Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 2

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Three figures looked at the luxury bar club that was popular among adults in their 20's and 30's. No teenagers are allowed to enter. The bar was located near the hill, half an hour away from other bar club.

"Let's go."

Jimin let Aeri and Ning entered first as she scanned the surrounding, she nodded her head before she appeared at the corner. She fixed her black overcoat, before she sauntered into the place. 

Her senses awoke, as she stepped inside. Heads were turned, eyes were scanning her from head to toe, gasps were heard as she walked past the humans there, all while Jimin did not even bother to spare anyone a glance. 

Jimin looked at the bar, and her eyes immediately spotted the brown hair girl. Jimin took her time as she walked towards the girl, she let her eyes roamed and checking her out. She finally met her human. 

"No, Yunjin. You-" The girl stopped as soon as her eyes fall on Jimin.

She tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember where did she ever see Jimin. Jimin could hear whatever thoughts she had in her head, and oh, she decided to let the girl continues with her thought as she sits on one of the stools there in front of her quietly.

"I think I saw you before." Jimin heard her low mumble, but still did not say anything.

"Uhm, sorry. What would you like to drink?" The girl asked politely. You.

"I don't actually drink." Jimin replied, and the girl raised her eyebrows in surprised while Jimin enjoyed seeing her adorable expression.

"O-Oh. Then- we actually have some soda or juice as well, if-"

"I don't mind anything." Jimin said, leaning her body closer on the bar counter.

"You can give me anything..." Jimin's eyes trailed down on the nametag on the girl's uniform.

"Kim Minjeong." Jimin muttered her name, before her eyes looked back at Minjeong.

"Oh. Okay, um, give me a second." Minjeong was flustered because of Jimin's deep gaze.

Jimin's eyes kept following Minjeong, and she didn't bother to hide her staring at all. She drummed her fingers on the bar counter as she just waited for Minjeong to come back to her.

After a few minutes, she put down a drink in front of Jimin. 

"This doesn't have any alcohol in it, I hope you would like it." Minjeong said.

Jimin hummed, and took a sip while her eyes still on Minjeong who scratched her nape while wiping off the counter nervously.

"I like it."


You. I like you. 

"The drink. Thank you." Jimin said, giving her a small smile before taking out some cash to pay for it. 

"You're welcome." Minjeong smiled shyly at her.

As Jimin continues to stare without saying anything, observing Minjeong. Minjeong tried to ignore how obvious Jimin's stare was. She tried to just focus on her task of making drinks for the customers. 

"Minjeong ah! Can you help me throw this? Our dustbin is full already."


Jimin stood up, and Minjeong thought she will finally leave as Jimin seemed to disappear already. She shrugged, and carried the trash bag towards the back exit. 

"AH!" Minjeong got startled when Jimin's face greeted her as she opened the door.

Jimin didn't say anything, just stares at her again while she pushed open the door wider to let Minjeong through.

"T-Thank you." Minjeong stuttered.

Jimin only hummed, but as the door closed, she grabbed the trash bag from Minjeong's hold. 


"Let's go."


Jimin raised her eyebrows, and Minjeong immediately shut . Something about Jimin's eyes that makes her stop and just follow her.

So, they walked towards the end of the back alley to throw the trash. Jimin easily swing the trash bag and threw it inside the waste container.

"So, do you remember me?" Jimin asked.

Minjeong looked at her with wide eyes. Jimin actually heard her thought when she was making Jimin a drink, that she finally remembered that Jimin was the one she saw in the hospital a few days ago.

"I um- I saw you, your friend-" Minjeong blinked, and paused when Jimin grabbed her waist.

She blinked more when they were suddenly away from the waste container, and now her back was against a wall. Jimin let go of her slowly, but stayed close to her.

"You were saying?" Jimin asked, eyes in amusement. She heard Minjeong's thought of how it was smelly earlier near the waste container. So, she didn't hesitate to take her away from it.

Minjeong was too confused, and it happened in a blur, that she didn't notice Jimin used her power to carry her away. Besides, she's more focus on how nervous she was under Jimin's gaze. It's like she got hypnotised that she can't think straight.

