
Winrina = Jiminjeong

"Hey, new girl."

Minjeong bowed her head in fear as she hugged her book closely to her chest when one of the popular senior in the new all girls high school she just transferred to, called for her. It has been like that since the first week, she always find herself trapped under the same situation. Yoo Jimin, the leader of her gang. All of them are from the dance club. Students were crazy about them. Minjeong learned from one of her classmates, that they are kind of rebels but not to the extent that it'll become extreme that can tarnish their name. They just preferred to be mean instead of being kind, love to scare people instead of making people want to approach them.

"Come here." Minjeong knows well not to go against her words. Chaewon warned her about it before.

"Let's see." Jimin grabbed her chin and moved her face to look to the left and right while her friends behind her just giggled at what she was doing to Minjeong.

"Something is missing." Jimin said before raising her other free palm and Aeri, her best friend handed her a black inked pen.

"Stay still." Jimin mumbled and draw a small star just right below Minjeong's left eye.

"Ha. Much better." Jimin grinned.

"You can go now, new girl." Jimin made a shoo gesture using her hand and Minjeong bowed before quickly walking away.

"She's so fun to tease, right?" Jimin asked and her friends laughed.






"Did Jimin do this to you?"


Chaewon shook her head and took out a wet tissue for Minjeong to use to wipe it off. Minjeong thanked her and quietly cleaned up her face.

"Though, it's the first time she draw something tiny and pretty instead. Usually, she draws something more embarassing with a marker pen." Chaewon said.



"No one has ever reported her?"

"Teachers know about her doing but they cannot do anything anyway. She's the daughter of the investor in this school and she never really hurt anyone. Her bullying act are just childish stuff."

"Hm. You're right. She never really hurt me."

Chaewon smiled and leaned closer to stare at Minjeong while smiling gleefully.


"Another new thing is, she usually called her previous victims with names like ugly, nerd and so on. But hmm, she called you new girl. Interesting."

"I have a name, Chaewon. What's interesting with being called new girl?"

"I don't know. We'll see." Chaewon laughed while Minjeong only shrugged at her only friend's behavior.






Minjeong was just done packing her bag and was leaving the library when someone suddenly stopped in front of her. The girl smiled at her and offered a handshake.

"Hi! You see, my friends and I have a favor to ask. Would you please help us?"

"Umm, what kind of help?"

"Come and follow me. Let's go." The girl just clings onto Minjeong's arm and skipped happily while dragging her. Minjeong had no choice but to just follow.

"Uh, why are we here?" Minjeong asked when the girl brought her outside to the back of the school.

There were four more girls waiting and they all looked like mean girls, Minjeong had a bad feeling about them.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Shh!" The girl suddenly pushed her hard until she falls on her knees. The others laughed when she hissed in pain, she looked at her scratched knees and bit her bottom lip seeing how it bleeds.

"Minjeong. I haven't introduced myself so please, allow me. I am Yoo Jimin's future girlfriend. So take this as a heads up, that you will have to deal with me too." The girl who Minjeong assumed to be the leader of the group said.

"Girls, give her our assignment paper."

"Oh yes!"

Then they all throw the papers right on her face causing her to close her eyes and flinched as she felt that she got paper cuts on her cheek.

"Do this for us and make sure you finish everything by next week."

"Yah!" The girl who brought her there suddenly kicked her ankle.

"Ack!" Minjeong backed away to the wall and bowed her head.

"Do you hear what she just said?" She asked angrily.

"Y-Yeah." Minjeong nodded.

"Now, let's spread the news." The leader said and chuckled before they all left Minjeong there.

Minjeong sighed. Her knees hurt and she tried to move but it stings.

"Why, why does it so hard to live peacefully?" She closed her eyes and decided to rest for a while.






While on the other hand, Jimin and the girls were eating their lunch happily at the cafeteria. They were laughing at some jokes that Ryujin made and Yeji told her to stop throwing her not so funny jokes which causes their bickering to start. Jimin laughed seeing Ning said she is the only mature one in the group and Ryujin, Yeji and Aeri immediately scoffed at her.

Aeri then checked her phone when she heard a notifcation.

"Oh, a student saw someone just got bullied. It's by your loyal admirer." Aeri said and looked at Jimin.

"Ah, the Jimin wannabe." Ryujin said.

"She's desperate to get Jimin's attention. That's why." Ning commented.

"I don't care about her." Jimin shrugged.

"Wait." Aeri squinted as she zoomed in at the blurred photo that was taken secretly.

"Minjeong? She bullied Minjeong?"

Upon hearing that, Jimin immediately raised her head and snatched Aeri's phone to look at the photo. She frowned and trying to figure out where was the photo got taken. Once it clicked in her mind, she gave Aeri back her phone and went to the area. Her friends followed her right away.






