A night that changed everything

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A/N: Happy Halloween, and to any Syeonsha lovers out there. I wanted a more serious style fic for them, and so here’s vampire Aisha saving human Sihyeon’s life and in turn, making her a vampire as well. So I am personally proud of this, and huge thank you to WonyosUnni for your input/help it did make the story a lot better, thank you! Enjoy 


Heo Yoorim was not the type to visit bars. She didn’t like the stench of alcohol, the gloomy looking people as they waited for their poison of choice to be poured and handed to them, or the way lecherous men looked at some of the more vulnerable women. In short, Yoorim absolutely hated bars. But she did have a reason for coming here.


“You’re pretty gorgeous, aren’t you?” A drunken man speaks to her, and Yoorim turns to him with a delicate raise of her eyebrow. She has no idea why this man is talking to her, but he better not think of laying a hand on her, unless he wants to be thrown out of the nearest window. 


“Too bad you’re just a little too freakishly pale.” He tries to touch a cheek, a big mistake, as Yoorim proceeds to throw him over the table with ease. Several people stare at the commotion as what appears to be some gorgeous dark-haired woman, tall, dressed in the most expensive looking black dress shirt and black pants with a slight heel to her boots. 


“Has no one ever taught you manners?” Yoorim stares down at him with a slight smile to her face, and he screams when he sees a flash of white fangs in . Yoorim says nothing further and walks over to the bartender. Her reason for coming here tonight.


Yoorim always hated bars, very much so. She just never found any reason for enjoyment here. Why come to a bar when you can enjoy your drink at home? Fortunately, she knows this particular bartender, and they never say anything to her when she’s here.


“What pissed you off, Yoorim?” The short, blonde-haired female asked while cleaning some shot glasses.


“Humans are disgusting, Jiwon.” The vampire tells her one human friend, and she is only friends with Jiwon because truth be told, she has known her family for years, as in she’s met Jiwon’s great grandparents and has known the woman herself since she was a small child. Sometimes, Yoorim remembers that adorable little girl who asked her why she always looked the same no matter what. Eventually, Yoorim did have to confess to her she wasn’t human, not like her, and expected the human to be scared enough to never speak again. Fortunately, Jiwon proved to be a good friend and kept her secret.


“Hey, not all of us.” Jiwon pretends to be offended. “Anyway, Ms. Vampire Queen, what are you doing in my dive bar, huh?”


“Maybe, I wanted to see you.” Yoorim teases, carefully poking one of the human’s cheeks to which Jiwon rolls her eyes dramatically. Yoorim is fascinating because on the one hand she is all regal and serious, which Jiwon knows she can’t help since she is a legit royal vampire. At the same time, when you really get to know her. Yoorim has a playful side too, but that’s only when she’s comfortable enough to show it, not that she would engage with many humans in the first place.


“Liar, but it’s nice to see you.”


“I just wanted to get out of the manor.” Yoorim admits finally with a playful glint in her bright eyes. “It can get boring ordering servants around all day, you know?”


“Haha, you’re feeling humorous tonight. Should I be worried?”


Yoorim gives a slight nod to her. “You should always be worried. I seriously don’t know how you stand all these scents in here.” Yoorim wrinkles her nose up in slight distaste. If it wasn’t the alcohol, sweaty human scent, it was something. 


“Now you’re being a grumpy vampire. You’re seriously so moody, your highness.” Jiwon even curtsies a bit on purpose and that makes Yoorim laugh out loud. So far no other human has amused her more than the bar owner. She wanted to sit and talk to her longer but found that it was a bit overwhelming for her this night, with all the humans. She excuses herself and tells Jiwon to come to her house sometimes, to which the human promises she will. The very second Yoorim gets to the exit there’s the scent of rain in the air, before it even started raining.


“Rain, how lovely.”


Still she keeps walking, it’s quite a ways to her manor but Yoorim likes the exercise of walking freely, especially in the night where no one bothers her. The silence is welcoming and she can hear her own thoughts clearly. Yoorim didn’t expect for anything to be eventful about her walk home from Jiwon’s bar. At least, there shouldn’t have been anything out of the ordinary. Until the vampire noticed something, or rather someone laying out on some grass, which wouldn’t have been unusual if not for the fact it was raining and the human looked out of it. The closer Yoorim got to her she could see how breathtaking she was. Pretty features, soft looking pink lips, and gorgeous long hair with red tint. Beautiful, really, for a human.


But it wasn’t the fact the woman was gorgeous that was the bigger concern to Yoorim at the moment, as she could see, no, hear her heartbeats slowing down, and judging from how she was simply left here, in this state. The woman was clearly dying and something about that didn’t sit right with Yoorim. She couldn’t just let someone die, human or not. The dark-haired woman bends down to her and touches her cheek. She knew what she needed to do.


