
Winrina = Jiminjeong

Kim Minjeong scoffed and chuckled darkly at what she had just heard. She ruffled her black short hair messily before taking out the lollipop from and use her other hand to slam it onto the wall next to the older woman's head who was leaning casually against the wall in front of her. They were at the empty, dark hallway behind a night club. 

"I am not that easy for you to play with. Just because you are a CEO now, doesn't mean you can just get anyone you want." Minjeong growled lowly and glared sharply at the other woman who was staring back at her with amusement.

"And again, I'm telling you, Kim Minjeong. I am not here to play."

"Yeah, right. Like I would fall for your trap. Just- leave me alone, Yoo Jimin."

Minjeong was about to move away when Jimin suddenly stepped forward causing her to stumble back as Jimin wouldn't stop getting closer towards her until her back hit the wall behind her.

Her eyes were glaring when she almost tripped because of Jimin. Jimin ignored that and circled an arm around Minjeong's waist before tightening her hold onto her and pressed her body against her before leaning her face too close for Minjeong's liking.

Jimin then used her other hand to grab Minjeong's chin to make sure she keeps her eyes on her.

"Tell me, baby. Are you still mad at me for choosing Kai during the dance of our last prom night at college?"

"I am not! I don't care who you're dancing with." Minjeong said with gritted teeth, she's angry that her could feel her face is burning in red when Jimin called her baby

"Hmm. Really?" Jimin squeezed Minjeong's waist before leaning more as she brushed her lips on Minjeong's earlobe on purpose.

"Because I feel your glare the whole night when I was dancing with him." Jimin whispered then pulled away to check on Minjeong's reaction.

"It's because I don't like the two of you. You two looks disgusting together. Perfect match!" Minjeong said in sarcasm.

Jimin smiled. Despite of Minjeong continued showing how much she doesn't like her from a month ago when she finally found her again at the bar, Minjeong never really succeed in pushing her away. Just like now when she's in her arms, Minjeong didn't do anything to push her. So Jimin conclude, Minjeong is just still angry. Bitter even.

The thing is, Jimin knows about Minjeong's crush on her during college time and the feelings are mutual. Jimin tried to flirt with her subtly and was hoping for the younger to finally be brave to make a move on her but she never get anything. So that night, she wanted to trigger her last straw by accepting Kai's offer to dance together.

However, she didn't know that it'll be the cause of Minjeong's disappearance from her life after graduation instead. Minjeong deleted all of her social media accounts and knowing she doesn't have many friends make it hard for Jimin to find anyone to ask about her whereabout as Minjeong had lost contact with everyone else too.

So when Jimin stumbled upon Naevis club, she was ecstatic to finally found her after 2 years of searching. She even makes it her every night routine to visit the club as Minjeong was working there as a barista.

"You don't like Kai. But I'm different." Jimin said.

"You're a player. I don't like you too."

"I am not, baby." Jimin said softly.

"For someone who flirted with different person but then go out with someone else? Yeah, sounds like a player to me."

Jimin chuckled and leaned her forehead on Minjeong's forehead.

"I can assure you, it's not what you think. You misunderstood me, baby." ​​​​​​

"Whatever. Move. Don't you know the concept of personal space?" Minjeong hissed as she tried to push Jimin this time.

"There is no personal space between us. I thought I made it clear to you."

"Things doesn't work the way you always want to be. Please, learn to accept that you can't just do whatever you want, dear Miss CEO." Minjeong rolled her eyes then pushed her hard. This time, Jimin allowed herself to be pushed.

"Stop bothering me and go get a life. I'm sure you have so much important things to do." Minjeong said then purposely bumped her shoulder hard with her own shoulder before going back inside the club through the back door.

"Ah. Bitter. So bitter. Why is she so bitter over what happened years ago?" Jimin sighed then looked at the door.

"She's right, I can't just do whatever I want. But I will still do anything. This time, I won't let you go." Jimin said to herself.










