Chapter 30

The Mugunghwa Crown
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Inside Hospital Room


Seungwan watched the CCTV from Taeyeon’s tablet and paused on the part where a masked man raised his hand to shoot her. “This guy seems familiar.”


“Based on his posture and shooting stance, I’m 98% sure he’s Sanghun,” Seulgi told the young royal while gritting her teeth. “We’ve often grouped together on shooting lessons during our training days in the royal army academy so I know his posture very well. He always came second after me with a 95% shooting accusation, so for him missing the target is unlikely to happen. He must’ve done it on purpose.”


“My brother or PM Kwon must’ve told him to make it like a car accident that’s why he held back,” Seungwan nodded then looked to Taeyeon, “What about the black car?”


“It was left abandoned 20 km from the accident site. The police couldn’t find anything inside the car except its license number. They traced it and found out that the car belonged to a rental car shop in Anyang. The boss was summoned to the police office yesterday, but turned out they rent the car with a fake identity.”


“They were really prepared this time,” Seungwan commented.


“The police are working hard to investigate the case. I’ve handed over the CCTV to them yesterday, but I think it won’t stop those bad guys from trying to harm you. They have a powerful figure behind them, PM Kwon and Taeja,” Taeyeon added in a serious voice.


Seulgi who stood beside the young secretary quickly suggested, “Taenyeo, it's a warning to not take them lightly anymore. We have to upgrade your safety. You were almost in danger if you hadn’t told Taeyeon about our location last time.”


“I agree with Seulgi.”


Taeyeon supported Seulgi’s suggestion. Clearly, they had talked about it among themselves. “This accident can be a valid reason to ask for more guards from Jeonha. Having another car following your car with two or three guards seems a good idea to me.”


“What do you say, Taenyeo?” Seulgi asked impatiently. She really wished that Seungwan would say yes, if not, she had to discard her crutch and wrestled the latter on her hospital bed.


Seeing two pairs of expectant eyes set on her, the young royal took a moment to think about her subordinates' suggestion. As much as she believe that her brother or PM Kwon wouldn’t dare to blatantly kill her before the coronation but Joohyun had asked her to think about the older woman whenever she was about to make any decision.


Upgrading her security might be a small thing for her but for Joohyun, it could be everything. After all, it was not only about herself anymore. Back then Seungwan wouldn’t care if she would die on her mission but she has someone who’s waiting for her now.


“Alright, go on.”


Seulgi seemed so pleased to hear the young royal’s decision. She even smiled widely revealing her commercial-worthy teeth.


“Anything else?”


“Crown Prince Seunghoon wanted to speak with you. He’s very worried about your well-being.”


“Ok, connect me with him.” Seungwan’s phone was wrecked so currently she has no access to call her brother.


Taeyeon connected the call from her tablet. Soon, Seunghoon’s worried face came into the screen.


“Seungwan? Thank God! You’ve finally woken up. I’m sorry, I can’t be there with you.”


Seungwan smiled.


“How’s London? Is Sunhwa unnie doing well?”


“We’re fine. How about you? Why are you still in Anyang?”


“It’s a long story. But I’ll go back to Seoul maybe in 2-3 weeks.”


“Seungwan. This is a warning,” Hoon said. “If you could, don’t go anywhere, just stay in The Palace. As much as The Palace is not the ideal place but still it’s safer than outside. They won’t dare to hurt you there.”


“Orabeoni. You know I can’t just hide in The Palace, especially that the coronation is nearing.“ Seungwan shook her head. “Don’t worry. It won’t happen again, I will add more guards around me.”


“Seeing you hurt like this makes me angry. What is wrong with Seungmin?!”


Seungwan smiled.


“Orabeoni, that’s the risk that I have to bear but I will protect myself more now.” Seungwan paused for a moment.


“Taeyeon told me that she already contacted you before regarding your role on the coronation night but we have a little change on the plan. Is Sunhwa unnie around you?”


“No, she is resting in another room.”


“Alright. So the plan is … “




About 40 minutes later, Taeyeon and Seulgi walked out of the room to let Seungwan take her rest.


Before they could even take a step, Joohyun already stood in front of the door with her crossed arms. As if, she was there the whole time, unmoving.