Minjeong flinched when she heard a door being slammed open. She looked up, afraid if the bullies come back to hurt her more but her eyes widened when she saw Jimin with her friends. Jimin stopped right in front of her and Minjeong saw her friends looked at her in worries while Jimin kept her poker face.

"What did they do to you?" Jimin asked.

"A-Ah. They..." Minjeong looked at the papers scattering beside her.

Aeri then went to squat down to grab the paper and looked back at the rest.

"Did they really ask her to do their assignment? What are they? Some lazy bullies?" Aeri scoffed.

Jimin glanced at the papers then stepped forward to pull Minjeong up to look closely on her face as she noticed some cuts but Minjeong immediately winced in pain and that's when Jimin finally noticed her bleeding knees.

"What the-"

All of Jimin's friends looked at Minjeong's knees as well and their eyes widened, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Uh oh." Ryujin whispered.

"They..." Jimin paused to stare into Minjeong's vulnerable eyes.

"They hurt you?" She asked in a whisper. Minjeong could only nod.

"Can you guys find out where they could be right now?" Jimin asked her friends.

"Hold on." Ning quickly typed something on her phone. She's known as social butterfly anyways, it's easy for her to just ask anyone if she needs to find someone.

"Aeri, bring the papers please." Jimin then turned around to go to the girls who just bullied Minjeong when Ning found out they were hanging out in one of the empty classroom. 

Yeji and Ryujin decided to stay with Minjeong instead and waited until Jimin comes back.

"Aren't you the lucky one? New girl?" Yeji asked and smiled at her.

"Lucky for getting bullied?" Minjeong asked, frowning. Yeji and Ryujin laughed at her innocence.

The thing about them is, Minjeong found them intimidating but still feel safe with them. Yeji and Ryujin always gives her a smile whenever Jimin called her to come to them. They never really hurt her too, even Jimin never has.

"No. Lucky for getting our Jimin's attention." Ryujin answered.

"I thought she bothers many others before me too."

"She did, but did you know she never bother them more than once?"


"Well, I guess maybe that's why the girls bullied you."






"I bet Jimin would be proud of you and realise that you both really match!"

"I hope so!'

Jimin entered the classroom with a straight face and the girls gasped seeing her.

"O-Oh, Jimin. Hello." The leader bowed and blushed when Jimin stares at her.

Jimin grabbed a chair and sit on it before grabbing another chair beside her to put it in front for her to rest her feet. She tapped her forefinger on the desk and glanced at Aeri who got the hint right away. Aeri throws the papers back at them and crossed her arms.

"First, you hurt someone physically." Jimin spoke.

"Second, you even dared to ask someone else to do your assignment."

"Third, we don't tolerate this kind of harmful bully."

Jimin then kicked the chair before standing up.

"I would love to get my hands on all of you, but I'm better than that." Jimin said.

Then, Ning came with a professor while explaining the whole situation.

"All of you will take the responsibility for your action." Aeri said.

"Wait- No-"

Jimin ignored their plead and asked Aeri and Ning to continue filling in the information to the professor. She rushed back to Minjeong and thanked her friends for accompanying Minjeong.

"Did you report them already?" Yeji asked.

"Yeah, Ning is doing that right now." Jimin said.


Ryujin was about to ask what they are going to do when Jimin said nothing and swiftly carried Minjeong up in a bridal style.

"U-Uh, what are you-"

"Girls, let's go and bring Minjeong's bag."

Yeji and Ryujin looked at each other as they shrugged and just followed Jimin's request. Jimin brought Minjeong to their class and put her down on her seat, Jimin then took out a small box of aidkit that she always brings with her.

"We can bring her to the infirmary you know." Ryujin said.

"I can treat her myself." Jimin mumbled before kneeling down and started to treat Minjeong's knees.

"She's possessive. No one touches Minjeong but her." Yeji whispered to Ryujin and Ryujin only giggled.

"Can you two go and buy a bottle of water and-" Jimin looked at Minjeong who have been quiet the whole time.

"Have you eaten yet?" Jimin asked and Minjeong shook her head.

"Buy her some snacks too." Jimin told her friends.

"Alright. Be right back."

When Yeji and Ryujin left, Jimin was almost done and finally put on a plaster on Minjeong's knees. Jimin then gets up to sit on a chair that she dragged near Minjeong. She cupped Minjeong's chin and frowned a little seeing the paper cuts on her smooth cheek.

"Stay still." Jimin told her and treat her cheeks as well.

Jimin tapped on the cuts gently using the ointment while Minjeong only kept quiet, making sure to look away from Jimin's intense eyes.

"You don't have to worry about them. I'll make sure they'll stay away from you and won't dare to hurt you again." Jimin suddenly said.

