She's My Wife? - Part 5

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin went home bringing groceries as promised. Her mind was still full with every possibility that Aeri has told her about what Minjeong might think. She put all of the stuff in the kitchen first, before she went to check on Minjeong inside their room.

She opened the door slowly, and saw Minjeong was taking a nap. She smiled seeing Minjeong's small figure, sleeping in their bed and hugging a pillow closed to her chest. Jimin came closer to look at her face. Minjeong looks peaceful whenever she's asleep, and Jimin loves the sight so much. She knelt near the bed and put one arm on the bed before she rested her cheek on her arm, staring at Minjeong's sleeping face silently.

"Do you really keeping your distance with me because of Jeno?" Jimin whispered, even though she knew Minjeong wouldn't be able to answer her as she was not awake yet.

"What should I do? What should I tell you? I don't even know how to start." Jimin then reached out her other hand to hold Minjeong's hand that was hugging the pillow.

"But for now- just for now, I'm content with this." Jimin squeezed Minjeong's hand before standing up and pecked her temple.

Jimin washed up before she started cooking for dinner. She let Minjeong rest more since she will start working again the next day. Halfway cooking, Minjeong was finally up and she went out to see if Jimin was home. She sighed in relief seeing Jimin was back from work already. She has never said anything to Jimin, but she actually feels thankful that Jimin never comes home too late. She just does not like to be alone in a new place.

"I didn't hear you come home." Minjeong said, startling Jimin a little.

"Hi. Yes, you were asleep when I reached home earlier." Jimin replied and Minjeong only hummed, she went to check on the shopping bag on top of the dining table to see what else did Jimin buy.

Jimin glanced at her while cooking, she smiled slightly seeing Minjeong's sparkling eyes seeing the snacks that she bought for her and a lot more desserts. Jimin texted her mother and asking what would Minjeong like to eat most of the time.

"All of that are for you." Jimin told her, and Minjeong looked at her immediately.


"I bought all of that for you. You can eat them anytime."

"Oh. Thank you."


Jimin then glanced at her again, and bit her bottom lip to hold her smile seeing Minjeong's happy yet calm smile taking out the snacks from the bag.

"Food will be done soon. You are hungry, right?"

"A little." Minjeong mumbled.

Minjeong then put all of the snacks in the cabinet and put the desserts inside their chiller. When Jimin was done cooking, she helped her to set the table. They somehow moved naturally together in the kitchen without even telling each other about what to do.

Jimin hid her smile seeing how Minjeong set their plate and realised that the setting was as usual, Jimin will sit beside her. She noticed.



"Okay, wash your hands first."

Minjeong nodded and went towards the sink to wash her hands. She has nothing in mind, nothing at all. However, Jimin just had to surprise her with another sweet gesture when she joined her washing hands while standing closely from behind, it was just as if she was back hugging Minjeong. Minjeong froze and just let the water runs.

"You're not fully awake yet, are you?" Jimin mumbled when she noticed Minjeong wasn't moving.

So, Jimin takes Minjeong's hands and washed her hands for her instead. Minjeong looked down and watched at how Jimin's hands rubbing her hand gently, washing their hands together.

Jimin turned off the faucet, grabbing the hand tissues and wiped off Minjeong's wet hands before her. 

"Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold." 










Jimin woke up extra early the next day to make sure everything is well prepared for Minjeong's first day at her building. She has prepared breakfast as usual, and let Minjeong takes her time dressing up for work while she went to wait downstairs to talk to her guards.

"The news got out, so reporters will be there. Make sure everyone stay away from my wife. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable." Jimin reminded them which they nodded firmly.

After a few minutes, Minjeong finally came down and went beside Jimin.

"Are you ready?" Jimin asked and she just nodded.

"Let's go." Jimin put her hand on Minjeong's waist to guide her to the car. 

As expected, there were a lot of reporters waiting for their arrival. Fortunately, her security was really tight and Aeri was clearly doing a good job in commanding everyone to follow Jimin's requests.

"Why are they here?" Minjeong asked.

"They know you will work with me." Jimin answered.

She got out of the car first before offering her hand for Minjeong to take. Minjeong let Jimin helped her out and frowned as the camera's flash hits her eyes many times. Jimin noticed it immediately, so she intertwined her hand with Minjeong's before walking quickly.

