point at you say your name.” Jongdae looked around at the others with a raised eyebrow. “ Sounds good, guys?”




And, so the naming montage begins!


“I’m Tao!”


“The name is Yixing.”








“Oh, so that’s your name?” 


“And, I’m Chan-”


“We know you!”


“Great, now that we know everyone…we can start answering questions.” A look of dread suddenly appeared on their faces as they thought of what they’ll be asked.


“How old are you?”


“Twenty”                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Twenty”


“What kind of hybrid are you?”


“Corgi.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Bearded Dragon.”


Everyone suddenly stopped and looked Jongdae over; He didn’t look like a dragon, nor a beard one at that. “You’re a bearded dragon-hybrid?”


“Yeah, why do you look so shocked?” He looked at everyone like they had three eyes, but it seemed like he was the strange one(they’re all quite weird).


“Why don’t you have any scales or claws?” The panda hybrid(Tao) moved so close to Jongdae that he could almost sit in his lap, and examined every place he could think of seeing his animal traits.


“You’ll see them if you keep touching me, Tao!” Jongdae’s voice came out as a hiss,and it seems to be a great panda repellent.





After hours(that seemed like years) the two found themselves in a room with two beds, a desk and a dresser in the corner: Their bedroom.


“Hyung said he was going to take us shopping tomorrow, right?” Jongdae glanced over at Baekhyun with drooping eyes as he shrugged his shoulders; He didn’t seem to remember anything. “You don’t remember it, do you?”


“No clue what you’re talking about, Baek. So, just go to sleep and we’ll see tomorrow.” 




“Alright, we’ll find out tomorrow.” The corgi-hybrid snuggled farther under the covers as his eyes began to droop, he didn’t realize he was that tired. So, only after a few seconds low breathing and soft yelps echoed throughout the room, but a small voice suddenly interrupted.


“Goodnight, Guys”


“Goodnight…”                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Get out of our room…”


To be continued


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This is so cute but I feel some teeny bit of angst coming. Looking forward to more!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 1: Very cute!! Who is the mysterious neighbor??