Chapter 28

The Mugunghwa Crown
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The first thing that greeted Joohyun when she arrived at Classic Cleaner was a call from Park-sangui. The old woman told her that Madam Bae wanted to meet her today.


Joohyun really wanted to cut ties with them, but her mother didn’t let her. Her mama said that The Baes is still her family, no matter how nasty they are. Besides, as a princess, that wouldn’t be a wise move as it will potentially damage her reputation. The public would question her decision and then they would dig into her past and her family. The two things that she wanted to keep private as best as she could.


With that thought, she agreed to meet her grandmother after office hours. She wouldn’t stay for too long because her dinner with Seungwan is too precious to skip for this matter.


After informing her wife, Joohyun walked to her small office and started her work of the day.




Finance Department.


Seungwan could feel the shift in the atmosphere since the incident. Everyone became wary of each other. The case hasn’t been solved yet so it puts great pressure on the workers.


Her brother only instructed a few trusted workers to handle the report now, and one of them is Sua. It brought jealousy among other workers who got their tasks moved to the young woman. Meanwhile, Sua was pressured by the amount of work and her peers.


“Milk tea for you.”


Seungwan placed down a can of warm milk tea on her colleague’s table. As always, she didn’t have much job and was even more jobless after the incident. More time for her to observe the situation then.


“Thank you, Taenyeo.” Sua smiled despite the stress that was eating her out.


“Don’t mention it.”


Seungwan was back on her chair and started her computer just for the sake of it.


Should I play solitaire again today? Maybe I should install Mario Kart.


“Excuse me, Your Highness.” In the midst of deciding what to do, Taemin came to her side timidly.




“His Highness asked me to bring you to him.”


In an instant, all eyes were on her. Crown Prince Seungmin never called for his sister before. What in the world is happening? Are they going to fight up there? Her colleagues murmured to each other as if Seungwan couldn’t hear them.


“Alright,” The young royal said easily as she pushed her chair. Not looking afraid even a bit.


“If I don’t come back within an hour. Maybe one of you should check upstairs,” she jokingly said and laughed inwardly upon witnessing their frightened face.




A meeting room on the top floor.


Taemin left them a second ago, so there’s only Seungmin and Seungwan inside. It felt like it has been a long while since she talked to her brother, not that they usually shared secrets with each other. Since young, they were like two sides of poles. They didn’t have any common interests or hobbies so it was hard to make them close. The last time they saw each other was at the mandatory royal family dinner before he left for Ulleungdo.


Seungwan made herself comfortable on the sofa, across from where Seungmin was sitting while staring coldly at her.


It’s funny but they never sit together like this unless forced by The King.


“Orabeoni, you never asked me to meet you before. What is it? Are you gonna give me a promotion?”


Min scoffed after hearing what nonsense his sister had said. “I want you to resign from my department.”


“Why? Did I make any mistake?” I didn’t even do any work. She said to herself.


“Know your place. You’re not needed here.”


“Well, I like it here.”


“You really like to test my patience, Seungwan. Quit while I’m still being nice.”


By quit, he meant to stop whatever schemes Seungwan is plotting. Min was highly suspecting her as the culprit of the server room incident. PM Kwon’s words started to get into his head. Thus, he felt threatened by Seungwan involvement in Finance Department, even though he didn’t give her any work.


“What if I don’t want to?”


Min stared hard at his sister. He knew that she wouldn’t obey him that easily. Unlike Hoon, Seungwan is such a pain in the a**. Gritting his teeth, he said, “You don’t value your life, huh? Do you really want to die?”


“Whoaa, is that a threat?” Seungwan innocently blinked her eyes.


“I’m not playing, Seungwan.”


The youngest royal pointed to herself. “But I’m your sister.”


“Has any blood relation stopped me before?”




Years ago, Min broke Hoon’s arm just because the latter got more recognition in The Royal Army Academy. Min got jealous of his brother's fame so he hired some thugs to assault Hoon. One of the thugs got caught by the royal guards and opened his mouth. Thus, the whole family knew who the culprit was, even The King, but as always he favored Min because his eldest son was The Crown Prince. In the end, he moved Hoon to the public service unit instead of letting him stay under the defense force unit after his arm healed, no matter how many medals Hoon achieved from the said unit. After that, The King never let them serve or work in one place.


Seungwan knew that her brother was not playing with his words. This is a warning from him.


“The Palace in Gwangju will be yours if you agreed to stay away until the coronation.”


The Gwangju Palace where she was outcasted for two years? Seungwan wanted to laugh. It was clear that her brother wanted to send her away, not only from The Royal Institution but also from The Main Palace.


