Xmas Switch

Magic Double Date Night: Xmas edition 3.0
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A/N: Merry Xmas, we do have our Magic Double date night Christmas oneshot, thankfully. I love this series very much, and I have lots planned for it, so this is really for those who enjoy this series as much too, thank you and Merry Christmas!


The sound of Christmas music playing in the stores was enough to drive Joohyun crazy. But the succubus told herself to calm down because she was better than this. She could calm herself from going crazy. The blonde just loved Christmas so much it was killing her inside to not be able to do anything. Because this year Sooyoung and Yerim were going to take over. 


“Oh my…” Joohyun pauses as she sees all the candy canes, bright Christmas wrapping paper, and ornaments. All the beautiful Christmas things she loves so.


“Hyun…” Seulgi asks worriedly. She can feel her wife’s energy and how at any moment now Joohyun will probably take off running for the nearest store to load up on Christmas items.


“Oh my god!” She completely freaks out when she sees Santa and Mrs. Claus there. How the hell had she never seen that before? She takes off running so fast that they hybrid couldn't even catch her.


“Hyunnie, no, no! Put Santa and Mrs. Claus down.”


“But they’re so real and life-like.” She actually hugs the two statutes and everything. Of course, people are looking at the movie actress weirdly, and all Seulgi could do was laugh awkwardly.


“She’s rehearsing for a film. Don’t mind her.”


People seem to accept that answer, or they simply don’t care. After all, during this Christmas season everyone here in the human world is simply trying to get their shopping done in one piece. Seulgi herself had a hard time getting Joohyun away from the life-like statues. Because though her succubus is smaller than her. She is actually quite strong.


“Let me go, let me go. I need to buy something here before I lose my mind. Oh, Seul…” Joohyun sighs and wraps her arms around her taller wife. “Those two are going to ruin my beloved Christmas. I just know it.”


All Seulgi could do was pat her back in a loving manner. A part of her wants this Christmas over asap because of the mental toll it’s doing to her wife. Joohyun is really convinced that Sooyoung and Yerim will ruin Christmas for her. Truth be told, Seulgi has the same feeling. Just because she and Joohyun were nice and made Halloween a fun time. That doesn’t mean it will work the same way with their friends. Seulgi just knew she had to do something and her plan was simple. She bought Joohyun a large candy cane. Possibly the largest she had ever seen. That seemed to cheer her wife up some. 


“Come on, Hyun. Let’s go home and have hot chocolate while listening to Christmas music. Does that sound okay?”

The blonde nods warmly and touches her hybrid’s face. Seulgi is so sweet and the best wife ever. She would want to do whatever it took to make her feel better. By the time they got home, this time staying in their condo and not their mansion in the human realm. Because the bigger house would be too easy for Joohyun to want to run around like a madwoman and decorate to the max. The succubus sighs and settles down into her big purple ‘emotional safety blanket’ as Joohyun has taken to calling it. Seulgi sits down beside her wife and gently pats where she is sure her wife’s head is.




“I’m fine, I’m just in my safe space now.”


The redhead smiles. “I thought my arms were your safe place.”


That makes Joohyun pause and peek up from her under her blanket, those pretty bright eyes looking at her with a loving gaze. Joohyun sits up and immediately hugs her wife.


“Of course, you’re my safe place too. I love you. Time for hot chocolate and Christmas music.”


“Yeah, sounds like a plan.”


Seulgi is barely in the kitchen with their mugs when she hears Joohyun’s playlist of her all time favorite Christmas music. Her poor succubus. She is really taking this whole not being in charge of Christmas thing very hard. As Seulgi figured that she would. The strange thing at the moment was how silent Yerim and Sooyoung were. There was nothing, radio silence, nada, zilch, and in short it was worrying. Seulgi didn’t know what to make of it. Because silence from their friends could mean absolutely anything. Usually something bad. Seulgi had even tried sending a few texts, only for those texts to go unanswered. 


Something must be up, it had to be. The worst case scenario would be she and Joohyun finding out about it when they did meet up for their usual Christmas get together. Though, there was nothing usual or typical about this year whatsoever. She and Joohyun did handle Halloween very well, that much even their friends admitted to them. That didn’t mean she and her wife wanted to make a thing of this by any means. In fact, they were hoping this would be the first and last time they ever switched holidays.


“Seul, come quickly.” The redhead hears her wife calling her toward their living room. Seulgi grabs their mugs as she hurries to where she sees Joohyun standing by the windows. Her wife is excitedly pointing outside to the fact it is starting to snow.