"Yeah, in the hospital. I saw you there."


"I'm glad that you are well- were you in a coma before?" Minjeong asked curiously.

"Kind of." Jimin nodded.

"Thanks to you, I am now awake." Jimin said. 


"It's because of you, that I woke up. Your presence awakened me, Minjeong." Jimin said honestly. 

Oh my god. She's not only charming, but a flirt. A smooth flirt. She'll be the death of me. 

Jimin chuckled while Minjeong looked at her, confused.

"Kim Minjeong, I like you."

Minjeong's eyes widened at Jimin's bold and honest statement, but she knew that Jimin wasn't lying. Her eyes were enough to make Minjeong to believe her.

"Uh-" Minjeong gulped, and scratched her cheek, as her face were now blushing madly.

Jimin cooed silently at Minjeong's adorable reaction. She stepped closer, invading Minjeong's personal space.

"You don't have anyone, do you?" Jimin asked. Minjeong blinked, she swears she heard a growling, but she thought she was just imagining it.

"No, I don't." Minjeong answered.

"Good." Because if you do, I would have to kill them.

"So, do you work here every night?" Jimin asked. 

"N-No. I um, I will not be working every Monday."

"Okay, then I'll be here every night. Except Monday."

Minjeong looked at Jimin, checking if she was joking, but Jimin's serious face was telling her that she really is going to be there every night, except for Monday.

Minjeong wanted to ask why, though she kind of have an idea already. Jimin is being clear about her interest, so it's making Minjeong feeling shy and nervous with how strong Jimin is coming forward with her clear interest in her, as no one have even been this bold to her before.










"Thank you very much! We'll make sure to always keep this private room clean!"

"And remember, no one else allowed to rent or reserve this room from now on. We will pay for everything."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Jimin stood tall in the middle of the room, right in front of the glass wall with her hands intertwined behind her. Her eyes following Minjeong's movement as the young girl worked skillfully, making drinks for the customers.

"Thank you, you may leave us now."

"Just call us if you need anything, we'll be at your service!"

A sigh, and Jimin tilted her head.

"It's settled. This room is all yours to use anytime."

"Thank you, Aeri."

Yes, Jimin asked Aeri to do whatever it takes to secure the private room upstairs where it has a glass wall that has a view downstairs, where anyone from inside the room can see the bar and the middle floor where people will be drinking and dancing.

Aeri then excused herself first, to find Ning. 

Once she was alone, Jimin stepped closer to the glass wall. She smiled watching how Minjeong still looked pretty with her messy bun. My pretty human.






Minjeong coughed and wiped off her hands after making a drink. She looked around, and noticed that everyone's occupied. She was about to get out for a fresh air break when she looked up, and saw Jimin was staring down at her. Minjeong blinked, Jimin never turn her gaze away as she stared at Minjeong.

Minjeong only smiled before looking away. She shivered as she felt how strong Jimin's stare being directed at her. She grabbed her mobile phone, checking her notifications, before she excused herself from her colleague. 

"Minjeong. Come with me." Her manager suddenly stopped her from going outside, gestured her to follow her.

"Yes, Ms Lee?"

"You don't have to worry about your shift tonight, we'll cover for you."


"Our important customer, a VIP, she'll be in your care. From now on, you attend to her first before anything else."

Minjeong didn't have time to process what had just happened when her manager already knocked on the private room's door, Jimin opened it and thanked her manager who quickly left when Jimin told her to.

"Come in."

Minjeong has never stepped inside the private room, nor has she ever gotten a request for her presence there before. She was a little skeptical when her manager brought her here, but she knew Jimin. Not fully though. Jimin is still a stranger to her. She should refuse, right? But somehow, Minjeong does not seem to be able to refuse her. So, she walked in as Jimin invited her to.

"Do you need me to make you a drink here?" Minjeong asked when Jimin closed the door. She glanced at the small fancy bar at the left side of the room. She looked around, and noticed two CCTVs inside the room, so she should be fine. Besides, Jimin won't hurt her, right? 

