I'm In Love With A Criminal - Part 13

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Karina has just arrived at the nightclub with Johnny behind her and their guards nearby, surrounding the area inside out. Karina went straight upstairs, where the VIP rooms are located. Johnny went in front of her to knock on the door until it got opened from inside. A big guy pulled open the door and glanced at Karina before looking at Johnny again.

"They are here." He informed someone inside.

"Let them in." They heard another voice.

The big guy stepped aside and gestured them to enter the room. Johnny then turned his body to allow Karina to enter first. 

"Now, to what do I owe this pleasure of meeting you?"

Karina smirked and keeps her hands inside her jeans pocket. She glanced around quickly. There were three men guarding the boss and the big guy guarding the door. 

"I've been hearing about this operation of yours."

"Which one? And why the sudden interest in any of my agenda? I thought we don't meddle with each other's business, no?"

Karina chuckled and shook her head, she circled the sofa leisurely and smiled sweetly at the men who were staring at her warily.

"You're right, Jaebeom. We don't." Karina said.

"Then, what's the issue?" Jaebeom asked.

"You wanted to get rid of that detective."

"Who wouldn't? I thought at least, this is the one goal that all of us as gang leaders have in common. She's a threat to all of us, Karina. Am I right?"

"True. I can't deny that as well." Karina nodded, smiling to herself, somehow feeling proud of her girlfriend to make all of the gang leaders to be afraid of her when honestly, to Karina, Kim Minjeong is everything but a threat to her, not anymore.

"Sit down and relax, Karina. I got this. My men are going to get her. I'm going to make that organization lose their best detective." Jaebeom said firmly.

"Hm. The organization will for sure lose her." Karina agreed, and Jaebeom grinned at her.

"But I am not going to let anyone else touch her though." Karina said and suddenly her expression darkened.

Jaebeom looked at her in confusion, but Karina left no time to waste as she took out her gun and shot the three men to death in just seconds before stands right in front of Jaebeom, pointing her gun at his forehead. Johnny managed to take down the big guy as well behind her.

"What... Karina?" Jaebeom's eyes were shaking and she could see his death from Karina's eyes.

"I won't lose her, because she's mine." Jaebeom's eyes widened and Karina pulled the trigger.

"We need to leave now." Johnny immediately said as they heard the commotion outside.

Karina hummed and stepped back, wiping off the bloodstain on her face with her arm before leaving with Johnny. She put on her sunglasses and took the cap that Johnny gave her to wear to cover her face as they left together while she made a phonecall to Giselle.

"I killed Jaebeom."

"You what?!"

"Be prepared, Aeri. All of his six brothers are going to come after us."

"You really want a war this bad."

"Call Irene. We're going to need her. All of the gang will be out now. It's time, and I'm going to claim the underworld completely. There will be no other gang except Black Mamba after this."

"Oh god."










Minjeong was walking towards her car when she heard someone was calling her name. She turned around only to see Soobin.

"Hey, Detective Kim."


"Your girlfriend, are you going to meet her today?" Minjeong raised her eyebrows and looked at Soobin with suspicion.

"I'm just, haha I- well, I'm sorry. I just want to, uh, to pass my apologies to her, for hitting on you."

"I'll let her know." Minjeong replied, then opened her car's door.

"You're meeting her?"

Minjeong looked at Soobin and shook her head.

"She's busy."

"I see. Okay. Uh, drive safe." Soobin smiled and waved at her before running back to the building.

"He found out. How did he find out?" Minjeong whispered to herself.

She quickly gets inside her car and drove off fast with a certain destination in her mind. She made a call to Karina while driving to Ae Group's headquarter.

"Yes, Minjeong?"

"Soobin found out"



"Where are you right now?"

"On my way to your office."

"How long until you reach here?"

"Uh, in 10?"

"Go straight to my home and stay there."


"Do as I say."


"I'll call you back."

Minjeong frowned when Karina hung up without further explanation. She cursed before deciding to follow Karina's command.

While on the other hand...

