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It was a beautiful ceremony. The king officially stepped down and passed the crown to his daughter. His kingdom seemed thrilled with the transition, knowing how great of a leader Sana already was. They were excited to see how Jeongyeon would reign as well, pleased that they were able to have someone of the commoners up there with the royals.

With the transition, came appointing new guards to which Sana reassigned everyone, but kept them all in the same areas. Chaeyoung being Jihyo’s personal guard hadn’t changed, which made Jihyo happy. More guards were evenly distributed across the land, perfect in her eyes.

“Mommy… Do I have to call you queen now?” Aisha giggled.

“No sweetie.” Sana chuckled while ruffling her hair.

Within a week, everyone had blended into their new roles beautifully. Sana was able to begin her own work by helping rebuild Mina’s domain with the help of Jeongyeon made everything better. Mina had stayed silent, only giving her bits of knowledge when spoken to. Sana assumed she was in mourning with everything at this point. Everything was too much for everyone, and she understood.

“She was just a little too quiet. Even for her.” Jeongyeon frowned while carrying a sleeping princess in her arms. It was long after dinner and they had their usual walk around the grounds, stargazing again. But Aisha had claimed she was tired, demanding to be held by the older queen.

“Her entire family is dead, and her domain was raided… She had every right to be as silent as she was.” Sana frowned. “Yes, it’s been six years… But I don’t think I would ever be able to recover if you were killed.” She whispered.

“How about we don’t talk about it then…” Jeongyeon whispered, using her free hand to hold her wife’s. “We can talk about getting this one a pony.” She smirked.

“She needs to learn soon.” Sana whispered. “Learning our writing style.” She frowned. “I learned when I was three, but everything seemed too much a few years ago.” She sighed. Jeongyeon brushed her thumb against Sana’s hand, giving her a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay. She can learn tomorrow. We can start it all tomorrow and everything will slowly fall into place. Okay?” Jeongyeon whispered. She knew Sana was going to stress over every little detail of their daughter’s life, but at that exact moment, she was passed out without a care in the world.

“Okay… Thank you.” Sana whispered, a smile on her face.

“I’ll always ground you.” Jeongyeon smiled.

The next morning, Sana had made time to begin calligraphy lessons with Aisha. She frowned when she saw that she used her left hand, and had no idea how to fix that. So she had Jihyo give her advice.

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babySavie #1
Chapter 29: Oh god Jeongyeon :(
14 streak #2
Chapter 30: This story had me going up and down with my emotions. I really enjoyed reading this and I will definitely read from you again! Thank you!!
16 streak #3
Chapter 30: And yup called it

Ugh if only she killed the man as well before she shoot herself

Sad Sana had to die and it’s rather unfortunate tht the old king couldn’t let go of an old feud
afernanda12 #4
Chapter 29: My heart is hurting
Wivern #5
Chapter 29: Fudge. :(
16 streak #6
Chapter 28: Doesn’t surprise me tht mina is betraying Sana

Sad tht it’s the route she’s taking after losing dahyun

16 streak #7
Chapter 24: Wow that’s bittersweet af
Chapter 24: *CRIES*
Wivern #9
Chapter 23: Devastating. TT
16 streak #10
Chapter 21: Bittersweet