Jimin could literally hear her inner thoughts, and said nothing about it. Jimin gets closer until her shoulder touched Minjeong's own shoulder. Minjeong jumped a little as she turned her head to look at Jimin.

"Why are you so jumpy around me?" Jimin asked.

"M-Me? I'm... not." Minjeong replied nervously.

She gulped when Jimin stares deeply at her. She stepped back when Jimin tried to get even closer.

"Uh, Miss-" Minjeong yelped when her hit the backrest of the couch there.

Jimin stopped in front of her, not leaving enough space between them.

"Miss? I don't recall asking you to call me like that."

"Huh? O-Oh, I'm sorry I-"

"Jimin. Yoo Jimin. Call me by my name."

"Okay." Minjeong whispered and bowed her head slightly, eyes looking away from Jimin's strong gaze.

"Try it." Try it, baby.


"Say my name." Jimin said.

"Oh. Jimin?"

Jimin smiled, satisfied with it. Minjeong froze, mesmerised by Jimin's smile. 

Jimin raised her chin, and was smirking now. Minjeong thought that she was pretty, of course she felt proud. She raised her right hand, caressing Minjeong's left cheek with her knuckles, so softly. 

"I want to get to know you, Minjeong." Jimin said, now gripping Minjeong's chin gently.

I want to know all of you. I want to have it all too. All. Of. You.










"So, you were saying our regular VIP customer, named Jimin, is interested in you?"


"The hot- wait- the hot woman who breaks all of our customers' heart when she never even bother to look at anyone else, but you??"


Minjeong slapped Yunjin's shoulder, blushing at Yunjin's sentence. Yunjin laughed, rubbing her shoulder.

"Damn, Minjeong. How could you be this lucky?"

"B-But! I don't know. There's something about her." Minjeong tilted her head.

"What about her?"

"Something. I don't know what. It's just, she seems different. I always feel goosebumps when she's near, and I can't- her stare, I feel under her gaze." Minjeong shivered as she remembered the feeling of being stared at by Jimin.

"Oh, come on. You're just being shy. I say, you go out and try. She seems like she really, really like you." Yunjin grinned.

"Ugh." Minjeong rolled her eyes, but ended up smiling. Jimin's stares never lie, her eyes never lie. Minjeong feels wanted, and her heart would skip many beats with just Jimin staring at her.

"Oh, speaking of- she's here." Yunjin whispered as she nudged Minjeong, squeezing her shoulder before going towards her station to give them some space.

Minjeong looked at Jimin who just walked through the entrance, her eyes were already on Minjeong. Jimin's dark blue eyes met Minjeong's brown eyes.

However, Minjeong frowned when she didn't stop in front of her like usual. Instead, she went towards Yunjin. She gestured Yunjin to come closer, Yunjin gulped but leaned her forward.

Minjeong didn't hear what she said, she only looked at how Yunjin's eyes widened as she shook her head vigorously after that. Jimin whispered something again, and Yunjin gave her a bow before nodding her head. 

"Minjeong?" Jimin finally turned to her again.



Just a word, and Minjeong immediately listened. She still does not know why was it so hard for her to say no to Jimin when she was complaining to Yunjin earlier, how she should be working downstairs helping Yunjin as she felt bad.

When Minjeong and Jimin left to go upstairs, Yunjin finally let out a relief sigh. She rubbed her chest, and shaking her head.

"I guess, good luck to Minjeong. Wait- I usually would get mad and tell them to back off when someone do the same thing for Minjeong before. Why- No, I did the right thing. I shall not get to Jimin's bad side. She looks scary." Yunjin talked to no one.

She also felt goosebumps now after the unexpected warning from Jimin earlier. 




"You, Minjeong's colleague. Do not touch her if it's not necessary. You wouldn't want to lose a limb, right?"

​​​​​​Yunjin immediately shook her head. 

"Good. I expect you to keep this in your mind. I hope you would make sure no one else will dare to touch her when I'm not around too." 










Here's an update for yall. And yes, Jimin's character is going to be more insane in this story. That's the plan from the start anyway. Enjoy!




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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.