Karina was actually busy getting rid of Minjeong's enemies first. It was easy, they were just a bunch of petty gang. Once done with the last group, she proceeds with luring Soobin and let him and his team come after her. She knew that he was trying to track her down, and it was only a matter of time. She was surprised that it took him a little longer to finally find out about her.

She asked Minjeong to go to her place instead because she knew that she would get ambushed in her office. Soobin got a final command to come and get her, or kill her without delaying any more time.

"Boss." Johnny served her a cold water. She thanked him before drinking her water.

"Are all of our employees leaving already?" Karina asked.



"The detectives might have an idea why the headquarter is empty."

"I'm sure it won't make them stop. They are determined to kill me once and for all."

"We will be right behind you, boss." Johnny said.

"I know, but if things go wrong, do me a last favour, Johnny."

"What is it, boss?"

"You make sure to stick by Minjeong's side and see her as if my soul is inside her." Karina said while staring straight into Johnny's eyes.

Johnny bowed slowly and formally, with his hands on his stomach.

"You have my words, boss."

Karina smiled, satisfied with Johnny's loyalty.

"They are here." Johnny announced as he received the information through his wireless in ears.

"Leave me alone now."

"Okay, boss."






Minjeong have been waiting for almost an hour at Karina's mansion that she started to feel boring, moreover when Karina's loyal helper were not around, so there's no one to keep her company. She sighed and was about to head out when she heard loud screams and bangs. She frowned and went to the window to see what was happening.

"Oh no."

She saw a few unknown black cars outside the gates and masked men running inside, fighting against Karina's guards.

"How did this-" Minjeong snapped her head when she heard the gunshot right outside the room.

She wasn't prepared for this, but she got no choice and to fight on her own. She ran to the bathroom and hid there, while listening carefully when the door was forced opened. She tried to calm her breathing and listened to them.

"Where is she?"

"Go and find her!!"

"Those detectives are getting Karina and will kill her. Our mission is only one, we need to catch detective Kim and hand her over to the organization. That's the deal with the higher up, then they will release our brothers from the prison."

"Yes, boss!"

Minjeong froze as she repeated the words in her head. They are going to kill Karina, and they are working with the higher up?

"Check the bathroom!!"

Minjeong couldn't process anything when they caught her and grabbed her harshly.

"Now, detective. You are going to regret betraying your own organization." Said the boss as he laughed at her.

They are going to kill Karina... My Karina.

Minjeong looked at all of Karina's guards on the floor, all dead and not moving anymore as she was being pulled down the stairs. Just how did this happen so fast? What did I miss?

Minjeong let them took her inside the car and never fight them. She scanned the four men inside the car, including their boss. She then counted two cars following from behind and another car at the front. She looked down at her hands that were being tied by a rope tightly. She saw they passed by a few buildings, and they are going to go to the long and narrow highway soon.

They are planning to kill Karina?

Minjeong closed her eyes and sighed. Calm down, Kim Minjeong. Don't act so recklessly.

However, when she opened her eyes, she couldn't calm down. She had to get out, she had to go and save Karina. She had to know if she's safe.

"You're not going to bring me back to the organization." She speaks.

The men looked at her like she was telling them something weird and shook their head.

"Stop hoping, detective. It's over now."

"Yeah, it is over now. I'm going to end all of you." Minjeong then elbowed the guy on her right as hard as she could and swiftly moved her body as she moved behind the driver seat and  strangled the driver using her tied hands as she endured the harsh pulling from the guy on her left.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP HER!!!" The boss yelled and tried to point his gun on Minjeong, but the car was swaying dangerously due to the driver was being strangled.


Minjeong saw the car almost hit a lamppost and she immediately retrieved her hands and grabbed opened the door's handle before jumping out of the car. Just when she thought she would just risk her life by running into the forest, someone came in a motorbike to get her and cut the rope for her. Other four men came with their own motorbike as well, and they shot all of the gang's cars to distract them and allowed Minjeong to escape. Minjeong quickly hopped on the first motorbike and asked the guy to leave fast.

"You good, detective Kim?!"


