Heaven ||MiHyun


MiHyun - Heaven


Myoui Mina, the oh-so-called Goddess of Love, got her heart broken.

Falling in love with a human being sure is a wrong decision to make, but who can blame her?

The rules apply to everyone, and what she meant by everyone she literally means as in everyone--even the Gods and the Goddesses--even herself. If only she checked what that guy (Bambam) truly feels about her...she wouldn't have ended up with a broken heart.

Instead, she put her trust in that guy (Bambam), and look where it got her.

She was supposed to be punished for breaking a rule from "The 10 Golden Rules".

Yes, that's right. Falling for a human is against their rules.

And now she's going to talk with THE Goddess.

Stupid Minari broke it, at least that's what she calls herself.

"Stupid Minari"

"Stupid Minari"

She kept on hitting her head.

But then, a hand stopped her.

When she raised her head, she was met by a teenager.

'Does this girl know who she's messing with?' The Goddess thought while glaring at the latter.

"Don't do that, you're hurting yourself"

'Well that's what I intended to do'

Mina looked at her.

"Why do you care?"

"Just because" The girl sat down beside her.

"I'm Dahyun by the way" she reached out her hand to shake Mina's. But the Goddess refused to.

"No one asked" Mina scoffed.

"I see, you're not the type of person to conversate with other people...I understand" 

'No, you don't'

Dahyun patted the older's head, which actually made Mina feel comfortable.

The goddess looked at Dahyun.

"W-What are you doing?" she asked.

If only Mina's allowed to, she would've broken the girl's arm ages ago.

But it's against "The 10 Golden Rules" so she can't.

She really hates those rules.

"Arasso! I'll get going now so that you can have your "me time", just make sure that your "me time" doesn't include any hitting or whatsoever" Dahyun smiled.

After the teenager left, Mina couldn't help but look at her hand.

She wanted to hit her head, but something was stopping her.

Like a curse that is impossible to remove.

The Goddess looked at her watch--only to realize that she was late for her meeting with Jihyo.

"Oh no"

If it weren't for that Dahyun girl, she won't be late for her "appointment".

She wouldn't have lost track of time.

Before leaving, she reminds herself to ask Nayeon about the teenager later, just so that she can mess with her life.

No, she's not going to hurt the other.

"Jihyo-ssi, I'm sorry I'm late, just got stuck in traffic on the way here" she reasoned out.

THE Goddess could only raise her brows--obviously not believing what the Goddess of Love said.


Jihyo shook her head.

"Moving on! As a punishment, The God of all decided to erase that human's memories of you, instead of making you walk through the bridge of knives"

Mina was about to complain, but she just chose to keep shut.


1st week of school.

A lot would be wondering, why does a Goddess have to attend school when she's thousands of years older than any other?

Mina's answer would be "Just felt like it".

If she's gonna be honest.

She missed attending school.

The feeling of learning something new makes her excited.

And besides, it's been 969 years ever since she last studied.

There's going to be a lot of new stuff to learn about.

Algebra, decimals, physics.

Just thinking about it, makes her smile.

To others, it may seem like a nightmare, but to her, it's a dream.

"Good morning class! My name's Doh Kyungsoo, you can call me Mr. Doh. I hope all of you will cooperate well with me for this year's activities...How about we start by introducing yourselves since I already introduced mine?" Mr. Doh smiled.

And so, the introduction began.

But just as when she was about to make herself known to the other students, a panting girl barged inside the room.

'Isn't that-'

"You're late again Ms. Kim" Mr. Doh coldly said.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just that-" 

"Enough excuses, go to your sit"

Dahyun sighed in defeat before proceeding to her seat.

Before she sat down, her frown turned into a smile when she saw the standing Goddess.

"Where were we? Oh right, Ms. Myoui, please continue" 

Mina nods her head and continued introducing herself.

"Annyeongaseyo, Myoui Mina-imnida" she bowed.

"Nice to meet you Mina-ssi, next up is...Ms. Kim" Mr. Doh said.

Dahyun smiled widely when her name was mentioned.

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name's Kim Dahyun! I hope we'll get along very well this year!" She energetically said.

Time passed by, and now it's Lunch.

Mina couldn't find any spot to eat at, so she decided to go to the rooftop instead.

And what welcomed her the second she opened the door was Dahyun standing on the edge.

'What is she planning to do?'

"What are you doing there?" Mina asked which startled Dahyun.

She was about to fall, but luckily, Mina was there to help her.


Now they're both on the floor with Mina on top of Dahyun.

"I hope you're aware that both of us are too young for this Mina-ssi" Dahyun smiled.

Mina's face scrunched in disgust. 

"As if" The Goddess scoffed.

"What were you doing up there anyway? Planning to commit suicide?" 

"No, not really. I'm not the type of person to do that"

Mina raised her brows.

