She's my inspiration

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A/N: I wrote this a long while ago, before Sihyeon started showing more of her artistic skills, but I was aware that she was a bit of an artist, so it seemed fitting to go ahead and write a story based on artist Sihyeon who is inspired by a woman, where said woman becomes her inspiration. If anyone reads this, thank you! 


“After the success of her latest collection of artworks. The world is waiting to see what else the visual painting goddess Kim Sihyeon has in store for us. What other brilliant works does the young artist have waiting to wow us with….”


Kim Sihyeon sighs audibly and shuts off the news program. On the one hand it is nice to be complimented for her work. Sihyeon doesn’t like the underlying pressure that comes with having the ‘world’s attention’ either. It means people are waiting. People are eager to see what else she is working on, and more importantly when she will be unveiling the latest work. Around this time last year, no one really knew who she was. She was a local artist, struggling to afford paint supplies, and pay her rent. It is amazing what can happen in a year though. Sihyeon will never forget when her art dealer called her on the phone and told her that someone had purchased all of her paintings. At that point, word spread like wildfire about her. More people began to get interested in her work thanks to that anonymous wealthy buyer who had bought all the paintings in her small gallery showing. Sihyeon would love to meet that person one day to thank them.


As it is because of them she can afford a bigger studio and is becoming a rising star. Even if Sihyeon can do without the growing fame that comes with the rising star status. Sometimes, Sihyeon misses the days where no one knew who she was and she didn’t have the pressure of where her next painting would come from. Because as of right now Sihyeon didn’t even know where her next painting would come from. She sighed again for another reason.


“A blank canvas is not an artist’s best friend.” She whispers to herself. How long has she been staring at this blank canvas anyway? An hour, perhaps even longer than that? It’s funny because normally Sihyeon can come into her studio, turn on some music, and let the art speak for her in a manner of speaking. She’d pick up her medium of choice and draw to her heart’s content. These days it’s been a little hard to create and she wishes she knew the exact reason why. Sihyeon has done all the logical things. She’s given herself a break from painting and using some of that time to focus on other hobbies she enjoys. The poor guitar in her apartment was practically sitting and collecting dust she hadn’t played in so long. But the artist realized quickly that other hobbies weren’t the reason why she couldn’t find the inspiration she needed to paint. 


With that knowledge in mind. Sihyeon decided that a change of environment would be a good idea. She went to a different location every day in hopes of sparking some inspiration. She found herself at so many parks, dim-lit cafes, and art museums for inspiration. The good news for Sihyeon had been that she was out getting sun as well as exercise. The bad news was that Sihyeon still could not find her much needed inspiration. Still, the artist didn’t want to stand here staring at a blank canvas either. Otherwise, she could have stayed at her apartment in her pajamas wrapped up in cozy blankets. Which honestly sounded kind of great right now too, maybe she would do that as soon as she left the studio. Especially if she couldn’t get any drawing done in at least an hour.


She checked one last time for everything. She had her pencils, paint, canvas, music playlist on standby, and her brown locks were tied up and away from her face. Now, Sihyeon was ready to start painting. At least she was until her phone ringing distracted her out of her thoughts. Judging by the ringtone it was work related as in her art dealer. Now, Sihyeon was fortunate not to have a demanding or rude art dealer. The woman was a kindly, older lady. The philanthropist sort who spent her free time doing a lot of charity work. Sihyeon knows that the woman genuinely believed in her. Even when she wasn’t selling anything and no one knew who she was. Sometimes, in the back of her mind Sihyeon did wonder if her art dealer did see her as a bit of a charity case too. If she had, it certainly didn’t matter now. Not when Sihyeon was making money for her art and becoming more famous.


“Sihyeon, dear. Hello, good afternoon. Is this a bad time?”


It wasn’t the greatest time, no. However it wasn’t as if Sihyeon was terribly busy or anything either. She still hadn’t gotten anything on the canvas, and something told the artist she probably wouldn’t have anyway. Sihyeon sits down to properly take the phone call.


“No, Mrs. Jo, this isn’t a bad time. How are you?” 


Sihyeon listens as her art dealer talks. Mrs. Jo is a kindly older woman but sometimes she can be forgetful when she speaks. Sometimes she’ll repeat something she said five minutes ago, but Sihyeon is good natured about it. After all, the artist figures she will be an older woman at some point too and possibly just as forgetful. Sihyeon hates to admit it but she does zone out. 


“I might be one step closer to locating your mysterious buyer.”


Well, Sihyeon heard that. She’s been hoping for any news about her mysterious buyer. The one who chose to remain anonymous. 


