
Winrina = Jiminjeong

In an abandoned warehouse, a group of gangster was fighting with Special Units from Seoul without a break. It had been an hour and many had died during the fight. They managed to track down the gangster's base for their illegal business and had prepared for 5 months before the attack. However, it was not as easy as they thought as they were up against the strongest gangsters in the area.

"Captain, we need to find the boss ASAP."

"Yeah, we are not going to last if we keep it like this."

Their captain glanced at the two members of the team, Lieutenant Ryujin and Lieutenant Yeji. Just then they heard their Sniper, Sergeant Yuna calling them through the in ear walkie talkie.

"The boss is heading towards the second exit at the right near the forest."

"Captain." Another Sergeant, Ning Yizhuo.

"Seems like a car is heading here."

"Ning, call for back up."

"On it!"

Ning left to find a good signal to call for their back up.

"You two, ambush everyone and make sure no one leave."

"Yes, Captain."

Their captain then tap her ear and breath.

"Yuna, stay on your position. I'm going out."

"Roger that, capt."


The captain stopped to look at Ning, who is also her close friend.

"I'll be just behind you."

"Just don't get hurt, okay?"

"Yes, capt!"

"Let's go."

They both then made a move, trying to be as stealth as they could to avoid any unnecessary blocking from the gangster members. Winter glanced at Ryujin and Yeji one more time before proceeding to catch the boss with Ning.

"The car's ready."

Winter hide behind the slightly opened door as she took a peek. She saw the boss heading towards the car with his bodyguard.

"Ning, on three."

"Got it."

"One... Two... Three!"

The two of them came out from hiding and started firing the car's tyre.

Four men were coming out from the car to cover their boss and shooting them back.

"Take cover, Ning! Yuna?!"

"I can't see you guys properly! You are all just behind the wall!"

Winter groaned and rolling towards the container on her left to hide. She helped shooting the enemies to give time for Ning to find a place to take a cover for herself. Winter was slowly short of bullets. She hissed and signaled Ning to stay hiding while shooting when she had the chance.

"Ryujin! I need you here ASAP to help Ning! I repeat, come here as soon as you can!" 

Winter then sprinted towards the car and dodged the bullets, immediately taking down one of the men and snatched his gun. She managed to shoot down one more man before going after the third guy when she got shot on her right shoulder.

"Argh!" Winter ignored the pain and dodged the next bullet before sprinting again and slides towards the man's feet causing him to stumble down. She shot him on the shoulder before turning around to see the boss was trying to run away.

Winter threw away the empty gun and rushed to tackle the boss down while Ning was dealing with his bodyguard.

"Oh not so fast, dude." Winter said and tried to catch him when he refused and fought back.

"Wow, what a captain you are."

"I may be small but I am strong."

Winter started to fight against him without the gun and as expected, the boss knows how to fight. He managed to hit Winter few times here and there but like Winter said, she is strong. So she still fight with all of the energy she has. She gave him a flying kick causing him to fall to the ground.

"Oh, you are so on." He got up and taking out a knife that he hid inside his jacket.

Winter did not waste any more time and attacked him right away but he avoided all her punches carefully and started attacking her as well. After few punches and kicks, Winter finally had taken him down and Ning rushed to cuff his hands after knocking out the bodyguard.

"We're here!"

They looked at Ryujin and Yeji running towards them.

"What took you-"

Winter's eyes widened when she saw another figure behind them and used her last energy dashing to push them from getting shot.



Before they can react, they heard another gunshot and saw the man who shot Winter falling down lifelessly.

"Finally got a proper position. But I'm coming down now!"

Winter was bleeding, a lot. Ning quickly went to her side while Yeji was calling for their medic to come faster.

"Hey capt, are you hurt?"

"What kind of question was that, Ryu?"

"Ugh, guys, not now please." Winter groaned. Ryujin and Ning paid attention to her again.

"Stay with us, okay?" Ning tried to talk to her softly, trying to make her stay awake while Ryujin took off her vest and shirt, using her shirt to put a pressure on Winter's wound.

"Ah, I-" Winter groaned in pain again as she shut tight her eyes.




She can see a beautiful young girl standing not too far from her, she can't help herself but to approach the girl.

"You're here." She heard she said.

"Have you been waiting for long?" Winter asked.

"Mm, not really."

She then turned her head to look at Winter.

"What are you doing here outside?" Winter asked.

"The sunset." She answered.

Winter finally stands beside her and joined her in watching the sunset.

"Say, Winter."


"What was the prettiest view you have ever seen?"

Winter smiled and looked at the girl.

"You." She said.

"What a sweet mouth you have."

Winter chuckled at her reply.

"Heard from father, that you and your team will be going for a special mission. Mind if I ask what is it?"

"Now now, I can't just tell you everything just because I'm into you."

The girl finally laughed now and Winter just smiled. She is the daughter of her commander, Yunho. They are now at the restaurant near the beach where Yunho loves to throw a party for the team since it's near to his family's mansion. The daughter was always there, helping out her best friend who happened to be the restaurant's owner's daughter, Aeri. That was how Winter met her and immediately like the girl.

"But I can tell, it's a dangerous mission." Winter heard her.