"Your CEO is here."

Minjeong looks up and rolled her eyes when she saw Jimin had just entered the club. Her workmate, Ning just giggled beside her.

"Oh come on. That CEO is head over heels for you. Isn't that sweet?"

"Shut up, Ning. I don't want to talk about her."

"I still think it's hot that she ignored everyone who came to hit on her and keep her eyes on you. Even though you only ignored her most of the time."

"Yeah, she deserves it."

Ning burst out laughing, she knew behind story of Minjeong's bitterness on Jimin since Minjeong told her about it once. She just didn't expect to meet Jimin again in her life. She also dated a few during the past two years but nothing serious.

"Hi. The usual please." Jimin finally reached the bar and took a seat right in front of Minjeong. Minjeong only nodded and proceed to make the drinks which make her smiled.

Minjeong asked Ning to make the drinks instead before, but Jimin refused to drink it if its not Minjeong who's making it for her.

Ning giggled to herself seeing how Jimin is looking at Minjeong with hearts in her eyes.

Minjeong put the drinks in front of her once done and Jimin raised her eyebrows at her. 

"Enjoy." Minjeong said flatly and fake a smile. Jimin only chuckled and winked at her.

"Thanks for your amazing service, ma'am." Jimin said.

"Hey cutie, I want my favourite."

Jimin frowned and glanced to the tall guy who were sitting two stools away from her. He was grinning cheekily at Minjeong. Jimin's frown grow deeper when she heard Minjeong's laugh before chatting with the guy while making his drinks.

"Didn't see you for so long. Where were you?" Jimin heard Minjeong asked him. 

"Why? Miss me?" 

Jimin saw how he hold Minjeong's wrist when she finally give him his drinks. Jimin quickly stood up and in a flash, she was beside him, gripping his collar tight. 

"Woah hey!" 


The guy tried to pull Jimin's hand off him but failed as Jimin was strong. 

"Who is he?" Jimin asked as she turned to Minjeong. 

"Let go of him, Jimin. Don't make a scene." Minjeong said. 

"I asked, who is he? And why he's touching you?" Jimin's eyes burned in jealousy and it's the first time Minjeong see her being this serious. 

"A friend. He is my friend. Now let him go." Minjeong answered. 

"You didn't answer about why he is touching you." 

"I- I wanted to give her a gift." The guy stuttered but Jimin didn't pay attention to him and her eyes were still on Minjeong. 


"I told you, I am not here to play. You better make sure he is just a friend, Kim Minjeong." 

"He is!" Minjeong groaned in frustration and pulled Jimin's hand off him. 

The guy coughed and looked afraid at Jimin after Jimin finally let him go. Jimin's jaw tightened and she towered over him causing him to lean back, gulping as he thought he would be dead already with how deadly Jimin's glare was. 

"The next time I see you touch her, you can say bye to your hand. Do you understand?" 

"Y-Yes sir! I mean, Ma'am." He stammered and looks at Jimin with his shaking eyes. 

"Chanyeol oppa. I need you to come with me." Ning interfered and carefully dragged Chanyeol with her when she can sense that Jimin wasn't in a good mood this time and might explode. 

"Ack!" Jimin hissed and turned to glare at Minjeong who only raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Did you just hit my head?" 


If it's someone else, oh Jimin will make sure their life will be hell. But it's Minjeong, her Kim Minjeong. 

"That's for scaring my friend." Minjeong said. 

"Serve him right." Jimin scoffed. 

"Go home, Yoo Jimin." 

"I will, if you're coming with me." 

"Find someone else." 

"I only want you." 

"Doesn't look like it to me. You go find Kai then." 

And Jimin throw her head back as she laughed. Minjeong ignored her and went to attend to other customers. Yes, Minjeong is that bitter. 










"Going home?" 

