Burning Desire - Part 4

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Karina did not pose for the cameras, nor did she greet anyone when she stepped outside, the outdoor restaurant near the golf course. There will be an activity for all of the sponsors to enjoy, which is to play golf together after the high tea. Karina's secretary updated her about the invitation, but she was there only for Winter.

She smiled slightly when her eyes found Winter. She sauntered towards her and stopped right beside her.

"O-Oh. Ms Karina Yoo."

Karina did not even look at the person that was talking to Winter, who were feeling nervous now while greeting Karina. Karina only looked at a small frown on Winter's face as she turned to look back at her.

Winter cleared and bowed her head, showing a good manner. 

"Welcome, Ms Yoo. Please, be comfortable. There are food and drinks over there." Winter greeted and informed her politely.

"Would you mind to accompany me then, Winter Kim?" Karina asked, eyes staring deep into her.

"I would love to, but I have to bring Mrs Choi first-"

"No no no, I'll be fine, Winter. You can accompany Ms Yoo here." Mrs Choi quickly said.

"I can't do that, Mrs Choi-"

"I will find my son! I remember that I have something to remind him." Mrs Choi said again, chuckling nervously, She wouldn't want to get on Karina's bad side. She could see that Karina wanted to talk to Winter.

So, she excused herself without waiting for Winter's reply.

Karina raised her chin and hummed in delight after being left alone with Winter. She then stepped in front of her to look at her properly.

"So, accompany me?" Karina asked.

"You can help yourself." Winter said, glaring a little before she turned around to leave her.

Karina wanted to hold her and stop her from leaving, but she does not want to keep forcing herself. So, she decided to give Winter some space, some time while she can still control herself a little.

"Be patient with her. She's like that, so hard to please."

Karina glanced at Jeno who came to stand beside her.

"So, how's your-"

"You should know the reason I am here is solely because of Winter. Do not waste your time in trying to befriend me, because I am not interested."

"Haha- W-What do you mean?" Jeno asked, chuckling awkwardly.

Karina then turned her body and were facing Jeno now. She put her hands in her pocket,staring straight at his eyes.

"You're not keeping your eyes on her, Lee Jeno. And for that very reason, you are going to lose her." Karina warned.

Karina knows that Jeno was trying to get close to her. She knows it when someone paid attention to her. Her instinct has never been wrong. Jeno is a player, a lowkey player. He only stays with Winter, because she was his safety net. Winter is the only one whom he can show off proudly as a partner. Jeno cares a lot about his perfect image.

Yes, Karina digs in everything about him. Finding out everything, makes her want to take Winter desperately from him.

Jeno was about to open his mouth again, but Karina ignores him. She walked away, and started looking for Winter again.






Karina sipped on her hot tea while eyeing Jeno who was talking to Winter. She looked at Winter just nodding her head at whatever he was saying for a few minutes before he leans closer to kiss her. Karina smirked when Winter seemed to be looking down and avoiding his kiss, she pushed him and said something which made Jeno nodded his head before leaving.

"Seems like the boys will start playing golf now."

"Yes, looks fun."

"Should we try and join?"

"No, I'm good here. It's hot too."

"But we have another few activities as well, maybe we can try something else."

Karina only listened to the other sponsors' conversation while sipping her tea quietly, her eyes just keep watching Winter.

Then, she saw Winter talked to a slightly older woman before following her. Karina put down her cup of tea and got up. She followed where Winter went.

"Oh. Hello, do you want to join and help painting this?" Another woman who leads the activity asked Karina.

"I'm here just to look around." Karina answered and quickly walked to get to where Winter was.

"What's the painting for?" Karina asked.

Winter did not look at her, only pointed at a paper on the small desk near her. Karina shook her head at Winter's cold treatment, but she still does not mind. She grabbed the paper and read it through.

"So, you can paint?" Karina asked.

"It's only a simple one."

"But still, you paint."

Winter ignored her and just started her small painting.

"What do you have after this, Winter Kim?" Karina asked.


"No answer? So, you have a free time? Can I take you out for a quick dinner later?" Karina asked, stepping closer.

"I'm busy, Karina Yoo." Winter replied. She elbowed Karina a little when she was being too close.

Karina just smiled and held her elbow instead. Winter hissed, turning around with the brush in her hand. Her eyes widened when Karina's cheek now got stained a bit by the paint ink from the brush.

