purple paper plane

dulcet velvet
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Special thanks to dubustan, bunnylovehamster, 110infinity, aRedBerry and neuneu24 :)



Seungwan’s morning started off the same every day. It is the same routine she had held since the beginning of college a year ago.

A pot of coffee would be put on. Always a full one. The skillet would be pulled out from under the stove and placed on the front burner. Two eggs cracked into the middle of the pan once it was hot, along with a handful of chopped green onions and bell peppers.

The scrambled mix would be cooked, just under done, since the residual heat in the pan would finish off the eggs while they sat on the stove. A piece of bread in the toaster. It was lightly toasted. Still soft in the middle but with just enough crunch that it would stand up under a light coating of peanut butter. The toast and eggs made it onto the plate together. A large cup of coffee and a glass of water accompanied it on the table.

After that, Seungwan would strolled into the library. It is early on a Saturday morning. Most students are still sleeping off the hangovers they had acquired the night before. Seungwan, though, is eager to start her day of studying.  

She walks over to the desk she normally claims and set up her laptop. The wall on her right holds an outlet for her laptop charger and a window that is small enough as to not distract Seungwan from her studying, but big enough that she would get some sunlight through it.

The natural light always perks her up when she's reading, as if she's a solar panel being recharged.

Once her laptop and books are arranged nicely, she realizes that she's missing that one book for that art history class that she needs to fulfill a requirement. The bookstore hadn’t had the correct edition of the book when she went to go buy it, so like the rest of the class, she was forced to share the one in the library as they all sat on the waiting list.

One of the benefits of being up early on a Saturday morning to study is that she doesn't need to fight for the book.

Seungwan drifts between the shelves until she finds the book she is looking for. She pulls it from the stack and walks back over to her seat. 

Soon she lost in the book, transporting from reality and just engaging with high-quality text.

Until the 'mountains' up on her face.


“Stop harassing me!” Seungwan’s voice is throaty growl, and commanding as ever. Her hands swatting the air, head dodging away from the familiar 'mountains'.

All the while 'the owner', Joohyun, gives an innocent look as though Seungwan speaks an indecipherable language.

"Joohyun, can you see I'm studying here? Let me study in peace." Seungwan huffs and turns her attention back on the book. 

A frown appears between Joohyun's brows as she's tilting her head quizzically.

“Sure,” Joohyun finally chimes, smiling radiantly back at the usually stoic woman before walking away.

'This thing' slowly becoming Seungwan's morning routine as well.

Whether she's in the cafe, in the library, in the park, those 'mountains' never fail to always make their present noticeable like clockwork every morning.

And Seungwan, being the weak gay girl that she is, always tries her best showing her discomfort every time Joohyun tries to rob her chastity.

It all starts with her best friend Seulgi, who resemble a bear, introduced Joohyun to her.

Exactly on 4th of July, when Seulgi and Seungwan were in the library studying together.

Seulgi's enthusiastic voice filled her ears before she pauses mid sentence, seeming to have seen something or someone of interest.

"That's my cousin. Joohyun! Also Sunmi's best friend!"  

Seulgi and the tall angry girl who sat behind her in Calculus are a thing now apparently.

Seulgi talks about her all time. Seungwan is happy for her, albeit a little bitter about her lack of a love life. 

She looks to where Seulgi is pointing and it's the raven-haired girl.

Seulgi waves her over before Seungwan can argue against it, so she punches her in the thigh as a punishment and Seulgi winces, shooting Seungwan a confused glare.

"Hey, Joo!" Seulgi greets her, recovering quickly as Joohyun approaches, but still rubbing at her sore leg. 

The girl, Joohyun, offers Seulgi a dazzling smile.

"Hey, Seulgi. Studying?" 

Her smile drops only slightly when she sees who is seated beside Seulgi, but she hides it well.

Seulgi, oblivious, kicks a chair out across from them for Joohyun to sit in, which she does. 

"For sure! Come join us! This is my buddy, Seungwannie. Wannie, this is my cousin, Joohyun."

Seungwan merely nods in response, not really trusting her voice. 