"There, done." Jimin said, leaning back to look at Minjeong's face properly. 

"T-Thank you." Minjeong whispered and bowed her head.

"Did you make friends already?" Jimin asked.

"Um, yeah. Chaewon."

"Just Chaewon?"

"I don't... I don't talk to many people." Minjeong replied, scratching her non itchy head.

"Hm. Okay. Chaewon is a good person. You don't have to make many friends anyway."

Jimin then packed back the aidkit and crossed her arms, looking at Minjeong who were fidgeting with her fingers beside her. 

"You're scared of me." Jimin said.


"Have I ever harm you?"


"Has anyone else ever hurt you before this?"

"Um, no."


Then, Yeji and Ryujin came back bringing the drinks and snacks that Jimin asked them to buy for Minjeong.

"Eat, new girl. Break time is almost over." Jimin said.

Minjeong just followed without protesting since she knew Jimin wouldn't take a no from her. Minjeong glanced shortly at Yeji and Ryujin who didn't find it weird for her to be with them and just played with their phone while Jimin took a power nap beside her.






Minjeong was confused. She never thought there will be a day where Jimin's friends were waiting for her near the school's entrance outside. They greeted her cheerfully as soon as they saw her and Minjeong was aware of other students' surprised stares, but she wasn't allowed to ponder more as Ning pulled her while the others followed closely from behind.

"You are going to get your books from your locker as usual, right?" Ning asked.


"Great. Jimin's waiting for you there too." Huh?

Then there, in front of her locker, stands Jimin in all her glory. She was talking with Aeri about something serious and Minjeong saw how Aeri patted Jimin's arm before smiling at her. 

"Hi, Minjeong!" Aeri waved at her. Minjeong only smiled awkwardly in returns.

Jimin looked at her and nodded at her friends. Her friends then went to their own lockers to get their things, leaving Minjeong with Jimin. 

"M-Morning." Minjeong stuttered and bowed her head at Jimin.

"How was your sleep?" Jimin asked, still no emotion on her face.

"Uh, good."

"How's your knees?" Jimin asked again and looked down on her knee.

"It's getting better. I think..." Minjeong said and looked at her knees as well.

"That's good. Are you going to take anything or not?"

"O-Oh. Yes..."

Then Jimin just waited for Minjeong to finish taking her stuffs from her locker while glaring at anyone who tried to stare at them causing the students to look away immediately. 

Jimin's friends were done a minute before Minjeong and they were just chatting near Minjeong's locker while Jimin kept quiet.

"Done?" Jimin asked when Minjeong closed her locker. Minjeong nodded at her.

"Let's go then." Jimin said and pulled Minjeong beside her. She put her arm around Minjeong's shoulder casually before walking her to her class with her friends following them from behind.

"Oh. Hello guys." Chaewon greeted them all once they entered Minjeong's class.

"Chaewon. You should let me know if anyone is bothering this new girl here." Jimin said.

"Why?" Chaewon asked but there's a cheeky smile on her face and Jimin's friends know that she's kind of get the hint of what's happening with Jimin.

"Then I'll deal with them." Jimin answered.

"Protective. Okay! I'll do that." Chaewon said, not that she will say no though. It's Yoo Jimin, she doesn't want a trouble with her.











Minjeong thought Jimin and her friends will stop guarding her and protect her from her bullies after a while, but no. They continued sticking by her side and asked her to join them every lunch. They invited Chaewon as well, so Minjeong wouldn't feel lonely without her only friend.

A month passed by in a flash, Minjeong started to get used to Jimin's and her friends' treatment to her. Jimin doesn't call her 'new girl' anymore, because Chaewon once said that Minjeong would like it more if she were to call her by her name. However, instead of just calling her 'Minjeong', Jimin settled with her full name instead.

"Kim Minjeong, you're late."

"I knooow." Minjeong whined and ignored Jimin as she ran past her.

Not a second after, Minjeong slapped her forehead before running back to Jimin who was crossing her arms while looking at Minjeong with eyebrows raised.

"I didn't mean to ignore you, but I am really late. Please don't get mad at me! I- Uh, I'll find you later, promise!"

"Come to my class then I'll forgive you."

"I will!" Minjeong shouted while running to her class.

Jimin kept her poker face until Minjeong disappeared from her sight. She let out a soft chuckle and shakes her head. Minjeong is different now, she's a little brave with her since her friends are all whipped for her. When Jimin tries to scare her for fun, they will defend Minjeong from her and will make sure Minjeong feel safe with them. Jimin scoffed at that, her friends love to baby Minjeong now since they grew fond of her.






"Wah! Finally, class is over! So, what are we eating later?" Ning asked and already thinking of how much she's going to eat.