“I’m sorry, human.”


Yoorim leans down to her neck, getting a hint of a flowery but not overpowering scent. She sighs and prepares to bite down into the skin between her neck and shoulder. The way the human’s eyes flew open, a pretty bright brown, though Yoorim didn’t have time to get lost in her eyes. Not when the pained scream escaped the woman’s lips and it resonated sharply within Yoorim. She might be a vampire but that doesn’t mean she takes pleasure in inflicting pain, even if this is to save this woman’s life. Yoorim doesn’t think she’ll ever forget that scream, not ever. By the time she retracts her fangs, the woman has settled down, and now the waiting.


Yoorim would not know if her bite would save or kill her, not right away. And so the vampire picked her up, carefully and walked off towards her house. At some point, Yoorim ran though. She had to hurry to get her to a safe place because if this worked, and the human was now a vampire and not simply dead. Yoorim would need to be there to observe the situation. Yoorim has never turned anyone, not ever, and now that brings up other concerns. Still, the vampire can’t help that she looks down to the woman in her arms, who is simply beautiful. 


Who would want to hurt such a beautiful woman like this?


Those questions would have to remain unanswered for now as she rushed to her manor. One of the servants noticed her from outside and opened the doors right away.


“Majesty?” She nods to her queen. “What….a human?” The servant is shocked to see her mistress holding a human in her arms. Not that her mistress is uncivilized as she can converse quite well with humans, and has even befriended a human family and stayed friendly with each generation too. Still, it’s odd to see her holding a human so carefully.


“She was near death.” Yoorim explains. “I have no idea if she’ll be a vampire when she awakes or if she’ll be no more. I brought her here as it was the safest place.”

The servant nods in understanding, though she wonders what must have compelled her queen to even attempt to save this human woman’s life. There must have been a reason.


“I can take her to one of the guest rooms, majesty.”


“No, it’s okay.” Yoorim shakes her head, not wanting to let the woman go unless it’s her that puts her down. She follows behind the servant and up the stairs to one of the empty guestrooms, nothing much was here except for a bed, a few pieces of furniture, but virtually nothing else. Yoorim gently places the brown-haired woman down on the bed, and waits. The hardest part would be the waiting, and so Yoorim knelt down beside her, watching, and observing.




“You can go, I will let you know should I need anything, thank you.”


“Yes, ma’am. For what it’s worth I hope she doesn’t die.”

Yoorim hoped for the same. She didn’t want for this woman to die either, and yet she wasn’t sure if she wanted her to be turned into a creature of the night. Should this woman survive and become like her, it would mean changes. She’d have to get adjusted to the feeling of hungering for blood instead of food, the fact that sunlight would burn her, and there was something about this woman that made Yoorim feel like she probably loved walking around for walks in the sun. There was also the fact that the vampire had to come to terms with what she has done, either way. Should this woman live or die, her fate has now been decided by Yoorim, and it makes her feel burdened. Yoorim closes her eyes and waits, while listening, her sharp hearing focused on the human before her. She counted every single one of the pretty woman’s heartbeats until the last one. 


“It’s over…” Yoorim whispers.


She had failed and all she did was end up ending the human’s life much sooner than intended. Should she have called for help, or take the woman to a hospital, would any of that have mattered. Yoorim has no way of knowing and so she is about to search for some identification when the woman’s eyes flare open, a brilliant honey color, though Yoorim didn’t have time to admire her eyes. Not when the woman screamed so loud and tried to lunge for her. 


Effects of a newly turned vampire.


Yoorim had succeeded.


“Hey!” Yoorim shouted and grabbed a hold of the brunette, pushing her down to the bed. “Stop it, please.”


The newly turned vampire struggles against her hold. She might possess more strength now than when she had as a human, but she is no match for Yoorim, who is not only an older vampire. But of pureblood, an original, and has a bit of a height advantage, not much, but a bit. Yoorim pushes her down on the bed again.


“Stop it.”


The woman struggled only a little more, getting lost in those electric blue eyes of the other woman before her. She was certainly beautiful, regal-like, dark hair against very pale skin, and those impossible blue eyes. Surely no human could possess blue eyes like that, and then Sihyeon saw the fangs. Not hard to miss really when the woman opened . 


“A vampire…”


Sihyeon couldn’t think after that, because there was an odd feeling coming over her, one she had never felt before. She felt stronger too, knowing full well strength was not her strong suit, but now she felt different, like if she tried a bit harder she could push this beautiful woman off of her.


“You have to calm down, alright.” Yoorim’s voice is more gentle now. There is something in her gentle tone that calms Sihyeon down, though she doesn’t like this weird feeling she is currently experiencing. 


“Let me go first.”


“I can’t do that.” Yoorim shakes her head. “I can’t trust you not to hurt yourself right now in your state.”


