1 HR & 30 MINS ||DaYeon



A short and sweet Dayeon oneshot to help you move on from the previous one-shot (Bittersweet - Mihyun) ToT

Ships de TWICE | Nayeon, Twice, Twice dahyun

*All of this is pure fiction*



Dahyun lived in the shadows ever since she was young, meaning that she's been an outsider, an outcast ever since forever.

A 15-year-old teenager who's afraid to make friends.

People call her a coward for it but she just tries her best to ignore the things they're saying.

It's currently 8:09 in the morning and Dahyun's walking across the hallway to her designated classroom to drop her bag.

Her class starts at 8:30.

As usual, she came earlier than everybody else.

Just being the usual model student she is.

Every single day, when she arrives early, she spends her time walking around the campus, if not though, she reads books inside the classroom.

Today, though, was different.

When she arrived in front of the classroom, the door was open.

Well, that's weird.

"The door should be closed...why is it open?" She mumbled to herself before adjusting her glasses.

She stepped inside and there she saw another person sitting right next to her seat.

The girl, on the other hand, noticed Dahyun's presence so she turned around and met Dahyun's eyes with cold ones.

"H-Hello" Dahyun stuttered, slightly scared of the girl's cold character.

The other ignored her and looked away from her.

'Well, that was mean' Dahyun thought and sighed.

She slowly walked towards her seat.

'Of all the seats that she can choose from, why did she ever have to choose the one next to mine?' Dahyun looked down. 

When she arrived in front of her seat, Dahyun dropped her bag and slowly walked away from the chair.

Dahyun sure was scared about the fact that the girl who was sitting next to her chair might be a delinquent or something.

"Calm down, I don't bite" The girl joked, her tone still as cold as ice.

"I know but...safety precautions?" Dahyun was unsure.

Suddenly, the girl stood up which kind of alarmed Dahyun making her raise both of her arms in the air and close her eyes.

She heard the girl chuckle.

All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her shoulder making her open her eyes open again.

In front of her was a smiling princess whose teeth looks like those of a bunny.

Dahyun slowly relaxed as her arms began dropping down slowly.

"I'm sorry, if my cold demeanor earlier, scared you" The girl apologized with her tone happier this time.

"I'm Nayeon by the way" Nayeon introduced herself.

"I-I..." Dahyun was unsure if Nayeon was genuine or not.

But regardless, maybe Nayeon can be her first friend.

"I'm Dahyun"







"Dahyunnie!" Nayeon shouted as soon as she saw Dahyun in front of the school gates.

Just 2 months after they met each other, both Nayeon and Dahyun got closer.

Back then, Dahyun would arrive 30 minutes before classes but now that she had found out that Nayeon arrives an hour earlier, Dahyun pushes herself to wake up and arrive earlier.

"Unnie!" Dahyun exclaimed as Nayeon hugged her tight as if she hasn't met her for years.

"My Dahyunnie..." Nayeon trailed off with a smile on her face.

Dahyun, on the other hand, blushed at what the older had said.

Suddenly, her heart began beating faster when Nayeon unexpectedly brought her face closer to Dahyun's.

"Omo, why is my Dahyun so red?" Nayeon teased even further.

"S-Stop it!" Dahyun said and gently pushed Nayeon's face away from her.

"What the- You're pushing my face now?" Nayeon pouted, and Dahyun panics.

"N-Nooooo!! I-It's just that, uhhhhh" Dahyun continued panicking until Nayeon laughs.

"You're cute," Nayeon said.

"Oh..." Was all that Dahyun could say.

"Let's go?" Nayeon asked and the latter could only nod.

Dahyun let Nayeon take her away.

This is the reason why both of them agreed to arrive an hour earlier.

So that they can spend time together for an hour and 30 minutes.

Inside that 90 minutes, they get to decide where to go and waste their time in.

This time, Dahyun doesn't really know where they're going since Nayeon told her to leave the decision up to the older.

So here she is, letting Nayeon drag her all over the city.

Nayeon planned to do 9 things, each thing that she wants to do with Dahyun's only limited to 10 minutes so that when the time hits 8:30 am, they'll be right on time for their first class.

The clock strikes 6:58 am, and their time together begins.


=+==+= 7:00 am - 7:10 am =+==+=


Their first destination was a Dog Café.

Good thing this Dog Café's just near their school that's why it took them 2 minutes to arrive.

In here, Nayeon planned to have fun with dogs for 7 minutes, and the remaining 3 minutes will be their remaining time to go to the next destination.

At exactly 7:00 am, both Nayeon and Dahyun stepped inside the Dog Café.

Nayeon took out her phone and started a 7 minutes timer.

As soon as she did so, Nayeon ran towards the dogs and let them her all over her face.

Dahyun, on the other hand, was too scared to even breathe.

Damn, these gigantic dogs scare her so much.