“Follow me,” she commanded coldly.


Taeyeon sighed and told the two guards outside to keep their eyes on Seungwan’s room and not to let anyone come inside unless it’s her doctor and her nurse. Only those two people who were authorized by Taeyeon to come inside the room.




It was hard to find a private spot in the hospital so Joohyun took them to the rooftop. With her status, no one questioned or even stopped her when she passed the nurse station beside the lift to the rooftop. Patients usually needed to ask for permission to go up, but seeing the limping royal guard and the formally dressed Taeyeon behind Joohyun who looked so serious. The nurses assumed that the young princess was going to have a conversation with both of them.


A few minutes later, they arrived on the rooftop. Joohyun turned around and started to question them one by one.


“You, Kang Seulgi, put me to sleep by hitting my neck. Isn't that the same as doing physical violence against me?” Then she glanced at Taeyeon, “And you, Taeyeon-ssi, your job is to make sure that Taenyeo is getting the best treatment and recovery, yet you were so against me to take her to Seoul. Even supported Seulgi to put me to sleep. What is wrong with you??”


“I ..”


Taeyeon touched Seulgi’s arm and shook her head. Seulgi wasn’t the best negotiator in the world. The latter would only make the young princess angry so it was up to Taeyeon to make them out of the princess’s wrath unscathed.


Taeyeon quickly kneeled down before opening to speak.


“Your Highness, we admit that what we did was wrong and we deserved all the punishment.” She continued, “We won’t defend ourselves but you should know that we did it because we only wanted you not to worry further.”


“And about Her Highness’s hospital transfer, I actually had arranged for her transfer to one of the hospitals in Seoul if she didn’t wake up until the next morning but it was my fault that I didn’t tell you about it. I have my own reasons. Meanwhile, Royal Guard Kang only did what she knew to help you rest. Yes, I agree that it was a bit too much but rest assured, it’s not her intention to bring you harm. That’s why I didn’t stop her. But if you want to punish someone, it’s me, Wangnyeo.”


Joohyun looked at them irritatedly. “You could've told me but you chose the inconvenient way!”


“So tell me, what is the punishment for committing violence against a royal and for also hiding the truth?”


“It’s as you please, Wangnyeo. The worst one is jailed for all their life and stripped from their title,” Taeyeon told her.


Seulgi, who was never afraid to speak her mind quickly interjected, “With due respect, Wangnyeo. If you keep your head clear and listened to what the doctor and secretary Kim said, I wouldn’t have to put you to sleep that way. A critical situation needed a critical measurement.”


The royal guard wasn't able to kneel due to her leg injury so she was standing face to face with Joohyun. As she was taller, she looked a bit intimidating. In fact, both of them looked ready to hurl at each other.


Taeyeon was fearing for it and could only look at them in worry. She slightly understood why Seungwan didn't want to help them because the latter wouldn't be able to choose any side.


“A critical situation? Me?? I only wanted the best treatment for my wife!”


Taeyeon tugged Seulgi’s pants to make her shut up but the latter didn’t care.


“You are not the only one who is concerned with Taenyeo’s situation! When we said that we did it for Taenyeo’s well being then it really was. Yes, Taenyeo is your wife but she’s this country’s crown princess first and foremost. Her safety is always our main concern in every decision we make. Taeyeon had talked to the doctor so of course, she knew what she did. In fact, she did nothing wrong but you doubted her. You even accused us of trying to harm Taenyeo when all this time, we have proved nothing but our loyalty to Her Highness!” she said without any fear.


“If you don’t trust us, who else you’ll trust? Her family?? You’ve seen how her family treats her and don’t tell me you approve of their behavior. So now let me ask you, Wangnyeo. Without us here, do you think you can help Taenyeo with your own power? Not to mention, going against The King’s order at once? Do you think you can handle it??”


Joohyun was too stunned to speak.


“I have said what needed to be said so just tell me the punishment, I’ll accept it but don’t think that you can fire us. You don’t have the power to do it, besides Taenyeo needs us as much as we need her. If you really care for her then you know that what I’m saying is right!”


It was Taeyeon’s turn to be speechless. Seulgi really didn’t hold herself to anyone.