The Gwangju Palace will be mine? Seungwan snorted inside. Most likely, he would hire someone to kill her before she even reach the said palace. Seungmin wasn’t the best example of someone who would keep their promises. Especially to Seungwan who was deemed as his enemy. If she wasn’t a royal, she’s probably dead by now for trying to go against the crown prince. Her royal status had protected her all this time.


“I said, I like it here.”


Seungwan stared at her brother with a small smile on her face. “Why do you want me to go so much? Am I really a threat to you, Min-orabeoni?”


Frustrated and amplified by his anger, Min lunged forward and gripped Seungwan’s neck with his hand. He was so easily provoked and angered by the simplest things such as words. That’s why he is always involved in unnecessary fights with others and further damaging his reputation as the crown prince. He didn’t have the self-control and patience that Seungwan had.


Seungwan didn’t flinch or show any sign of fear albeit her breath was shortened by the lack of air due to Seungmin’s strong grip on her neck.


“If I die now in your hands now. You won’t be able to take your crown,” she whispered in such a low voice.


Damn it! Min pushed Seungwan’s body backward as he stood up.


“This is your last warning. I won’t hesitate to end your life next time,” he said venomously before leaving his sister and slamming the door.


Once Min left her alone, Seungwan evened her breath. Her brother’s move was unpredictable. Therefore, Seungwan had no time to dodge it.


A moment later, she walked into the in-room toilet and looked at the mirror, inspecting her neck. Min's fingers left an obvious imprint on her pale neck. He had never assaulted her in broad daylight like this before, obviously, Seungwan had pushed him to his limit. He was enraged.


The young royal chuckled to herself before her stare hardened in the mirror.


“Even if I die, you won’t get what you want.”



Seungwan was back in her seat when her colleagues left their working station to get lunch. She had promised to bring Joohyun out for lunch today but she took her time controlling her emotion before walking back into the room. She forgot to text her wife.


She exhaled deeply as she opened her Kakao app. She owed Joohyun an apology for breaking her promise today.


Seungwan: [ Are you having lunch right now? Sorry 🥺 I was occupied by something and I couldn’t text you beforehand. ]


Not long after she got a reply from her wife.


Joohyun: [ I figured that out. Usually, you’d be here before 1 PM. ]


Seungwan: [ I made you wait for nothing. Please forgive me 🥺 ]


Joohyun: [ Stop saying sorry and putting a cute emoji. I’m not angry. I understand you’re busy. ]


Seungwan: [ Well, I thought you’ll like it when I’m ‘begging’ for your mercy, Unnie. ]


Joohyun: [ We are not having this kind of conversation through Kakao. Have some shame! ]


Seungwan: [ Yes, Unnie 🥺 scold me more. ]


Joohyun: [ You’re so annoying. I’m going now! ]


Seungwan chuckled as she imagined Joohyun's annoyed face before calling Seulgi to have lunch together. Her guard must be worried sick waiting for her. She received 20 calls from the latter just because she was late to go down by 15 minutes. Seulgi was way more possessive than her wife.




Madam Bae’s Private Room, 6 PM.


As soon as Joohyun arrived at The Bae’s mansion, she was quickly ushered to her Grandma’s room. She had been sitting there, on top of a pillow seat for 15 minutes now while waiting for her Grandma who was brewing tea with grace. But it was too slow for the young princess's liking. She couldn’t take it anymore.


“Why do you want to meet me, grandma?”


Madam Bae poured the first brew into a cup and inhaled the aroma before emptying it into a bin and repeated the process once again.


God, when will it be done??


After being done with the whole process, Madam Bae finally put a cup in front of Joohyun.


“Your Highness, this is the finest tea that I’ve imported from Nepal. You should try it first.”


“I don’t feel like drinking tea right now. What’s the matter?”


The old Madam Bae put down her own cup and brushed the edge of her lips with her handkerchief before folding it neatly again. She was the epitome of a woman who was raised in nobility, all her life.


“I want you to help your Uncle Junjin to get a position in The Royal Constitution.”


Joohyun frowned after hearing her grandmother’s request. She didn’t like to be treated as a tool to get what her Grandma wants. In the past, it was a common practice to put family members of the married princess into the constitution but Joohyun wasn’t living in the past and she was certainly against any nepotism.


“I’m not involved in The Royal Constitution.”


“You aren’t but your wife is involved in it and even your father-in-law is the leader of the constitution.”


“I won’t trouble Taenyeo or even Jeonha with your request. If Uncle Junjin wants to get into the constitution, he must work for it.”


