
Mint Choco
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She always felt shivers down her spine when they got down to the dungeons. Kim Chaewon got a little crease in between her eyebrows as she scanned the Potions Class she'll be going to be in. Rumors said that there was a change of schedules and as a result, students were shuffled and Chaewon now eyed the fresh faces that greeted her vision, along with the new but familiar ones who were now waving at them to come inside. She hadn't got the time to think things through when Yuri, her close friend and a fellow Hufflepuff, surged forward and inside the classroom bringing her and settling just a row behind the closest towards the center. 


"Why are you even stalling outside the classroom?" Yuri raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Thank Merlin Professor Sunny didn't catch us!"


Chaewon placed her things on their shared table. She sighed, "It's just… I wasn't expecting we're sharing the class with the Slytherins." She glanced behind for a quick second, not really paying attention to a pair of eyes already staring at her. "Besides, this is Advance Potions."


"Huh, you keep forgetting that the current Potions Prodigy is in Slytherin-"


"Goody, you're all here!" Professor Sunny was uncharacteristically beaming in the early morning. Contrary to popular belief, she wasn't normally a morning person even though her name was the epiphone of the sun itself, and she was carrying a rather large cauldron and some other things that Chaewon didn't bother to know for her own sake. 


"Today…" Professor Sunny groaned as she placed the heavy cauldron on her desk. "We're doing something fun but remember," she eyed her sixth year students. "Do note that you must not do this on your own as this powerful potion is potently dangerous." Murmurs surfaced amidst the sea of excitement from the student body. Their Professor Sunny wasn't one who does something fun usually, this was an interesting change, and the Professor herself knew that.


"... and I'm particularly pointing this out to both of you," She eyed her troublesome but noteworthy students. "Miyawaki Sakura," then she eyed the other girl beside. "Kang Hyewon."


Snickers were heard and Chaewon chanced a glance at the mentioned students. She first saw the infamous dumbo ear that was sticking out from the Japanese girl's hair. Sakura Miyawaki always had this sort of hairstyle as she could remember, not like it didn't suit her, Chaewon was rather fond of it, as she saw it as endearing… or more like she felt at ease. Because in between the sea of unfamiliar faces, she saw a familiar sight in the middle of this Potions class. 


She flinched when she got out of her daze and realized that the girl was now staring back at her. Sakura was the one who looked away first and into her desk. That was awkward. The Hufflepuff then slowly turned in front and subtly pinched Yuri's side when she caught her still eyeing Sakura's best friend.


"Careful or she'll melt," Chaewon with an infuriating look in her eyes making Yuri scoff back. But it didn't hide the redness of her cheeks that made Chaewon quietly chuckle. "Sweet Merlin Yul, you're blushing!"


"You're one to talk! I saw you exchanging googly eyes with Miyawaki Sakura!" Yuri accused the cub and was gripping her robes. "What's up with that, huh? Seriously, it's been like that since 4th year. Are you keeping secrets from me? Your best friend!?"


Chaewon swiftly patched Yuri's loud mouth with her hand. "Quiet down, Professor Sunny will hear us!" She only snatched her hand back when the other Hufflepuff playfully her palm. "Ya, Jo Yuri, that was disgusting." Chaewon also pulled her robes away from Yuri. "You're giving unwanted meaning towards that, we just shared eye contact, that's all."


"... but it's been like that since the Yule Ball!" Yuri said with exasperation. "That was two years back, hello!?" 


"Don't even get me started how the two of you looked chummy back then!" 


"Or how you only stuck with her throughout that night!"


"That wasn't mere acquaintance behavior, dear Ssamu!"


"It was mere acquaintance behavior!" Chaewon looked so scandalized beside Yuri. "She just asked a question about a spell in Charms but then it got to exchanging tips for Potions and then some tricks for Transfiguration." Chaewon raised both of her hands in surrender, "It was more like two colleagues looking after one another."


Yuri scoffed with a distinctive quirk on her lips and Chaewon was awfully reminded of Yena. Seriously, that other Hufflepuff still owed her a hex for the prank she pulled yesterday. "Why do you get sooo defensive."


"Jo Yuri, you-!"


"Now now, settle down, class..." Professor Sunny excitedly clapped her hands in the middle of the classroom. "Does anybody know what is the most powerful albeit dangerous love potion in existence?"


Easy. Chaewon was about to raise her hand when someone beat her through it.


"Yes, Ms. Kang?"


"It's Amortentia, Professor."


"Very good," Professor Sunny looked satisfied. "Ten points for Slytherin."


Chaewon sighed inwardly. That was an easy one. She looked behind with a frown and saw Hyewon and her best friend chuckling. Her gaze leaned towards Sakura when she saw her give a smile in front, attentively listening towards their professor. Chaewon scowled as she looked back in front. That smile should be illegal in the mornings, she thought.


"Now, Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them, " their professor stated. "Today, I guessed we should do something fun?" A smile graced her face when she saw how her students were practically beaming on their seats. She knew this reaction after all, she was once a student that was also curious about love and what the hell that was. "Now, cauldrons on your desks everyone!"


"Like I said, do be careful when brewing this potion and you'll only be allowed to create this under the supervision of a Potions Master…" Chaewon heard their professor as she placed her small cauldron in front of her. Yuri followed her after she wrote the ingredients in making the potion from the list written on the board. "Despite its power, Amortentia did not create actual love; as it was impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion would only hold an obsession for the person who administered it."


"Tsk, talk about infatuation…" Yuri heaved a sigh. They slowly put the ingredients in their cauldron as instructed by their professor. "A rather powerful infatuation."


Chaewon was about to remark back when Professor Sunny stole their attention. "Only a select few had mastered to brew the perfect Amortentia as it was rather difficult to create and just one bad when brewing and the potion might change..." she looked on. "Though we are not here to brew the perfect love potion, we're just here to give each other the challenge and the experience creating it."


"But there is something distinctly unique with Amortentia," Professor Sunny looked at the faces of her students. "Amortentia has been known to emit a different smell to different people, care to tell why?"


This time, Chaewon made sure that she would get those house points.


"Yes, Ms. Kim?"


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First time writing ssamkkura oneshot, did it turn out alright? 😆

Chaewon really said her unnie was like mint choco, got the info from a magazine interview of them in Twt. Now, that will be my favorite Ssamkkura moment :3


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OMG! Cant you make a sequence?
Pretty pleases *-*
GoldenMultistan #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute! Can this be a mini story pls! Like fluff n stuff! That'd be a joy! It's fine if u want to keep it open ended tho! Thanks for this cute oneshot tho
Chapter 1: Ahh this is so cutee
Chapter 1: This is so cute? 🥲
Chapter 1: Omg this is so cute. Rare Ssamkkura au. Thank you for writing!💚
taengoo1234 #7
yeyy ssamkkura 😻
Im excited