Again, because Yoorim had never turned a human into a vampire before. She didn’t fully know what to expect. Either way, she had to be here to help her calm down, and maybe even help the woman adjust. It occurs to the vampire queen she has no idea what the woman’s name is, and decides to ask.


“What’s your name?”


“Let me go.” She repeats, this time in more determination as she struggled again, but as Sihyeon moved she felt , and the feeling of fangs too. She did not have fangs when she woke up this morning that was for sure, though the details of how she ended up here in this room are foggy, one thing for certain is that Sihyeon did not have fangs, meaning this woman. No, this vampire had done something to her, and in her anger she tries to push Yoorim away, but Yoorim is stronger and holds her into place.


“What the hell did you do to me!”


“Calm down, please...just calm down.”


As much as Sihyeon wants to fight. She knows when she is beat, and clearly this vampire is stronger than her. She sighs and doesn’t fight anymore, but hell if she’ll talk to this woman for the rest of the night.


“I’ll let go of you, because I can handle things if you happen to attempt to hurt yourself, or worse…” Yoorim pauses, “you feel sudden bloodlust.”


Absentmindedly, Sihyeon touches her fangs this time, though she already knew they were there, it was almost as if she needed more confirmation because she couldn’t believe this. Just that morning she was a regular human woman, and now because of this vampire she was turned into a creature too. However, this woman before her isn’t really reminding her of a creature. Quite the opposite, really as Sihyeon thinks she is very pretty, like a model, and those eyes, they are so intense. It’s like staring into a hot-white flame. Sihyeon cares more about the fact that she is now a vampire too, not some pretty face.


It doesn’t take long to see that she is being ignored, and so Yoorim does let go of her. Opting to sit close by to where she could give the newly-turned vampire space, but be ready to stop her if needed. There is a long pause of silence and all Sihyeon hears before she closes her eyes is the dark-haired woman speaking again.


“For what it’s worth, I am sorry for changing your life in this way.”


But it was the final words that really stuck to Sihyeon most.


“But I am not sorry that I saved your life.”


“Saved my life?” Sihyeon wonders, what had happened to her? How come she can’t remember, and maybe the more pressing matter is why would the vampire save someone she didn’t even know. Why did the vampire save her?


All of those questions would remain unanswered since neither woman spoke again. Yoorim spent that whole night watching her, even when the newly turned vampire had drifted off to sleep, she still watched. How would they proceed from here? With the woman being so very angry. Granted, Yoorim did understand why she was angry.  Had Yoorim been a human and turned into a vampire, she’d be angry as well. Still, all Yoorim wanted to do was save her life, which was exactly what she did, fortunately. At least, the woman didn’t die, because Yoorim doesn’t think she could have taken anyone's death on her concscience. She is conflicted, though about the fact she had to turn this woman. A small sigh escaped the vampire queen’s lips. She hoped tomorrow would be a better day for them both.


When Sihyeon woke up the next morning. She expected the vampire to be sitting there, because the last thing she remembered was hearing the vampire speak, before shutting her eyes. Sihyeon sat up slowly, noticing that there was no one in the room but her. At least that’s what she thought until she saw a blonde woman next to her, with big brown eyes, and a kind look about her.


“Don’t worry,” She smiled in a way that did calm Sihyeon down, “you’re safe here, ma’am.”


“Where is the other one?” Sihyeon asked. “Tall, dark-haired, freaky blue eyes.”


The blonde laughs despite knowing she probably shouldn’t laugh at jokes toward her queen. She then clears .


“She isn’t here at the moment, but I know she’d like an update on how you’re feeling, ma’am. Nearly all your injuries are healed, but since you are just turned, your natural regeneration hasn’t quite kicked in, but I don’t think you will feel much pain. Now, are you feeling hungry?”


As much as Sihyeon wished to say she could really go for pancakes right about now. The newly turned vampire finds that it isn’t food she actually craves for. There is a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that thirsts for something else, and it scares her because never in her life had she craved for blood. Sihyeon shakes her head in the negative.


“No, I’m not.”


“Alright,” the blonde sighs, having a feeling the woman would say no. “Try not to let yourself go too long, though. If you are hungry please eat.” She gestures to the blood packs sitting in a small cooler on the nightstand table. Sihyeon takes a look at the blood packs with a frown on her face. She will not under any circumstances drink one of those things, as she would much rather starve first.


“Try not to starve yourself too long, ma’am. It will be worse if you do.”


Sihyeon doesn’t say anything not until she notices the blonde about to leave. “Can I leave this room, or am I supposed to stay here.”

“You are not a prisoner here, ma’am. You were just put here for your safety, you are certainly allowed to leave this room when you feel ready. Please do try and eat, though.” That statement is repeated again, in a concerned tone of voice that does resonate with Sihyeon. 


“Wait, what’s your name?”