"I've got to go to the bathroom. Be right back!" 

Seulgi stands and Seungwan panics, nearly grabbing at her as Seulgi turns to walks away.


She looks back to Joohyun who's tucking her hair behind her ear, offering Seungwan a shy smile.

But that moment quickly interrupted by the sound of Joohyun's phone vibrating in her jeans' pocket, she stands up swiftly and at the same time the librarian whose face is covered by the stack of books in his arms accidentally bump into Joohyun, causing her to fall forward.

The latter fortunately lands on Seungwan— more like Joohyun's s lands on Seungwan's face first. And it effectively save Joohyun from getting any injury.

The first time they actually speak to each other, Seungwan is pretty sure that Joohyun doesn't know that she remembers her. Either that or Joohyun herself has forgotten, but based on the way Joohyun stares at her with a shy smile along with timid gesture, Seungwan doesn't think that's the case.

Then what was it?

Oh right. 

The purple paper plane. Joohyun must be remember that accident.

Which happened two weeks prior to their first encounter in the library. Where Seungwan's peace in jotting down whatever the professor says doesn’t last very long.

Something smacks into her face and Seungwan jerks up in her seat, head snaps up from the notebook. For a moment, even though it’s illogical, she thinks the professor hit her, but there’s a purple paper plane on her desk and that seems the more likely perpetrator.

She subtly scans around the room to find who threw it but there’s no one she knows in the class, so it probably wasn’t meant for her.

Sure enough, a dark-haired girl two seats forward and a few rows over is staring guiltily back at her. 

Even from across the room, Seungwan can tell she’s blushing. The girl is beautiful and mortified and it almost makes Seungwan drop her unaffected demeanor, but she doesn’t. She’s not that weak.

She just raises her brows expectantly.

The girl points to a girl sitting behind Seungwan —potentially hand off the paper plane to her—  and when Seungwan turns to look at her, the girl has her face planted into her Calculus book, snoring lightly. 

The dark-haired girl smacks a defeated hand to her forehead and widens her eyes when Seungwan ever so carefully unfolds the plane, flattens out the creases, and reads it.


"Cutest girl I’ve ever seen. Row 5."


It’s impossible to not smile despite Seungwan knew it wasn't meant for her because she was not the only girl in row 5.

Nevertheless it was such a flattering compliment from anyone, and knowing it was by the hands of the gorgeous dark-haired whose face was buried in hands due to embarrassment... it made Seungwan’s heart race, somehow.

Seungwan found it quite cute at how the girl just smiled shyly at her, adding it to the cutest combo strike to the heart.

However, that impression quickly change. Not that Joohyun isn't cute anymore, of course she still is, in fact sometimes Seungwan couldn't contain her smile whenever the sight of Joohyun pouts impeded her line of sight or whenever she gives an innocent look.

But the bold movement and the instant clinging gesture from Joohyun what makes Seungwan changes her first impression of the girl.

'She's not as innocent as she looks.'

And considering it was only in their second meeting 'the clingy Joohyun' made her first appearance was such an instant attack to Seungwan.

She still remember it clearly to this day.

"We can work it in my apartment. Sooyoung just went out with her friends." Seulgi says, putting her phone back into her jeans' pocket.

"Then we can play Mario Kart." The taller girl  adds and grins. Seungwan lets out a chuckle, knowing full well it was just Seulgi's plan all along, luring her to play that video game.


As they step inside of Seulgi's apartment, a sound of television could be heard from the living area.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you Joohyun is staying here for a while, her flatmate just moved out two days ago." Seulgi tells Seungwan.“I’ll be in the kitchen to prepare some snack.” She swiftly makes her way towards the kitchen, leaving the shorter girl behind.

Seungwan just nods and walks towards the living room, hands gripping her bag and instantly the sight of Joohyun sitting on the couch —enjoying whatever show is airing, welcoming her.

Seungwan puts her bag like she always does when she visited Seulgi or Joy, the only difference is now the room had been occupied by an unwanted guest.