"Right here to save you, as per Miss Yoo's command."

"Karina knows?"

"Of course."

"Where is she?"

"Hold on tight, we're going to her."






"Karina, we're sorry, we're late. We didn't get to Minjeong on time. It seems like they hired a yakuza gang to finish the job as well."

Karina's ears twitched as she heard a new information from Giselle.

"Mark and the boys are nearby, don't worry. They received Karina's command on time. Hopefully they managed to get to Minjeong fast."

She heard from Ning this time from her in ears.

"Katarina. We don't want to create a mess. Surrender, and you might have a chance to receive less punishment." Soobin said with all of his team behind him.

The rest of their teams including the S.W.A.T team waited outside, but unknown to Soobin that Johnny was dealing with them silently.

"There's no way to run anymore." Soobin said.

"I thought you're supposed to kill me." Karina finally said something when Johnny just informed her that they had killed everyone already.

She stood up and paused when Soobin's team raise their guns at her. 

"Killing is a second option." Soobin said, but Karina saw his hand already preparing to grab his gun.

"This is why Kim Minjeong is still my favourite." Karina mumbled and chuckled.

"You don't waste your time to talk if your intention is to kill. If you do that, you're the one who's going to get killed." Karina said.

Soobin felt alerted immediately so he shouted to shoot Karina. However, Karina was fast. She threw the file in front of her towards one guy and ducked down before pushing her swivel chair with her might.

She rolls out and managed to shoot down two other men before running to the back of the long couch.

"Shoot! Just shoot her!" Soobin yelled at the last man in his team.

She let them shoot at her direction mindlessly until they wasted their bullets. She laughed and stood up, shooting at them both. She could've just ended Soobin there, but she got distracted when she received another piece of information from Yunjin this time.

"More gang is coming for Minjeong. I'm sending more backup!"

"Another time, detective."

Karina ran out and called for Johnny to bring her car right outside the building's entrance.






"I can't believe we're doing this!!" Ning yelled and hissed as her fingers were typing on the keyboard furiously, she's trying to hack the traffic light system and made sure Mark can bring Minjeong away from the enemies faster.

"She said this would be the last war." Giselle told her through the in ears.

"You better come back to me safely, Uchinaga." Ning gritted her teeth.

"Of course, darling."

"Please, I want to throw up." Yunjin said in sarcasm.

"I'll kill all of you if they take Minjeong away. Focus."

Everyone gulped hearing Karina's stern voice, and all nodded even though they cannot see each other.

"Uh oh." Ning saw more cars coming from the front when Mark and Minjeong managed to get away from the enemies from behind.


"Karina, they are bringing everyone this time." Ning said, worried about her best friend's safety.

"Where are Mark and Minjeong now? Send me their location."

"On it."






Karina yelled at Johnny to step on the gas, she couldn't let anything happen to Minjeong. No, she had risked so much for this. She's going to live peacefully with Minjeong after this, that's the plan. She wants to bring her out on a date, and walk with her everyday. She wants to date Minjeong freely, without having to worry about being seen. She will get rid of everyone if that's the only way.

"I saw them." Johnny said and Karina looked closer.

"Take the opposite way and get closer."

"Yes, boss."

Johnny skillfully turned the wheel and changed direction, going against the other cars and ignoring the blaring sound of cars honking at them. Karina saw a motorbike coming from behind, it's one of her men that were following them. Karina rolled down the window and the guy turned to her.

"Switch!" Karina commanded and he nodded at her.

Karina then climbed out of the window while Johnny rolled down the window at the back passenger seat. The guy scooted behind while still stabilizing the bike, letting Karina hopped on and took over before he jumped towards the car and grabbed the front passenger seat's headrest.

"Johnny, follow me!" Karina said before she sped up.

Johnny waited until the guy managed to climb inside the car first before he steps on the gas again. Karina managed to catch up with Mark and Minjeong.


"Mark, I'll take Minjeong." Karina gestured Minjeong to hop on to her instead which she obeyed right away. Minjeong sighed in relief seeing Karina and she hugged her waist.