"Y-Yah! This is your own fault." Winter was shocked, but she still blamed Karina for being too close and kept bothering her.

Karina scoffed, but ended up chuckling at Winter's nervous reaction.

"No worries." Karina said.

Karina grabbed Winter's wrist and wipe off the stain with her sleeve. She smirked when Winter gasped and looked at her sleeve.


"Aw, aren't you so sweet? Wiping my cheek with your own shirt." Karina chuckled while Winter glared at her.

"You-" Karina snatched the paintbrush from her hand and put it down. She then grabbed her hand and pulled her with her.

"Where are you taking me?"

Karina did not answer. Once they reached the restroom, she pulled Winter in and locked the door. She made Winter stands in front of the sink.

"Cleaning your sleeve, sweetheart." Karina said softly.

Winter blinked her eyes, she looked down at Karina's careful hands that tried to clean her sleeve with the warm tap water and hand soap. Karina glanced at her, smiling before she focused back on cleaning Winter's sleeve.

"We need to clean it before it gets dry. Or else, it's going to be hard to remove the stain." Karina told her.

Once done, Karina told her to clean it properly again once she's back at home.

"T-Thank you." Winter bowed her head and checked her sleeve.

"Or, do you want me to buy you a new one instead?" Karina offered.

"No." Winter quickly rejected.

Winter then slowly turning around, Karina only watches her with careful eyes.

"I- I will go now."

"Where?" Karina frowned.

"To continue the painting." Winter answered.

Karina only stepped back, allowed Winter to go out while she stays there for a while. Karina groaned and closed her eyes. She was close to pulling Winter again and hold her tight. She clenched and unclenched her fists, shaking her head as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Do not rush, Karina. Can't afford to make her avoiding me more."






Karina only came out after calming herself down. She let out a sigh, walking towards Winter again. This time, she keeps her distance. She smiled seeing Winter's serene face while painting.

Her phone rang, and Karina answered the call without taking her eyes off from Winter.


"Jeno has made a special order from one of the best decorator. He is going to continue with the proposed plan soon."

Karina's face turned serious as her private informant updated her.

"The place has been decided. He rented the whole floor of the NCT cafe near the small river."

"Do you happen to know when is he going to do it?"

"Yes. The decoration might take a week. He is going for a big proposal this time."

"Keep me up to date. Thank you."

Karina hung up and sent an urgent message to her secretary, before calling for Aeri.

"Hey, Aeri."


"Look after Winter for me."


"I'm going to be out of the country. I'll be back before the week ends."

"Is this for a part of your plan?"



"Thank you, Aeri. I'll see you when I'm back."

Karina hung up and put her mobile phone in her pocket. She then approached Winter again. Winter was bending down as she was changing her brush. Karina put her forefinger below Winter's chin and lifts it up. Winter's small frown on her face as she froze, looking up at Karina.

"You are going to say no to him." Karina whispered, and Winter only frowned more as she did not understand what Karina meant.

"You'll be mine, baby." 










"Why are you doing this?"

Karina turned her attention back to Ms Hwang in front of her.

"They are not even your competition. Your company does not concern with models and actors at all. So, enlighten me, Karina Yoo. Why do you want the company?"

"Well, I like to explore different things, Ms Hwang."

Ms Hwang chuckled at Karina's answer. She shook her head, drinking her wine while eyeing Karina. Karina kept her straight face and didn't cower at Ms Hwang's stare.

"Your offer is tempting." Ms Hwang said.

"You won't regret this, Ms Hwang."

Ms Hwang saw the confidence in Karina's eyes. It was not a hidden fact that doing a business or even a simple deal with Karina Yoo will benefit a person a lot. So, she was not going to think too much about her offer of selling all of her shares of SM Company to her.

However, she can't stop herself from being curious about why Karina is doing everything she can to acquire the shares.

"Deal." Ms Hwang finally agreed.

Karina smirked and tapped her finger on the table. Now, let it all begin.










The atmosphere in Karina's office was very tense as her hired private informant played a voice note for her to listen.

"Only I can help you, Lee Jeno."

"No, This is not right. I told you that no one can know about us, Yena."

"No one knows, but you need me know. The company is facing a downfall right now. I can help you to save it."

"But- Ugh, Yena, I'm supposed to propose to my girlfriend."


"She's going to say yes this time."

"You've said it before, and she said no, for a second time."