"Seriously! I'm more like the one who helps people, the one who saves them!" Dahyun exclaimed.

"Mhm" Mina deadpanned, still not believing every single thing the younger's saying.

Dahyun, on the other hand, crossed her arms and stomped her foot.


Mina's gonna be honest.

She found it really cute.

She took out her bento and started eating--still ignoring the sulking tofu.

Suddenly, Dahyun sat beside her.

"You know, you should move on and forget your feelings" Dahyun chuckled.

Mina stopped eating and dropped her spoon and fork.

She looked at Dahyun with an unreadable expression.

When Dahyun felt MIna staring at her, she also looked at the Goddess.

Then she realized something.

"Holy- I WAS RIGHT?!" Dahyun asked, not that shocked.

"How did you know?"

"Well, my dad said when someone's acting like the way you do, it simply means they're heartbroken" Dahyun was now leaning back since Mina was staring at her intently.

The Goddess packed her things and stood up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Dahyun asked.

"That's none of your business" She coldly stated before leaving the other.

A sigh escaped Mina's lips.

She never thought someone could read her feelings easily like that.

Most especially that annoying kid.

"Mina! Wait for me!" The girl was running towards her.

The Goddess panicked, hurrying to find a spot to hide from the girl.

But then.


The sound of someone's back hitting the cold, metal lockers, echoed through the hallway.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU " A familiar voice shouted.

Mina took a look to see who it was.

Her eyes widened when she saw Dahyun on the ground while whining in pain.

In front of Dahyun was the school's "Queen Bee" with her friends.

"M-Mianhe" Dahyun slowly stood up.

*Cough cough*

She coughed.

'Is that- BLOOD?!' Mina's eyes widened in horror.

"You think sorry's enough?" the Queen Bee scoffed.

The Goddess was about to interrupt them when she saw the bully's hand flying towards Dahyun, but she stopped when Dahyun held The Queen Bee's hands.

"I'm sorry Sana-ssi, I'll make sure to be aware of where I'm going next time"

What shocked all the students was that Dahyun even kissed her hands.

"What the-" Mina was speechless.

Even Sana was.

True, she wanted to be treated like a queen, it's just that this was too much.

And what pissed her was that the girl still kissed her hands even after she hurt her.

When Dahyun met Mina's eyes, the latter smiled.

'She still managed to smile after all that?'

Dahyun let of Sana's hand before running to Mina.

"Yah! I told you to wait, why didn't you wait?" Dahyun frowned.

Everyone was looking at them.

Mina couldn't help but stare at the girl whos talking.



"Look, I understand if you can't. Can you just at least give me your number?" Dahyun asked.

'How can she act as if nothing happened at all?'



Oh, how Mina regretted giving Dahyun her number.

The girl didn't stop sending her messages ever since, and it's really annoying her.

And take note, it's been only 4 hours.


Will you please stop sending me nonsense?



"God" Mina grumbled.


Just stop.
For God's sake.


Never knew you were the religious type Minari ( ‾ʖ̫‾)


It's useless.

Mina just blocked Dahyun's number and continued what she was doing earlier.

3 weeks had passed, Mina and Dahyun seemed to be closer than before.

'Progress' Dahyun thought while smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's creeping me out" Mina said.

"Mianhe" Dahyun apologized.

"What are you going to do with that Minatozaki girl? Since the 2 of you were partnered in a project?" Mina asked.

"Ah paja. I guess I'll just have to ask her to cooperate with me" the younger calmly said.

"Are you serious?" Mina was worried.


"You've gotta be kidding me, I'm sure you don't want that locker incident to happen again, right?"

"I'll be fine Minari...trust me" Dahyun held Mina's hand to reassure her.

'There really is something with her touch'

"Ok then! How about we go back to class?" Dahyun asked.


"But you know I really hoped that we'll be partners" 

Mina just chuckled.

After almost 4 weeks of being "best friends", their bond grew stronger and stronger every single day.

It may or may have not also included feelings.


At the end of the day, Mina decided to go to a nearby cafe.

When she entered, the person behind the cashier greeted her.

"Good morning Ma'am, what would you like?" the employee asked.

"One Americano please"

"Alright! We'll just call you when your order's ready Ms...?"


"Ok Ms. Mina, how about you take a seat first?"

"Thank you"

"Not a problem"

When Mina sat down, the waitress called someone's name.

A name that's very familiar to her.

"Sir Bambam? Your orders are here"

The Goddess of Love stood up from her seat which caught all the customers' attention.

Including her ex-lover...and his girlfriend.

Tears were starting to fall from her eyes.

Oh, how she tried to stop it.

She couldn't control her emotions.

So she ran away.

"M-Miss! Your order-!"

She ran away to where her feet take her.

And it took her to the park.

The park where she and Bambam first met.

