
Love Shot
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The beat pounds against the walls drenched in blue neon light. It feels like a cheap TikTok video. The only thing keeping you entertained is the drink in your hand, and you mixed that yourself. How your friend managed to get you to come to a frat party is a mystery you’ll never understand.

“Why do people want to come to these things? It smells weird and there’s nothing fun to do.” You say into your cup.

“You can go dance,” Your friend suggests.

You throw her an annoyed glance. “Do I look like the type to dance?”

“Alright…” Your friend’s eyes scan the living room for ideas, “Throw that back and kiss the hottest person here.”

“Don’t get mad when I don’t kiss you,” you joke before tossing your head back, the sour alcohol slithering down your throat, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Having never been in this fraternity house, you’re just guessing where the bathroom is. You walk down a hall and find a door with light shining under it. Hopefully, it’s the right door, or else you’re going to look like a weirdo when whoever walks out.

With a deep sigh, you lean against the wall across from the door. Your mind tries to rationalize why you’re still at this party. Neither you nor your friend really knows anyone here; some guy in her statistics class invited her because his fraternity wanted more girls to show up. Before you try to find more reasons to be annoyed, a presence turns the corner from where you came.

“Oh, there’s a line,” the tall guy says and stops a couple of feet away.

“Unfortunately,” you exhale.

As if on cue, someone hurls on the other side of the door.

“I’d rather piss in the front yard.” You push off the wall, defeated.

“I know where another bathroom is.” The guy motions you to follow him back to the front door and up the stairs.

“Are we allowed up here though?” You ask quietly, afraid to get caught.

He chuckles, “Yeah, it’s my bathroom.”


He opens a door and flips on the light. “Ta-da.”

You awkwardly giggle. “Thanks.”

The bathroom is surprisingly clean compared to your expectations. Knowing he’s waiting, you quickly do your business and wash your hands. When you walk out, he’s leaned against the opposite wall, and you notice how attractive he is, hands shoved into his jean pockets, dark hair neatly splayed across his forehead. Suddenly, you’re embarrassed by your entire interaction.

“Thank you for letting me, you know,” You say awkwardly gesturing to the bathroom.

“No problem,” he smiles and walks next to you back to the stairs.

“Do you not need to…”

“No, I was put on toilet paper duty.”

That shouldn’t have been funny to you, but a laugh finds its way out. He shyly grins, cheeks turning pink.

“I’m Yunho, by the way.”

“Y/N.” You introduce yourself as the two of you reach the bottom of the stairs.

He glances up at a group of girls and tries to suppress a sigh. “I’ll see you around. Enjoy the rest of the party.”

You watch him walk over to the girls, one stepping up to him. “What the hell were you doing? Who is that?” You faintly hear her go off on him while heading back to your friend.

“Did you fall in?” She immediately asks.

“No, someone walked me to a bathroom upstairs,” you laugh, catching a glimpse of Yunho following behind the girl, her hand clinging to his. Ah, of course, he’s taken.

Midnight is just on the horizon, and the wave of party pregamers should be rolling in any minute. Fresh glass cups are being restocked behind the counter by a coworker, readying for the onslaught of expected orders. It’s a Friday night, and there are certainly parties happening on fraternity row. The bar you work at, Mixya, is the closest to campus, automatically dubbing it the unofficial college campus favorite.

Just like clockwork, a large group loudly enters the bar. You hear your coworker sigh. You’re both disappointed but not surprised. The girls of the group are the first to approach, and you’re not mentally prepared to make a ton of cocktails.

After the first three, a girl drags a familiar guy to the counter: Yunho. There’s a hint of annoyance on his face, and when he makes eye contact with you, there’s a sudden recognition, probably realizing you’re the person from that party who said they’d rather pee in the front yard… The way the girl rattles off her order annoys you enough to understand him. As you land a cup on the bar, you look at him expectantly.

“I’ll just have a water,” he says, earning a look of confusion from the girl, “Someone has to drive you home.”

“Babe, you’re no fun.” She rolls her eyes.

Your eyebrows shoot up at ‘babe,’ while you pour him a water.

He sighs, putting a card on the counter, “Can you start a tab for her?”

You take it and swipe. He nervously takes it back, fingers barely brushing.

“Thank you,” he smiles and takes his drinks.

