Autumn leaves and the pumpkin patch

In the pumpkin patch
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You had to give it to your boyfriend Chanyeol, he could be a real good sport about things. It helped that he was very respectful of his elders even the elders not in his family. Plus he was super competitive of the smallest thing. Yep, your boyfriend was something special.  You met Chanyeol through work. You were the assistant accounts manager at a small insurance agency and Chanyeol was a client that needed help with a claim about four years ago. His studio had been broken into and several pieces of equipment had been robbed. You had gone to check on the situation and once you saw how devastated he was over the loss you went above and beyond to work on the claim, even being in contact with the police as much as possible to assist. In the end the claim paid out and Chanyeol was able to purchase what had been stolen. He was extremely happy with how attentive you were to his situation and the day after he had renovated his studio he invited you in to check it out. After a small tour he asked you to have a cup of tea and listen to something he had composed. It was love at first listen for you. His smooth vocals on a track which was completely all his along with the beautiful guitar work had piqued your interest in the tall, handsome man. A day after your visit you received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from him as a thank you. You called him to thank him and he asked if you would be interested in going to a neighborhood party with him. You readily agreed. However after an hour being there, meeting his large group of friends and a lot of his neighbors, you realised that Chanyeol did not seem interested in you other than a friend. You genuinely liked him so you put your little crush into the darkest recess of your heart and locked it away. The next two years was quite fun for you. You found that not only Chanyeol but his group of friends were all a very fun bunch of people to do things with, especially during the holidays. One of their favorite times was Autumn and Halloween. Halloween meant costume parties, decorating their respective homes, baking treats, scary movie marathons and the best of all a pumpkin carving contest. Chanyeol was a very competitive person so you noticed after your first holiday with the gang that he went all out in costumes and jack-o-lanterns. One day Yeol called you at home and told you that tomorrow in no uncertain terms you were coming with him to pick out pumpkins so you just had to agree. He swung by your home at 11:00 a.m. with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to pick you up. The ride was very entertaining with a fierce game of I Spy then a couple songs about Halloween. After forty-five minutes on the highway and then two miles of dirt road you arrived at THE Pumpkin Patch. The farm belonged to a little old couple who had been farming pumpkins and sweet corn for almost fifty years. The patch was huge! Pumpkins of all sizes and shapes were all over the place. Yeol was more excited than a kid in a candy shop trying to figure out which orange gourd would win him the prize, an old bowling trophy someone had picked up at a garage sale. Within 5 minutes Baekhyun had his and another 5 minutes more Kyungsoo had his. Yeol continued to drag you here and there looking over as many pumpkins he could find. You found this lop-sided white one that had a few warts, it was almost hideous and made you laugh. Yeol finally settled on two and decided to get them both after an hour looking. While waiting for him Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and you visited with the owners and their grandson, who was about our age. He was staying with his grandparent to help and was working on a master's degree. Jin and you seemed to get along pretty well and before leaving you both exchanged phone numbers. Once we made our purchases and loaded them in the back of Yeol's SUV, we headed back to the city to meet the others for dinner. Along the way back Baekhyun teased you without mercy on the farmer's grandson. Since Chanyeol had not been present at the time Baekhyun had embellished several things about the exchange of numbers between you and Jin. You kept whining from the back for him to shut up but he just laughed. Chanyeol said nothing while Kyungsoo just laughed.  That Halloween was a blast! Three costume parties attended by everyone, two movie marathons with some of the scariest movies ever and one trip to through the Haunted House in town that lead to you losing the guys while in the house. Halloween night at Chanyeol's apartment saw the ending of the festivities where Junmyeon won the Jack-o-lantern contest even though several of his friend claimed he cheated. That night You watched your friends, especially Chanyeol have the time of their lives. As you were heading out to go home Baekhyun and Kyungsoo asked about Jin and you explained that he had been busy but you had agreed to a date the coming weekend. They both said Oh and That's great and then changed the subject. You thought nothing of it and left. The following Saturday you received several phone call from your friends asking you to come over or meet at a cafe or go grocery shopping. You had to turn them all down and remind them of your date. You met Jin at a friendly cafe and ended up talking for four hours until you both were asked to leave since it was closing time. Being a gentleman Jin walked you to your car and gave you a quick hug then made plans for a date the following weekend.  