Where she also first met Dahyun.

The Goddess cried and cried.

She thought she already moved on.

But it was only a thought.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of white sneakers in front of her.

Those sneakers look familiar to her.


That voice was too familiar.

A hand touched her shoulders, caressing it.

That touch was too familiar to her.


Only one person calls her unnie.

As much as she wants to hug the person in front of her, she just can't.

Her other half was stopping her.

If she hugs the younger, it's all over.

She'll end up falling in love with another human being again.


Where you are, I will be there too


"Yes, Jihyo-ssi?" 


Where you go, I will go there too


"Dahyun-ah! I have a mission for you, well He does"


I smile for you every day


"Help her heal? How?"

I pray for you


"You're the Goddess of Sympathy, I'm sure you'll find a way"


With thoughts of you, I fall asleep -


"She's the Goddess of Love, doesn't she know any way to heal herself?"


I open my eyes as I call for you


You protect me by my side

'Damn, she really looks vulnerable'

and you embrace me

"I'm Dahyun by the way"

"No one asked"

'Well this is going to be stressful'

You are my heaven

"It's worth it anyway"



"Unnie" Dahyun called out.

"Leave me alone Dahyun-ssi"


"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's none of your business"

"You can tell me. We're friends right?"

It breaks Mina's heart.

"No, we're not...we never were"

A pinch to Dahyun's heart.


"Don't call me that anymore, don't come near me. I don't want you hanging around me anymore" 

A stab to Dahyun's heart.

It's painful how she came all the way here only to end up getting hurt.

Mina started walking away.

"I like you, you know?" Dahyun was now emotional.

"You know, you should move on and forget your feelings"

The Goddess of Sympathy was left there hanging.





The rest of the week, Dahyun spent it alone.

Mina would either avoid her or ignore her.

She doesn't know why, but she really felt lonely for the first time in her entire existence.


Her phone rang.


She answered the call.


"Ne unnie?"

"It's time to go back"

Dahyun knew what she meant.

To go back to heaven, Dahyun has to "die" in the human world.

By then, she will wait for Death to pick her up.

Like a person waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

"Why though? I mean, I didn't finish my mission yet" Dahyun was curious.

"You already did Dahyun-ah, you helped her heal and learn"


"What do you mean by learn unnie?"

"She finally learned how to let someone go" Jihyo said.

"Yeah. Whatever"

"It's fine to stay a little longer" Jihyo continued.

"Ok ok. I gotta go now, attending school is pretty stressful"


The call ended and Dahyun put her phone back in her pocket.

Now all she has to do is to plan her death...

And say goodbye to the Goddess of Love.


"Dying in a car crash is too cliche, and a lot of people know that I don't have a driver's license yet...I certainly cannot include someone in my "death"-aish this is too frustrating" Dahyun ruffled her hair in frustration.

"Too many rules to follow" she sighed.

"What are you doing?" she looked up to see Eunwoo.

"Planning my death" Dahyun simply said.

"Why? You've been called back?"


"No wonder why you look so frustrated" Eunwoo smiled.

"You need help?"


Eunwoo sat down beside Dahyun and started giving her suggestions.

"How about hanging yourself?"

"Too brutal"

"Well all the deaths I know are too brutal, you can't blame me!" Eunwoo exclaimed.

"As expected from the Devil himself" Dahyun chuckled out.

From afar, Mina was watching them.

'What is she doing with that guy? He's dangerous!' She panicked.

And so, Mina stood up and walked towards them with a cold, stoic face.

She harshly grabbed Dahyun's hand and walked away from Eunwoo.

"M-Mina it hurts" Dahyun cried out.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" the younger shouted, which made Mina stop walking and let go of her hand.

"Do you know who that guy is?! He's dangerous! What if you get hurt?! What if one day you'll just disappear?! What if one day you don't come back?!...What if one day I'll never see you again?" Mina looked down, stopping her tears from falling.

She did it again.

She fell in love again.

She broke the rules again.

Or she thought so.

Suddenly a soft hand caressed her cheeks and lifted her chin.

"Unnie, you should understand that everybody leaves eventually. Nothing's permanent. There's no forever and we can't do anything about it... whether you're a Goddess or not" the Goddess of Sympathy smiled softly.

It's funny how the Goddess of Love still doesn't know about her true identity.

The girl opened her arms widely--silently asking Mina for a hug.

For the second time, Mina let herself get wrapped around someone's arm.

But this time, it felt so right.

It felt real.

It felt meaningful.

Both of them pulled away, without Mina knowing that it'll be the last time she'll see Dahyun...on Earth.

"Goodbye...Mina unnie" the younger smiled.

"Goodbye Dahyunnie"


"So? What'll it be?" Eunwoo asked.

"I'll just choose to die in a car crash" Dahyun shrugged.