Joohyun sighed and her stare soften a little.


“I’m sorry for doubting your loyalty and hurting your feelings. But what you two did to me is unacceptable,” Joohyun told both of them. “I admit that maybe I was a little bit hard to handle that night but try to think from my point of view. At that moment, her safety was my main concern and you two didn’t give any impression of staying on my side. I had no idea of what was going on and my only concern was to take her to a better hospital. Just like you, I only think what is best for Taenyeo.”


Taeyeon thought that the young princess did have a point.


“It was my fault,” she quickly said.


“My fault as well,” Seulgi too, admitted to her own fault. She didn’t think much when she did that.


Joohyun nodded while brushing her hair. “Now that everything is clear. Stand up, Taeyeon-ssi.”


“I won’t give you two any punishment because it’s all a misunderstanding. But, I hope you two wouldn’t do that to me again. I know what Taenyeo’s mission is so just talk to me. I would try my best to understand.”


Both Taeyeon and Seulgi glanced at each other. Seungwan had told them that Joohyun knew the big outline of their plan and the young royal instructed them to keep the latter’s safety at all cost. By all means, they still need to do what’s needed to be done if one day they face a critical situation again. After all, that’s their job, especially Seulgi’s, but they keep it to themselves for now.


“Yes, Wangnyeo.”




After 3 weeks of staying in the hospital, today, Seungwan was finally discharged. The Palace publicly announced her return to The Palace. People were overjoyed by it, some even lined up outside The Palace and wished for her speedy recovery.


On another note, the incident was still under investigation. It was baffling that the case takes a long time to solve, especially when the police already got a hold of the CCTV footage and found the black car two days after the incident, but since then there was no further update about the case.


The Palace refused to give their statement about the incident as they said they will focus on Seungwan’s recovery and safety. It angered Joohyun when she watched the news. No one came to visit Seungwan aside from a few phone calls from Hoon and Sunhwa who were currently staying in London.


When she asked Taeyeon, the latter said that it was Jeonha’s decision not to let anyone visit Seungwan since the coronation was nearing, he said that it was best for them to not create another big buzz after Seungwan’s incident. Wrong move.


People started to suspect that the royal family wasn’t on good terms with each other and that the accident was a plan for Seungwan’s assassination. There was a rumor saying that King Seungjo actually considered Seungwan to take the crown instead of the crown prince which damaged the relationship between the step siblings. Well, they were not 100% wrong with their assumption, Seungmin and Seungwan has always had bad blood with each other.


After helping Seungwan step out of the car, Joohyun stood beside her faking a smile at the whole royal family in front of her (minus Seunghoon and Sunhwa).


All of them welcomed Seungwan’s return in The Palace’s front garden. Lots of reporters took the moment when The King hugged his daughter, and other photos were taken when Seungwan stood beside his brother, Seungmin. Both of them were not smiling, further sparking the rumors.


Seungwan stood behind the podium after her father’s speech. She thanked the public for their prayer and was sorry because she caused them to worry. When one of the reporters asked her about the rumors that saying the siblings were not on the good terms, the young royal smiled.


“There’s no such thing. We’re on good terms. My brother will take the crown.” She didn’t specify which brother purposely. “Please refrain from making such rumor.’


Seungwan’s hand was still in cast and Seulgi also still needed her crutch so Jaemin and two other guards were tasked to take over Seulgi’s task for the time being.


When Joohyun helped Seungwan to take the flowers from a few invited guests, she saw Sohee looking at her wife with an indecipherable stare.


Actually, the young princess was baffled. She thought Sohee would pester Seungwan like she usually did but she didn’t. Her absence from the hospital visit was understandable but this??


Are they fighting? Joohyun thought to herself. Well, that’s good news to me.


She also caught the hateful stare towards herself from the soon-to-be Queen. She had no intention to back out so she glared back at her before resuming taking the flowers.


Who does she think she is??




Taejong Hall


“It’s nice to be back.”


Seungwan rested her back on the sofa as Chaeyoung appeared with a tray in her hand. She was ordered by Queen Sohyang to prepare the tea to help Seungwan’s recovery.


“Welcome back, Taenyeo.”



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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1702 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1702 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