Jin turned out to be a sweet, funny and lovable person and after six months of hanging out you both started dating. Dating turned out to be pretty much like the time you were hanging out just with a few more hugs and added some kissing.  Being with Jin was like always having a warm blanket to snuggle into on a chilly day. He got along well with all of your friends, which now included all of Chanyeol's friends. Any party thrown you both were invited. You and Jin now served as the group's couple to tag along on group dates if any of the guys felt they needed a hand when meeting someone new. So far you had accompanied Junmyeon on a blind date, which turned out poorly, as well as Jongdae on a date with a girl that he had actually been seeing for a while. You and Jin had found out that this girl and Jongdae had known each other and been seeing each other for some time and Jongdae was testing the water so to speak if your group of friends would approve. Since you could tell that this girl meant a lot to Jongdae and love shined out of him like a beacon you assured him that everyone would be very happy for the couple. Jin readily agreed. At the next group event he introduced his fiancee to everyone and she was welcomed with open arms, along with several jokes all at Jongdae's expense.  Your second Halloween with your gang of friends as well as Jin was fast approaching. Jin kept busy helping his granparents. He had taken you out to the farm several times over the summer so you knew first hand that the pumpkin crop would be amazing come fall and it proved to be so in October. The first couple of weeks in that month you had actually been helping your parents care for your grandmother's home with fall maintenance. She had a small house sitting on ten acres with several trees that had been quickly shedding their beautiful leaves. Grandma's lawn looked like a striking work of red, orange and gold and it took several hours of work to mulch and rake the leaves. Your grandmother had even hired the neighbor's children to help. By the time the month ended things were complete and grandma had paid you in home made cookies which you took to a party thrown by Kyungsoo and Jongin at Soo's home.  After tasting the molasses treats everyone volunteered to help out the following year if they would be paid in cookies as well. It has been a fun and relaxing evening of food and games. You and Jin not only won pictionary but your combined effort on Pumpzilla had won the trophy, Chanyeol had vowed revenge.Things had stayed a nice even course throughout the holidays for everyone and you even helped Chanyeol double date with a woman he had met through his work.  You met Chanyeol at a family restaurant which specialized in homemade noodles with Jin. The woman he had invited on the date showed up almost a half hour late and during that time you had to entertain a very nervous Chanyeol. When Yeol gets nervous or agitated he gets clumsy and when he stood up to help her to her chair he knocked two glasses of water on the table. You just laughed and helped sop up the mess with towels that the waitress brought over. You even helped change the table cover. Poor Chanyeol was very embarresed while Jin just laughed his trade mark squeaky window wiper laugh. The tall blond next to Chanyeol seemed like she wanted to turn around and leave. Once the table was set again and food ordered, you tried to draw her into the conversation to get to know her. Her name was Lian and she worked for an advertising company, the rest of the time she was on her phone texting or responding to emails. You could see that your friend was not impressed and neither were you. All four of you hoped for dinner to end asap. The next day you received a text from Chanyeol asking to meet up for coffee at a favorite cafe. The cafe was quiet when you got there and you found Yeol already sitting at a table with your favorite latte.  You sat down and he came right to the point, "What is wrong with me? Why did I ask someone like her out and then she act that way?" For being such an out going and friendly person, you had discovered over time that Yeol was shy around girls. Knowing his self esteem had taken a hit you tried to let him know that she had not been the right person for him. You had taken out pen and paper from your purse and worked up a model of what type of girl was worth your friend's time and effort for the future. With his input all the pros and cons of Yeol's future girlfriend were listed and surprisingly she was a lot like you but you did not comment on that. That moment when you had your friend laughing and erasing his self doubt had been the first time in almost two years that your little crush had escaped it's locked confines within your heart. After nearly two hours at the cafe you left with mixed feelings and confusion. At one point Yeol had held your hands and his thumbs had rubbed little circles on them causing that crush to hammer away in your heart. When you reached home you did your best to shove that feeling back into it's cell for good. Soon after Jin had called and asked to meet.  