
before you go
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Joohyun sighed, slowly stretching her limbs as she woke. The unrumpled sheets on the other side of the bed indicated that the person who normally occupied it had already left. 


She knew her girlfriend’s work was important, and Joohyun really wasn’t the type to interfere, but did Seungwan really have to go on  a business trip on a weekend?


Almost upset at the fact that she didn’t get to see her before she left, Joohyun’s mood slightly changed upon seeing the note on their bedside table.



I wanted to kiss you before I left but you looked so peaceful that I didn’t have it in me to wake you up.

I’ll call you when I get there. I love you, baby.


Yours forever,



Smiling a bit to herself, she neatly folded the note and decided to continue on with her day. However, the sight that greeted her in the living room stopped her in her tracks.


There was her girlfriend, sitting on their couch, gracing her with a smile as if she had nowhere else to be.


“Wan? I thought you left for your business trip? Did you forget something?” Seungwan didn’t say anything. Instead, she chose to slowly walk towards the other girl and wrapped her arms around her. 


“I was already on my way when I realized I had to see you before I left. God, I really regret not waking you up earlier, Hyun.” The younger girl said, snuggling into th

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Steph_05 #1
Chapter 1: This hurt me a lot, because author?
Chapter 1: No!!!
I thought this will be too short to hurt me...
Chapter 1: This hurts so good(〒﹏〒)
Chapter 1: My eyes, my poor eyes. It's only the first chapter!
Shalalalarv #5
Chapter 1: Masakit!!!!!!
Soshivelvett #6
Chapter 1: Oh s no :((((
62 streak #7
Chapter 1: :(
62 streak #8
Chapter 1: :(
1702 streak #9
Chapter 1: Wannieee :(
Baechu28 #10
Chapter 1: Noooooooooo wannie??