
Exceptional Couple



As a top-rated supermodel and unmated Alpha, Chanyeol was carefully cocky yet confident in his persona as PCY.

He was thrilled to be included in W's "Exceptional" photoshoot but the tantalizing smell that hit him as he entered the room had him second-guessing his own bravado. He discreetly glanced around, his eyes following what his nose was telling him.

Finding the source, his heart dropped as his Wolf pushed excitedly. Chanyeol couldn't look away as chocolate brown eyes across the room met his and then flashed golden as his own flashed red. 

"Damn." The expletive was muttered quietly but the Omega seemed to hear it as his mouth curved slightly upwards in a subtle smirk.

Chanyeol tore his gaze away as an assistant took his arm and led him to a side room, shoving clothes in after him with a quick "10 minutes please." 

Chanyeol took a deep breath and ran his fingers thru his hair, shaking his head. It cleared the fogginess a bit. The stylist would work on him after he changed anyway so it didn't matter. He took a second to look thru the clothes for the shoot and smiled. Classic Black. Nice.

The door to the changing room swung open and the assistant poked her head in. "Plenty of room" she muttered, dumping another pile of clothing on a chair near the door. Chanyeol tensed up as a familiar smell entered the room just as the door closed.

And the lock clicked.

Chanyeol didn't have to turn around to know he wasn't alone. The heady smell permeating his nostrils made him squeeze his eyes shut tight for a second as he controlled his inner wolf.  He knew the first words out of his mouth would set the tone for the rest of the day and quite possibly the rest of his life.



"W always chooses well."

"You flatter me Park."

Chanyeol smirked, turning around. "I was talking about the clothes."

Baekhyun's eyes flashed with anger he was quick to control. "Of course you were" he replied smoothly. "But they chose us to wear them."

Chanyeol held the smirk on his face as he turned back towards the clothing laid out on his side of the room. In the mirror he could see the pretty Omega sit down in a chair and take a quick deep breath. Chanyeol smirked again but kept quiet, keeping his eyes on the reflection while he grabbed the bottom of his shirt to pull it off to start changing. As the edge of his shirt inched upwards Chanyeol could smell the Omega's interest rising as well.

Chanyeol couldn't help himself. "Aren't you stripping too?"

The Omega seemed a little dazed but then leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, resting his hands behind his head while he gave a cocky grin. "Yeah I will in a minute... go ahead."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Cocky Omega."

The seated male just grinned wider. "C'mon Alpha. Show me what I'll be working with."

Chanyeol gave a low growl and turned looking directly at the sassy Omega, catching him off guard. "You won't be working with anything if you keep this up. Or should I prove my point?"

The Omega caught his breath and stared back at Chanyeol with his eyes slightly dilated as he quickly placed his hands in his lap.

The Alpha knew the minute he had walked onto the work site earlier that day, the Omega was aware he was there. Byun Baekhyun was known as a sassy independent supermodel that had refused to date anyone for literally years. Many had wanted to approach the gorgeous unmated Omega but he took full advantage of having an over-protective alpha older brother for a bodyguard. So for the Omega to not only be speaking to Chanyeol, but also be in the same changing room as the tall Alpha, curious minds in the building could only be jumping to the same conclusion.

Chanyeol, on the other hand, had both his and the Omega's dignity in mind. "We're going to change into the clothes for the shoot, do our jobs like the professionals that we are, and be civilized to each other and those around us." Chanyeol said carefully, as tho he were talking to a child.

The Omega gave a small whimper and squirmed a little uncomfortably on his seat but didn't drop his eyes. Chanyeol gave a small smile as he turned back towards the mirror. In the reflection he could see the Omega's eyes moving up and down as he checked out the tall Alpha's strong physique. "The sooner we both get changed the sooner we get to being done and we can go somewhere you won't have to do that while my back is turned."

The Omega flinched, knowing he was caught, but then gave a small smirk of his own. "If you're lucky."

In 2 seconds Chanyeol was hovering over the suddenly trembling Omega squirming once again on the chair. 

"You are the lucky one that I care enough for both our livelihoods to not get either of us fired and in the process chase everyone else out of the building if I have to make you understand what we both already know... Isn't that right, ...MATE." Chanyeol snarled and gave a quick low growl to appease his wolf and then leaned back away from the Omega that was still cowering slightly on the chair. He had slipped and they both knew it but Chanyeol was determined to be controlled enough for both of them. In one swift move Chanyeol took off his shirt and relased a few extra Alpha pheromones into the air to calm the Omega. "Come on, let's get changed."

