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When they first started talking, Joohyun never thought her friendship with Seulgi would develop into this.

And by this, she means the almost daily flirting.  

At first, they were just both girls in the same group of friends who happened to like the same things – SNSD, books, girls, games and soccer. Yeah, they both are crazy about soccer. The only thing is, they support different teams. 

As time went by, their friendship developed into something more. They started talking everyday about everything and nothing at all, because it was just so easy to talk to each other. And when she thinks about it, Joohyun doesn’t know who did it first, but they started flirting with one another. Their friends didn’t mind, it was harmless, or so they thought since they were both girls.

But at some point, she started seeing Seulgi in a new light. Her flirt wasn't harmless anymore and she wanted more, she really did. She even asked Seulgi to be her girlfriend one time when she was completely drunk – you know what they say, when you’re drunk you’re more honest and she had never been more honest than that time. However, Seulgi turned her down, as always. 

She could understand her, they weren’t ready for this. And honestly who would trust someone who is wasted drunk when they ask you to be their girlfriend out of nowhere? Besides, how could they be in a long-distance relationship? Joohyun thinks she would probably die not having Seulgi by her side whenever she wanted.

And so, she tried to shake that feeling off, she knows they can’t do this. And most importantly, she doesn’t even know if Seulgi feels the same way. For all she knows, this could mean nothing to Seulgi and she’s the only one thinking too much about their actions. 




Joohyun and Seulgi were on a video call. They just ended their two-hour gaming section and were now talking about random stuff about their day – things like college or their friends or how they missed SNSD or soccer. Really, they could talk about anything. 

And right at this moment, Joohyun was in the middle of her rant, saying how much she was upset with her team’s coach decisions on their last game this week. The younger girl, however, was just laughing, enjoying the sight of an upset Joohyun and thinking it was kinda hot. 

Honestly, Seulgi could spend all her day mocking Joohyun about their tie on a really important game. As much as Seulgi loved Joohyun, it was just so good to get on her nerves when they were talking about soccer. But she decided to be easy on her. Mostly because she’s afraid – her team is playing tomorrow and she just knows that if they lose Joohyun won’t let her live, she’s really that competitive. 

“Unnie,” Seulgi called her, stopping her rant. “I have something to tell you,” she said, smiling widely.

“Oh, really? What is it?” Joohyun perked up at her words, giving her friend her full attention. 

“So, I’ll be visiting my relatives in one month's time for my cousin’s birthday.” 

“OH MY GOD! REALLY?” Joohyun said in a high pitched voice. “Does that mean we can finally meet, Seul?” she asked. 

Seulgi nodded her head, smiling at her friend’s enthusiasm. “Yes, unnie. We can finally meet.” 

And Joohyun couldn’t help but smile as well. They were finally going to see each other in person for the first time. She was thrilled and already counting the seconds to their meeting. 




"Aunty Joohyun!" Yeri said, running towards the eldest as soon as she saw her standing at the gates of her school. 

Joohyun had a day off today and decided to spend it with her goddaughter – or so Joohyun liked to call her, but honestly, she was just a kid Joohyun got attached while working as a teacher assistant on a local school and up to this day, they were still in each other lives. 

“Hi, baby.” Joohyun kneeled to give the girl a hug. Picking her up on her arms, she asked, “How was school?”

“It was cool. I learned the numbers today, look! One, two, three…” And so she went until ten. After finishing, she grinned widely. 

“Gosh, you're so cute, Yeri. Congrats, kiddo. Now let's go, we have a lot to do today.”

Since Yeri's school was just two blocks away from her house, both girls headed there walking while chatting about the kid's day.

As soon as they got there, Joohyun led Yeri to the bathroom to give her a shower – Yeri may be five, but she was still her baby no matter what. 

Minutes later, both girls found themselves in the living room, bowls full of snacks in front of them. 

“Kiddo, do you remember Aunty Seulgi?” Joohyun asked, trying to eat with Yeri glued to her side. 

“The cute unnie?” Yeri replied. 

“Yes, baby. You wanna take a picture and send her?”

“Okay,” Yeri said, not minding the sudden question too much. 

