Still Yours

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Kim Minjeong was working hard, reading every file that she needs to review and signing some important documents. She was a young heiress and preparing herself to replace her father one day, so here she was, training under the supervision of her father's trusted employee, Wendy Son. 

"Minjeong ah, it's lunch time. Take a break and join me."

Minjeong raised her right hand up as a gesture to wait for a minute while she clicked the 'send' button on her email. After done, she finally looked up to see Wendy smiled warmly at her.

"I lost track of time again, aren't I?"

"Yeah." Wendy giggled when Minjeong stood up quickly, rubbing her stomach.

"Let's go! Now I can feel that I'm hungry."

Wendy then put her arm around Minjeong's shoulder and walked together to the cafeteria. They love to eat at the company's cafeteria since the food was not bad at all. Besides, Minjeong usually would be too lazy go eat outside and Wendy just has a lot of work to do, so they do not want to eat outside to waste time.

"This is so good. Ugh."

Minjeong glanced at Wendy and smiled seeing her enjoying the food with exaggerated gestures.

"Your father have been asking about your progress." Wendy said as she munched the food.


"I told him that you're really a fast learner. You can even take his CEO role by tomorrow."

"Unnie." Minjeong deadpanned and Wendy laughed at her expression.

"Kidding. You will be ready soon, that's what I said. You're doing great, Minjeong ah." Wendy smiled at her and Minjeong thanked her.

"Will you be my secretary, unnie?"

"You have to double my pay."

"I will."

"Okay, future little CEO. I was just kidding, but I'll keep your words."

Minjeong giggled when Wendy winked at her. She likes her and grew fond of her. Wendy was a warm person, very kind too. Minjeong is comfortable being with her. She's like a sister she never had, and she's glad for having her in her life. After all, life tends to get lonely ever since she left her hometown.

She left Seoul 2 years ago to train properly at the second branch of W Enterprise which was located oversea, a subsidiary company under Kim Company, which is her father's company. At first, she refused to leave. However, she agreed at the very last minute.

"Your father were asking if you would like to come back and continue the rest of your training back in Seoul."

Minjeong stopped eating upon hearing that. Wendy cleared before composing herself, afraid to say a wrong sentence.

"I... I told him that I need to discuss about it with you first."

"Thank you, unnie." Minjeong smiled.

"Did uh- did you hear about the recent news?" Wendy asked, hesitating slightly.

"What news?"

"There was a rumour, that Jimin is going out with Ryujin." Wendy said, gulping nervously as Minjeong stares at her.

"Shin Ryujin?"


"Oh. I didn't know."

Minjeong blinked and smiled at her before continuing to eat. Wendy sighed, she knew about everything. She was there for Minjeong when the younger girl broke down during the first month in New York. She witnessed how broken she was because of her breakup with Yoo Jimin, current CEO of YJ Airlines. She promised to train her and take care of her properly, but after seeing how bad the breakup affected her, Wendy promised to always be there for the younger girl too.










Minjeong slumped her body down on her bed, closing her eyes with her right arm covering them. Her breath was steady, her chest going up and down calmly, one may think that she was having a peaceful rest. Yet, her mind was in chaos. She was feeling numb, again.

She sighed as she removed her arm and opened her eyes, she turned her head to look at her phone beside her head. She grabbed it and opened her unread text on WhatsApp. She reread the text before putting her phone down again.

She got up and went to her balcony, looking up at the dark sky as her mind now filled with the thoughts of Jimin.

"Just why can't I forget you?" She whispered to herself.

She looked down on her chest and grabbed the necklace, it was a promise ring from Jimin when they were still together. One that she still keep with her even after they went separate ways. Minjeong won't wear the ring anymore as they have broken up already, but she can't find it in her heart to throw it away. After all, she still want to feel a part of Jimin. The ring keeps her going, so she settled with making it into a necklace instead.

"It's unfair. You were moving on while I'm still here, stuck with my feelings for you." Minjeong chuckled bitterly, feeling sad for herself.

Then she remembered about the text, Jimin and Ryujin. Her heart burned with anger as she remembered about the past, she took a deep breath before looking back up to the sky.

"Am I really the only one who's hurting?"