"Are you okay?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes, hold on tight." Karina told her and accelerated.

Karina's eyes caught sight of an unknown motorbike from the corner and increase the speed. 

They kept going around and Johnny managed to hit some enemies' cars. The guy with Johnny also shot down some enemies. They kept driving away to avoid clashing against the enemies.

"There's a gun in my pocket." Karina told Minjeong and she knew what to do. She took it and helped to shoot some enemies as well.



Karina hissed and speed up, she glanced at Minjeong and saw that a bullet graze her arm. When Karina changed direction and split up with Johnny and Mark, she saw the unknown motorbike following them again. She squinted her eyes to read the license number properly and scoffed as she knew who was behind them.

"Seems like an old enemy is taking advantage of my situation now." Karina murmured.

"We're going to the hill!" Karina shouted for Minjeong to hear her. 

Minjeong glanced behind and frowned seeing how the enemy is still following them closely. She tightened her hold on Karina when she felt that Karina continues to speed up.

They managed to avoid clashing into other enemies and went through the highway before entering the dangerous hill path. Minjeong was trying to think of a way to get rid of this unknown motorbike who wouldn't give up in chasing after them when suddenly Karina shouted.

"Minjeong, jump off of the bike now!"

She couldn't think twice as she followed Karina's words immediately, she ignored the pain that she felt when her body hit the road and rolled off the road. She quickly ran after Karina when she saw her struggling to get off as the unknown motorbike rider managed to get closer and took out a boot knife, trying to strike Karina with it. Karina abandoned her bike to jump on him and he got to stab Karina on her stomach before shrugging Karina off him as Karina lost her balance. He stopped to kick Karina off the cliff.

Everything happened too fast. Minjeong went into a full alert, took out the gun and shoot at the rider until he drove off to avoid Minjeong's shooting. Then, she abandoned her mission to kill and shoot the rider, and sprinted towards Karina instead as she saw her almost losing her hold onto the edge of the cliff.

"Karina!!" She yelled and slides through the slippery ground as she reached out her hand towards Karina.

"Karina!" She panted and sighed in relief for a short second when she managed to grab Karina's hand while her other hand quickly grabbed onto the broken tree trunk just near the edge of the cliff.

"Hey, I got you." Minjeong said and gulped seeing how Karina's badly bleeding.

"Oh my god." Minjeong whispered and tried her best to keep her hold on Karina.

"Minjeong." Karina called her when she noticed Minjeong's bleeding arm.

"Hang on." Minjeong tried to lift her up, but she was too drained already and lost a lot of strength.

"My friends are right. You look cool when you're in your fighting mode." Karina commented and tried to smile at her.

"This isn't the time to joke around." Minjeong hissed and glared at her.

Minjeong groaned as she struggled to pull her up as both of them got injured. Karina got worried when the cliff cracked a little.

"Come on!" Minjeong grunted.

"Minjeong, no." Karina frowned.

"I can do this!"


"I can do this, Karina! Just hang on!"

Just then, another cracking sound can be heard and Karina felt nervous for the first time for Minjeong's safety.

"Kim Minjeong!!"

"Ugh!" Minjeong tried harder to pull her.

"YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" Karina yelled at her.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! NEVER!" Minjeong yelled back.

"Minjeong! Let me go!"


"You have to!"

"I don't want to!"

Karina kept glancing at the cliff's edge and worried that Minjeong might fall with her. She can't let that happen.

"Hey." Karina tried to call her softly.

"No, please." Minjeong closed her eyes and tightened her hold on Karina.

"Let me go, Minjeong."

"No." Minjeong starts crying now, she tried to bear the pain she felt all over her body, especially her bleeding arm while still struggling to keep her hold on Karina. Karina smiled at her for being this strong.


Minjeong froze and opened her eyes to look at Karina. This is the first time that Karina called her with an endearment.

"I can't let you die with me." Karina told her.


"You have to kill him, you have to kill them."


"I refused to die without anyone going to take a revenge for me. I can't die this way. So, baby..." Karina smiled gently at her.