The woman turned to her with a kind smile again and settled Sihyeon greatly in ways she wasn’t sure why as of yet.


“Serim.” She tells her. “Jo Serim, and might I ask your name, or should I just call you ma’am, that’s fine too.”


“Kim Sihyeon.”


“Kim Sihyeon.” Serim repeats, it was a pretty name for a very pretty woman. A part of Serim wonders if that’s why her queen was so taken by her to the point of saving her life, because she is simply stunning. Then again, Serim knows her queen is not some heartless monster either, and would not leave someone to die, not even a human.


“Okay, it’s nice to meet you, Sihyeon. I should be going, but try and get to know my queen. She’s not so bad.”


It takes Sihyeon a full two minutes, long after Serim is gone for her to realize that she just called that vampire woman a queen.


“Wait, what!”


Now, truth be told by the time Sihyeon actually got up and out of that room. It didn’t take much to see she was in some very expensive, wealthy person’s home, as this place was huge. Endless halls, stairs, rooms and servants walking about or cleaning. The vampire woman was really a queen then, how interesting. It didn’t change the fact that she was still very angry about being turned into something she would have never wanted for herself. Just what had happened exactly? Sihyeon needed answers and she needed to find that woman, queen or not. Sneaking past some of the servants who weren’t even really paying her any attention. Then it dawned on her, forget talking to that vampire queen, this was probably her chance to get the hell out of here. Sihyeon runs for the first exit she sees because she’s getting the hell out of here. Only just as she gets a hand on the knob a familiar voice calls out to her.


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Yoorim speaks, standing in the corner, looking honestly breathtaking in a black dress shirt, leather jeans, and black boots. She was really very pretty honestly, even though those electric blue eyes were both intriguing and freaking Sihyeon out at the same time. They were the kind of eyes that pierced through one’s soul. 


“And why not?” Sihyeon turns to her with a determined look on her face.


“Unless you want to be burned by the sun right now. I suggest you stay put until nightfall. Try it if you don’t believe me, I’ll have sunblock at the ready.”


Sihyeon isn’t sure if the woman is messing with her or not. But something about the sun burning her right now isn’t all that appealing and so Sihyeon turns away from the door and proceeds to walk away. She doesn’t care where she goes as long as it’s not near the other vampire.


“Have you eaten yet?” Yoorim wonders, purely out of concern. She knows what starving oneself can do, and it can be dangerous especially for this newly turned vampire.


“I’m not hungry.”


“You are hungry.” Yoorim frowns, no matter what she says. The vampire queen knows she has to be hungry and she must get her to eat, one way or another. 


“No, I’m not, your majesty.” Sihyeon even curtsies a bit, which looks kind of funny since it’s so lackluster, and quite lifeless. There is something about this woman that intrigues Yoorim, and it’s not simply the fact she’s gorgeous, because she is. Yoorim has eyes and can see the woman is gorgeous. There is something else, though, her personality stands out, and Yoorim, despite herself wants to get to know this woman, starting with her name of course.


“If you know I am a queen then I wish to know your name.”


Sihyeon could have easily pointed out that she doesn’t know the queen’s name either. She doesn’t and still doesn’t even tell Yoorim her name.


“You have a huge house, tell me there’s something to do here, something to keep myself busy.” is what Sihyeon says instead, anything to not focus on her growing hunger, and the fact she is craving blood instead of a pizza. 


“You are not my prisoner. I hope you know that.”


Sihyeon pauses because there is something in the dark-haired woman’s tone that makes her feel sorry for being so rude to her. As Kim Sihyeon isn’t a rude person, she really isn't. This is all from the fact she is angry, confused, and scared. She is scared because she has no idea what will happen from now on. If she’s now a vampire then what does it mean for her, what can she do? Lock herself away and stay hidden from the world until nightfall? Would she attempt to hurt others because she has no control over herself now, she hoped not. 


“I’m sorry.” Sihyeon whispers, taking Yoorim by surprise, as the taller woman expected more hostility. Yoorim truly does understand since she has changed this woman’s life, and maybe not even necessarily for the better.


“You don’t have to apologize,” She gives this nod that appears so elegant in nature that Sihyeon has no doubt this woman is indeed a vampire queen, who would have thought she’d ever one day meet a royal of any kind, let alone a vampire royal. “I am hoping we can at least start over.” Yoorim gives this bow that’s honestly very attractive and Sihyeon has this nagging feeling she would be blushing if she were still a human.


“My name is Heo Yoorim, and it’s very nice to meet you…”


At this point, Sihyeon is still a bit angry. She also has no reason to fear this woman who is being nothing but polite and is clearly trying her best here. At the least, Sihyeon knows she can try too.


“Hi, Yoorim, my name is Kim Sihyeon.”




Now she had a name to go with the beautiful woman’s face, and Yoor

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