Let Me Down Gently

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"She is getting married."


"Winter? Do you hear me?"

A woman in her late twenties were crouching down while petting a cat that was lying down on the carpeted floor, smiling softly at the cute and sleepy cat.

"Winter, she-" 

"I know, Aeri unnie." Winter replied softly to her stepsister.

"Are you alright?" 

Winter then decided to pick up the cat from the floor and let it snuggles into her arms as she hugged it gently. 

"She deserves to be happy, even if it's not with me." That was what Winter said before she left the room, bringing the cat with her. 

Her feet brought them to the backyard of the mansion. Winter hummed softly while walking towards a bench near the fish pond. She sat down and put the cat on her lap, hands are still petting it. 

Winter was still smiling as she observed her cat that she had adopted ever since she left. Winter closed her eyes as she remembered her last memory of her.



Karina cupped her face softly, wiping off her tears.

"It's okay, don't cry." Karina whispered. 

"J-Jimin ahh, I-" 

"Hm? You don't have to worry about hurting me anymore. I will go on my own now, Minjeongie."

"B-But Jimin..." 

"Shh. You'll be fine, we'll be fine." Jimin whispered softly again and put their forehead together, her hands were still caressing Winter's cheek. 

"D-Do you... Hate me now?" Winter asked in fear. 

"No. I could never hate you. I don't hate you at all, and I need you to keep this in mind, okay?" 

Winter sniffed and nodded her head.

"So, never blame yourself for whatever happens." 

And Winter nodded again, tears are still rolling down on her cheeks.

"But, I have to go now." Karina looked at her sadly. 

"I'm sorry for breaking our promises." Karina sighed, and Winter shook her head. 

"Remember? Call me, and I'll be right back to you." 

Karina gave her one last kiss on her lips before finally pulling away and letting her go. She slowly turned around when Winter couldn't even look at her as she kept crying while looking down. 

'Please, look back, Jimin. And I will come running to you without hesitation this time. Just please, turn around for me.' Winter silently wished as she looked at Jimin's back. 

Unknown to her, Jimin was trying her hardest not to look back at her for one more time, because she was afraid that if she did, she wouldn't be able to leave. 

Winter cried her heart out as soon as Karina disappeared from her sight, entering the gate and Winter has never felt so hopeless. 

And after holding back her tears, once seated, Karina finally burst into tears on the plane. She covered her face with her palms and cried, leaving the love of her life because she couldn't handle the pain of being Winter's secret lover anymore. Not when Winter herself, was going out publicly with her long time boyfriend, Jaehyun. 

Karina felt like she could never be anything more than a secret lover to Winter. After all, they met when Winter was in her 3rd year of a relationship with Jaehyun. 

They were together for a year and a half. She knew she was wrong for still keeping her secret relationship with Winter, even after knowing the girl was not single.

Yet, Karina couldn't resist her strong feeling for Winter. They both feel so much for each other despite of being together for a short while. 

During their 19th Monthsary, Karina asked the same question she kept asking her, if one day, Winter would leave Jaehyun for her? Winter couldn't answer her, again. 

So, when Jeno, her best friend, asked her to leave with him to heal her wounded heart and to stop hurting, she agreed. She couldn't stand it anymore, of both being Winter's second option and secret lover. 






Winter opened her eyes and realised that her cheeks were wet because of her tears. She sighed and wiped it off.

This happens often, she would cry whenever she remembered Karina. She admitted, it was her own fault that she left. She couldn't break up with Jaehyun back then, the reason why Karina decided to leave.

It was hard. Winter had known Jaehyun for 6 years, and he was her first long relationship. They were seen as a perfect match, and everyone couldn't wait for them to get married, including their family.

Winter was a fool, thinking that Karina wouldn't take her seriously. Thus, she kept her relationship with Jaehyun even after falling out of love with him months before she met Karina. Yes, she made Jaehyun as her safety net. And she regretted her decision, deeply.

Because after Karina left, Winter couldn't be herself. She felt numb and empty. That was when she realised, she was stupid enough to let go of someone so dear in her life. So, 2 months after, she went to meet Jaehyun at his apartment to finally break it off with him. However, imagine her surprise, to find out that it was not just her who was cheating in their relationship. Jaehyun had been cheating on her too, yet she doesn't feel as painful as when Karina left her for good.

They broke up once the truth was out between the two of them, but they still let the people believe that they were still together as a couple. Because Winter promised one thing with Jaehyun, something she couldn't escape from. Something that is important to her. No one knows about the whole thing, but her stepsister, Kim Aeri.






Winter looked up at her stepsister when she entered her office room.