"Hmm. We're a special unit, remember? All missions are dangerous."

"Yes but this one is... the most dangerous one. Please don't lie to make me feel better."

Winter sighed and looked away.

"Well, you can say so."


Winter then glanced at the ring on the girl's finger and smiled bitterly. Sometimes she forgot that the girl was engaged but being the playful her, she can't stop herself from asking the girl out. Not when she likes her too much. For all the time they had spent together, they grew close with one another and became friends even though she knew that Winter wanted more.

"Are you sure you don't want to dump your fiance and be mine instead?" Winter asked, for the million times.

The girl just laughed. Oh her beautiful laugh, Winter smiled hearing that.

"You are not going to give up huh?"

"Nothing is wrong with trying."

"It was more than just trying."

"We called that efforts, Karina."

Karina smiled and looked at Winter. Karina, the only woman that Winter have ever fallen for.

"Hey, Win, we're leaving now. Let's go. Bye Karina!"

Winter nodded at Ning while Karina only waved before Ning disappeared behind the door, leaving them alone again.

"Well. I guess, I need to go already." Winter said and took out a small box from her pocket.

"Here, Happy Birthday." Winter smiled.

Karina took the box and tilted her head.

"I know you rejected me many times but at least, let me buy something pretty for a beautiful birthday girl."

"Thank you." Karina smiled. Yes, everyone was there to celebrate her birthday. Everyone came, except for her fiance who kept giving excuses of being busy with works and all.

"Enjoy the rest of your special day." Winter winked and turned to leave.

"Come back safely, Minjeong."

Winter stopped when Karina called her by her real name.

"Only if you will wait for me to give me a yes." Winter grinned cheekily.

"You come back first then I'll think about it."

Winter gasped and Karina raised an eyebrow.


"You can't do this to me. Now I don't want to go."

"Just go, Winter. And please be careful." Karina chuckled.





"Yah, stay awake."

Winter smiled seeing Ning being so worried. Ryujin was still putting a pressure on her.

"I want to sleep, Ning." Winter chuckled.

"Oh, don't you dare."

"Captain, you promise to buy us expensive dinner so please don't you dare to die on us." Ryujin said.

"She won't die. I won't let her." Ning said.

Winter laughed but ended up coughing in pain. When she closed her eyes, she can see a memory of her with Karina again which cause her to sigh.

"If I die, can you please come to my funeral and tell me that Karina really did dump her useless fiance? Please?"


Ryujin laughed with teary eyes while Ning has already cried though she wanted to laugh.

"At least, I can finally rest in peace knowing she realise her worth already." Winter said.

"Winter! The medic is here!" Yeji yelled and ran to them with the medic behind.

"Oh thank god."

"Please, she's losing so much blood-"

"We need to bring her to the hospital now."

"Let's carry her."

"Put this."

Winter sighed and closed her eyes, ignoring all the noises and shutting down her mind as she finally surrendered to her drowsiness.

"Karina." She mumbled before she finally lost conscious.







Karina brought a bouquet of flower to the vip room. She pulled the curtain and heard a groan. 

"Please let me sleep in the dark. It has been so long since I can sleep this much."

Karina raised her eyebrows before going to the patient and pulled down the blanket.

"Don't you think you're taking advantage of your injury too much?"

Winter opened her eyes as soon as she heard Karina's voice.

"Karina? Baby? You're here?"

Karina ignore the way Winter makes her heart pounded by calling her baby and rolled her eyes. The surgery went well and Winter got few stitches. It had been a week since the surgery. Winter was sleeping too much, Karina thought.

"Here." Karina gave the flowers. 

"Aww, now let me hear the line." Winter grinned and hugged the flowers.

"What line?"

"Your confession."

"What confession?"

"Ugh, Karina! You said you are going to confess your love to me."

"No? I said I will think about your confession if you come back, safely."

"Well, have you? I'm back now."

"I said safely, Winter."

"I am safe and sound!"

"Now, you are. But I got to know you were rushed to the hospital, almost dying from your wound and loss of blood. That wasn't safe at all."

"But still!"


Karina ignored her and then checked her injury.

"I heard from Ryujin. You asked them to tell you at your funeral if I ever dump my fiance."

"So, did you?"

Karina glanced at her and crossed her arms.

"What?" Winter blinked her eyes cutely.

Karina sighed then took out her phone.

"I have to go."

"What? But you just came!" Winter whined.

"Now now, who's the baby here?" Karina asked, smirking.

"I only want to be your baby. Can you please, please just love me and be with me instead of that fiance of yours?" Winter asked, pouting.

Karina only smiled and shakes her head. She fixed Winter's blanket and took back the flower to put it on the sofa instead.

"I'll go now, behave."

"Hm. Fine." Winter still pouted.

Karina hummed and leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead.

"I have to meet him first to cut off our engagement. Once everything's settled, I'll come back to you. Okay? So now, behave and wait for me, Winter baby."

Karina chuckled seeing Winter's frozen state but she did not give her a chance to react more as she left after winking at her.

Oh, so now the table has turned.

"My god. I am definitely Karina's Winter baby!" Winter squealed.

"Now I can't sleep. I will wait for her." Winter sighed in relief. 

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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.