The dark-haired girl still hadn't moved from her place as her eyes still glued on the screen, completely ignoring Seungwan's existence.

Seungwan clears to make her presence known but Joohyun still doesn't spare her a glance. The latter only scoots over a little to give Seungwan space to sit down.

Seungwan stares at her with a confused frown before shaking her head and hastily rummaging inside her bag to find the Calculus book so she can start working on the assignment right away.

Seungwan eventually sits down and briefly makes a note on the pages as she waits for Seulgi to join her.

Not long after that, Seungwan stops writing when she feels the weight on her left shoulder, it was Joohyun who casually rest her head on Seungwan's shoulder, not minding her surrounding as her focus is still on the flat screen.

Seungwan opens to lecture Joohyun about personal space but nothing comes out. She blinks her eyes for several times, doesn't really know how to react.

And Joohyun eventually drifted off to sleep, pressed against Seungwan comfortably all the while clinging to Seungwan's arm like a koala.

Seungwan gazes down at the sleeping, beautiful face of Joohyun and lets out a frustration sigh.

"Wannie I-"

Seulgi stops at her heels, an apologetic smile appears on her face the moment she realizes that her cousin has interrupted Seungwan from doing the assignment.





Joohyun waves her hand ardently and jogs towards Seungwan as a wide smile spread across her face.

At the sight, Seungwan rolls her eyes but tilting her arm up expectantly for Joohyun. And the girl instantly clings on Seungwan's arm like she always does before they striding away towards Joohyun's class.

“What time is your class over?" Joohyun asks, keeping her hand in place, sometimes drawing a random motion on Seungwan's forearm.

“I’ll be back in my apartment around seven o’clock.”

Joohyun pouts at the answer, remembering her schedule of the dance class won't be done around that time.

Seungwan sighs only loud enough for Joohyun to hear.  "Just focus on your dance practice and stop coming over to my place." Seungwan slides her backpack off and digs through the side pocket. “Here.” She hands Joohyun two protein bars. “You said you ran out of these the other day. Can’t have you fainting at practice again.”

Joohyun stares at Seungwan in adoration, she’s always thankful that Seungwan seems to know how to take care of her better than she can take care of herself. “I didn’t faint. I just got a little…dizzy.”

Seungwan rolls her eyes, “Whatever. You fell on the floor. Your coach told me everything.” 

Joohyun only grin as a response, she knows that Seungwan is right.

“See you tomorrow, okay?” Joohyun says leaning to press a brief and by now routine kiss into her cheek before striding away.

It’s not until Joohyun disappears through the doors that Seungwan feels a girl across from her staring.

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. How long have you been together?” the girl, Chaeyoung, smiles as she walks closer to short-haired girl.

Seungwan warms. She her head and quirks an eyebrow. Part of her almost starts laughing—she doesn’t want to admit this isn’t the first time this has happened. “I don’t, Joohyun is not my girlfriend.” 

“Oh.” Chaeyoung’s face tints red. “Sorry. I just thought... you were so... oh, nevermind. I’m sorry.” 

There’s a beat of awkward silence and the only thing Seungwan can do is offer a polite smile to brush it off. “It’s cool, don’t worry. I have to go, but I’ll see you in class?"

Chaeyoung nods before turning her grin into a seductive smile which missed by Seungwan because she hurriedly shoves her belongings into her book bag.

She waves once quickly at a distant Chaeyoung before making a beeline towards the door. 




Joohyun pulls the ear buds out of her ears and closes the anatomy textbook that’s on the table in front of her.

She yawns and straightens out her back, stretching her arms above her head. Her eyes lazily scan the bleakness of the library around her, the scent of day old coffee and sweat riddled in the air. It’s quiet; the only sounds besides muffled chatter are that of pages turning, keyboards clicking, and the occasional whirr of the photocopier.

When she looks to her right, Seungwan has effectively fallen asleep. Her body is slouched over the table with her head resting next to her laptop, hair a haphazard mess all over the place.

Joohyun checks the time and sees that she only has ten minutes to make it to her dance class which is on the complete opposite side of campus.