Side by side, both girls smiled at the camera, donning Daegu FC's jersey. Joohyun quickly typed Seul, look. She knows which team is the best one in the country and hit the send button. Not even a minute later, came an answer. 

Come on, Hyun. She's only five, stop doing this to her, it read. 

She's following in my footsteps, Seulgi. I’m so proud of her, Joohyun replied, ignoring the fact she was the one who chose Yeri's outfit for today, having to bribe the girl with ice cream later because she was refusing to wear it.




“You look happy,” Seungwan commented from across the table. 

“What makes you think so?” Joohyun replied while typing on her phone with a smile on her face. 

“You’re smiling looking at your phone, unnie,” Seungwan said matter-of-factly. 

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just talking with Seulgi.” Putting it on mute, she gave her friend her attention.

“The Seulgi?” 

“Yes, the Seulgi. She will be visiting next month. Can’t wait to finally meet her,” Joohyun said in a dreamy tone.

“So are you finally taking the next step?” 

“What? No! We're meeting as friends only.”

“What do you mean only friends? Didn't you ask her to be your girlfriend that time?”

“Wannie, come on. I was drunk. Besides, we're not ready for a long-distance relationship. And I don't even know if she likes me too,” Joohyun said, sighing frustratedly. 

“Hyun, from what I see on the group chat, I think she likes you. I mean, it's pretty obvious.”

“I don't know, Seungwan. I don't wanna try something that can jeopardize our friendship. Now let’s talk about that girl you said asked you on a date,” Joohyun said, changing the topic. 

“Excuse me. Here are your orders,” the waitress said with their orders on a tray. 

Both girls quickly started eating while still chatting. 




“Aunty Joohyun?” Yeri, Joohyun’s goddaughter called her, emerging from her bedroom while rubbing her eyes. 

“Is that Yeri?” Seulgi asked from the other side of the line. 

“Yeah, wait a bit,” Joohyun said. “Hi, kiddo. What happened?” she said, giving all her attention to Yeri. 

“I’m hungry, Aunty Joohyun,” Yeri replied as she climbed on the couch next to her and wrapped her arms around Joohyun. 

“Okay, I’m going to get you something to eat. Kiddo, say hi to Aunty Seulgi, she’s on the phone with me right now,” Joohyun said, putting her phone next to Yeri.

“Hi, Aunty Seulgi.” Yeri said, to which Seulgi returned with a “Hi, kiddo”.

Yeri then turned her attention to the TV where Frozen ll was playing.

“Babe, I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye,” Joohyun bid goodbye to Seulgi 

“Okay, babe. Bye,” Seulgi said before ending the call. 

Yeah, they started calling each other pet names, but it was nothing, right? Seulgi was just being affectionate with her, it didn’t mean anything. Joohyun tried to keep that in mind as she got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen to prepare something remotely edible for Yeri to eat. 




To say Joohyun was nervous was an understatement. She was passing back and forth in her living room, right hand clutching her phone as if her life depended on it. 

Seulgi was already in Daegu. She got there three days ago but both girls were only meeting tomorrow since Seulgi was busy catching up with her relatives.

Come on, Joohyun, you can do this, Joohyun muttered under her breath. 

Hyunnie, it’s obviously both of you at least like each other for real. Ask her out, there’s no harm, Yoohyeon, one of her closest friends, had said to her a few days ago and the words still echoed in her mind. 

Joohyun counted from five to one and finally dialled Seulgi’s number. She heard it ring three times before the latter answered the call. 

“Hyun! How are you?” Seulgi greeted her enthusiastically.

“H-hi, Seul. I’m fine. You?” Joohyun stuttered. 

“Are you sure you're fine? You sound nervous.”

“Yeah, I am.” She tried to calm down her nerves. You can do this. “So, Seul, I was thinking if you’d like to go on a date with me?” she finally did it. 

“Aren’t we going on a date tomorrow already?” Seulgi said, chuckling. 

Okay, it's now or never. “No, Seul. I mean, yes, we’re going out tomorrow. But what I mean is, a real date. What do you think?” She released a breath after saying it. 

A pause. Five seconds, ten seconds. 

“Hyun, I –” Seulgi tried to find her words. 

“You know, never mind. Forget it.” Joohyun cut her off. 