Minjeong scoffed before going back inside and grabbed her phone. She dialled the unsaved number with one thing in mind.


"Let's meet up."

Minjeong could hear the person laughed.

"Great. I'll be there."










"I'm home." Jimin announced her arrival and went straight to the dining room where her family members have already waited. She bowed before taking a seat beside her sister, Joohyun.

"Let's eat dinner now that Jimin is here." Her father said and everyone just nodded.

"How's the company, Jimin?"

"All good, dad."

"Great. Keep doing what you do, and remember? No mistakes are allowed."

"I don't make a mistake, dad. Mistake is never in my dictionary."

Mr Yoo laughed in disbelief but nodded his head, he knows that his youngest daughter was just the same as the oldest, they both were such a perfectionist when it comes to work.

"Yet, you keep making mistakes when it comes to dating." Joohyun mumbled and Jimin stopped eating. Her parents looked at them both nervously, they know this topic always creates issues between the two of them.

"My love life has nothing to do with you." Jimin said coldly.

"Sure, but I mind if it'll mess with our family's image. You better break up with Ryujin as soon as possible, you know well that the Kim was not fond of her family." Joohyun said.

"I know that Minjeong is out of the picture now, but I still respect the Kim family like my own. I hope you don't forget the bond our family have with them, Jimin." Joohyun added before she excused herself, not feeling hungry anymore.

Mr and Mrs Yoo can only sigh seeing how their daughters seemed to be not in good terms yet.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. Your sister is right. We don't mind who you're going out with, but not anyone from Shin. They did bad to Minjeong's family in the past and we don't want the Kim to think that we're abandoning them." Her father said.

"If you don't mind we ask, why did you break up with Minjeong?" Her mother asked this time.

"I think I left something at the office. Thanks for the dinner. I'll see you guys next time." Jimin said and got up to leave immediately, avoiding any more questions from her family.






Jimin parked her car at the company's basement. She just stopped there, and not going out yet. 

"Why did you break up with Minjeong?"

Jimin closed her eyes and leaned her head on her car's window.






Jimin's eyes widened seeing Minjeong entered the private karaoke room with a cold face. Her eyes stopped at Ryujin's hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Hey, Min- wait!"

Jimin looked at the girl before going after Minjeong.

"Minjeong!" Jimin grabbed Minjeong's arm and turned her around.

"Where are you going? Didn't you say that you want to do a karaoke?"

"Not anymore."

"Minjeong, please, not this again."

Minjeong laughed and bit her lip in disbelief.

"What do you mean, Jimin?"

"She works here, okay?"

"Is that why you chose this place?"

"What? No. I didn't even know she's an employee here." Jimin frowned.

"Then what is she doing there inside the room with you?"

"She was surprised to see me and we just talked. Nothing else."

Minjeong was about to argue when she saw Ryujin coming out of the room. She was not in the mood for a karaoke anymore, so she turned around to leave. Jimin followed her. When Minjeong walked the other way, Jimin pulled her back.

"My car's there."

"I don't want to go with you."

"Minjeong, please, don't be stubborn."

"I'm the stubborn one?"

"Minjeong, come on. I'm tired. Can we not argue tonight?"

Minjeong looked at Jimin's tired face. Yes, she knew. Jimin's tired, she had been busy. After taking the role of a CEO, she became busy most of the time. Minjeong does not mind, she understands. She's okay with that, but the only thing that she does not like is that Jimin never try to push away those people who obviously trying to hit on her.

"You know well of what I don't like, Jimin. I keep telling you this."

"I know, but what can I do?"

"You make them stay away from you."

"I am your girlfriend, Minjeong. I tell everyone about my relationship status whenever anyone approaches me. Is it not enough?"

"Maybe you should make it more clear to them that they should stop trying."

"Look. I never hide the fact that we're in a relationship and by that, they should know already."

"Yes, but that doesn't stop them from bothering you." Minjeong frowned.

"Just like that Ryujin!" Minjeong said again.

"Minjeong, she just wants to make friends. I had a few classes with her back then and you know this. We were just catching up. You always stop me from being friends with her, don't you trust me?"

"I trust you, but not her or any other girls."

"Well, you can't continue being like this, Minjeong." Jimin said seriously.