“Seungwan-ah.” She whispers, softly running her fingers through the tangles in Seungwan’s hair, nails scraping at her scalp to wake her up. 

Seungwan stirs and peaks at Joohyun through her mess of locks. Her eyes are tired and bloodshot. 

“What time is it?” She mumbles. 

“7pm.” Joohyun settles her hand onto nape of Seungwan’s neck letting her fingers gently knead into the tense muscles. It feels too good and Seungwan groans only loud enough for Joohyun to hear before the realization strikes her.

"Wait! 7?!" Seungwan jerks up in her seat, head snaps up from the table.

"What's wrong?" Joohyun's expression is a blend of question and concern.

"I gotta go take Chaeyoung to the art gallery exhibition tonight! I promise her."


"Sorry Joohyun, I gotta go."

Seungwan left with a brisk pace, leaving Joohyun behind.




When it comes to life, happiness, and well-being, there isn’t one single area of life that we need to focus on. Instead, life is multi-dimensional and dynamic.

And Seungwan is a total believer of those 6 aspects of a balance person— physical, mental, emotional, social, financial and spiritual which leads her to a happier life.

And she did have a happier life.

But lately she feels different. She feels like something missing, like one of the aspects of life has been taken away from her but she couldn't quite place it, and Seungwan is pretty damn sure that she does everything perfectly, not only focusing on one area. She's always following the rule. 

So what went wrong?

Seungwan frowns as she looks around. First cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads and a light breeze whispered through the trees.

There was pure, uncut silence.

Seungwan makes her way across the ghost-town of a campus, feeling suddenly very lonely.

Ignoring the first roll of thunder, Seungwan scans her surrounding, hoping for a familiar voice to call her name. 

She waits on her usual spot where Joohyun will eventually shows up unannounce but there's only poignant silence engulfing the atmosphere as the crystaline drops of rain beat down on her head and soaked her backpack. 

The sounds of the usual chatter of squawking, or grumbling,

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Chapter 1: It's so funny. I remember that episode in seulgi's show where joohyun is way too close to seungwan. They must have been comfortable with one another that those kind of actions didn't look uncomfortable at all. The gay inside me would combust if a pretty lady did that to me. I would automatically create a distance between us lol. The gay spirit within me wouldn't be able to withstand that lol
FateNdreaM #2
Chapter 2: Reread this again... Author plz update the 2nd part, really wanna know what happens next...
1702 streak #3
Chapter 1: What a byuntae lol Seungwan
Syniix #4
Chapter 2: im actually so scared to read this story fully because of the ending. they act like that but ssw said they’re not dating they’re not seeing each other so im afraid bc im not your strongest soldier 😮‍💨 but their bby moments are so precious so 🥹
Lialac_ #5
Chapter 1: I didn’t remember when I subscribed to this so I was so surprised when I saw this collection in my latest update list. I even scan the whole story if I recognized it but no so I decided to read it.

The way I keep smiling and burst out laughing nonstop ahhahahah I really love the dynamics between Seungwan and Joohyun and her s lmao and I just watch a similar video. Can’t believe Seungwan not just staring but also keep shoving her face in there publicly like that and Joohyun even like the attention ahshdhdkkssjksks they’re so naughty. But I also the friendship between Seungwan and Chaeyoung, it’s somehow so heart warming that Chaeyoung look up to Seungwan and ask her to protect her from Sooyoung but also kinda funny.

I only found out that you’re one of my favorite author after I check your past stories … like I can’t believe I don’t recognize your name sorry :( so welcome back!!
FateNdreaM #6
Chapter 2: Rereading... :D
Riscark #7
Chapter 2: Okay, so the affection are mutual but they're not dating yet? Also who's this Gracy girl, the red head? Is she Joohyun's "some"?
Also, welcome back authornim 🙏
FateNdreaM #8
Chapter 2: Come on give us the part 2 of this...?
Chapter 1: rereading, i love this story 😏😆
Chapter 1: The « useless lesbian » energy is through the roof XD
I had a very bad day, this fic was so fun it made me feel better, thank you <3