“Really?” Sihyeon hopes she doesn’t sound too hopeful. Although, she is sure she must sound quite hopeful. Just the idea of being able to thank the person who helped propel her career means everything to Sihyeon. She hopes that Mrs. Jo has actually gotten closer to finding their mysterious buyer. This person did actually buy all of her paintings. Even if they wish to remain anonymous there must be some way to find them.


“Yes, but I won’t say anything until I’m absolutely sure. So don’t worry, Sihyeon. You just keep making your fantastic art. I know the public are eager for another exhibit.”


“Ah…” though she’s not being pressured. Sihyeon isn’t surprised this topic had come up. Many people seem to be waiting for her to release new work, so why not her art dealer too. Sihyeon thanks her and ends the call as fast as she can. She doesn’t want to explain that as of now she has no inspiration and can’t seem to paint. And with that the little energy she did have is gone. The artist sighs and thinks she better call it a day. She’ll try again tomorrow because her mind is set on going home, getting under her covers, and comfortable pajamas. Sihyeon takes one more look at her blank canvas and shakes her head. 


“‘Maybe tomorrow then.”


She hit the lights on her way out and less than two minutes later the rain came. Having not paid attention to the weather forecast. The artist didn’t know it was going to rain and in an attempt to shield herself from it. Sihyeon ran across the street to the bus stop and stood under the shelter. Sihyeon took a breath.


“Now was not the time to leave my umbrella behind.” And that wasn’t even the worst of it. Because the weather had been so lovely before she left her apartment. She didn’t bring an appropriate jacket. She could wait here at least until the worst of the rain passed. Sihyeon hoped it would be a short shower. She would be safe from the rain here for a while. The first chance she had, Sihyeon would make a dash for it. Hopefully when the rain slacks up a bit.


The rain didn’t exactly slow down, however. If anything it seemed to get worse. Sihyeon sighed and contemplated what her next actions should be. Her apartment isn’t all that far from the studio. It’s not so far a walk, but when it’s a rainstorm suddenly everything feels like an extra long walk. She could just make a run for it. The worst case scenario being she might get sick from being in the rain. Though that’s nothing some hot tea and warm clothes can’t fix. The whole time Sihyeon thought about what to do. She didn’t right away notice the woman across the street who had stopped when she noticed her. 


Sihyeon didn’t notice anything until a taller woman came into view, holding a dark purple umbrella over her head. And when Sihyeon did finally take full notice of said woman. She couldn’t help that she audibly gasped. 




The other woman was beautiful. Long dark locks, full lips, and pretty brown eyes.  Sihyeon was honestly at a loss for words. She can’t think of the last time she ever had a reaction to another person like this. In fact, the artist doesn’t think she ever had such an instant reaction to anyone like this before. 


“Um…” Sihyeon whispers, since the pretty woman is standing there and not saying anything. “Do you want to wait for the bus too?”


God that sounded awkward and Sihyeon mentally berates herself for sounding so in front of the pretty stranger. It is however strange that the woman isn’t saying anything at all. 


“Pretty bad rain we’re having, right?” Now Sihyeon smiles in her usual warm way when encountering strangers. She hopes it’ll ease the awkwardness but she discovers there’s no need. The woman actually proceeds to take off her black coat and places it over Sihyeon in an attempt to shield her from the rain. This was possibly the nicest and strangest thing that’s happened to the artist so far. Even as all thoughts start to leave her mind the moment she feels the warm coat wrapped around her.


“T-Thank you.” She was starting to get cold and this kind stranger has come right on time. Unfortunately, the other woman says nothing. She only nods wordlessly and walks away.


“Hey…” Sihyeon called out or started to. She can’t believe that pretty stranger handed her coat over and didn’t say anything at all. In what world does that even happen?


“Thank you!” It was all the artist could do as the other woman was already half-way down the block. Sihyeon is sure she wasn’t heard. The rain now being the last thing on her mind because she had to see that woman again. She needed to see her so she could thank her. A few minutes after the stranger left the rain did start to slack off. Sihyeon chuckled to herself and thought that woman must have been some sort of good-luck charm. 


The moment she was able to, the artist headed out of the bus shelter and toward her apartment. Sihyeon had no idea who that woman was. All she knew was that she had to see her again, somehow. 


“I have a coat to return.”


Sihyeon had originally intended to get into her pajamas and stay under her warm blankets. And while she did get into her pajamas. Sihyeon found herself with one of her sketchbooks in hand and drawing on the couch. She had the sudden desire to draw now when she hadn’t earlier. Or at least, Sihyeon told herself she wanted to draw that beautiful dark-haired woman right now while the memory was still fresh.


