I'm not familiar with her.

From the counter to the heart
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It was a typical winter afternoon at the cozy café where Minjeong worked with her best friend, Aeri. The small space was warm and inviting, with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filling the air. Sunlight filtered through the frosty windows, casting a soft glow on the wooden tables and the customers enjoying their drinks.

Minjeong wiped down the counters while Aeri buzzed around the café, taking orders and chatting with customers. They had been working at the café for a few months now, saving up for a bigger apartment. Their current place was tiny, with barely enough room for the two of them and their things. But they had a plan, and working extra shifts at the café was part of it.

“Hey, do you think we’ll hit our goal by next month?” Aeri asked, balancing a tray of coffee cups while darting over to Minjeong.

“If we keep getting tips like today, maybe,” Minjeong said, smiling. “But we’ve still got a long way to go.”

Aeri sighed dramatically but grinned, always optimistic. “We’ll make it happen, don’t worry!”

As Minjeong continued with her tasks, Aeri suddenly froze near the entrance. Her eyes widened, and she slowly turned to Minjeong, grabbing her arm with excitement. “Oh my god, Minjeong! Look who just walked in!”

Minjeong looked up from the counter, following Aeri’s gaze to the front of the café. Standing there, casually dressed in a black hoodie and sunglasses, was a woman who seemed to radiate a quiet but undeniable presence. She had a laid-back but stylish air about her, her dark hair slightly tousled as she approached the counter. But to Minjeong, she was just another customer.

“Who is that?” Minjeong asked, raising an eyebrow.

Aeri gasped, her voice lowering to a whisper. “That’s *Jimin*! As in *Yu Jimin*—you know, the super famous singer? The Jimin?”

Minjeong blinked. “Oh. Well, cool. Let’s just take her order.”

Aeri stared at her, mouth slightly agape. “Cool? Minjeong, this is huge! Do you know how famous she is? She’s literally everywhere!”

But Minjeong, ever the practical one, was already wiping her hands on a towel and walking over to the register, completely unfazed. “If she wants coffee, she’s just like any other customer,” she said, brushing off Aeri’s enthusiasm.

Aeri, on the other hand, was buzzing with excitement. As Jimin stepped up to the counter, she could hardly contain her smile. “Hi! Welcome to our café, Jimin! What can we get for you today?” she asked, her voice a little higher than usual.

Jimin smiled warml

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Took me 3 long years wtf


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674 streak #1
Whoah whoah
kasterian #2
Chapter 6: IT WAS A DREAM 😭
kasterian #3
Chapter 4: how does the public know who minjeong is tho…??? did i miss smth LOL
Chapter 1: Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg
Chapter 4: I mean who doesn't find karina hot like
Chapter 2: If this is a ing dream i'm ing gonna scream
karina can step on me, she's to hot. Let her be the top plssss