"Ain't that too cliche?"

"Well that's what I thought at first"

"You sure?"

"100% sure"

"Ok then"




Earlier this morning, a body of a 16-year-old girl was found inside a car near

Netizens say that she was the daughter of the late CEO KIM DAWON, owner of

FBI speculated that it was a suicide since the girl didn't know any
other relatives and was lonely ever since at the age of 10 and that the said teenager,
named Kim Dahyun, didn't have a driver's license, and no fingerprints were found
inside the car.



"Mina? Are you okay?" asked Eunwoo.

Mina was fuming with anger, hatred, and regret.

She should've spent more time with the younger, but instead, she avoided her.

The last time they talked was last week.

Speaking of last week.

"You! What did you do to her?!" Mina asked Eunwoo angrily.

"Me? I was just doing my job Minari, it was her time, well, she asked for it more likely" Eunwoo shrugged.

"Dahyun? Making a deal with the devil? I doubt it, she would never do that...right?" Mina was unsure.

Eunwoo shrugged once again.

"I mean, she already did it right?" he smirked.

"Why would she do it? W-Why would she? NO, SHE WOULDN'T!"

Confusing the Goddess sure does look fun to him.

"Why don't you ask her yourself? By now she's still waiting for a Grim Reaper to pick her up. If you don't go now, you won't see her angelic side anymore" 

Mina's eyes widened.

But how? She still has to plan for her death and will take a week or more before her death happens "naturally".

"I can sneak you in if you want" Eunwoo offered.

Mina shook her head.

No, she can't, she mustn't.

It's against the rules.

But she won't see the Dahyun she knows ever again.

Her Dahyun...

The next time she'll see her is when she's reborn again, well, that's if she will be forgiven for making a deal with the devil.

But it's very unlikely to happen--considering the fact that it's one of the most sinful things a human could ever do.

"I'm waiting" she looked at the impatient devil in front of her.



"Here we are" Eunwoo panted.

Mina who's too focused on seeing her Dahyun again before she crosses the bridge didn't even thank Eunwoo.

After looking for Dahyun anywhere, she finally found her.

Dahyun was one step away from the bridge.

The path to the place where she'll be judged by the Gods.

Also the path to the gate of Heaven, the gate where Momo's guarding.

"DAHYUN!" she shouted.

The latter turned around and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Unnie what are you doing here?" she asked the Goddess.

"To see you" Mina said in a "duh" tone.

And then she did something she thought she will never do.

Most especially to this annoying kid.

"You-" Dahyun didn't get to finish what she's going to say when Mina crashed her lips on hers.

"Aish, too much PDA. Get some room you disgusting lovebirds" Eunwoo grimaced and acted like he was going to puke.

Both of the "Lovebirds" (based on Eunwoo) pulled away and smiled contently.

But worry started to fill Dahyun once again when she remembered about Mina.

"You can't be here, you even haven't planned your death yet" Dahyun was worried knowing what the punishment will be.

"I know but-" The Goddess of Love stopped when she realized something.

"How do you know about that? You're just a normal human being, no one knows about that except-" her eyes widened.

"Are you-?"

"Didn't Eunwoo give you the letter I wrote for you?" she asked.

"What letter-?" Mina turned around to see Eunwoo slowly backing away.


Months had passed and Mina finally made it back to Heaven, living a peaceful life with her fiance.

The Higher Ranked Gods decided to let it pass since The Devil only tricked with her mind.

"It seems like forever does exist, right? Dahyunnie?" Mina asked Dahyun.

"Yeah, whatever"






Next One-Shot:

Break-Up Break Down Break Away ||Dahyo

will be on Thursday. :D


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I tried picturing Dahyun in a different light with the A.O.O.Y. DaHyo fanfic. Many would describe her as a pianist so I made her an artist in this one, a painter.


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Chapter 3: I need part 2 of the feels ><
1198 streak #2
Chapter 6: I was thinking maybe you could write one with Momo and Dahyun going on there first date to a carnival and Momo the entire time is deadset on getting Dahyun the largest stuffed animal in the entire park and somewhere in there if you could throw in them going on a ferris wheel even though Dahyun's afraid of heights haha
1198 streak #3
Chapter 5: I definitely needed the fluff after that last one 😭💙🤍
1198 streak #4
Chapter 4: Oh oh oh oh yeah this one definitely hurt, threw me for the spin cycle can tell you that very much
canete714 #5
Chapter 4: Woaaaah this story is sooo good.
Chapter 2: part 2!
Blackshadow21 #7
Chapter 3: Author your back! Whooooo
Pika_Boo14 #8
Chapter 3: I don't think I ever clicked on an update so fast! Good to see you again authornim!
Jamess #9
saida 🤭🤭
Chapter 2: cliffhanger what is dahyuns reaction tho? in dahyo oneshot