"I will, because I care."

Jimin sighed and rubbed her face.

"Minjeong, can we- can we just stop arguing about the same thing? I'm tired already." 

"You're saying you're tired of us?"

"No. It's not like that, but we argue about the same thing all over again. Don't you feel sick of it?"

Minjeong stared straight into Jimin's eyes and Jimin knew, she has said something wrong.



"But you have to decide, either you stop being too friendly with them or we break up."

Jimin was shocked to hear Minjeong suggesting a break up. No matter how big their fight might be, Minjeong would never want to break up with her. Hell, even people know just how deeply in love they were with each other.

"You can't control what I do and what will people do, Minjeong."

"I can't, but I know what I can tolerate and what I cannot."


"If you can't keep your distance from those girls especially Ryujin for me, then I don't think we will ever stop arguing about the same thing."

"Do you really want to break up with me?" Jimin asked.


"I think you really do."

"Jimin. You're the one who's tired. If I'm going to be the only one who keeps hurting and the only one who wants to fight for this relationship, then I don't see the point of staying in this together anymore."

Jimin sighed and massaged her temple.

"Let's just go home, Minjeong. We'll talk about this some other time."

"You're avoiding, again. Let's settle this once and for all, Jimin."

"Don't be stubborn, Minjeong. We'll go home now."

"You can't even answer my question. We may go home now and forget, but we will argue about this again, so why not just settle this now?"

"I don't want to talk about this right now, Minjeong. If you don't want to go home now, then I'll just leave."

Minjeong smiled sadly at Jimin's tired face.

"We go home separate ways tonight. You don't seem like you want to fix this with me. And I think, I get my answer already. We're really not meant to be, I guess." Minjeong then left, Jimin watched her get inside a cab.

Jimin was tired, upset and feeling down. She thought she just need to give Minjeong some space before talking to her again, she thought she just need to wait until Minjeong calms down. However, she never thought that was the last words she would hear from the girl and that was it, the break up. Minjeong thought Jimin didn't want to do this anymore and Jimin let her think that way without giving her reassurance and trying to understand her point of view. So, Jimin lost her. 










Breaking News!

Kim Minjeong, the Kim's heiress's arrival in Seoul shocks the whole country. We didn't expect her to be back this soon! Especially with Huh Yunjin, the top model of Le Sserafim Entertainment. The two were seen coming out together and entered the same car. Just what is the relationship between these two? Stay tuned to the next news!


Under the articles, a few photos of Minjeong and Yunjin at the airport were shown. A picture of Yunjin grabbed Minjeong's luggage and gave it to her manager to take care of it instead. Another picture of Yunjin reached out her arm towards Minjeong. Another picture of Yunjin's arm around Minjeong's shoulder, protecting her. The last picture was what making everyone go crazy, Yunjin was leaning in towards Minjeong as Minjeong looked like saying something to her and they looked close like that.










Jimin frowned as she read every article about Minjeong and Yunjin. She gritted her teeth when she read all the comments as well, how people thought that they look cute together. She glared at every picture of them two and feels the jealousy creeping into her heart.

"Are you not going to eat?"

JImin looked up from her phone and find her friends were looking at her. Ning was still munching on her food while Aeri looked at her with a judging face.

"I don't have an appetite anymore." Jimin mumbled and pushed the plate towards Ning, nodding her head when Ning looked at her.

Ning whispered a small "yay" before she grabbed Jimin's plate while Aeri just sighed.

"Is this about Minjeong?" Aeri asked.

"Well, you should feel glad that she's back. I thought you were waiting for her, but I'm disappointed to find out that you went out with Ryujin." Aeri said.

"We just met coincidentally and chatted like how old friends would." Jimin explained.

"And since when you guys were friends?" Aeri raised her eyebrows.

"Well, we're not- we just..." Jimin frowned and groaned.

"I see her as just a friend, okay? She was my classmate." Jimin said.

"That girl has a huge crush on you before. She stalked you last time, and she hates your ex girlfriend, our Minjeong. What else, honey?" Aeri turned to Ning.

"Oh. She's our Minjeong's family's enemy's daughter." Ning said.

"Right. Also, she was not a responsible person. Remember how she always works at the club or karaoke, just so she could mess with many girls? Yeah, that." Aeri said again.