“Oh wow.” Seulgi smiles, as she sets their mugs down. So that she can wrap an arm around her shorter partner. “It’s snowing, Hyun. How many times does this make it where we get to snow the first snow together?”


“Oh, at least 350, give or take.” Joohyun smiles happier than Seulgi has seen her in some time. And seeing Joohyun happy always makes Seulgi happy. The shorter woman leans her head onto her wife’s broad shoulder. This is nice, standing here watching the first snow with the love of her life. For a moment, Joohyun kind of forgets about their silly friends, and the fact they are taking over Christmas this year. After all, she has the most important thing to her right here, her wife. No matter what possible crazy happens. She can get through it because Seulgi is here. 


“Alright, time for hot chocolate and christmas music?” The succubus says hopefully. To which Seulgi agrees. Anything to help Joohyun feel better, and if that meant staying up late listening to all her favorite music. Drinking tons more hot chocolate, and decorating their tree, whatever it took to make Joohyun feel better. Seulgi made sure to do so.


“Seul?” Joohyun asks when they are finally in bed, full of hot chocolate, and Christmas music in the brain to last them at least a year.


“Yes, Hyun?”


“Thank you for today. It meant a lot.” The shorter woman leans her head into the hybrid’s chest, absentmindedly her wife’s abs. Joohyun knows how very lucky she is to have Seulgi. The redhead grabs a hold of her hand and kisses pale knuckles.


“I’d do anything for you, Joohyun, you know that.”


“I know, I love you.” 


“I love you too, Joohyun.”


The succubus was content for now. But she had to find out what the heck Sooyoung and Yerim had planned. She needed to know what exactly she would be walking in on, and so the following afternoon. Joohyun made her way over to Yerim’s record label. The vampire does spend the majority of her time here in the human world for work. She knows her friend has to be here, even if Yerim is being silent, and not answering calls or texts.


“Hi,” Joohyun smiles cheerfully when she reaches the secretary’s desk. “Is your CEO in?”


The human secretary looks up when she notices the actress. “Hi, Mrs. Kang, it’s so lovely to see you. The boss isn’t exactly here per say but…”


“But I’m here.” Sooyoung grins cheerfully, appearing out of nowhere, probably because she really did just appear out of nowhere. Joohyun sighs and follows the witch into Yerim’s office. She hopes this wouldn’t be one of those situations where she regrets everything. Still, Sooyoung sits down at Yerim’s desk, leaning back in her chair and starts filing her nails.


“Now, what are you doing here, Joohyun? Do you perhaps need any legal representation of some kind?”

“W-What?” The succubus mouths. “You do know this isn’t your law office, right?”


“Of course, I know that. What do you think I am, an idiot? Don’t answer that question. I was simply making small talk as the humans say. Now seriously, why did you come down to my vampy’s office. As you can see she’s not here at the moment.”


“I can see that now. Do you have any idea where she is? I want to talk to her.”


“Oh, and why can’t you talk to me, hm?” The dark-haired witch asks leaning over with puppy dog eyes and everything. “Aren’t I your best friend?”


“Uh, no. Seulgi is my best friend.” Joohyun speaks with 100 percent confidence, as her wife is her best friend.


Sooyoung’s nostrils flared in disgust then. “Oh yeah, well you’re sure as hell not my best friend either. Of course my vampy is, now seriously what do you want?”


It was now or never. Joohyun could sit here arguing with Sooyoung all day. Though in this case that would serve no real purpose. She supposed she would have to deal with Sooyoung since Yerim was conveniently missing. The succubus was sure this was probably some elaborate scheme of theirs. At least, it wouldn’t surprise her if that was the case.


“I want to know what the hell you and Yerim are planning for our Christmas get together. I know you two are up to something. Because you’ve just been too damn quiet. So what’s going on?”

Sooyoung looks at her like she’s insane. Is Joohyun serious? This is the reason why she came down here, to ask about Christmas. The witch sighs heavily and leans back against her wife’s chair.


“Are you serious? You came all the way here to ask about our Christmas meet up?”

“I am very serious, now what are you two planning? I just know it has to be something possibly bad.”


The witch places her hand over her chest in an exaggerated manner. It’s so dramatic that there’s just no way Joohyun believes it. That’s why the blonde sits there with an unamused expression on her face. 


“Joohyun, I am hurt, truly. After so many, many years of friendship, you would think such awful things about Yerimie and I.”


“Oh, boy…” Joohyun sighs. Her lawyer friend takes a few acting classes and thinks she’s a full blown actress or something. 


“Seriously, after all this time…” Sooyoung even looks like she’s on the verge of tears and everything.