Suddenly, the biggest dog of 'em all approached her and sat in front of her.

The dog tilted his head towards her.

"Looks like he's interested in you" One of the personnel walked towards her.

Dahyun uncomfortably smiled while looking at her, still afraid that the dog might eat her alive.

The employee laughed lightly.

"Don't worry, she doesn't bite" 

"I know but I'm still scared- wait... she?" Dahyun asked.

"Yep, why? Did you think that she was a he?" 

The latter nodded and scratched her nape out of embarrassment.

The employee giggled.

"You're funny" She continued laughing before lightly slapping Dahyun's shoulder.

'Eh? What was so funny about what I said?' Dahyun pondered.

4 minutes in and yet she's already making somebody else laugh.

Nayeon, on the other hand, couldn't handle the way the personnel laughed.

She thought of the personnel as...maybe...someone who should be eliminated?

Not the type of eliminate where she's going to k!ll her- no not like that.

It's more like a talent show where there can only be one winner.

"I'm Momo" Momo offered her hand for Dahyun to shake.

And in that talent show, Momo's a contestant whom Nayeon felt like she should oust.

So! Nayeon came up with a plan that was smart enough to catch everyone's attention.

"Here goes nothing" She sighed.

"AHHHHH DAHYUN-AH!!!! THE DOG IS EATING ME" Believe it or not, this was the best idea she could ever come up with as of the moment.

Dahyun's eyes widened as soon as she heard this.

She immediately looked at Nayeon.

Even though Dahyun isn't really a dog lover, she still knows what are the differences between "Eat" and "Play".

She sighed.

"Unnie, the dog's only playing with you..." 

Long story short, Nayeon's plan didn't work but she knows that she had successfully eliminated Momo from the talent show.

If Momo can giggle and laugh cutely, Nayeon can scream her lungs out fully.

Finally, Nayeon's 7 minutes alarm went off.

It's time to go to their next destination.

Nayeon and Dahyun thanked everyone inside the Dog Café.

The older once took Dahyun's hands and walked towards the next place Nayeon planned to go to.


=+==+= 7:10 am - 7:20 am =+==+=


Another 10 minutes to spend with each other means another fun and happy time.

At exactly 7:10 am, just as Nayeon planned, they arrived inside a perfume store.

They're not exactly here to buy but rather, they're here to act like they're going to buy.

You know? Like hit and run except that it's called;

"Smell and run," Nayeon said.

"That's what we're here for Dahyun-ah" She added.

This time, they'll only have 4 minutes to check out the perfumes and the remaining 6 minutes will be their time to go to their next destination.

"Good morning!" A female staff approached them.

"Good morning to you too" Dahyun greeted back and smiled.

"Ah, may I help you?" The female staff the name "Sana" asked.

"Not really-" 

While Dahyun was talking with Sana, Nayeon spent her time looking around without forgetting to set a 4 minutes alarm.

"Ahh, so you're here to take a look around with your friend?" Sana asked.


"It seems so" Dahyun chuckled.

Nayeon, who was too focused on looking around, stopped what she was doing when she noticed that Dahyun was too busy with another girl again.

"Seems like a tough opponent" Nayeon hummed.

Looks like there's another contestant that Nayeon has to beat.

Another plan to make.

Nayeon thought of it deeply.


"Dahyun-ah! Can you help me???" 

Nayeon asked Dahyun for help so of course Dahyun willingly followed.

In the end, another contestant was eliminated.

Sana may be sweet but Nayeon begins to be sweeter.

Just like that, 4 minutes is finally over.

Now starts their 6 minute walk.


=+==+= 7:20 am - 8:00 am =+==+=


Would you look at that? A sudden change of plans.

Nayeon couldn't afford to have Dahyun be distracted by another woman.

Besides, she's getting tired of coming up with ideas on the spot, it's too brain damaging.

Anyways, Arcade!

A fun place to spend your time if you have nothing else to do.

This time, Nayeon swears if one more girl approaches Dahyun, she's gonna lose it.

For 30 minutes, both Nayeon and Dahyun enjoyed their time together, hopping from one game to another.

After that, Nayeon told Dahyun that she was just going to buy them drinks and snacks.

When she got back, guess what?

2 ridiculously beautiful girls are laughing with Dahyun.

As soon as Nayeon saw this, her hand slowly crushed the canned soda she bought.
Oh, Dahyun...may you rest in peace.

"That's it" Nayeon growled.

She placed the soda on a chair and walked towards Dahyun.

"Jagi-ah~!" Nayeon sweetly called out.

Dahyun was startled right after that. The 2 girls who were with her, however, remained unbothered.

"J-Jagi?" Dahyun gulped.

'I thought we were supposed to keep it lowkey?' She thought.

Nayeon clung into Dahyun's arms.

"Oh! Who are they JAGI?" Nayeon asked, making sure that the 2 girls will know their place.