"Pack up your things first then we can leave faster." Aeri told her.

"Right. Hehe."

Jimin was putting back her books inside her bag when Ryujin who left the class ahead of them, squealed. Yeji rolled her eyes and went out to check what's happening.


Jimin smiled. So she really came.

"Minjeong is here?" Aeri asked. Ning then giggled in excitement before running out to meet Minjeong.

"Let's go." Jimin muttered and Aeri followed her.

They saw Ryujin resting her arm around Minjeong's shoulders while Yeji was patting Minjeong's head as she talked to her. Ning were doing her silly twerking dance while grinning at Minjeong.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked Ning.

"She's so cute!" 

"She said she's here for you." Ryujin said and squinted her eyes at Jimin.

"Did you threathen her to come here to see you?" Ryujin asked.

"And if I am?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. 

Her friends now crossed their arms and shook their head at her.

"What do we say about being nice to her?" Aeri asked.

"I am being nice." Jimin said.

"Is she, Minjeong?" Aeri asked Minjeong this time.

"Huh? Oh." Minjeong scratches her non itchy head and looked at Jimin slowly who already looked at her.

"J-Jimin is nice."

"See." Jimin smirked.

"You're scaring her, you dumb." Aeri hit Jimin's arm.

"I am not." Jimin rolled her eyes then looked at Minjeong again.

"Kim Minjeong, come here." Jimin said and reached out her hand for Minjeong to take. Minjeong put her hand on Jimin's and let Jimin pulled her closer.

"We are going to get some ice cream. You like ice cream, right?" Jimin asked Minjeong and she nodded while smiling.

"See, I am nice okay." Jimin told her friends again.

"We are trying to make her comfortable with us so you better behave Jimin." Yeji said.

"I've been in my best behaviour, Yeji. What do you mean?"

"Minjeong seems awkward around you." Ryujin pointed out.

"And she's a little scared." Ning added.

"Know what? You guys go eat together while Kim Minjeong, she will be with me." Jimin said and pulled Minjeong with her, leaving her friends who were protesting but still let them leaves.

"I give up. Jimin is not going to get Minjeong to be her girlfriend. She's so bad at this." Ryujin said, shaking her head.

"Let's just pray for her." Ning facepalmed.

Aeri and Yeji only looked at each other as they shrugged.



Unknown to them, Jimin have actually confessed to Minjeong two days ago. Jimin asked her out for a date and they are going for it today. Jimin intertwined her fingers with Minjeong's fingers when they walked together to her car.

"Why were you late?" Jimin asked.

"I umm, I'm not used to sleeping late so-"

"So, you woke up late because I kept you up during last night's call?"

"Y-Yeah." Minjeong blushed.

Jimin chuckled and let go of Minjeong's hands before wrapping her arm around Minjeong's waist instead, pulling her closer as she caressed Minjeong's side.

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I... I don't know how to tell you."

"Mm. Next time, just tell me. Okay? I need to know if you want to sleep, if you are not comfortable and so on. Don't be shy to tell me anything."

"I'll try." Minjeong nodded her head.


"Uh, Jimin?"


"Do they know about this?"

Jimin shook her head.

"Let them find out. I won't tell them and you won't either. Unless if anyone ask then we'll be honest. Serves them right for always thinking I can't court you properly." Jimin said and Minjeong giggled.

Jimin stares at her with heart eyes. She loves it, Minjeong's giggles. Oh, she can't wait to make her as her girlfriend officially.










Hi? Is everyone alright? Yknow that I love you guys, right? So here's a new fluffy oneshot to heal you from previous angst. Hehehe. Enjoy! 



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0 points #1
Chapter 146: I am speechless. You story always left me in awe. That's so amazing. Despite the vhaos happening, I can use my imagination to visualize. But funny thing I imagined Lady Winter is like Elsa in Frozen 😂 the one who can make everything.
Btw thanks again for the amazing story
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #2
Chapter 146: Omggggg
0 points #3
Chapter 44: This is one of my favorite stories of your I really love your winrina fluff stories author-nim♡(> ਊ <)♡
0 points #4
Chapter 146: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
720 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 146: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
1187 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 146: 🥳
279 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 146: Can't wait authornim! Thank youuu 🥰 i have a blast reading this. I can perfectly imagine those scenes and that's because you wrote/put the words well 😌

Ps. I thought the flashback was in here after i read your reply lol but that's okay. I'm happy there's more chapter..s(?) to come 🤭
winteobluu 0 points #8
Chapter 146: i had a really fun time imagining all of the scenarios!! that was great and thank you for the update
0 points #9
Chapter 146: Yeeess!! Now that the war is over, more fluffy time for jmj!!
1727 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 146: that was so good omg