Joohyun knew how greedy her uncle was, besides he didn’t even show any respect to her and her mother at the cremation ceremony. If he really wanted her help, shouldn’t he be acting a little bit sweeter to her? Not that she would help him or anything if he did. But isn’t it common sense for someone who needs help from others?


“Your Highness, please don’t forget where you came from.” Madam Bae reminded her in her soft but menacing voice. “You are a Bae first and foremost. You have to serve your family.”


It ticked off Joohyun whenever her grandmother brought up the topic. She was a Bae, yes, but only by name. All her life, she was never treated nicely by them so how could they expect her to serve the family now? Are they really that shameless??


“You never acknowledged my presence in the family before, Grandma. You like me now because I’m your golden ticket to get what you want!” The young princess was in disbelief. “Out of all your grandchildren, I’m the only one who was never included in any Bae family affair! And now you expect me to serve the family??


“That’s because of your mother! If only Jihwan didn’t marry her, I will love you the same as my other grandchildren!”


“Stop dragging my mother into this! I’ve got enough of you putting all the blame on her!” Joohyun slammed her hand on the table, making the cups tumble over and spilling their content wetting the table. “If you still insist to use my status for your own benefit. Then there’s no use for us to be acquainted as a family anymore.”


“What do you mean?” Madam Bae was a little bit shocked by Joohyun outburst.


“I’m cutting ties with this family!”


There, she finally said it. She wanted to follow her mother’s suggestion but with what just happened, she couldn’t tolerate it anymore. Madam Bae had tried to use her status and even blatantly acknowledged that she never saw Joohyun as her granddaughter.


“Bae Joohyun, you did not …”


“I did. I no longer want to be related to you.”


Madam Bae stared at her granddaughter in anger.


“How dare you say that to me! After you got married to Taenyeo, you got so brave, huh?! Your marriage wouldn’t happen if it were not because of me! You and your mother are forever indebted to me!”


“What are you saying? My marriage is my decision. It has nothing to do with you!”


“You really think highly of yourself, huh?” Madam Bae scoffed. She was too angry to think straight.


“Listen, you ungrateful child! Taenyeo visited me the night before you came together. She asked for my help to push you to marry her. The six months agreement, did you think that came out of the blue? Did you think I want to give my disobedient son a ceremony without gaining anything in return?!”


Madam Bae pointed her finger to Joohyun. She didn’t bother to treat the latter respectfully anymore because of her anger. “Your wife asked me to make you agree! Without me, you and your lowly mother would never get your hand on the land in Jeju! My land!”


Joohyun felt like her world had just fallen apart in front of her eyes. She has unknowingly fallen and trapped into Seungwan’s scheme.


All this time, she thought that Seungwan wasn’t keen on marrying her at first so she had to propose the idea back to the young royal and she even agreed to other few conditions that weren’t so beneficial to her just to make the latter agree. But the truth was, Seungwan had planned it all. Her wife was the one behind their marriage from the start. Seungwan knew that she wouldn’t agree without any push and the only way was by using her father’s ceremony. The only thing that matters to her. Seungwan even dared to move so low by cooperating with her grandmother. The person who made her family suffer. The person she hated the most. Seungwan knew about it and she still did her dirty. Seungwan abused her trust.


Joohyun laughed bitterly inside. What a fool I am to be played like this.


She had no reason to stay anymore and took her bag as she stood up.


“Where are you going?”


“I’m indebted to you, right? Then let me pay it back to you.”


Madam Bae was surprised. She thought Joohyun finally agreed to her demand. “Good that you … “


“I will divorce Her Highness so I will no longer have to live my life indebted to you.”


“Bae Joohyun!”


She didn’t even bother to look back as a tear escaped her eyes.


I should’ve known that Son Seungwan would do something like this. She would do anything and use anyone to get her goal, and I was not an exception. Everything was a game to her and I’m just her pawn, like Sohee, like all those women. To her, I’m just a tool.


Joohyun covered her lips as she sobbed along the corridor. Her heart was hurting, even more than when she was left alone at the altar. She opened her heart just to get hurt again.


What did she do wrong to get treated like this again?

She gave her trust to her loved ones only to get betrayed by them.




Jaemin was waiting beside the car when Joohyun walked to him while hugging herself. The young princess had wiped her tears but her swollen face and red eyes said it all, she wasn’t okay. Jaemin got a bad feeling from it.


“Wangnyeo, are you …”


“Back to The Palace,” the young princess said with a shaking voice.




07.15 PM

Taejeong Hall.


Seungwan put the last plate on the table. Before going home, she dropped by K-restaurant to buy Joohyun's favorite spring rolls.