Baekhyun looked up at the Alpha in slightly distracted awe as he slowly nodded his head. "Right... changed."

With a smooth finesse Chanyeol changed into the black suit and made a small show of checking his reflection in the mirror. He noticed the Omega sneaking glances at him as the smaller one put on a light colored suit. Chanyeol deliberately caught his eye before turning around.  

Baekhyun blinked, still a little dazed but starting to come back to his sassy self. "So...how do I look?" he asked, cocking his hip.

Chanyeol just nodded.

He had to admit, they both looked good in suits. As usual, W had chosen well.

But Chanyeol wasn't done. 

Making a quick decision Chanyeol strode towards the door and reached for the doorknob. Just before unlocking it he leaned towards the Omega and breathed quietly into his ear. "Delicious."

Baekhyun's breath hitched as the double meaning quickly sunk in. By the time he took his next breath the door had closed, leaving the Omega alone, flustered and upset with himself.

Nobody had ever gotten Byun Baekhyun that far off his game.


Baekhyun swiftly slipped on his shoes and then burst out of the changing room. His eyes darting around, he quickly zoned in on the tall Alpha already seated at the mirrors as stylists hovered around him working on his hair and applying minimal makeup. The Omega took a breath to steady himself while admiring the view. The model PCY had a long torso, but under the stylish clothing was what the Omega now knew to be miles and miles of toned muscle.

Baekhyun gave himself a split second to revel in the memory of the glory he was suddenly exposed to back in the changing room. The view, coupled with the acknowledgement by the Alpha of their situation, had been overwhelming to say the least. 

Baekhyun mentally shook himself and then strod determinedly towards the stylists area. He seated himself in a chair adjacent to the Alpha and smoothly crossed his legs. "Do your worst ladies" the Omega flashed his boy-next-door smile at the stylists & calmly closed his eyes.

He could feel the energy of the Alpha seated next to him. The pre-shoot hustle and bustle of all the individuals involved was nothing compared to the electric feeling crackling just under the surface of the two models. It was exhilarating. 

The stylists stepped back as they finished with the Alpha. "Okay then!" one of them chirped as they walked away. Baekhyun opened his eyes to see the Alpha deliberately looking at him in the mirror's reflection.

"Patience" the Alpha said softly, and then walked towards the set.

Baekhyun took a deep breath.

He knew. The Alpha knew.

Baekhyun understood. And yet he couldn't help still being a bit frustrated.

The stylists finished with Baekhyun in time for him to turn around to see the Alpha was already well into his solo shots. Chanyeol definitely knew his craft well, turning his smoldering looks and tall frame in slight measures to give exactly what the photographer requested. 

Baekhyun took another quick deep breath. Patience.





"Ok thank you that's a wrap!"

The loud words from the photographer's quirky assistant snapped the two models back to reality.

The shoot had gone well with both models doing what many would later say was their best work. The scenes had progressed smoothly with shot after shot taken as the two tried their utmost to preen and shine for the camera while still maintaining control. The Alpha's last word still in both their minds, a taunting promise.

Chanyeol felt his wolf straining against the surface, happy to have finally found what had been lacking for so long, but still denied actual confirmation to make the Alpha feel truly whole. The lights on set seemed to be much warmer than usual. Baekhyun struggled with his wolf to remain docile as the need to submit became stronger while trying to retail a sliver of civility and professionalism with the staff and company still present. The tension in the air was so thick you could almost taste it. 

Ironically, the proximity of the two models had been both a blessing and curse. Everyone could tell it wasn't only the set lights that were hot. As the shoot progressed the Alpha had released small amounts of pheromones in order to calm the Omega, but this had increased the underlying tension for the staff in the room. Several had sat themselves in chairs and on the floor to observe the two models. Although this wasn't completely out of the ordinary, the photographer was a Beta and recognized a potentially volatile situation when he saw one. Pausing for the models to have a quick touch-up, the photographer then ordered everyone else out of the room except for the assistant. The Alpha gave an appr9eciative nod, and the shooting quickly resumed.

The work with them posing together had gone quickly, and both models were grateful that the photographer had been delighted with the events unfolding while still maintaining a professional demeanor. The lack of extra eyes in the room had allowed them all to relax just a little and the Omega had even dared to bring out a little sass in his responses when the Alpha began talking quietly to him as the photographer worked. Chanyeol found himself chuckling as he marveled at how the Omega was effortlessly y yet cute at the same time. What the world generally saw in pictures was a sleek sophisticated image, but this was a whole other side to the one the universe had deemed to be worthy of the proud Alpha.