"Aeri." Jimin let out a warning tone.

"Got it, boss."

Aeri then stayed outside to make sure giving a strict warning to the reporters so they won't be camping there or stays until the end of the day to take more photos of Minjeong with Jimin.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked Minjeong softly once they were inside the elevator.

"Yeah, I just- um, not used to that." Minjeong told her.

Jimin sighed as they reached the floor just below her office's floor. She actually has requested for Minjeong's table to be in her office, but Aeri disagreed right away, saying that it would be too scandalous. Jimin had no choice, but to follow Aeri's suggestion to let Minjeong used the former head of marketing room.

"Welcome, Mrs Yoo. It's an honor to have you here." They were greeted by the marketing assistant, Ning Yizhuo or known as Ningning.

"I'm Ningning, you can call me Ning." She introduced herself cheerfully, and Minjeong mirrored her wide smile as she shook her hand.

"Did Aeri already brief you about everything, Ning?" Jimin asked.

"Of course. I will make sure Mrs Yoo enjoy working here, boss." Ning said, still smiling.

"Hm, good. Aeri will be here soon, let her know that I'm touring my wife to her office first." Jimin told Ning before pulling Minjeong with her to Minjeong's office room.

Minjeong opened in awed seeing how neat and peaceful the room looks.

"I asked Aeri to change the chair for you. Let me know if it is not comfortable for you." Jimin told her.

"No. Everything is fine." Minjeong quickly said and followed Jimin towards her desk.

"Ning's table right outside, I made sure she won't be far from you just in case you need her help. But, you can always call me directly too. I'll make sure to make time to help you whenever you need me." Jimin said casually while checking the desk drawer.

Minjeong looked at Jimin and smiled. She thought that she won't get taken care of just like when she was still working at her father's company, but seems like she will be just fine here under Jimin's care after all.

Knock knock!

"Come in." 

"Hey boss, I've taken care of the reporters already." Aeri entered and informed Jimin.

"I hope Mrs Yoo is liking her office design." She said again.

"Oh. It's perfect." Minjeong smiled at her and Aeri grinned.

"Seems like I've done a great job." Aeri praised herself. Minjeong chuckled at her while Jimin only kept her blank face when Aeri winked at her.

"And boss, you have a meeting in 10."

"Right." Jimin mumbled and gestured Aeri to wait outside.

"I will show you my office later after my meeting. Will that be okay?" Jimin asked Minjeong.

"Yeah, sure."

"For now, I'll leave you to Ning. Happy first day of working here." Jimin said.

"Thank you, Jimin." Jimin smiled slightly upon hearing Minjeong calling her name softly.










A month after.

Jimin didn't expect that her life would change completely after being married to Minjeong. Minjeong was getting along well with her employees, especially with Ning. She grows comfortable with Aeri as well, and started to play along with Aeri's jokes now. Her family loves Minjeong. When she brought her to meet them over a dinner officially, she got asked a lot of questions, yet she answered them all happily with all honesty.

Basically, now everyone loves Minjeong. Oh, who wouldn't? Jimin was the first one who got mesmerized by her charms anyway.

"I can't believe it. Minjeong was so smart. She's good, alright."

Jimin smiled to herself hearing Aeri's neverending compliments for Minjeong. She's proud, obviously. Minjeong has proved her worth, and Jimin never regrets in taking her in and appointed her as the head of marketing.

"When our marketing head is perfect, then there's an amazing assistant of hers who also got a big brain. Girl, it's the combination of a deadly duo."

"Ning would never let you hear the end of it if she knew you said that."

"I know, that's why I only say it to you."

Jimin scoffed and shook her head, she sometimes does not understand Aeri's and Ning's love and hate relationship.

"Minjeongie!! Trust me! It is going to be fuuuun."

"Ning, your fun is 60% different from our kind of fun. I can't let myself take a risk again."

"Hey! It's because you have not explored the real kind of fun yet."

"Nope. Count me out."

"Oh come on, Minjeongieeeeee."

"No. Guys, please ask your marketing assistant to stop bothering me and- Ack! Ning! Oh my god- hahahahahaha! Yah!"