"What's up?" She asked, before going back to read some files.

"She's here, in Seoul."


"There will be a meeting conference next week. She will be there to represent Yoo Corps this time." Now that, got Winter's attention. She stopped reading and just keep blinking her eyes.

Winter cleared and looked at Aeri's expectant eyes.

"Do I have to be there as well?" Winter asked.

"Well, yes. You're the CEO yourself, Ms Kim."

"Can you be there on my behalf instead?"

Aeri raised her eyebrows at her.

"I- I am not ready to see her again, Aeri unnie. Please?"

"I wish I could, but I can't. Your presence is important in that meeting, Winter."

Winter sighed and nodded her head in defeat.










"Ms Kim, we are here."

Winter did not move for a few seconds and kept staring blankly outside. She might meet Karina for the first time after 2 years. She was anxious, nervous and scared. She does not know how would it feel like to meet her again.

After calming herself down, she opened the door and stepped out. She keeps a small smile on her face as she walked. She found her secretary right away, waiting for her near the conference room.

"Ms Kim." Her secretary, Eunchae bowed slightly.

"Let's go." Winter muttered and proceed to enter the room as the guards there opened it for her.

Once she entered the room, she followed Eunchae to her seat. She could feel the stares on her, but she ignored them all as usual. She thanked Eunchae once she sat down before Eunchae took a few steps back, standing by in her position.

"Hello, Ms Kim. How are you?"

Winter turned to her right and smiled to the CEO of NCT Group, Lee Taeyong.

"Hello. I'm good, you?" 

"Well, perfect as always." Taeyong replied playfully which managed to make Winter laugh a little.

She could feel eyes on her while she was having a small chat with Taeyong, so she glanced to find who was the culprit. She inhaled sharply once her eyes met that familiar warm eyes that she used to stare at a lot.

There Karina was, sitting across from her with an expression that Winter couldn't understand. When Karina bowed her head as a gesture of greeting her, Winter did the same before she finally looked away from her.

"You okay?" Taeyong asked her in a low whisper.

"Yeah, thank you." Winter smiled at him.

Once the meeting down, Winter waited for everyone else to leave first as she does not like to be stuck in the crowd. Taeyong, being her close friend in every conference meeting, stayed back with her.

"How is Aeri doing?" He asked.

And yes, he is a good friend of Aeri's too. That is why, Winter is feeling comfortable with him.

"She's doing great."

"Hmm. I didn't see Jaehyun. Is he still in London?"

"Yeah, he is expanding the business there."

"Damn, he is doing so well."

"Uh huh. Good for him." Winter mumbled and played with her fingers.

Taeyong patted her back. He knew about their failed relationship, but he didn't know all the reasons behind it. He does not dare to dig further too. He only settled with what Winter and Aeri let him know. He respected their privacy too.

"Let's go." Taeyong told her.

Winter nodded, and let Taeyong walked ahead while she took her time. She took out her phone to call her secretary and asked where did she wait for her, but she was taken aback that once she stepped out of the room, Karina was standing there waiting for her.

"Hi, Winter Kim." Ouch. Winter ignored the feeling of her heart being crushed hearing Karina called her Winter instead of Minjeong.

"Hello... Karina." Winter greeted her back, calling her with the name that everyone else used to call her. She didn't notice how Karina's jaws tensed when she called her Karina.

"It has been so long. I am glad to see you doing well." Karina said. Am I really doing well?

"Thanks. I uh- I'm happy for you too. Congrats on your upcoming wedding." Winter said, trying to smile at her.

"Oh. Yeah, thank you." Karina nodded.

"Um, you will be invited. Aeri too. I will send the invitation soon." Karina told her.

"I see. Okay." Winter said.

"We will be holding an engagement party before that, so come if you're free. It'll be the next week."

"Well, um- I will try to come. I need to check my schedule first."

"I understand." Karina smiled at her.

"Oh, do ask Jaehyun to come as well. He is invited too." Karina added.

"Will do." Winter smiled at her, so Karina smiled back.

"We should hang out sometimes, to catch up and all. If you don't mind." Karina said, and Winter observed her. Have you really moved on, Jiminie?


"Ms Kim." Both Winter and Karina turned. Eunchae bowed before going to stand beside Winter and whispered to her that she needs to go.

"I- I'll see you again, Karina." Winter said and Karina just nodded her head.

While walking away with Eunchae, Winter asked.

"Did Aeri call you?"

"Yes, Ms Kim."

"Hm. Thank you." Guess, Aeri really know her well.

Winter went straight home with a painful feeling and a heavy heart. When she entered the mansion, her parents were asking if she was feeling unwell.