"No, she is ready. She will be mine completely soon."

"So, you care more about your image, into securing a marriage with one of the Kim? Rather than saving your father's company?"

"I'll find a way. Maybe my marriage with Winter will help us."

"Pfft. Are you kidding me? Winter does not have the power. She was nothing in that family. She does not even hold a title in any of Kim's companies. She was just lucky to be born into a Kim Family, to be the heiress. Well, a useless one."


"Think about it again, Jeno. Winter's family is very strict, they will not care. But, my family will help you willingly."

"I don't know..."

"Well, you don't have to think about now. How about I help you forget about everything first?"

Karina closed her eyes as she listened to the inappropriate sounds from the voice note. She then signalled the informant to shut it down.

"So, that's his secret girl."

"Yes, ma'am. I've got their latest photos as well."

Karina watched as her informant put a few photos on top of her desk. She clicked her tongue as she took a photo and squinted her eyes. It was a photo of Jeno wearing a black cap, Yena was kissing his cheek.

"This was when they went to the Yena's family's private resort." Karina hummed at the new information.

"Gather everything. I want you to send this to Kim Minhee, make it as a registered mail."

Karina then looked at the shocked look on her private informant.

"Is there a problem?"

"K-Kim Minhee?"


"Will I be fine, ma'am?"

"Yes, you will. No one else will be facing Kim Minhee, but me. So, just do as I say."

"Yes, ma'am!"










Winter shut down her laptop and massaged her temple. The company has been receiving a lot of calls from reporters about the sudden pull out from half of their investors. There were rumours spreading around about Jeno's father's past involvement in regards to the company. A name was being mentioned too, Yoo Jaewoo, as it was said that he was the owner of the company before Jeno's father took over.

Winter tried to call Jeno, but he wasn't answering at all. He did not reply to her text message either.

"Where is he?" Winter frowned and checked her phone again.

Jeno did say that he was going to explain everything to her over dinner tonight, but it seems like he won't be there. Winter then packed up her things, and decided to just go home.

"Ms Kim!"

Winter got startled, but looked back at the receptionist. 

"Someone called just now, she said she's expecting you at the basement parking. It's an urgent matter."

"Huh? May I know who?"

"Sorry, Ms Kim. She did not mention her name, but she said that you know her."

Winter nodded, and looked at her phone.


She made a call to Ning while she walked towards the elevator.


"Hey, I'm heading to the basement. Someone is waiting for me there." Winter said as the elevator door is closed.

"Okay, is everything alright?"

"Just need you to stay on the call with me." Winter sighed, stepping out as she reached the basement floor.

"Why did you go alone?"

"Jeno is not here. he is not answering, and you know that I'm not really close with anyone here."

"Okay, okay. Do you see anyone? Are you there yet?"

"I'm walking further. I don't see anyone. Who knows it'll be a stalker or worse, a kidnapper."

"Then, why are you here if you thought it'll be a stalker or a kidnapper."

Winter shrieked and dropped her phone, but Karina was fast enough to catch it before it drops to the floor.

"Oh my god."

Karina smirked and put the phone on her ear after reading the caller's ID.

"Hello, Ning. It's me, Karina Yoo. Just letting you know, that Winter will be fine. You can report me to the police right away if she goes missing after this." Karina said, then hung up without waiting for Ning's reply.

"What the- What are you doing? What do you want?" Winter glared.

"I'm picking you up."


"Your grandmother is asking for me, and you will need to be there as well."


"You'll know why. We need to go to your grandmother first."

"I can go on my own." Winter said, then wanted to take back her phone, but Karina put it in her pocket and grabbed her wrist.


"We'll go there together."










Kim Minhee, for the first time, was being in all seriousness with her professionalism in front of Karina. She received everything and checked everything that was sent to her through a registered mail. She asked Winter to wait for her in her study room while she talked to Karina about everything first.

"You're doing this to take back the company."

"I meant to give it back to its rightful owner, Madam Kim."

"Your uncle."

"Yes. He has been taking care of my mother and I after my father passed away due to a heart attack a decade ago. Now, I'm old enough to pay him back for what he has sacrificed to look after us."

"I will not interfere with your plan, but..."

Karina looked at Kim Minhee, waited for her to continue.

"Winter is going to suffer too, if this goes out."

Karina frowned.