“Let me finish, unnie. Yeah, I'd like to go on a date with you tomorrow,” she said and Joohyun released a relieved breath. She could literally hear the youngest smiling on the other side.

“Okay, I'll pick you up. I have to go Yeri's now, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”


A wide grin spread on Joohyun's face as soon as the call ended. She started doing a silly happy dance in the middle of her living room, not believing that Seulgi didn't turn her down and that she finally got her chance.




Later that day, after her nighttime routine, Joohyun found herself in her bedroom, fingers typing incessantly against her laptop's keyboard. Where to take a girl on the first date. She googled it but the results didn't pick her interest. She sighed, frustrated. That was the worst part, she had no idea where to take Seulgi tomorrow.

Grabbing her phone, she opened her messages and looked for her friends' group chat.

Guys, help me, I'm going on a date with Seulgi tomorrow but I don't know where to take her. She hit the send button. Not even one minute later three answers already came.

Are you finally scoring tomorrow? It was from Jennie. 

Congrats, unnie. I knew you could do it. That one was Wendy.  

You finally did it. I thought I would have to ask her myself. And that was definitely Sooyoung. 

Guys, please, she pleaded, ignoring all their messages. 

Minutes passed where they didn't help at all. She couldn't even count on her friends. She tossed her phone to the side and turned her attention to her laptop again.

Come on, Joohyun. Think. You two have the same interest. She thought with herself and it finally clicked on her mind. Right, how she didn't think about this earlier? Her fingers went against the keyboard again, typing what she had in mind. 

Thirty minutes later she plopped on her bed, a wide smile on her face. Tomorrow is going to be perfect, she was sure of it. 

I'll pick you up tomorrow at 2PM, be ready. Good night, Seul. She texted her friend and drifted off to sleep. 




Joohyun woke up almost three hours earlier due to her nervousness. She couldn’t sleep at all last time, rethinking about all her plans for today’s date. It had to be perfect. 

Stretching her arms, she picked her phone on the bedside table and scrolled through her social media. Opening her chat with Seulgi, she sent her a message. Good morning, Seul. Wear something casual, okay? We’re going to be out the whole day. 

After messaging her other friends, she finally got up from her bed and headed to the bathroom. 

Minutes later, she got out wrapped around a towel and went through her wardrobe. Picking outfit after outfit and throwing them all on her bed, she started to get frustrated because none was good enough. 

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally decided what to wear. Admiring her looks in the mirror, which consisted of black ripped jeans, plain white shirt, denim jacket and a pair of All Stars, she started her makeup. When she was done, her clock read 12:30PM. 

Heading to her kitchen, she decided on something light. She was just too nervous to eat like a normal person, so grabbing a bread from the up cabinet, a plate from the drawer and the other ingredients and the juice from the fridge, she sat on the table, made herself a sandwich and started eating. Her phone vibrated on her right and a smile crept on her face seeing from who it was. Seulgi. Good morning. I’m almost done. Can’t wait to see you. 

Typing a quick answer, she finished her breakfast and came back to her room. Grabbing her purse, she checked if she had everything with her. Wallet and all her credit cards, portable charger and her team's jersey. Also, a bag with Seulgi’s gift for later today. Putting all of these in her purse, she picked her keys and left her apartment. 




Exiting her building, Joohyun quickly hopped on the car and greeted the driver.

She wasn’t going to lie, she was just too nervous to her own good. Not only was she finally meeting Seulgi, it was also her first date ever.

She put on her earphones and hit play on her playlist. Closing her eyes and resting her head on the window, she tried to calm her nerves while listening to the angelic voices of her favorite girlgroup.

Not even ten minutes passed before her phone vibrated on her hand. The name Yoohyeon flashed on the screen.

Good luck, unnie. Just

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Chapter 1: cuteeee <3 i love the dynamic in this
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: so beautiful 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: So sweet :3
Chapter 1: So cute!!!
Chapter 1: Loved the fluff ❤️
Chapter 1: merry christmas authorrr!
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 1: Uwuuu this makes feel so soft!! Thankyou for this author nim! A big fan of baby Yerim and competitive seulrene xD
2189 streak #10
Chapter 1: This is very adorable! Thank you for writing this!!!!!