"We can't just judge a person by what we can see. We never know what's behind it all. Ryujin is a nice person, okay." Jimin said.

"And that... My buddy-" Aeri pointed her chopstick at Jimin while clicking her tongue.

"Nevermind. You're really stupid." Aeri sighed heavily.

"Oh. Oh oh! Oh my god!" Ning suddenly squealed and slapped Aeri's shoulder.

"What?" Aeri asked.

"Minjeongie just texted. She asked if we're going to be at the party." Ning told her.

"Which party?"

"The Choi's. Oh! She's going to be there!" Ning exclaimed.

"Really? That's great. Tell her that we're going to be there as well." Aeri smiled.

Then, Aeri looked at Jimin who looked down at her phone sadly. Aeri knew that Jimin was waiting for Minjeong's text. After all, Minjeong left with nothing but a farewell letter to Jimin last time. Saying that she needs to be away from Jimin after the breakup, but she'll be back as her best friend once she's ready. Minjeong knows that she can never really stay away from Jimin forever since they were best friends before they were lovers. 

Aeri thought that they will be the endgame. She has never witnessed a strong love the pairs have for each other, even their family truly believe that they will end up together until the end. So, it was really a shocking and sad news when they broke up.










Yoo Jimin was restless. She cannot wait for Minjeong's arrival. She missed the younger girl. 2 years without seeing her and without communication was a torture for her. She wanted to just go to her and pull her into her arms, but she knows she can't. She hurt her so much and she felt guilty. The least she could do was to give her the spaces she needed. So, Jimin decided to just wait for Minjeong to come back on her own and to wait until she's ready for them to meet again. Besides, Minjeong promised that she'll be back, and Jimin have been holding on to the last promise Minjeong made for her.

"It's weird not seeing you entertaining your fangirls."

Jimin looked at Aeri who was sipping on a glass of champagne while her eyes fixed on Ning who were not far from them, just talking to some friends.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now." Jimin sighed, then her eyes found Ryujin who obviously kept glancing at her and throwing her smiles which Jimin only nodded her head in return.

"Why aren't you with your girlfriend?" Aeri asked.


"Ryujin. Duh."

"We're not together. I told you that we just talked and nothing else." Jimin rolled her eyes.

"I see." Aeri shrugged.

"Hey babe." Just then, Ning finally joined them.

"Enjoying the party so far?" Aeri asked.

"Yes! Guess what? Turned out Soobin told his family to make sure to invite the Kim especially Minjeong. It's because he wanted to meet her and get to know her." Ning said and that makes Jimin paid attention right away.

"Choi Soobin is eyeing our Minjeong?"


Jimin frowned as she listened to Aeri's and Ning's conversation.

"Well, he will have to make sure that Minjeong isn't dating Yun- oh." Aeri paused and her eyes widened. 

Jimin and Ning turned to look at the entrance door and there stood Minjeong, looking absolutely beautiful with her long brown hair. She was wearing an elegant white dress which compliments her fair skin and boy, she's glowing. Jimin's heart was racing and a familiar beat of love song could be heard in her mind as her eyes keeps watching Minjeong's every move.

Jimin sighed and smiled seeing Minjeong's calm face as she greeted those who have approached her to welcome her back.

"Oh my god, Minjeong ah!"


Jimin watched as her sister hugged Minjeong tight. Minjeong was smiling widely at her sister, and Jimin can only wish that Minjeong will treat her just like that when they finally meet later. 

"Why didn't you come over? We all missed you." Joohyun said, hugging Minjeong again which makes Minjeong to giggle. Jimin smiled softly seeing Minjeong's happy face.

"Ah. I'm not sure if I can..." Minjeong said.

"Nonsense. You can come over anytime you want and we will always welcome you with open arms."

"Thank you, unnie."

Minjeong then looked at Jimin and froze for a second before she smiled again as she looked away from Jimin, waving her hand at Aeri and Ning.

"Oh. You must have missed your friends. Alright, I'll leave you to them. I'll talk to you again later, okay?" Joohyun said and squeezed Minjeong's arm.

"Okay, unnie. And, Wendy unnie is on her way."