Chanyeol was smitten.

Baekhyun wasn't much better. The uneasy feeling he had felt from about 2 hours before he now knew to be excitement -- it had begun the minute the Alpha had entered the building. The Omega's wolf knew what he was only now starting to acknowledge -- and if he allowed their natural instincts to take over, Baekhyun realized his brother would be out of a job in a matter of hours. Chanyeol's existence alone would make sure of that.

As soon as wrap was called Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's hand. The Omega couldn't help his quick intake of breath, his eyes widening. Bowing with a quick thanks to the photographer, the Alpha then took large strides towards the changing room,half dragging the Omega behind him. 

Locking the door after they entered, Chanyeol quickly sat the now visibly trembling Omega in the closest chair and squatted down to be eye level with him.

Baekhyun tried to look confident as he met the Alpha's eyes. "I-I take heat pills daily so I'm not as..affected...as..you might think..." his bravery diminished and his gaze dropped when the Alpha raised his eyebrow at the Omega's words. 

Chanyeol raised his hand while controlling his pheromones to not further agitate the aroused Omega and softly touched Baekhyun's cheek. "I'm going to make a quick text to my driver and then we can leave. Go ahead and get changed -- we don't want to ruin that lovely suit." 

He may have been dealing with the fog of arousal, but Baekhyun was still his cocky self and old habits die hard. Rolling his eyes he asked, "What makes you think yours won't be ruined just as much?"

The Alpha smirked and held the Omega's gaze. "If you're lucky."

Baekhyun was caught off guard at how he got from having his own words thrown back in his face. He couldn't control the blush creeping on his cheeks and the flush of arousal that was starting to take a hold in his lower regions as well. 

Fighting against his inner wolf Chanyeol stepped back from the Omega and took a shaky breath, composing himself as he pulled out his phone. "Damn. You smell REALLY good... But I can tell you're starting to leak rather nicely so we need that expensive suit off of you before you have to use the bulk of your paycheck to pay for it."  Baekhyun flushed even more furiously and opened his mouth to offer a retort but Chanyeol beat him to it. "And I'm not taking you here, so you need to change so we can get out of here soon." He looked down at his phone and quickly typed out a text.

The Omega huffed as he stood up and pulled his jacket off and then began working on his pants. He glanced over at the tall Alpha who was just standing there. Feeling brash, Baekhyun remarked "Are you afraid to change in front of me now?" 

Chanyeol just chuckled. "Unlike you, I negotiated this suit as part of my payment for agreeing to the shoot. And it's a happy coincidence that you seem to like it so much." He caught the Omega's eye once again and this time didn't camouflage the lust in his own gaze. "I distinctly remember the moment your arousal spiked was when I finished putting the jacket on just before we left this room earlier... . . Or am I wrong?"

Flushed from the Alpha's bold words and trying avoid even more embarrassment, the Omega shook his head and turned his attention to finishing undoing the button and zipper of his pants. As he let them drop Baekhyun quickly grabbed his own shirt off the side table and slid it on over his head. As he turned around, the view of the Omega in a shirt with his shapely unblemished legs sticking out below had the Alpha in a quick breath.

"Oh Baby.. . . ."

Baekhyun was still trembling a bit with his arousal. Because of this it took every bit of strength Chanyeol had to control his wolf.

The pinging of an incoming text seemed to jolt them both and Chanyeol shook his head a little. Taking a deep breath he checked his phone then picked up his bag of clothing. "The car is ready for us at the side door. The area is secure and we can get away with no prying eyes or paparazzi."

Baekhyun nodded as he struggled to fastened his jeans. "T-that's good."  Flustered, he gave up and started to just pull his shirt down to cover the open button so he could grab his own bag but was again caught off guard and froze, startled as the Alpha smoothly fastened the jeans button and then reached around him to pick up the Omega's bag.

Baekhyun looked confused. "Why are you being so nice to me?" he asked quietly.

Chanyeol paused. "What do you mean?"

"I know how people view me." Baekhyun responded quickly before he lost his nerve. "They say I'm too cocky and stuck up for my own good a-and my ego is bigger than the entire country. That I'm a diva because I refuse to rely on any Alpha other than my brother. And-and everyone says I'm a so I must...be one..." The Omega's bravado gave out and he grew uncomfortable, looking back down and shuffling his feet a little.