Both Jimin and Aeri have stopped just a little far yet close enough to witness the chaotic scene in front of them. Aeri saw how the employees there enjoyed seeing Ning's and Minjeong's daily moments as usual, while Jimin's eyes focused on Minjeong's laughing face.

Aeri chuckled at Ning's silly behaviour. When she does not hear anything from Jimin, she looked at her, and only to see her watching Minjeong with heart eyes.

"Oh god, so hopeless." Aeri muttered.

Jimin got startled when Aeri elbowed her. She glared at her.

"Are you going to ask her to join us for lunch or not?" Aeri asked.

"I am." Jimin hissed before finally walking ahead. She cleared once she reached Minjeong and Ning. The employees immediately stopped laughing and continued their work.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing your work, Ms Yizhuo?"

"Well, isn't it almost lunch time? Can't I rest a few minutes earlier, Ms Uchinaga?" 

Jimin then ignored the two when they start their silly debate as always, and walked closer towards Minjeong.

"Hi." Jimin greeted her.

"Jimin- Ah-"

"It's okay. Just call me Jimin." Jimin assured her when she saw Minjeong was hesitating in calling her by her name since they were not alone and still at work.

"Oh, okay."

Jimin smiled at her and grabbed her waist with one hand before giving her a soft and quick kiss on her forehead, a gesture she always did when she meet Minjeong or about to leave. Minjeong cleared and looked elsewhere, a blush was visible on her cheeks. She's used to Jimin's affection behind a closed door, but she's certainly still not used to Jimin doing it in front of other people.

"I'm here to bring you out for lunch, with Aeri." Jimin told her.

"C-Can we bring Ning along? I promised to eat with her." Minjeong asked her softly.

"Sure." Jimin agreed. She does not have a problem with that. Whatever Minjeong wants, she will try to fulfill it.



"Please make a reservation for four. Ning, you will join us." Jimin said, and without waiting for their replies, she grabbed Minjeong's hand to leave.






Ning looked at Jimin with amusement when Jimin let Minjeong sits first before she took a seat beside her. She watches Jimin pulled the chair closer to Minjeong, too close for her liking. Aeri giggled when Ning was paying attention to the scene instead of the menu. Fortunately, they were in the restaurant's private room.

"You'll get used to the sight of our boss being clingy to her wife if you join us often." Aeri told her.


Minjeong pretended she did not hear their conversation while Jimin only ignored them.

"Do you have anything you would like to eat already?" Jimin asked her.

"I'm not familiar with the food here." Minjeong answered, eyebrows furrowed a little.

Jimin looked at her with a soft stare.

"Or would you like to try their best selling food?" Jimin asked.

"Is it really good?"

"Mm. I like it." 

"Yeah, I'll try it then."

Jimin then nodded and decided to order the same dishes as Minjeong's, also ordered a side dish, just in case if Minjeong does not like the food. While waiting for Ning and Aeri to choose their food, Jimin leaned closer causing Minjeong to turn her head to look at Jimin with a confused face.

"Did you wear a contact lens?" Jimin asked.

"No... Why?"

"I'm surprised. It's my first time seeing your eyes properly and this close."

"Um, what about my eyes?"


Minjeong looked away immediately, only to find Ning and Aeri were looking at them with their judging faces.

"W-What?" Minjeong asked.

"Why do we feel like we're interfering you both?" Aeri asked back.

Jimin still keep her poker face and told Minjeong to let them be.

"I um- I need to go to the rest room."

"I'll go with you."

Jimin was about to stand up when Minjeong shook her head.

"I can manage. I'll be fast." Minjeong smiled at her before leaving a frowning Jimin. Aeri hissed at her, distracting her from watching Minjeong left the room.

"You're with her all the time and live with her. Don't you have enough?" Aeri asked.

"I just want to make sure she's fine."

"She won't get lost if that's what you're worried about. She's an adult, Jimin."

Ning giggled when Jimin rolled her eyes at Aeri. Jimin then sighed and looked at the door, waiting for Minjeong. Minjeong is near yet so far. Whenever she tried to get closer, Minjeong would let her, but sometimes Jimin could feel that she was still trying to keep their distance. It was subtle actually, but Jimin noticed it.

Maybe Aeri's right, she might still feel awkward and not comfortable about being married to me after what happened in the past. Sigh. I have to tell her about it all. I hope she will believe me.

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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.