“Are you done?” Joohyun frowns, not looking amused in the slightest. Sooyoung nods with a loud laugh.


“Yeah, even I couldn’t keep that up for long. Now, seriously, Joohyun don’t worry about anything. All will be revealed in good time. Why don’t you go home, bake some Christmas cookies, or bang your wife, whatever it is you do on your down time.”


“Um…” Now that actually doesn’t sound like a bad idea. What a great way to relax too, baking cookies and being with the love of her life, maybe not even in that order, or dare Joohyun say maybe even both? Now she’s excited for an entirely different reason. She better see if Seulgi is home.


“Excuse me,” the succubus runs off suddenly with phone in hand, and Sooyoung laughs when all she hears is something about how they needed to make cookies right now. That was just too funny. The witch wishes she could have recorded that. 


“Alright, Yerimie, you can come back now. The crazy one is gone.”


A few moments later a little bat flew back inside from the left open window. Yerim sighs as she leans up against her desk. She just knew Joohyun would come down here to bother her about Christmas. That’s why she decided to let Sooyoung handle it, which turned out to be the best possible decision she could have made. 


“She’s insane, Soo.” The pink-haired woman admits. 


“I know, baby. You don’t have to tell me that. But I guess I can understand, because I was a little upset about Halloween not too long ago.”


“A little?” The vampire remembers something else entirely. Her wife was practically insane herself when Seulgi and Joohyun took control of Halloween. In that respect, Yerim can understand why Joohyun is on edge. The woman is Christmas-obsessed and they all know that.


“Shut up,” Sooyoung slaps her lightly in the arm. “This isn’t about me. We could treat them to dinner tonight, as a way to calm their nerves, or calm Joohyun’s nerves?”


“Do you really think that will matter, Soo? Joohyun is probably already plotting our deaths, um...pre-revenge since you know she doesn’t trust us right now.”


Sooyoung has to agree with Yerim. She didn’t exactly trust their friends to handle Halloween but they did. However, because they have both been quiet, a little too quiet for them. The witch feels like it’s a good idea to at least invite them out to dinner. They are all in the human world so they might as well at least meet up.


“I’ll invite them anyway. We can meet at Seungwan’s restaurant. It’s a good and neutral place. No one will act up.”


“Fine,” Yerim agrees, though she doesn’t look particularly thrilled or anything. “If it goes to , I’m blaming you.”


The witch nods with a soft chuckle and pulls her wife into her lap. “Fair enough, now tell me what you want for Christmas, silly.” Since, Yerim has yet to tell her what she wants for Christmas this year. Though, Sooyoung has asked her several times already.


“I just want to have a nice Christmas with you.”


“Huh!” Sooyoung looks at her suspiciously. “You’re not possessed again, are you?”


“Again, what do you mean again?”


Sooyoung laughs and shakes her head that she is only kidding. “Never mind that, I’m just teasing. Anyway, what’s with you? You want a nice Christmas with me, that doesn’t sound like you, babe.”


“I’m a new vampire, that was last year’s vampire, Soo.”


The taller woman laughs again, finding her wife not only cute but amusing. Sooyoung simply leans into her with a warm hug. “Alright, then, this year’s vampire. I better not hear complaints then.”


With that being said, they send invites to meet tonight at their friend Seungwan’s restaurant. She is the only human who does know the truth about them. Meaning they can be themselves around their friend, as much as possible without alerting any other humans. It is a safe space for them to meet and no one will really act too insane, because they care about their friend’s business. 


Which was why later that evening when Joohyun and Seulgi arrived at Seungwan’s restaurant. Though they had both been kind of reluctant to go. They were not at all surprised to find out the other couple were running late.


“They reserved the best table in the house, guys.” Seungwan smiled kindly as

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rish08 #1
Chapter 1: Just read this now and honestly, it isn't so bad to shake up things sometimes right? Atleast everyone got to experience preparing for different holidays... looking forward to the surprise for the valentine's day.

As usual, thank you so much author-nim for this good read! :D
saovanmai #2
Chapter 1: Absolutely love this series! And Joohyun with her eggnog XD
Chapter 1: i love this
im looking forward to whatever mess they decide to come up with next time
Chapter 1: Happy new year 🥳
“ form-fitting red dress” of course !!
Joohyun and her love for eggnog is quite something XD
This is my 3rd year reading and anticipating this series, time does fly and this has always been my favorite series.
Taitai84 1236 streak #6
Chapter 1: This is my favourite series too!

The flying carriage is a great idea! N so it's making the eggnog obsession a running joke ^^