"A-Ah. Right, thank you."

Minjeong chuckled seeing Joohyun's blushing face before she excused herself to greet Aeri and Ning.

"Hi, girls." Minjeong was still smiling, but her eyes were more focused on both Aeri and Ning instead of Jimin.

"Kim Minjeong." Ning squinted her eyes at her while Aeri looked serious.

"Can I please get a hug from my friends?" Minjeong asked cutely and pouted.

Ning then giggled and jumped into her arms while Aeri just watched them fondly.

"You meanie. Never leave us so sudden like that again." Ning scolded her after pulling away.

"I'm sorry." Minjeong said then looked at Aeri.

"Welcome back, girl." Aeri said softly before hugging her.


Then, Minjeong looked at Jimin. Jimin cleared before stepping closer.

"Hi." Jimin's voice cracked a little when she greeted Minjeong, causing Ning and Aeri to scoff silently. They were watching Jimin with interest as the girl looked nervous now in front of Minjeong.

"Hi, Jimin."

Jimin's heart clenched once she heard Minjeong's soft voice calling her name after a long time. She smiled warmly at her and reached out her hand.

"Can I give you a hug as well?" Jimin asked, and Minjeong nodded her head slowly as she put her hand on Jimin's hand.

Jimin pulled her into her arms and hugged her tight. She closed her eyes, feeling overwhelmed to have Minjeong back in her arms again. Minjeong makes her feel warm and at ease.

"Thank you for coming back." Jimin whispered.

"I promise you, that you won't ever lose your best friend." Minjeong said, hugging her back.

Best friend...

Jimin wanted to ask her more questions, but she stopped herself. She knows she cannot rush and have to be careful. For now, she's just glad that Minjeong does not hate her and she still able to hold her.

"Hey, am I late?"

Minjeong then broke away from the hug and grinned seeing Yunjin. She moved closer to her instead and clung onto her arm.

"No, you're not. Meet my friends, Yunjin. They are Aeri, Ning and Jimin. And guys, this is-"

"Huh Yunjin. Wow, we're surprised that you both know each other." Ning said in curiosity.

"Well, yeah. Minjeong is a little um- hard to approach at first. She just won't give me a chance." Yunjin said, rolling her eyes before laughing when Minjeong pinched her arm.

"But yes, she finally realised that it's her loss if she pushes me away." Yunjin added.

"You're annoying." Minjeong sighed.

Jimin frowned seeing their interaction, her eyes were glaring at Minjeong's hand that was on Yunjin's arm. Yunjin noticed that, but she pretended to not know anything. While Minjeong was talking to Ning and Aeri, Yunjin also noticed Ryujin who kept looking at Jimin. She snorted as she could see Jimin was not aware of anyone else's presence at the moment as her eyes only on Minjeong.

"This might be much easier than I thought." Yunjin mumbled.

"Sorry?" Minjeong looked at her.

"Ah, nothing." Yunjin smiled at her and fixed her hair.

Jimin finally looked away, she can't stand it. She wanted to be the one that Minjeong will be clinging on to, to be the one that stands beside Minjeong.

"Kim Minjeong. Thanks for coming." Choi Soobin finally made his appearance and he went straight to Minjeong to offer a handshake.

"Hello. Thanks for inviting me and my family." Minjeong accepted his handshake.

"How do you enjoy the party so far? And ah, Yunjin. Your new friend, right?" Soobin asked. This time, Jimin looked back at Minjeong. It was not just Soobin who got curious of their relationship.

"Why are you asking? Are you interested in her?" Yunjin asked.

"And if I am?" Soobin asked back.

Jimin can only stare helplessly. She wished she could have just pulled Minjeong away from those two and declared that she's hers.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back." Jimin mumbled before bowing her head a little and walked away without looking at anyone. She went outside to the garden and let out a heavy sigh. 

She rubbed her face and closed her eyes. She feels like crying, she never felt this helpless before. She does not know what else to do. She hates herself right now for not knowing what to do.


Jimin kept her eyes closed and leaned her back against the wall.

"Could you please... Leave me alone, Ryujin?"

"But are you okay?"

"I just need to be alone, Ryujin. Please."

"Hey, you know I'm here-"

"She said she wants to be alone."