"You said you would do anything for me. This is the last thing I ask, survive and kill for me." Karina told her.

"No, Karina, I can't." Minjeong shook her head.

"Do it for me." Karina told her in a firmer tone.

"But Karina, I-"

"You can do it, Kim Minjeong. I know that you can. After all, you are my lover." Karina sighed seeing Minjeong cried for the first time, her heart aches and she wishes she could wipe off her tears.

"I'm sorry, baby. I love you." Minjeong's eyes widened as she heard Karina said the words for the first time.

She wasn't given enough time to react when Karina pulled her hand off Minjeong's grip by using the last strength she has left.

"NOOOOOO! KARINA!!!!" Minjeong almost let go of the broken tree trunk and jump to follow Karina, but Johnny was fast enough to get to her and grabbed her hand.

"Minjeong!!!!" Ning shouted as she rushed out of the car with Giselle.

"NO! Karina! Johnny, we need to save her!!!" Minjeong shouted and struggled against Johnny after he managed to lift her up and dragged her away from the cliff. Johnny didn't listen to her and carried her away again when Minjeong wanted to run towards the edge to jump for Karina. They got lucky as the edge of the cliff cracked, broke and fell down into the deep ocean just a second after Johnny step out of the crackline.


Giselle stopped on track and tears filled her eyes as she couldn't believe that they didn't get to save Karina in time. Ning also froze to process what had just happened, and Johnny finally let Minjeong dropped to her knees.




"Yes, boss?"

" Remember. If things go wrong for this war, you have to save Minjeong no matter what. Because if she were to die, and you let it happen, I will kill you before I kill myself."


"Do I have your words?"

"Yes, boss!"




As Johnny remembered his promise to Karina, he looked at Minjeong sadly. He is very loyal to Karina, he follows every command and will never say no to her. So, he will do everything she asked him to. If protecting Minjeong is the last mission from Karina, then he will protect Minjeong with all of him.

Minjeong's shoulders shook as she cried and clenched her fists on the ground, still on her knees.

Minjeong only stopped crying after almost half an hour there. She stayed for a while to watch the waves with no emotion. She felt numb and empty. She felt like she had just lost her world and there's nothing left for her. However, she would never ignore the last thing Karina asked from her. So, with a new and strong determination, she stood up from the ground.

Johnny moved closer and bowed, saying his condolences with gritted teeth.

"Be ready." Minjeong whispered.


Minjeong slowly turned around and looked at the sorrows that could be seen on Ning's and Giselle's face before she looked at Johnny. Johnny was used to see the soft and shy eyes from Minjeong, but not this time. Minjeong's eyes filled with grief, yet there's something alarming about her eyes. For the first time in his whole life, after Karina, Minjeong is the second person to make him feel fear. It's a fear of how strong and angry Minjeong is right now that Johnny told himself silently to never make a mistake that might trigger Minjeong's anger.

"I am not going to rest until we kill them all. They will pay for this." Minjeong said coldly.










Sigh - hugs and cries with Minjeong -

The last update of 2023. Enjoy, my lovely readers! Let's hope for the best, take care and happy new year, guys. 

See you next year!



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0 points #1
Thanks for the update author-nim and get well soon we love you and your story ( ◜‿◝ )♡
0 points #2
Chapter 147: Omg hahaha the have what- se-... 😂 finally powerfull winter vampire 😍

Get well soon author 🫶
90 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 147: My powerful duo 😩 thanks for the update while recovering! Get well soon 🙏
Taitai84 1235 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 147: They jumped into the ocean so many times 🤣

Also the literal way of being the queen is to get laid 🤣🤣

Sorry to hear about you are feeling unwell. Hope you get to rest more and get well soon!
730 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 147: get well soon! ❤️‍🩹
0 points #6
Chapter 147: love this chap 🥹
0 points #7
Chapter 147: 💙💙💙
915 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 147: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
0 points #9
Chapter 147: 🫶
winjnng_01 0 points #10
Chapter 147: Thank you sm for the ud otornim!!! I hope u feel better now and take care too.