Since it was close to dinner you agreed on one of your favorite places. You met each other in the parking lot and that cozy, warm blanket feeling quickly returned. You both ordered your favorite meal and drinks and turned to catching up. He had been busy working on his Master's papers. You could tell there was something big he wanted to say so when you had finished your food you told him to spill the beans which earned an infamous laugh. Jin said that he had trouble with some information on his paper so he finally had gone to seek help from a specialist, his ex-girlfriend. They had dated through out college and had ended it only because she had gone over seas to complete an internship. You could tell already where the conversation was headed and to be honest you were not upset. The way Jin talked about his ex you could feel that the passion you had lacked with him was because it had not been yours to feel. Before he could say the words you spoke up and said that you knew what had happened and that you wanted your 'friend' to be truly happy. He started to cry and you felt the need to comfort him. You ended up video calling the girl with Jin and told her that you were his friend and that he had something to ask her. She said yes and you had lost your double date partner. You went home relieved but missing that cozy feeling that was no longer yours and that irritating crush trying to break free from it's dark prison.  News spread fast among your friends and when they saw that you were not heart broken they contacted Jin so he knew that they were all right with what had happened and even wanted to remain friends. The following Saturday afternoon while you were cleaning up your kitchen after making cookies you received a text from Chanyeol telling you to open your door. After confirming that your tall friend was indeed outside your home you let him in. In his hands were a bags from the grocery store and the movie rental place. "Haha Yeol. What are you planning on?" "Hey!! Don't laugh. I want you to know that I am here for you in case you feel lonely or miss Jin. I got ice cream, chips and chick flicks." He replied.  You were all right with his offer but that damn feeling kept trying to break free. We ended up making ice cream sandwiches and choosing an action movie off of Netflix, chick flicks were not necessary. When the first movie was over and before we opened a bag of chips we started to talk. You explained what had happened with Jin and the girl he obviously loved and how you actually felt ok with it. You went on to say that what you  were missing was the warm blanket feeling you had with Jin.  Yeol looked at you funny then scooted closer to enclose you in a hug. You just laughed at first and he asked you if it felt warm and cozy. You replied by tickling his sides. Soon we're in a tickle fight you both ended up on the floor with the giant on top,  legs confined by his while both of your wrists were trapped by only one of his giant paws. He was trying to attack your left side with his right hand. You screamed under sheer torment only to hear his wicked laugh. He finally stopped and leaned down to you face to tell you that I should surrender. As your faces were so close you looked up into his deep brown eyes and at that moment all hell broke open in your heart. You leaned up just enough to brush your lips against his. His eyes widened and you could tell that he was shocked. You turned your face away in shame, unable to even play it off as a joke. You started to apologize when Yeol released your hands and turned your face back to him.  He looked at you for a moment then lowered his face and placed his lips against yours. The kiss was simple and lasted just a little longer than the one you had given. He moved back and you both looked at each other again. Then without hesitation you both connected your lips to each again, this time longer. This continued for several minutes, just lips against each other, sometimes a little suction, sometimes with a little against the lips. Yeol leaned back and looked at you one more time. His eyes starting to burn with an emotion that matched yours. He laid down next to you on the floor, his long legs wrapped up in yours, arms snaking around each other then mouths meeting again, this time with passion. Teeth and tongue came out to play, Yeol angled your head for a better fit and you let a moan escape. There was nothing cozy about this kiss. It was fire, burning you up. You nipped at his lips with your teeth and  could hear moans coming from him. Yeol rolled you into your back. He positioned himself between your legs. You could feel excitement building between you both. He leaned in to kiss more and you were eager to return his kisses. Your mind was clouding with passion and a lustful feeling you had not felt before the whole time in your other relationship. Yeol started to rock into you and you wanted to feel his hands all over your body. Tearing apart from each only to stare into one another's eyes, Yeol was the first to speak, "  Ummm I think I found the person I have been missing all this time. Check list complete and if she agrees I promise to work very hard to make it all work."  Your mind was numb. Your crush had escaped and was running rampant. No longer imprisoned and even offering you everything you had imagined and much more since you now knew him so well. You could only nod your head not able to speak. He just grinned and leaned in for a quick kiss, "Words. I needs words from you right now baby." You cleared your throat and even then not trusting your voice. "I have had a crush on you since we met." you confessed. "Why did you not say anything! We could have been dating this whole time!" He
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I love this time of year. Now if I just had someone to enjoy it with. Thank goodness for EXO.