It didn’t mean anything, right?


She was feeling inspired and that was a good thing, no?


Sihyeon spent hours drawing and it felt so good to hold a pencil in her hand and make things come to life on a page. She didn’t stop there either. From that day on she found herself drawing the woman. Sihyeon had her sketchbook with her wherever she went. That wasn’t unusual by any means. She had her sketchbook anyway in case inspiration struck. And this time inspiration did come in a most unexpected way. All she could do was draw the woman she met that day. Sihyeon didn’t think it was a problem or anything, at least until it became noticeable. 


One day the artist sat in her favorite cafe sketching instead of ordering anything to eat or drink. No one said anything to her. She was after all a well-known artist now, who’s going to stop the artist from creating her heart. After some time, Sihyeon was teased by the waitress who came over for the third time to ask her if she’d like anything.


“Ooh, who’s that? She’s really pretty.”


Sihyeon looks up to see the waitress smiling down at her. The artist sighs and shakes her head. This is what she gets for being a regular here.


“She’s…” What can Sihyeon even say? She honestly has no idea who the woman is, not really. She is still the pretty and kind stranger that handed her coat during the rain. Sihyeon has no name for her face. But she has found some much needed inspiration in the mysterious woman as she hasn’t stopped drawing her yet.


“She’s my inspiration.”


There was no other way to describe it. The woman was her inspiration and just like any artist with their inspiration. Sihyeon hoped to meet her again. Which was why she spent more time than ever at her studio. She had seen the woman that day across the street at the bus shelter. A part of Sihyeon hoped if she came to her studio often enough she would see her again. And each time she came she brought the coat with her. Because she wanted to return it and to at least learn the woman’s name.


“At least, I’m painting again.”


She was indeed painting again and probably more so than ever. It seemed that she had to thank her mystery stranger for that as well. She might be able to have another gallery showing soon at the rate she was currently going. A knock at the door stopped Sihyeon from adding another brush of color to the painting. She was about to ignore it. Only heard the clear voices of her two closest friends Park Jiwon and Jo Serim on the other side of the door. Besides, she couldn’t exactly ignore Serim, who is the daughter of her art dealer. Not that Serim would report to her mother or anything.


“Is the one and only amazing artist, Kim Sihyeon in?” She could hear Jiwon speak first, followed by some muffled laughter.


“I don’t know. She might be here, it depends who’s asking for her?” Sihyeon decides to play along.


“We’d like to speak to Kim Sihyeon.” Serim can be heard. Though it’s clear she’s trying her best to keep a straight face. 


“She’s not in. You can leave a message at the beep.” Sihyeon proceeds


“Oh come on, Syeon. Let us in.”


“Yea, we’re your best friends. We haven’t seen you in forever.”


That was true. They haven’t had the time to properly see each other with everyone’s careers pulling them in different directions. Sihyeon with her art. Jiwon working as a dance instructor, and Serim a nutritionist. Sihyeon does let them in and they all exchange warm hugs and pleasantries that last for all of a minute. Because it only takes them a minute to notice the painting. Jiwon and Serim’s mouths drop at the beautiful dark-haired woman and the night sky background behind her.


“Who is she?”


“Yeah, Syeon.” Jiwon nudges her in the arm. “Is there something you want to tell us?”


Was there something Sihyeon wanted to tell them? No, not really. Not so much because she didn’t trust them. They were only her two closest friends since their college days. That being said she didn’t want them to start teasing her relentlessly about the woman in the painting.


“I don’t know.” Sihyeon admitted. Because she honestly didn’t know. Jiwon and Serim both looked at her with disbelieving Looks. They definitely could not believe that answer. 


“What do you mean you don’t know?” 


“She’s really pretty. Are you sure you’re not holding out on us?” 


“Of course, I’m not holding out on you. You guys are only my best friends. She’s just my inspiration.”  Perhaps the artist didn’t realize exactly how that would sound. But she should have expected the screams when her friends demanded to know more. It’s not everyday someone just boldly claims someone to be their inspiration.


“Okay, then who is she really?” Jiwon wants to know. “Is she your secret girlfriend we have no idea about?”

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 1: Now this is just a bunch of fluff mixed with a really great story, I love how this all played out
This fic was really engaging and fun to read! I really love how the beautiful mysterious lady who had become artist Sihyeon's inspiration was actually her her biggest supporter or rather benefactor of sorts too. That's truly fate! Definitely feels like a fic that could do with a sequel one day as I told you before (if you're up to it of course!). Definitely different from the stuff you usually do, but in a good way! I hope more people do read & love this too heheh.