Savage - Part 7

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"You have to tell us everything. We can help you. All we need you to do is to be honest."

Winter's eyes were empty and cold. She was not in her stable mind. She was not paying attention. She clenched her jaws as she was still trying to process what she had done. 

Tap Tap

Winter's eyes looked up, straight into the officer's eyes who have tried to get her to talk an hour ago.

"Winter Kim. I am here to help you. In order for me to be able to help you, you have to answer me."

Winter glanced at his tag. Officer Kim Suho.

"You can't keep quiet forever." He said, slightly in a pleading way.

Suho brought her files earlier and was confused when he can find nothing on her. No past crimes or any bad records. Winter's background is clean just like a blank paper. He also found out about what happened to all of her family members, and Winter was now all alone.

Upon finding out about Winter's information, Suho was feeling bad for her. He has a soft spot for her too as she reminds him of his younger sister who was at the same age as her. So, he asked to switch with Kai to interrogate her as he could be more gentle than Kai.

"I believe there's still kindness in you and this is not what you want. Just tell me, is it all because you were controlled by Karina Yoo? And did she threaten you to do all of this?" Suho asked again.

Winter tilted her head and rolled her eyes lazily before closing her eyes as she leaned her back against the chair she was sitting in. She's still angry about the situation she was in at the moment. She wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Karina told her to be patient.



10 hours ago...


Karina cupped Winter's neck and pulled her before tilting her head to make she looked up at her. Karina smiled seeing Winter let her do whatever she likes.

"Winter Winter. My dear Winter." Karina whispered, sliding her hand to the back of Winter's neck before she moved her hand upward and buried her fingers into Winter's hair at the back. Winter closed her eyes when Karina massaged her backhead gently.

"Does it feel good, baby?" Karina asked when Winter hummed.

"Open your eyes and look at me." Karina commanded and Winter opened her eyes immediately, staring back into Karina's deep and intense eyes.

"I have one thing that I need you to do for me."

Karina then raised up her other hand to put it on Winter's cheek.

"Do you trust me?" Karina asked.

"I do." Karina grinned and cupped Winter's jaw this time.

"Then, would you do as I say?"


Karina chuckled, satisfied with her answer. She bends down to match her eyes level with Winter and winked at her. Winter gulped and tried to look unfazed.

"You will turn yourself in for me. Okay?"

Winter frowned, but Karina did not let her get upset about her request and quickly pulled her into a hot kiss.

"You will do as I say, baby. I don't want to hear you say no." Karina said between their kisses.

"Your answer?" Karina asked.

"Yes." Winter whispered before crushing her lips on Karina's as she kissed her hard. Karina let her be, she does not let Winter have it her way often, but at times like this, she knew. Winter need it badly, as a reassurance, so she will give her that.






That's right. It was the only reason why Winter suddenly appeared in front of the police station. She has no one to blame her action for. She was too deep into Karina that she just followed whatever she asked her to do, but she trust her. She knows Karina won't abandon her. She promised. Winter is going to hold onto Karina's many promises.

If Karina breaks her promises? Simple. Winter will find her until the end of the world. She won't let Karina escape from her. She can be her puppy for all she wants for as long as Karina promises to stay with her. However, if Karina dares to leave her, she won't hesitate to be her nightmares. She's crazy? She knows. Karina makes her obsessed.

While on the other hand, Karina was busy preparing everything that she has planned for all this time. She smiled to herself seeing the plan works well, thanks to her puppy who has been such a great help.

She sits on her swivel chair and looked at all the screens in front of her, showing the view of inside and outside of her home and Winter's home, as well as the view inside and outside of the police station.

Then, she checked the email she just sent to someone. She nodded once the person replied back, informing her that they have received her orders.

"Just a little more." Karina whispered, then her eyes turned to look at an old frame just at the end of her desk. It was a photo of her young self with her parents.




"B-But- dad-"



"You won't stop until I say so. Do you hear me, Karina?"


"Now, go. 10 more laps."

Karina had to hold her tears and ignored all the pains and sores she was feeling all over her body to keep swimming as what her father wanted her to do. She wanted to stop and rest, but her father won't like it. Her mother was just there, watching without interest.

"This will teach you a lesson, Karina. You will do what your mother and I want you to do. Only then, you will live a good life. Okay?" Her father gripped her both upper arms tightly, ignoring the fact that her body was trembling from the cold and soreness.

"Answer me." Her father growled.



Just like that, her father left with her mother. They told her to take care of herself and behave while they were gone again for the business. Every time they wanted to leave or go overseas, Karina would be punished in different ways. Her parents told her that it was necessary so she would not dare to do anything that they don't like while they were away.

Her father warned her that if she does something that might anger them, she will have to face the worse. So for all those years, Karina listened and tried to be obedient as best as she can.

"No one will help you, but us. You have no one, but your parents. You don't drag anyone into this, Karina. Or, we will hurt your only friend. You don't want anything to happen to Aeri, right?"

Karina's lips trembled. Aeri was a brave kid and she was the only one who insisted in befriending her when she kept pushing everyone away. Aeri even told her parents about some bruises on Karina's body that her parents went to check on Karina and told Karina's parents about it.