"Jeno have been cheating on her. People will talk and will judge. I am not going to put Winter into that spotlight, Karina Yoo."

"That is not going to happen."

"How so?"

"I am going to reveal the truth behind their control over SM Company. Jeno's relationship with Winter won't get exposed, they are only close friends in the public eyes."

"Then, what is your intention sending me the evidence of his wrongdoings in his relationship with Winter?"

"Because I care." Karina said firmly. Minhee raised her eyebrows at her.

"I care about Winter, Madam Kim. I won't expose him to you, or to Winter, if he's a good guy. But, I can't sit still, knowing Winter is not in good hands."

"He's planning to propose."

"The reason why I'm exposing him now."

"Do you like my grandchild, Karina?"

Now, this is the warm Madam Kim speaking. Karina cleared and relaxed her body.

"Very much, Madam Kim." Karina said honestly.

"She's going to feel hurt over this." Minhee mumbled.

"I won't let that happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been trying to distract her, so she won't be feeling too upset about it." Karina said.

Karina then stood up, gives a full bow to Kim Minhee before standing up again.

"I've been trying to court her, even after knowing she was with Jeno. This is long overdue, but allow me to continue, Madam Kim. I promise, I will make her forget about Lee Jeno."

Minhee looked at Karina. Karina had never been into a serious relationship, but she knew that the woman is charming and know her way to win anyone's heart, including hers.

"You're a good person, Karina."


"As much as I like you, the decision will be in Winter's hands. She comes first, before you."

"Of course, she's your precious grandchild." Karina nodded her head.

"Well, let me talk to her first. Then, you can talk to her."

"I will wait."










"Ma'am, Winter Kim is here to see you."

Karina quickly stopped working and gestured her secretary to let Winter in. She asked Winter to sit on the couch before joining her there.

"How long have you known?" Winter asked straight away.



"Long enough, before we met."

"You've been playing with me."

Karina sits up straight and looked at Winter.

"I have never played with you. You're not a game, Winter Kim."

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Well, would you believe me?"

"..." Winter's eyebrows furrowed. Karina got a point there.

"I was a stranger to you. Still am." Karina whispered, this time Winter looked back at her.

"For all the time I've spent to get to know you, mostly to get your attention, I've never thought about it. I mean, Jeno and all his doings. I focus on solely you." Karina said.

"I can destroy him in a snap, but then, there's you. I have to think about you too."

"I don't need your pity."

"You don't, and I don't pity you." 

Karina stood up to stand in front of Winter, she lifted Winter's chin up with her forefinger. She bends down and leans her face closer.

"It is not a game nor a pity. I've fallen in love with you since day one, Winter Kim. All I'm thinking of is that I have to have you." Karina whispered lowly.

Winter sighed, she slapped Karina's hand away and stood up as well.

"Then, stay away from my issue with Jeno. I don't want you to interfere anymore." Winter told her.

"What are you going to do?"

"It is up to me. You, back off."

Karina hummed and put her clenched fists in her pocket. Be calm. Be calm, Karina.

"I will handle it from here." Winter warned her again.

"Okay." Karina had to agree. Even though, she would do everything to help her. Winter made it clear that she wanted to do it herself.

"But I'm not staying away from you. Just so you know." Karina said when Winter was walking towards the door.

Karina looked at her back, waiting for her to say anything. Winter didn't. She opened the door and left. Karina took out her hands from her pocket and rubbed her nape.

"God, I really want her." Karina groaned and sits down. 

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0 points #1
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #2
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #4
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #5
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.
284 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: First of all authornim, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE AAAAAAAA BEEN WAITING FOR THIS YES FINALLY 😭🙏😭 next one is another thank youuuu for how this chapter was written 🥰 too much to handle 🤭 but yes and lastly take care of yourself pls. Just take your time recovering and we'll be just patiently waiting for your every update 🫶
jin9885 0 points #7
Chapter 147: Thanks for the update authornim! I'm amazed by your story as usual. Wish you a speedy recovery and enjoy your day as well 🫶🫶🫶 Luv yaaa
taenggo09 0 points #8
Chapter 147: thank you for the update author-nim
please take care of your own health too
13 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶🫶🫶🫶
0 points #10
Chapter 147: Omg.. how could you be so talented? (Geez i wish i had your talent lol) Thank you for brightening your readers' day with your beautiful stories. And wishing a speedy recovery for you. Please always be healthy and happy! <3