"W-well..." For the first time, after Nayeon met the latter, Dahyun was once again scared.

​​​​​​​"...S-she's Mina and she's Jihyo" Dahyun began praying.

​​​​​​​"Oh, really?" Nayeon smirked.

​​​​​​​"Yes, you 2 must be friends? Anyways, we were just asking Dahyun if she's available-" 

Nayeon didn't even let Mina finish and said, "No she is not and she will never be because as you can see, she's with me and will always be with me" 

​​​​​​​"Sheesh, that must be suffocating for you Dahyun-ssi" Jihyo added.

Now it was very clear that both Mina and Jihyo are trying to piss Nayeon off.

After what Nayeon has heard, her arms softened and her confidence was slowly disintegrating.

The other 2 girls noticed this and chuckled right after.

Dahyun was worried about her though.

Not only a few minutes after, but Nayeon also stopped clinging onto Dahyun.

For the rest of the 10 minutes, the older remained silent and let Mina and Jihyo take away her lover's attention.

But no matter how hard Mina and Jihyo try to do so, Dahyun's attention was focused on Nayeon.

After that, Nayeon's alarm went off.

She stood still and did not urger Dahyun to leave to go to their next destination.

Ok, that's enough.​​​​​​​

Dahyun sighs.​​​​​​​

"Nice to meet you girls but, just like what Nayeon said earlier, I'm not really available" 

​​​​​​​Out goes Nayeon and Dahyun.


=+==+= 8:00 am - 8:30 am=+==+=


This time, Dahyun was the one dragging her.

​​​​​​​"Where are we going?" Nayeon coldly asked.

​​​​​​​"We're going to the place I cherish the most" The younger sweetly stated.

About 6 minutes later, Nayeon noticed that they just passed the perfume shop.

4 more minutes passed and after that, they walked past the dog café.

Nayeon noticed that they were walking back to where they met earlier.

​​​​​​​"What are we doing back in here?" The older asked Dahyun as she looked at the school's gates.

Dahyun said nothing and only smiled at her.

They went inside and walked through the hallways.

After walking for a while, they stopped in front of the classroom where they first met each other.

​​​​​​​"You know, unnie, I really love this classroom"

​​​​​​​Nayeon raised her eyebrows.

​​​​​​​"Why?" She asked.

​​​​​​​"Because..." Dahyun guided Nayeon towards her seat.

​​​​​​​"...this was the exact place where you were sitting that day, and I..." The latter let go of Nayeon's hands and walked back towards the door.

​​​​​​​"...I was standing here" Dahyun smiled.

"I never that it'd be you" 

"What?" Nayeon was confused.

​​​​​​​"I never thought that you would be my first friend..." 

Dahyun took 1 step closer to her.

"...I never thought that you'd be the first person to laugh with me..." ​​​​​​​

Dahyun takes another step.

​​​​​​​"...I never thought that you'd be the first one to eat with me..."

​​​​​​​Another one step.

​​​​​​​"...and I never thought that you'd be the first person I'll fall in love with" 

And another one.

Dahyun was now standing in front of Nayeon.

​​​​​​​"Unnie, believe me, or not, I never regretted nor hesitated when it came to you"

​​​​​​​She held Nayeon's cheeks and caressed them.

​​​​​​​"You'll always be my first and my last...no matter what anybody says" 

​​​​​​​Dahyun kissed Nayeon's cheeks and hugged her tight.

​​​​​​​"Unnie, I love you" 

​​​​​​​"I love you too, Dahyun-ah"












People are destined to be with someone and for Dahyun, no matter what the timeline or universe is, she wishes to be destined with Nayeon and Nayeon only.

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I tried picturing Dahyun in a different light with the A.O.O.Y. DaHyo fanfic. Many would describe her as a pianist so I made her an artist in this one, a painter.


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Chapter 3: I need part 2 of the feels ><
1198 streak #2
Chapter 6: I was thinking maybe you could write one with Momo and Dahyun going on there first date to a carnival and Momo the entire time is deadset on getting Dahyun the largest stuffed animal in the entire park and somewhere in there if you could throw in them going on a ferris wheel even though Dahyun's afraid of heights haha
1198 streak #3
Chapter 5: I definitely needed the fluff after that last one 😭💙🤍
1198 streak #4
Chapter 4: Oh oh oh oh yeah this one definitely hurt, threw me for the spin cycle can tell you that very much
canete714 #5
Chapter 4: Woaaaah this story is sooo good.
Chapter 2: part 2!
Blackshadow21 #7
Chapter 3: Author your back! Whooooo
Pika_Boo14 #8
Chapter 3: I don't think I ever clicked on an update so fast! Good to see you again authornim!
Jamess #9
saida 🤭🤭
Chapter 2: cliffhanger what is dahyuns reaction tho? in dahyo oneshot