Of course, they believed Karina's parents' story that it was their helper who hurt Karina when they had been away often. So, Aeri's parents proposed to let Karina live with them and sleepover anytime she wants. Karina's parents agreed and fired their helper to make the story more believable.

"This will be the last warning, Karina. Behave."

"Yes, father."



Karina clenched her fists. 2 years after her last punishment. Yet, she still holds so much anger in her for what her parents had done to her. There was no love, no affection and no care at all. She was raised with all sorts of pain instead of being pampered with love. She could have rebelled against her parents now that she's much more older and capable of it, but she can't risk her best friend's safety.

Karina won't let anything happen to her best friend. Aeri had done so much in protecting her and giving her all the comforts that she needs. Aeri is a sweetheart and Karina is doing everything to protect her too.

While there's Winter, Winter who has no one, but her. Karina remembered the first time she discovered about who Winter really is.




"This is what you get when you make Karina Yoo upset."

Karina was surprised to catch Winter beating and torturing a guy who tried to harass Karina outside the toilet at their university earlier as he forced Karina to be with him and accept his touches. He even insulted Karina at the hallways.

She knew Winter. She saw her few times at uni, but she did not expect her to be like this. Winter was known as a quiet girl who was always alone and is cold towards anyone, she just does not seem to be interested in making friends. 

"It's too late to apologise now, boy."

When Winter's done with the guy, Karina finally let out a slow chuckle while coming out of her hiding place and looked at Winter, who froze on her spot.

"Winter Kim?"


"So, you hurt him because he hurt me."

"I can explain." Winter quickly said.

Karina smiled and stepped forward, walking lazily before she stopped in front of Winter. She glanced behind Winter and raised her eyebrows seeing the unconscious guy who was looking awful because of Winter's doing.

"P-Please. I just-"

"Shh." Karina put her forefinger on Winter's lips, trapping Winter's bottom lip in between her curled forefinger and her thumb as she proceeds to caress her bottom lip gently using her thumb.

"Tell me just one good reason of why I shouldn't report you?" Karina asked.

"I-I'll do anything!"

"Hm. Anything?"


"Anything huh."

Since then, Karina made a deal with Winter. She will keep Winter's secret safe for as long as Winter will always tell Karina everything she had done and everything that she will do in the future, such as who will she hurt secretly for Karina and Winter will do anything Karina asks her to.



Karina is grateful for Winter's presence in her life. She sees hope when she caught Winter during that time. A hope that maybe she will be able to escape from her parents. She was delighted to find out that Winter has no one to protect if things are going to be bad. Winter does not have to care about anyone's safety while doing what Karina will ask her to do.

Karina was so sure that her parents won't be able to get their hands on Winter too. Winter is good at taking care of herself, and she will survive in this harsh life. Moreover, Winter has Karina now. Karina will always be just right behind her.

At first, Karina only wanted to use Winter for her own benefits. Besides, Winter is actually so whipped for her. So, Winter makes things easier for her and she does not even have to do anything.

However, She unexpectedly falls in love with Winter.



Winter was furious because Karina let Taeyong hurt her. She almost killed Taeyong for slapping Karina on the cheek when Karina humiliated him by rejecting him in front of his public proposal.

"I told you to never let them touch you!" Winter growled.

Karina looked at her, amused. She was holding a pack of ice on her cheek when Winter slammed open her bedroom's door to check on her. Karina saw Winter's knuckles were red and bleeding.

"Did you commit a murder, Winter?"

Winter hissed and clenched her fist.

"You did not. Right? I told you, you can hurt them and do anything. But no killing, Winter. We can't get into that kind of trouble. We can't afford to face such risk we're going to go through if that were to happen."

"I did not. Though, I wish he were dead." Winter said.

"Good. Now, heal me."

Winter took a deep breathe before finally approaching her on the bed. She frowned seeing Karina's cheek a little swollen and the redness was still there. Winter gently took the ice from Karina's hand and do it instead, letting Karina rest. She used her other hand to caress Karina's cheek.

Karina closed her eyes and hummed in satisfaction, loving Winter's warm and tender touch. Her eyes suddenly felt hot and she blinked her eyes to stop the tears. She has never received such loving gestures from anyone else except from Aeri and her family. Now, Winter kept giving her all that sweetness that she had been deprived of.



Karina pulled her onto her lap and wrapped her arms around her waist. Winter stared into Karina's eyes while still holding the ice pack and pressed it softly on Karina's cheek.

"Oh, dear Winter. I need you to be mine, Winter."

Winter stiffened, did not expect that coming out of Karina's mouth. Her heart was racing and Karina's face turned serious when Winter was not saying anything.

"Agree. Or I will have to hurt you." Karina whispered lowly.

"I've always been yours since the beginning, Karina." Winter replied.

"Are you now?"


Karina smirked and gripped her chin tightly.

"Good, because I don't plan on letting you go. Ever."



Karina smiled, remembering everything about Winter. She raised her hand and looked at the time on her watches.

"Hang in there, puppy. I'll get you as soon as possible."

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0 points #1
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
729 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #5
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #9
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.
284 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