Tonight, she planned to have dinner and maybe spend some time with her wife. What happened in the office before didn’t affect her. In fact, it made her more fired up to go against her brother. But first, she would feed her wife.


Seungwan smiled as she thought about her wife. Joohyun was the reason why she smiled a lot these days. She still couldn’t believe that they found their way together like this.


Taking out a box from her pocket, she opened it and stared at the pair of earrings inside. She wanted to give Joohyun something. She remembered that she hasn’t given her any gift since their marriage so this gift is perfect since their relationship has developed into something more.

She put the box inside her pocket again when she heard the front door being opened from outside. It must be her wife. The maids and guards usually would announce their presence and wait until they get her permission before coming in.


She walked to the door to greet her wife but stopped once she got a look at the latter‘s face. Something wasn’t right judging by the way Joohyun look at her, something must’ve happened at The Bae’s residence earlier. She was still thinking about the possibility when she felt Joohyun’s hand land on her right cheek.


Joohyun had slapped her.


The young royal could taste a slightly tangy taste of blood inside but it didn’t hurt her as much as the look Joohyun gave her right now. The look of disgust.


“Was it fun when you play with other people’s trust in you?”


Seungwan didn’t reply and just stared at her wife. She was at a loss for words. A few hours ago they were okay. What happened at The Bae Mansion?


“Was it fun to work along with my grandmother behind my back? Was it fun for you?!”


The young royal face instantly paled. She never thought that Madam Bae would let it slip from .


In spite of her shocked state, she saw her wife unclasp her own Mugunghwa bracelet and held it in front of her face.


“You know how important my father's ceremony is to me but you heartlessly used it for your own benefit. I thought you were so kind to help me, even pushing the ceremony for the sake of my unfortunate mother. You made me think that you really understood my feelings when you actually worked together with my grandmother. You had deceived me, Son Seungwan!”


The young princess threw the bracelet on Seungwan’s chest. It fell on the floor with a loud clatter.


“You got what you want from me, a marriage, and I got what I want from you so now don’t expect me to be your pawn anymore. We’ll get a divorce as it said in our agreement. Until the time has come, stay away from me.”


Seungwan heard her wife loud and clear. But she could only stare at the floor where the bracelet was. She didn’t have the confidence to lift her head up to see her wife. She was ashamed.


Seungwan still stood in the same place when Joohyun walked into their bedroom, took out her suitcase, and packed her clothes. The young royal head was in mess. She made a mistake and she didn’t know how to fix it.


Without a word, Joohyun walked back to the living room and passed by her to the door. Seungwan eyes were still trained on the floor but when she heard the little sniffle coming from her wife, she finally lifted her head only to see the latter open the door and close it again. Leaving her.




Seulgi walked hastily to Taejeong Hall.

She heard everything from Jaemin who drove a tearing Joohyun back to her apartment with a suitcase in her hand.


They must’ve fought with each other.

But what is the problem?


The royal guard opened the door after announcing her presence which was not even replied to by Seungwan. She found the young royal staring blankly at her mother’s portrait while holding another mugunghwa bracelet in her hand. The bracelet was colored in a much lighter shade of green than hers.


That must be Joohyun-wangnyeo's bracelet.


Seulgi didn’t ask anything. She didn’t even ask for Seungwan’s permission when she engulfed the latter in a hug. A while later, she felt her shoulder getting wet from tears. It’s been years since the last time she saw her sister crying. No, Seungwan never let any tears stream down her face after she told Seulgi that she wanted to go back to The Palace. So to see the young royal break down and lose her control like this, their fight must be so big.


There was nothing else she could do except to be there for Seungwan.




Seungwan wiped her tears and tried her best to control herself in front of Seulgi in order not to make her even more worried. Both of them had been sitting in silence for a while now and she could feel the subtle glances from the latter. Even though her guard tried hard to not ask any questions but she knew that Seulgi is dying to know. Seungwan appreciated her attempt but she wasn’t ready to let her know now.


“Where is she going?” Was the first question Seungwan asked once she found her voice back.


“Her apartment. Your mother-in-law is still in Jeju so she has the apartment all for herself.”


Seungwan nodded. Her eyes were red and her voice was hoarse. “Ask Jaemin to keep his eyes on her even if she pushes him away, and assign two more guards around her apartment building. I don’t want to get any report of her getting assaulted.”


“Yes, Taenyeo.”


“Thank you, Seulgi. You may leave now.” Seungwan stood up. “I’ll be in my study room if you’re looking for me.”


“Taenyeo, you have to rest.”




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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1701 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1701 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
