Chapter 17

The Mugunghwa Crown
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Finance Department Building.


Seungwan stepped into the department drawing a series of eyes following her every single move. All the staff was surprised when they saw her. Her appearance was unexpected, they knew how His Highness Seungmin blatantly detest his siblings, it was not a secret among the employees.


“Good morning,” the young royal greeted one of her colleagues before sitting in one of the vacant workstations.


“G… good morning.”


The young woman who’s next to her is getting flustered, why is she sitting here? The members of the royal family usually get a higher position in any department.


“What’s your name, hmm?” Wendy friendly asked.


“S-Sua, Your Highness.”


“Hello, Sua. You can call me, Wendy.”


Sua immediately shook her head, vehemently objecting to the idea.


“P… pardon me for asking, but why are you here? The manager's room is that way.”


“Oh, I’m just a staff here,” Wendy chuckles as she puts down her bag, “I guess you’re my senior here. Please take care of me.”


What? So the new staff that her manager told her to assist yesterday is none other than the Crown Princess Seungwan?? Sua wants to die right now.


“Please wait here, I… I have to check with the manager first!”


Sua bowed respectfully before nervously walking to her manager’s room.




So it turned out that Seungwan was really appointed as a mere staff member in the department. Now that Sua thought about it, of course, His Highness wouldn’t let any of his siblings have a better position in a department where he is leading. But why does Seungwan want to be relocated here?


Sua knew that previously, the princess was the head of the internal affair. It was like a demotion from her last position. Did she do something wrong there? Did she cause any problem??


But no rumor was spread, she even got more popular after her wedding. So why? Every staff member here wanted to move out of this hellish hole. Let’s just say that His Highness was not a good leader, they are all overworked and burnt out. All of them were afraid to anger their future King. Not a long time ago, there was one secretary who dared to speak up and she ended up getting slapped and fired from her job.


That explained Sua’s hesitation to assist the young princess. First, she didn’t know her that well, what if she was way worse than her brother? Second, His Highness disliked his sister so Sua was in a tight position. What if he thought she was siding with the young princess??


Goddess, she just wanted to work in peace!


“So, Sua-ssi, I’m not familiar with the building. Can you tour me first?” Seungwan says with a sweet smile.


Ooh, what a pretty smile...


Uh-oh… no! don’t be fooled!


“Y… yes, Your Highness. Please follow me.”




Seungwan took a mental note of every corner of the building, the emergency stairs, the CCTV placement, and everything around her. She would randomly stop with an excuse that she was bad with direction so she needed more time to remember everything in detail.


For Sua, this was the longest building introduction she had ever done to new staff. Excuse her, she was busy and had a lot of paperwork waiting on her desk but how could she ask Seungwan to hurry up? Wouldn’t want to get beheaded if she made the young royal angry.


“I noticed so many CCTVs installed here on the 3rd floor, why is that? Did you guys hide tons of gold here?” Seungwan hoped it would come out as a joke to the young staff.


“Uh… His Highness asked for better security, especially for the server room, um… that one in the corner,” Sua pointed to the room with a beige door, “Only technicians are the ones who can access the room, we are not allowed to go inside.”


“I see. Though I wonder why. I mean it's just a server room,” Seungwan chuckles.


“I’m not sure Your Highness, but I heard that finalized reports are stored there as well.”


Seungwan nods, “if you guys aren’t allowed to enter the room then who’s the one storing the reports? My brother? Wow, he has a lot more work than I initially imagined.”


“Um.. we send all the reports to his secretary. Everything goes to and through him.”


Just mentioning the secretary sends chills all over her body. The new secretary was scary, especially when they were tight on deadlines. She was the second in command here, after the Crown Prince.


“Oh, the new one? I forgot her name. I only saw her once, back at the year-end party.”


“Miss Song Sumin, Your Highness.”


“Ah yes, Song Sumin,” Seungwan nodded as she clapped her hands, “I think I got everything now. We shall go back.”


Gosh, finally… Sua’s smile was blooming. Finally, she could go back to work.


“This way, Your Highness.”


Seungwan nodded with a smile as she walked ahead of the woman.


Song Sumin. Sohee complained a lot about her, saying that the woman was secretly wanting to snatch her position. Needless to say, she agreed with how the secretary was all over her brother during that party.


The young royal initially thought that Sohee was just insecure since she was kind of possessive, but then, her husband was a player. He should’ve learned from their father’s mistake and avoided any affair. After all, there were a lot of people wanting to get into the Palace, wanting to be part of the royal family. Song Sumin could be one of them.


Sohee and Seungmin didn’t have the happiest marriage but divorce is out of context unless he is crazy enough to further taint his image and make their father angry. As soon to be King, he should be careful with his every move but of course, if he continued being stupid, it would help Seungwan a lot.


If Song Sumin was important enough for her brother, even trusted and given access to the server room then she must’ve known something behind it and probably took part in the royal corruption as well.


She had to watch out for this woman too.




The Palace


After two weeks of crazy schedules, finally, Joohyun got her time to visit Classic Cleaners today. She looked at her nightstand and grumbled a little.


“Do I have to wear this??”


She picked up the green mugunghwa bracelet. It was specially made for her. She didn’t really like the color, it didn’t fit most of her outfit.


But should she be fussy over this?

In the end, she wore the bracelet, the symbol of her new status. Didn’t want to get lectured by Seungwan again. The young royal always reminded her about the importance of the bracelet whenever she took it off.


It’s just a bracelet for heaven’s sake!

Everyone in The Palace knows that she is their princess.

She glanced at the body-length mirror in front of her, this is what she is now, Princess Son Joohyun.




