Chapter 3

4 Seasons
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Trying to make it work but man these times are hard

She needs me now but I can't seem to find a time

I've got a new job now in the unemployment line

And we don't know how we got into this mess it's a gods test

Someone help us 'cause we're doing our best






She registered that the owner of the voice was standing next to her, but not understanding why she would be talking to her, Sana checked to make sure there wasn’t someone sitting behind her who was actually being addressed. When she saw no one there, she turned back and finally met Dahyun’s eyes.


“Hi.” Sana replied looking directly at a korean girl.


“It’s a bit chilly out here, here take this. I have an extra one.” The korean girl handed Sana a spare hand warmer. Sana took it shyly and gave a slight bow.


“Would you be ok if I join you here for about fifteen minutes? It’s actually my break, and if I stay inside for another minute, I can just fall asleep as soon as possible.” The korean asked, giving Sana a warm smile. 


“Yes, by all means.” gesturing to the chair in front of her. The korean moved to pull out the chair to sit down. Sana’s heart beat rapidly as she allowed herself to entertain the thought that this could actually be some headway.


“Thank you for this hand warmer.”

“You’re welcome.”

Her brain madly scrambled for coherent thoughts to form. Sana was searching her brain for something to say that could be useful in this situation. Anything, she thought, say anything damn it! She started to panic, and could feel herself blushing and sweating. The korean girl observed Sana’s reaction for a while before realization about the situation suddenly dawned on her face.

Sana tried to avoid eye contact, and think of any topic that will save her from having gay panic right now. Is she here to smoke? Or what? Does she know I’ve  been waiting for her here?! Does she know I’ve been racking my brain on how to get to talk to her for an hour now? WHY IS SHE RIGHT INFRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW?!

“I’m Dahyun,” the korean volunteered, when Sana continued to remain silent.

“Sana.” She pointed to herself. “That’s me.” She pointed to herself!

More silence.

“So, are you waiting for anyone or are you a psycho that likes to stay at four in the morning at some random coffee shops?” the korean lightheartedly japed, amusement in her eyes. 

Sana is literally spaced out right now, partly because of her lack of sleep due to a painting sesh, and partly because of the koreans eyes. It was so beautiful to look at, Sana thought, that maybe the japanese would probably want to let the korean repeat what she just said. 

“Are you really going to make me do all the work?”

That seemed enough to snap Sana out of her daze.

“Oops, I’m usually better at this. But then I’d never seen eyes like yours before.”

“That was better.”

“Can I come back and do this again? I will just avoid looking at your eyes next time. And probably your entire face, actually. To be safe.”

The girl named Dahyun laughed. It was such a beautiful, melodious laugh that Sana was worried that it would throw her back into her dumbstruck daze again. 

“Why come back, when we can redo it now, besides, my shift will end at 9am. You should probably go home and get some sleep, you do have tired looking eyes.” Dahyun chuckled.

“Alright. Here. This is me starting over. Hi, I’m Sana.” Sana extended her hand, which Dahyun indulgently shook. “I am a 23 year old artist, by night at least, specializing in oil painting, but dabbling in other mediums as well. I am a japanese and still learning korean, but I can totally understand you, in case you decide to curse at me right now.  And I know what you’re wondering. No, this is not my real hair color, and yes, I am a psycho that likes to stay outside a coffeeshops and wait for strangers, only in the hope that one day, I get to know her better.” She ended it with her trademark grin, infused with a bit of confidence, now that she found her groove again.

Dahyun regarded her curiously for a second, taking in everything she said. Finally, her lips turned up in a small smile. “That is rather presumptive.” 

“Also, I will be graduating next year, what about you? what are you studying?” Sana asks, leaning on the table a bit.

“I'm in my second year and I study composition. Music composition and film scoring. Piano is my principal instrument,” Dahyun replied. 

Sana hums in understanding, looking impressed. “Music Department, I see. I’m in the building next to yours. Art department. I study fine arts.”


“I’d love to see your work sometime if we ever run into each other on campus.” Dahyun replied.

“You can see my art… if you play something for me.” Sana gives her a warm smile.

“Um… yeah. I suppose I can play for you sometime. But I usually only go for brunettes. I usually don’t trust blondes, I mean, have you seen a Nicholas Sparks movie?” Dahyun chuckled back at the japanese infront of her while scrunching up her face.

“Yeah right, Allie is a btch, Noah deserves so much better. Well, what a coincidence. Because as a matter of fact me too. Look at how much we have in common already.”

“I don’t think that actually works in your favor.”

“You’re right.” Sana admitted with a wink. “How about you give me a chance to change your mind then?”

“Will you?” she added.

“Change your mind? Absolutely. One date, and you’ll never go back.” Sana gave her best, most winning smile.

Dahyun grew silent. Sana’s heart was now beating at an inhuman rate in her chest. It was so loud to her own ears that she was sure Dahyun could hear it too. She thought she was doing well, but she wasn’t one hundred percent confident the korean would say yes. But she really, really hoped she would. She was dying to know more about her. And to see more of her beautiful, perfect face.

Dahyun bit her bottom lip, checked her wrist watch and got up, seemingly ready to leave. Sana’s face fell. Where did she go wrong? Has she ruined her chances of ever seeing this girl again? Sana didn’t know what else to say. She saw Dahyun rumble through her coat pocket and pull out a pen and a small piece of loose receipt. She scribbled something on the paper and slid it over to Sana.

“I hope you do get a sleep now, Sana.” She smiled before getting up from her chair and walking off.

Sana watched her leave silently. She then looked down at the piece of paper and saw, in beautifully written script, “Dahyun.” And underneath that, a phone nu

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Chapter 18: im still waiting, dont leave me hanging :(
Chapter 18: Miss you authornim, I mean the SaiDa here 😂👌
Jojo_MoSa #3
Chapter 18: Please comeback 🥺🥺
Chapter 18: I absolutely love this story, probably one of the best I have read honestly. it's so well written and expressive. I am looking forward to see how it will continue
Chapter 16: Author-nim!!! I just watched the last kiss scene in GA. Omgggg. I knew it was familiar. I love itt and it hurtsss huhu. I'll be waiting
Saida-201 #6
Did author just ghosted us?
Midubdub #7
Chapter 18: Reread the whole chapters from start till the very last. Will still be waiting for the update..
Saida29 #9
Chapter 18: Where are you author?TT
Saida-201 #10
Chapter 18: Author were still waiting😂😂