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736 streak #1
Still my favorite! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
Chapter 1: To start with, I'm not very acquainted with Halloween because it's not widely celebrated here. It's more of a cosplay show around here and absolutely no pumpkin is involved. Chanyeol and OC's love for halloween was foreign to me at first but as I read on, I could really feel myself becoming excited with them about this holiday too! And then the mix of Chanyeol's friends! They were such a great addition to this story! It was always my dream to have a friend group of this sort. OC's grandma rocks as well! The proposal was just perfect, so personal and meaningful. It's like "their thing" sort of thing T__T It took me a while to complete this but here I am, will probably be back this October again! Many times in between! Just know that I will always think of this story when Halloween is knocking on my door! Great writing, Lori!
Chapter 1: *sobs*
736 streak #4
Chapter 1: 👻🎃👻🎃👻

This one is surely a battery recharge for me! I always fall in love over and over again with Chanyeol and the concept of this story! It's amazing and relaxing!

I have lost count of how many times I have read it, but each time it seems like I am reading it for the first time!

Thank you!

736 streak #5
Chapter 1: 👻🎃👻🎃👻

And once again, I found myself reading this, to lift my spirit up. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can never get enough of this. 🌹💗

736 streak #6

I can never get enough of this one, it's definitely my all-time favorite one and I can't help but admire the wonderful story. It's always wonderful to escape somewhere else, and this story allows that! 😍😍😍

Thank you! 🌹💗

Chapter 1: Ahhh this was so cute!!❤️❤️ I probably shouldn't have read it at this time, cuz now I'm in such a halloween mood, but it's so long until october!😩
736 streak #8
Chapter 1: I needed something sweet and relaxing to read and I found myself reading this one again. I just can't help it! It's soooo sweet! ✔✨😍
736 streak #9
Chapter 1: Story: Excellent! ✔✨🥰😍

Characters: Chanyeol (what else could I ask for?) 😍🥰😍🥰

I really enjoyed the beginning of the story itself. It gave such good details on how it all started and Chanyeol's bubbly and competitive personality. Easy to imagine and just wonderful!! The whole concept of how he was robbed and how the effort was put into solving the trouble was great. Tea, spending time together, flowers, that small crush that was pushed aside, and his friends. Marvelous! 💗😍😘

Autumn is a lovely season, and it's rare to find a person who doesn't love Autumn (for those who don't, they have no idea what they are missing hehe), anyways back to the point. Halloween 👻🎃 The road trip was definitely fun, the games, the songs, and just the whole atmosphere! Wonderful! The mention of Chanyeol acting like a kid in a candy store was easily imaginable and it made me laugh. 😂🤣

Omo! The teasing part was a bit mean but in a friendly kind of way. It was cute, to say the least, but Chanyeol's silence said more than words. 😈 Jin. He did seem like a nice guy, but honestly, I just couldn't feel it, but then again Chanyeol gave no signs, so... And as for Chanyeol and the mishaps well I found it cute and funny and I loved how he asked for advice. The similarities and all that, no wonder the old feeling escaped again. 😉😉 As for Jin... well as I said I just couldn't feel it, something was and I was right about it. 🤔👀

Chanyeol is such a sweetheart. Movies, snacks, ice cream... well things got a bit heavy afterward but they confessed. Wait he sent signals? Hehe. He should have been a bit louder 😉😍 Having a child is a big step, but what girl wouldn't be happy if the man of their dreams was up for it? 😍
As for the conversation it gave me a mini heart attack, but all was good in the end! He had it all planned out, all that was missing was a 'Yes'! 💗😍

Yeol had been accepted by the parents and grandmother hehe 💗😍 No matter where he comes it's always fun and games with him! 💗😍 Did I mention I love the grandma? Flirt xD
Omo! The announcement and proposal made me smile like an idiot, but it was so cuuuuuteeeeeeee.

It brought tears of joy to my eyes! Lovely and romantic! 💗😍🥰🌹
Thank you for this lovely story!!! 🥰😍✨💗
Keep it up!!! ✔👌👍
Chapter 1: ok i know i'm like 2 weeks late but finally got round to reading this all in one go! i could definitely feel your love for Halloween and I commend you for covering so much background story and info in one short story because dragging to pace on whatsoever. The Jongdae scene also made me chuckle. This was a very lovely and sweet story to read overall ^-^