Minjeong got startled and almost dropped her lollipop, she turned around and frowned seeing Jimin behind her. Minjeong then plugged in her earphone and volume up the song to ignore Jimin. 

Jimin put her both hands inside her pocket as she followed Minjeong. She smiled seeing Minjeong bobbing her head to the song she was listening to. 

Jimin saw a puddle in front and it seems that Minjeong wasn't looking as she was busy looking at her phone so she quickly advanced forward to pull Minjeong to the side. 

"Wha-" Minjeong pulled out her earphone and looked at Jimin. Jimin gestured to the puddle using her chin and Minjeong turned to see it to finally understand why Jimin pulled her. 

"You should watch where you're going you know." Jimin told her. 

"Don't tell me what to do." Minjeong glared and pulled back her hand. 

"Let me send you home." 

"No, thank you." 


"My place is nearby." 

"I know, but I want to send you home." 

"Whatever. You can just walk me then." 

Jimin'a face brightened and a smile started to spread. 

"But! Only for tonight." Minjeong squinted her eyes at her. 

"Okay, only for tonight. The next night, I'll drive you home." 


"Tonight I'll walk you home but the other nights, I'll drive you home. Its different, right baby​​​​​​?" 

"You're annoying." 

"But you love me." 

"Not anymore." Minjeong then kicked her shin causing Jimin to grunt in pain. 

"Not anymore? So you did love me." Jimin chuckled as she bend down to rub the spot where Minjeong just kicked. 

"And since when did you get so violent, my love?" Jimin asked, jogging a little to catch up with Minjeong who already walked ahead. 

"I hate you, Yoo Jimin. I want to punch you and kick you." 

Jimin laughed then grabbed Minjeong's arm again to stop her. Before Minjeong could scold her, Jimin quickly cupped her face and looked into her eyes with a loving stare. 

"Then do all that. Let out of all your anger on me. I'm really sorry for what happened in the past. But baby..." Jimin caressed Minjeong's cheek softly. 

"I genuinely like you, then and now. Allow me to court you, please?" 

Minjeong sighed and pouted. Jimin smiled seeing her being adorable for the first time ever since they met again. 

"You hurt me." 

"I know. I regretted it, badly." 

"I still feel hurt." 

"Yes, I know that too." 

"I am still bitter with you." 

"I know, baby.​​​​​​" 

"I want to punish you for hurting me." 

Jimin chuckled and pinched her cheeks gently. 

"Do it. I'll take whatever punishment from you. As long as you will allow me to court you this time." 

"I hate you, Jimin." 

"Mm. You can lie all you want." 

"I really hate you." 

Jimin's smile gone instantly when she saw Minjeong's eyes getting teary. She sighed and pecked Minjeong's forehead. 

"Then hate me. Hurt me back. I only need you to give me a chance." 


"Just a chance, baby. Let me make it up to you." Jimin whispered then slowly pulled Minjeong into a hug. 

"I- I don't hate you." 

Jimin smiled hearing Minjeong's timidly saying that. No matter how long Minjeong have been training herself to keep hating Jimin so she would feel less hurt, she still can't do it. She likes Jimin too much to hate her. Even after feeling hurt because of her, Jimin have never left her mind at all. Jimin have conquered all of her heart completely. The reason why she can't stay in a serious relationship until now. 

"I don't hate you, Jimin." Minjeong repeat when Jimin didn't say anything and finally wrapped her arms around Jimin as well. 

"I know." Jimin whispered and smiled in relief.

She won't mess it up this time. She won't be stupid again. She was young and dumb last time but now she had learn from her stupid mistake and will make sure that it won't happen again. She just can't lose Minjeong for the second time, not when she's not even hers yet. 










Here's another one shot for yall. Suddenly came up with this plot so I wrote it without thinking twice. Hope you guys will like it. Until then. Hehehe.

Take care guys!





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0 points #1
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1234 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
729 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #5
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #9
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.
284 streak 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