"I'm fine. I just want to take a rest for now, mom, dad." She answered them.

"But we have your favourite food here, dear."

Winter glanced at the food. It sure is, but she does not have the appetite.

"Just let Winter rest first, mom." She heard Aeri said.

Winter smiled at her, feeling grateful to have an understanding stepsister. Then, she quickly went to her room and lay down on her bed. She covered her eyes using her arm.

After a few seconds, her tears finally rolled down again on her cheeks. She was tired physically, mentally and emotionally. So, she just let her tears fall and ended up falling asleep.










"Why did you decide to come?" Aeri asked. She was driving them to Karina's engagement party with Jeno.

"She's expecting us, we should show up." Winter answered.

Aeri glanced at her and sighed seeing Winter still continued to put everyone else first before herself.

"Fine, but the moment that you feel it's too much, we will leave right away. Okay?"


When they have arrived, they were surprised with how beautiful the interior decorations of the place. It's just the way Karina would like it. Winter smiled painfully, she was happy that Karina finally will live a happy and beautiful love story of her life, but she was sad that it wouldn't be with her.

"Aeri, is that you?"



Winter excused herself when her stepsister met someone she knows to get some drinks. She tried to look around and find Karina, so she could greet the girl and leaves.

"Winter Kim?"

Winter turned around and widened her eyes seeing Karina's mother.

"Mrs Yoo. Hello." Winter greeted her politely and bowed.

"Oh come on, we're not strangers." Mrs Yoo laughed and pulled her into a hug.

Winter chuckled and hugged the woman back. Karina brought her home a few times back then, covering their relationship as a close friendship, and her mother grew fond of her since she has retired already and were always home.

"Why didn't you come and visit us anymore?"

"Oh. I'm sorry, aunty. I've been busy lately." Winter smiled apologetically at her.

"Or was it because Karina wasn't at home, since you only will come when she's home." Mrs Yoo pouted at her.

Well, a part of her statement was true though.

"Haha, it's not like that, aunty." Winter chuckled awkwardly.

"I've been lonely, you know. My husband was busy and my only daughter suddenly decided to go oversea." Mrs Yoo sighed.

"Well, I'm glad that she has finally decided to come back for good and settle down. I won't be that lonely anymore." Mrs Yoo said.

"That's great, aunty." Winter smiled.

"Oh, where is your boyfriend? Is he here?"

"No, Jaehyun is still in London."

"Ah. That makes us two lonely beautiful women, right?"

"I am glad that you think I am beautiful like you." Winter giggled and Mrs Yoo grinned at her.

Not too far from them, Karina saw the whole interaction and smiled to herself. She knew that her mother really likes Winter, she even told her one time that she would ask Winter's hands in marriage for her if Winter was still single. If only her mother knew, if only she knew.

"Ahem." Winter and Mrs Yoo stopped laughing when Karina finally went to them.

"Oh, my dearest daughter, here you are! Winter were looking for you." Mrs Yoo said.

"Really? You both seem to have fun without me." Karina said, raising her eyebrows.

"Opps. You caught us." Mrs Yoo laughed while Winter only smiled.

"Oh, please accompany Winter. I have to go to the restroom now. Enjoy the party, baby." Mrs Yoo said and patted Winter's cheek, causing her to chuckle. Karina smiled slightly seeing how her mother still treats Winter warmly like that.



"Thanks for coming." 

"Yes, oh, Jaehyun sent his regards. He couldn't make it."

"Ah, that's fine." Karina smiled.

"Hey, honey. My friends wanted to meet you- oh, Winter, hey!" Jeno smiled widely and shook his hand with Winter.

"Hello, Jeno. Congratulations to both of you." Winter smiled genuinely at them, happy for them even though her heart is breaking.

"Thanks! That means a lot to me." Jeno chuckled and wrapped his arm around Karina.

"Yeah, well, go ahead. You both have some guests to greet." Winter told them.

"Right, let's go hun."

Karina hummed and glanced at the smiling Winter one more time before she followed Jeno.

Winter tilted her head and couldn't help but to be reminded of the time when Karina walked away from her for good. She smiled sadly and blinked her eyes to stop her tears from falling. She took a step back, another one, and another. She closed her eyes and put her palm against her chest.

"We'll be fine. We will be fine." Winter whispered, telling her heart and herself that.


Winter looked up with her glassy eyes. Aeri sighed and hugged her.

"We are going home now." Aeri said firmly. Winter could only nod her head.

Maybe next time, we'll be together again. Maybe in another life, you'll be mine again.

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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.