Jimin's eyes snapped open as she heard Minjeong's cold voice. Ryujin was standing in front of Minjeonh and the both of them were glaring at each other. Jimin gulped, Minjeong really looks angry at the moment and she does not want her to be the reason for her anger.

"I just want to comfort her." Ryujin said, hissing slightly. Jimin frowned before stepping closer to hold Minjeong's hand.

"I'll be fine, Ryujin. Thank you." Jimin said politely.

"And I want to talk to Minjeong alone." Jimin added.

"Okay." Ryujin's face was red in embarrassment as she left them there.

"Why are you here outside? Isn't it cold?" Jimin asked in concerned when she noticed how cold it was outside. She pulled Minjeong closer to wrap her arm around her.

"Well, why are you outside then?" Minjeong asked back.

"Ah." Jimin bit her bottom lip when Minjeong looked at her.

"Just need the- fresh air." Jimin said softly.

"We shall get inside now. I don't want you to fall sick." Jimin said and was about to pull Minjeong inside with her, but Minjeong stopped her.

"Jimin ah."

Jimin immediately turned to look at her.

"I... I wanted to ask you a question."

Jimin took a deep breath before nodding her head.

"What is it?" She asked in a small whisper.

"Did... Did our breakup does not affect you? Like as much as it affected me?"


"Am I... The only one who's hurting?"

Jimin's eyes got teary as soon as she heard Minjeong's vulnerable tiny voice asking her that question.


"Answer me." Minjeong said firmly, looking down on her feet as she waited for Jimin's answer.

"I- I can't move on. That question have been haunting me and I just- I just need to hear your answer, that's all. Please, Jimin. I want to move on too."

"Yes." Jimin whispered.

"Yes, It affected me. I don't know how much it affected you, but it affected me as well." Jimin said.

Jimin sighed and grabbed Minjeong's hands to hold her.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're hurting, but I hope you're not hurting so bad like I do. Because then, I will always blame myself for the hurt that you feel. Because- I- I can't forget about you at all. Everything reminds me of you. My heart breaks all over again whenever I hear your name. My heart clenches painfully every time I remember that I made you leave. I cried for you when I missed you too much. I couldn't get you out of my head." Jimin told her.

Minjeong looked up at her with tears rolling down on her cheeks and Jimin wiped it off.

"I want you to move on too if it'll make you stop hurting, Minjeong ah. However, I don't think I can ever move on from you."


"Because I've given all of my heart to you and I can't love anyone else, but you."

"Then why did you keep hurting me?"

"Well, I think Aeri's right. I was stupid. I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. I'll do anything. If you don't want to see me again, I'll- I'll stay away. I just don't want to hurt you again."

"You're- Why?"

"I still love you, Minjeong. This time, I'll make sure to put your happiness first. So, if me being here will only hurt you, I will keep my distance."

"So, you can keep your distance with me, but not with the others especially Ryujin?"


"You're unbelievable."

"Wait. No-"

Minjeong pushed her before stomping away, but Jimin quickly pulled her back.

"Let go of me!" Minjeong finally cried, and Jimin hate herself for making her cry again.

"I'm sorry. Please, don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you cry." Jimin said and hugged her desperately.

"Go away, Jimin!"

"I don't want to. Take me back. Please."

Minjeong suddenly stopped fighting back and finally let Jimin tightened her hug.

"I'm begging you, baby. Take me back. I promise I'll be better." Jimin sobbed.

"I will keep my distance with everyone else. I will make sure you won't see any girls coming closer to me especially- Yeah, that girl." Jimin avoided saying Ryujin's name as she does not want to make a mistake in making Minjeong angry again.

"I love you. I love you so much. Please, stay this time. I don't want to go through another year without you." Jimin said again.

"Be mine again, baby. That if... If you still love me." Jimin's lips trembled, scared if Minjeong's not in love with her anymore.

"I know I may be not as nice as Yunjin-"


Minjeong pushed her a little to look at her face, and there she saw insecurity in Jimin's eyes. What Aeri told me was right then.


"Jimin isn't the same woman we've known. She has changed when you left. She feels useless, and her confident aura is gone. Everytime Ning and I told her to try and go talk to you, she always hesitated. It's as if, the Jimin who was always confident is  really gone."