When the last customer of the group leaves, you hear your coworker grumble something as you wipe down the counter.

“Can you imagine dating that beautiful man and having the nerve to get mad at him for being a good boyfriend?” She asks rhetorically, studying Yunho and his girlfriend seemingly argue at their table, “Like, girl, I will gladly take him off your hands.”

The snort that finds its way out is the ugliest sound you have ever made, but that doesn’t stop you from laughing, “But for real though.”

To your enjoyment, Yunho visits the counter a couple more times which your coworker happily mixes his orders. But now you’re alone behind the bar and you see him walking your way.

“Hi. Y/N from that party the other week, right?” He asks nervously.

“Yes, that’s me,” you answer, pleasantly surprised, “What can I get you?”

“Another cherry vodka sour.”

Though this is probably his girlfriend’s fourth one, you don’t hesitate to make it. When you sit the completed drink in front of him, you notice someone on the table where his friends are and you immediately recognize her. Yunho’s eyes follow yours, and he turns back to you, horrified.

“Tell her to get off the table.” You lower your voice as to not make a big deal out of it. He hurriedly nods, grabs the drink, and rushes over. You watch him guide her back into her seat. It’s only her first strike of the night.

The flow of orders has slowed down, and very few people sit at the stools. It’s rolling up on 2 AM, a little more than an hour until closing. Just as you notice a part of the Mixya neon sign above the booths is beginning to flicker, a sudden commotion by the pool tables catches your attention.

“No, you’re not getting another drink.” Yunho catches his girlfriend’s arm before she can reach the bar.

“I can have however many I want. You’re not the boss of me.” She snaps and jerks her arm out of his grip, almost falling over.

“Don’t fill any more of her orders. In fact, close our tab.” He says to you, following behind the girl.

“Yunho, stop ruining everyone’s fun!” She shoves at his chest.

“If you drink any more, you’re going to get sick. I’m trying to take care of you.” His brows furrow as he tries not to yell.

“ you,” she spits before going back to collect her friends.

Yunho turns to you with searing red cheeks and ears. “I’m so sorry.”

“Nah, it’s all good. I’ve seen worse couple fights.” You say lightheartedly, earning a small chuckle from him.

You press a few buttons on the register’s screen and print out a receipt for him to sign. After he writes his name, he slides the paper back to you.

“Thanks for your autograph,” you joke casually.

“Don’t try to sell it.” A small smile appears on his lips, and he winks before heading back to his table.

“Did he really just flirt with you after arguing with his girlfriend?” Your coworker’s words catch you off guard.

“He wasn’t flirting,” you say, hoping your face isn’t giving you away. But honestly, you’re glad you aren’t the only one to have noticed his teasing.

The student center is bustling as usual during lunchtime, with foodcourt lines starting to get long. With your only two classes for the day under your belt, you plan on getting a meal to-go, so you can just lounge at your apartment. Glancing around, deciding what you wanted, you feel someone gently touch your arm.


You find a familiar tall man with a sheepish smile next to you. It’s Yunho, and he looks fairly different from the other times you’ve seen him. His hair looks fluffy and soft compared to the styled way he has done in the past. He’s dressed in sweats, as one constantly does in college. He looks comfortable.

“Hey,” you greet, a smile spreading across your face. 

“I’m so sorry about the other night. My girlfriend doesn’t usually act like that,” he says, gaze dropping to the floor, “I’m pretty embarrassed.”

“Don’t be! We’re used to-”

“Let me buy you lunch,” he interrupts you.

“No, it’s fine. Really, it wasn’t a problem.”

“I feel really guilty. Please?” His puppy dog eyes are getting to you.

“Fine.” You just can’t say no.

As you stand in line at a little pasta kiosk, you exchange funny stories about the wildest drunken bar-goers you’ve dealt with and about how crazy his fraternity brothers have been when Yunho was anointed designated driver. You can tell from his stories that he cares a lot about the people around him, and it doesn’t seem fair that the one person he cares most for doesn’t return that same affection.

When you find a table, you decide to change topics. As amusing as drunk stories are, you want to know more about Yunho.

“So what’s your major?” You ask, sticking your fork into your noodles.

“I’m double majoring in business

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Chapter 1: Loved it
194 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh the imagination runs wild to the future of these two! ty for this!