In the hallway, when Joohyun was heading to the car park she bumped into the person she wanted to avoid the most, Sohee. Well, The Palace was big, unless she went to the Sunmyeong Hall, there was no way she would see the older woman.

Just how bad is her luck today??


She greeted her sister-in-law with a respectful bow, like it or not, Sohee was still superior to her but the latter acted like she didn’t see her. Meanwhile, Sunhwa, who was standing behind the woman, greeted her back cheerfully.


“Joohyun-ah! Are you going somewhere? If you’re free, do you want to join us in visiting a flower shop?”


“Do not speak on my behalf, Sunhwa. It’s only a trip for two,” Sohee curtly says as soon as she hears Sunhwa’s invitation.


“But unnie, it’s time to bring Joohyun along. She must’ve felt lonely in this big Palace.”


“It’s not our responsibility to make her feel happy.”


“Unnie, why are you so harsh? Of course, we have to make Joohyun feel accepted in this family. She is our family now.”


Before Sohee could say anything, Joohyun quickly objected to the idea.

Who would want to spend their day with Sohee? The feeling is mutual anyway.


“Sunhwa unnie, thank you for taking care of me but I apologize, I have to go somewhere today.”


“Is that so? Then we should arrange another schedule. I really want us to get together,” Sunhwa says with disappointment laced in her voice.

Actually, Sunhwa was a bit reluctant to accompany the older woman by herself. She knew her cousin was not fun to be with. With Joohyun beside her, she hoped, at least she could have some fun.


“Sunhwa, you’re talking too much.” Sohee hissed as she signaled her guard to go prepare the car, “We should go now.”


Yes, just go. Joohyun said inwardly.


The youngest princess bowed once again, wanting to let the older princesses go first. There was no way she would walk side by side with Sohee.


“You’re heading to the car park too, right? Let’s go together,” Sunhwa hooked her arm.


Ugh… can’t she read the situation?


The young Bae whined inwardly as she was dragged to walk together with them.




Sunhwa was walking in between them, thank Goddess but Joohyun hoped that at least she could read the room. The feeling was mutual between Sohee and Joohyun, they didn’t want to get acquainted with each other. But Sunhwa was so stubborn, kept wanting to involve her with whatever activities they had.


“I read the news yesterday, about the fundraising event. They praised you, left and right, Joohyun,” Sunhwa says excitedly, “Simply said the public likes seeing both of you working together. What did they say? Ah… a match made in heaven.”


Sohee scoffed loudly, “The buzz will die down in a few weeks. The same thing happened to us before.”


“But we didn't get tons of articles nor topping the Naver news for three days straight, unnie.”


“You’re exaggerating. Most entertainment news is trash. Don’t waste your time with that.”


“No, unnie,” Sunhwa rolls her eyes, “Maybe you should start looking at the news instead of thinking about your flower club all the time, then you’ll see how the public keeps scrutinizing your husband.”


“What are you insinuating?” Sohee asks, getting annoyed.


Oh man, Joohyun would be so late today. Can’t these two keep their quarreling between them??


“I’m not insinuating anything. I’m just worried about you,” Sunhwa defended herself. She is genuinely worried, after all, Sohee is still her family from the same clan, “The news about your husband and his secretary is getting the public's attention. Well, yes he already picked two concubines and publicly announced them but to be seen hand in hand out there with a woman other than you is unacceptable especially when the coronation is nearing.”


Hearing that, Sohee was fuming in anger and quickly opened her iPad.


“What the hell is this?!”


Joohyun actually saw the news this morning, Seungwan made her too. The latter wanted to prove her point that her oldest brother is unfit to be a king, meanwhile, Hoon is the best candidate out of them. Well, Joohyun couldn’t agree more, even Sunhwa is a better Queen candidate than Sohee.


But what surprised Joohyun was the revelation of how unhappy their marriage was. Why would they get married then? Was it just a contract like how Seungwan and Joohyun did? If so, then all these royals are terrible! Seungwan didn’t give any further explanations which annoyed the young Bae. She always cuts everything when things get more interesting!


Joohyun sighed, she really wanted to stay away from The Palace’s business but then, seeing Sohee fuming in anger was a sight to behold. Wouldn’t want to miss it, especially when she wasn’t the cause.


Looks like the older woman has a lot to deal within her marriage, maybe that’s why she’s so sensitive to everything around her (especially to Joohyun). How unfortunate, the young Bae can’t help but smile to herself.


“This woman again! Taeja is really thoughtless. I’m going to his office!”


Sunhwa widened her eyes, “Unnie, what are you gonna do??”


“I’m going to teach that woman a lesson! How dare she latches her filthy commoner hands to my husband.”


“No unnie, don’t start a fight!”


“Move out, Sunhwa!”


Sunhwa was blocking Sohee from moving forward, then she looked at Joohyun with pleading eyes.


Oh hell no!




But Sunhwa was struggling to keep her cousin, making Joohyun sigh in defeat.


“Sohee-wangnyeo, I think you should calm down first. It wouldn’t be good if you get angry in public. Think about your image.”


“I didn’t ask your opinion!”


Joohyun shut right away.


Why did I even try?

Damn Sunhwa and her pleading eyes!


Sohee pushed Sunhwa away before getting into her car.


“We have to follow unnie!”



You’re the one who started everything!


“But Sunhwa unnie... I have to…”


“Quick Joohyun!”


Sunhwa grabbed the young Bae’s hand and dragged her into the car where Taeil was waiting inside. He looked at both of them in confusion.


“Go to the royal institution, finance building!” Sunhwa panicky said.

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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1702 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1702 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