"Tell me what to do, baby." Jimin just let her tears fall as she waited for Minjeong's reply.

"Did you think I was with Yunjin?" Minjeong asked and Jimin looked at her with her sad face.

"Aren't you?" Jimin asked in a soft whisper.

"No, we- she just asked for my help for a revenge."


"Ryujin stole her girlfriend from her before this and she asked me to come back here to um- get your attention back and make you turn away from her." Minjeong explained and blushed a little.

"I wasn't sure if you're going to look at me the same way anymore though, but... yeah. A part of me wanted to do something too, because it's Ryujin." Minjeong said again.

Jimin blinked her eyes and were surprised to know that's the reason why Minjeong became friends with Yunjin, the reason why Yunjin approached her too.

"You mean... Yunjin asked you to-"

"To steal your attention from Ryujin. Yeah." Minjeong admitted the truth.

"But, Ryujin never got my attention." Jimin said, frowning at Minjeong.


Jimin sighed and stepped closer after wiping off her remaining tears. She cupped Minjeong's face with her trembling hands and rub her thumbs gently on the wetness on her face because of her tears earlier.

"There's only you in my eyes, Minjeong ah." Jimin told her softly.

"Maybe that's why I was too blind to see that those girls have bad attention to get closer to me. It's because all I can see and care about is only you." Jimin said again.

"I know I'm bad at showing you my love and affection, and I feel bad for making you feel that you're not enough for me, when actually you are all that I have ever wanted for me." Jimin continued when Minjeong was not saying anything.

"I... I will be better this time. Give me one last chance, and I will love you right. Just please, love me again, baby. I will make sure that I won't mess up again and-" Jimin got cut off when Minjeong suddenly pecked her lips.

"I don't remember you being so talkative like this." Minjeong said, smiling at the confused Jimin.

Jimin was a calm person and would only talk a lot when it's necessary. Usually, it's Minjeong who would talk a lot while Jimin would just listen to her. So, she can't help but to find Jimin being adorable right now trying to prove herself to her. Besides, it's all in her plan already to get Jimin back. She knows she can never move on so, she came back to claim what has been hers since the beginning. She just wants to make sure that Jimin wants the same thing first.


Minjeong nodded her head at Jimin and circled her arms around Jimin's neck while Jimin automatically wrapped her arms around Minjeong's waist, pulling her closer.

"I still love you too, Jimin ah. And if you didn't know, then I'm telling you now, that I am still yours." Minjeong said before she grabbed Jimin's hand and makes her hold her hand.

"And I still keep your promises, Jimin. All those promises you have said when you gave me this ring." Minjeong said, and only then, Jimin looked down at the ring that's on Minjeong's ring finger. 

"You still keep it with you?" Jimin asked and looked at her again. Minjeong smiled lovingly at her. Jimin's heart clenched again and oh, she knows, she damn well knows, there will be no one like Minjeong. She needs to have her back again, and this time she needs to make her stay.

"Take me back, baby. I'll be good to you." Jimin said before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Please?" Jimin whispered.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I am still yours, stupid."

Jimin chuckled hearing Minjeong's annoyed tone. She kissed Minjeong's shoulder few times before pulling away and smiled back at her.

"I hope you know that I am only yours, always." Jimin said.

"Only mine." Minjeong smiled.

"Yes, baby. Just yours, forever yours." Jimin said firmly and kissed her forehead gently. Minjeong giggled and pulled Jimin to hug her again. She missed Jimin so much and she needs to feel her close. Jimin returned back the hug happily, caressing Minjeong's back as she hummed in content hearing Minjeong's breathing and feeling Minjeong's heartbeat.

"Don't leave me again, baby. I don't think I can do it again."

"I won't." Minjeong whispered, tightened her hug on Jimin's waist. She closed her eyes, feeling so peaceful now that she got Jimin back. Her only Jimin. She will fight against everyone with head held up this time. She won't run away or leave like before. After all, she's back stronger than before.

"I love you, baby. I love you." Minjeong smiled hearing Jimin's sweet voice saying the words to her.

"I love you too. Always."

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0 points #1
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1234 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
729 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #5
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #9
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.
284 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