
Suspicious of Yoo
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Ningning POV

I squinted my eyes at the senior who has been currently being surrounded by her dozen fangirls and fanboys. I glanced at my right and saw my best friend pouting at how her crush is being confessed continuously. I shook my head at how hopeless Winter is, she's sulking that her crush is getting swarned but here she is doing nothing.

"Why don't you try giving her the cupcakes that you baked" She was currently clutching a small box with different flavor of cupcakes

"Why bother? When she rejects everyones gift... She is probably going to reject mine too" she sighed pouting

I rolled my eyes because I doubt that would happen, if anything Karina will happily accept it, eat the cupcakes even if it taste like , and keep the container in a safe box or something because that unapproachable sunbae of ours is whipped to this oblivious but quite cute- I guess- best friend of mine.

Seriously does speople not see what I see?

I swear to all the gay people in Earth that Karina has some feelings to the idiot next to me.

"What are you gonna do with that then?" I asked 

I don't want to tell her on my suspicion on how her crush may also like her back because even my own girlfriend doesn't believe it.

Like seriously are they that oblivious? Karina literally becomes so soft whenever Winter is talking to her even if it just an order from the teachers.

"I'll just give it to you then, you've said to me last night that you have been craving for it right?" she handed me the box with a small smile on her face

I saw in peripheral vision that she was close to us.

I smirked as a brilliant idea came in to my mind.

"Aww~ Thank you Winwin. I'm going to enjoy this" I said a bit loudly and side hugging the latter

I glance at Karina who sported a big frown on her face as she looks at us.

I rejoice internally because I was so right! 

Good thing that Giselle and I agreed to keep our relationship private first so in short this idiot doesn't know that I have a girlfriend which is the same in Karina's case.

"I hope its delicious, its my first time baking" she bashfully said while rubbing her nape

"I'm sure it will be good, c'mon lets go to our class" I said chirpily and grabbed her hand 

I glanced once again at Karina and snickered at how she glared at our intertwined hand.

Hohohoho this is going to be so good!

Now...to make this a win-win situation for me and for my bestfriend, I'm going to have a bet with my dear girlfriend.

Free foods + helping my best friend to get her crush = a happy life

I'm such a good friend, I am soooo going to heaven for this.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Winter asked as she eyed me suspiciously

"Oh nothing, I'm just feeling happy" I said smiling widely

She star

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chadchad #1
Chapter 2: ohh ningie you sneaky bestfriend ㅎㅎㅎㅎ nd i swear posessive rina means war
Chapter 2: Ning be playing "I'm a mastermind" u can't say me otherwise lol
Chapter 2: I can't even count now how many times I have read this again but the amount of butterflies that I felt are not even reducing it still makes me giggle lmao
joyie4ever 16 streak #5
Chapter 2: cute😭😭😭
ssukrt #6
Chapter 2: this is so cute 😭😭
Chapter 2: ahahaha if i have $5k in my savings now i dont think i will pay for kiss but yeah Karina is THAT rich
Chapter 2: adorable cuties ><
Chapter 2: Possessive Jimin, I like ❤️ gigi's defeat is worth it even though she'll have to pay for her gf's food errday. I just love jmj so much huhu
chadchad #10
Chapter 1: im siding with ningie here like if you gotta have that gaydar better make sure its workin at its best and can detect all those gays even the ones who are quiet but gaypanicking and ohmygooooood a kissing boothhhh