The Alpha was surprised.

He paused for thought for a second to compose himself. The words angered him but he knew the Omega wasn't saying anything he hadn't already heard before. Chanyeol kept his thoughts to himself, choosing instead to move towards the door and holding it open as he ushered the Omega out and then down the short hallway to the elevator. Baekhyun whimpered slightly but didn't say anything as they walked. 

No one else was in the hall so Chanyeol gently grasped Baekhyun's elbow. The Omega shuddered and leaned in towards Chanyeol as he pushed the button to call the elevator and then turned slightly towards the trembling Omega. "You may be a cocky diva, but I'm also an arrogant loner. What makes you think I'm not as surprised about all this as you are?" 

Baekhyun lowered his head. "I never thought you were arrogant..." the Omega mumbled his words but Chanyeol caught them.

"And I never thought you were a ."

The Omega whipped his head up in surprise at the Alpha. 

Chanyeol smoothly added "Stubborn as hell, yeah, but not a . By the way my place is private and secluded so I hope you're ok that its my driver picking us up."

Baekhyun smirked and nodded while shuffling his feet a little to try to appear more confident as the doors to the elevator opened showing an empty carriage. Chanyeol smiled and shifted his grip on Baekhyun's elbow to circle his upper arm. The Alpha then gently pushed the still trembling Omega to guide them into the elevator. 

The whole ride down the four floors both models had matching small smiles on their faces but no words were exchanged. Both were trying desperately to retain a semblance of control while still letting their wolves revel in being such close proximity to each other without any distractions apart from the small dinging sounds as the elevator descended.

It was sweet torture.

Chanyeol couldn't resist. His hand moved down the Omega's arm and he slid their hands together. 

Baekhyun quickly changed their hand positions and placed his slender fingers between the Alpha's large digits.

Chanyeol gently tightened his grip and Baekhyun leaned slightly closer to the Alpha.

The shift was palpable as the air grew thicker.

By the time the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, both supermodels were shivering in anticipation. In an unspoken agreement, they dashed out past the few people waiting to get on the elevator, and still holding hands they ran towards the exit door. As soon as they got out the side of the building and into the waiting car both bags were slung on the floor and the Omega eagerly launched himself into the Alpha's waiting arms.

The driver discretely rolled up the scent-barrier privacy window between the front and back of the car and ensured the soundproof doors were locked. The driver then drove off in the direction of the Alpha's beautiful two-story house on the outskirts of the city. 

Both of the supermodels had made their wolves wait long enough.

Years of pent-up frustration from waiting and longing and dreaming were finally allowed to come to an end.

They could not, would not be denied.

Heavily tinted windows and Chanyeol's skilled driver ensured no prying eyes detected the unmistakable details of the beauty that nature was helping to bring to completion inside the deluxe towncar even before it was pulling into the private parking garage attached to the house. None of the gossip magazines needed to know that upon arrival the driver excused himself quietly to go into the house and pass along instructions to the other staff members that they were ALL dismissed for the next four days.

And if the neighbors noticed there was virtually no outdoor activity but there WAS a lot of rather loud new and ecstatic sounds coming from the house at all hours of the day and night during those four days, well... Who's to say.  

The air did smell sweeter in the vicinity of the home tho...

Interestingly, the local gossips found out later that same week the Alpha's usually immaculate towncar was also sent out for detailed cleaning and fixing several rips in the upholstery... 

All speculation was cleared up two months later. When the W "Exceptional" issue came out, the newly mated couple was officially announced on the front cover. Their undeniable chemistry showed thru the pictures inside, proving there were two less supermodels on the market. 

A set of pictures from the same shoot that were NOT released to the public were framed and lovingly placed on the walls of what was now the couple's two-story home on the outskirts of the city. 

Baekhyun's brother called the pictures their engagement photos.

Chanyeol didn't disagree. Their love was showcased beautifully in the heat that radiated off each and every shot.

Baekhyun just called them the "LoveShots". He said they reminded him of a song.... . . .

~~~ ~~~





A/N:  AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Sorry about the lack of and the cheesy ending. I couldn't resist -- it was too easy! (And I was humming "Naaaa~ nana nana nanana..." as I came to the last few tweets so I HAD to put that in there!) N E WAYZ I hope you enjoyed this whole mess! 



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Chapter 1: Awesome!
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Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 1: Tension and imagination !! Nice story 👏
Chapter 1: I enjoyed the story