Always Will Be

Always Will Be (Oneshot)
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"Yujin-ah, wait for me!" Minjoo shouted at Yujin who was busy running towards the beach.

"Come here Minjoo~" Yujin called to her as she sat on the sand.

"Why are so excited? You could've tripped!" she replied and sat beside her girlfriend.

"It's our 10th monthsary today, ofcourse I'm excited to spend my entire day with you." Yujin pouted at her response.

The two have been together for exactly 10 months. They have decided to go to places they've been before and reminisce the memories they had together during the past months, and this was the last destination they have planned. The beach where they became official. Their first day together.

The first place they went to was to a restaurant, and the amusement park. They had so much fun trying the extreme rides they've never tried when they first visited it because Minjoo said she was scared, so both decided to try it the next time and today was their chance. They've successfully done it tho, ridden bump cars, carousel, and many other extreme rides.

Well, for Minjoo, those were the extremes.

"Why are you pouting? I was only worried, Yujin-ah..." Minjoo uttered which made her girlfriend's lips pout more.

"Kish." Yujin said in a childlike-manner.

Minjoo could only shake her head while smiling at Yujin's childishness and gave a peck on her lips, "There, are we good now?"

"You know what, everything's still clear to me. From the time you told me you felt the same way too, the same feelings I have for you." Yujin looked at Minjoo's direction and flashed a smile on her face.

"It was exactly in this spot, Minjoo."

Minjoo looked around and noticed it was really the same place they've been ten months ago. She remembered there was a small convenience store near them and it was there. She can't believe Yujin still remembers it.

"Wow, you still remember it? Your memory's amazing Yujin-ah!" Minjoo praised.

"I remember every single thing related to you, Minjoo. All of it," she replied.

"Then do you still remember how you made me fall inlove with you too?" she asked.

"Ofcourse it's because of my cuteness, isn't it?" Yujin proudly answered.

Minjoo let out a soft chuckle and ruffled Yujin's hair. "Silly! That's not just because of it."

"Then how?"

"You know how much I'm being bullied back then, right? I was called the typical nerdy, Miss Know-it-all girl who knows nothing but just to study. I had no friends at school, and it was killing me." Minjoo played with the sand as she tried remembering all the hurtful past.

"You have no idea how much I prayed hard every single night, asking Him to give me a friend I can lean on to. The one I can entrust my life with, then one day He gave me you." she reached Yujin's hand and caressed it.


"I was hopeless back then, waiting for my life to come to an end. But you gave me hope, Yujin. You stood up for me when no one tried to. You made me feel loved." Minjoo turned to Yujin and looked at her intently. "I love you, Yujin-ah. I'd do anything to keep you forever."

Yujin couldn't help but to put a smile on her face and blushed. Minjoo rarely gets cheesy and all, but when she does, I doubt Yujin can even handle her feels.

"I love you too, Minjoo. But what you said was so cheesy, I'd have to pin it on my head. This only comes so rarely." Yujin replied.

"Ya! You ruined the atmosphere! I'm being serious here!" she whined.

"I was joking, sorry." Yujin laughed.


"It's getting late, Minjoo. The sun has set and I'm hungry too. Let's go grab some dinner?"

"The last one to go back to the car pays the dinner, deal?" Minjoo proposed.

Yujin then stood up and immediately ran to where their car was parked, "Deal!"

"Ahn Yujin you're being unfair! I didn't even count yet!" she whined and went after Yujin. Unexpectedly, Minjoo lost. Yujin was already inside the car when she got there.

"Minjoo's paying for dinner! Let's get it!" the younger girl shouted cheerfully.

Minjoo then started the engine while laughing and looked at Yujin, "That's because you cheated, silly."

"No, you were just too slow." Yujin searched for the backseat and took a stuffed toy that she won at the amusement park. "Minjoo, I already have a name for him~"

"The stuffed toy? What's his name?" Minjoo asked.

"Jinjoo. It's a combination of our name, see? Yujin plus Minjoo! He's the fruit of our everlasting love." Yujin cheerfully answered.

Minjoo then took the teddy bear from Yujin's hands and hugged it tight, "Hello, my baby Jinjoo. It's nice to meet you."

Yujin giggles at her girlfriend's action. She embraced Minjoo in a tight hug, between them was their baby.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Minmin." 

Minjoo broke the hug and smiled at her, "I'm more than lucky than you are, Yujin—"

She was stopped when she felt Yujin's lips lock with hers. Minjoo responded to Yujin's soft and passionate kisses with the same intensity. They continued for good seconds, until Yujin finally broke their kiss.

"Aren't we going yet, baby? Jinjoo and I are starving. I might end up eating you instead." Yujin smirked.

Minjoo blushed at what she said and softly slapped Yujin's arms, "Okay, we'll head for dinner and I'll take you to home so we can call it a day."

"Yes, ma'am. Off we go!" Yujin delightfully answered.

"Off we go, then." she followed Yujin and went to their next destination.






From: Yujinnie ❤️

Minjoo-ya~ I won't be able to come to school again today. I'm still not feeling well. Eat on time okay? Don't starve yourself, take care! I love you.

Minjoo stared at the text message she received from Yujin. She was already at their room when she read the message.

"Should I go visit her later? Maybe I can bring her fruits." she whispered.

"Visit who?" she got startled when she heard a voice from her back, turns out it was Yuri.

"Are you cheating on Yujin?!" another girl frantically asked.

"Shut up, Yena! Yujin's sick, and I was planning to visit her after school."

"Oh, sorry I kinda overacted." Yena replied.

"Not just kinda, stupid. You always exaggerate things." Yuri rolled her eyes at her and looked at Minjoo. Yena rolled her eyes at Yuri too. She won't lose to her.

The four girls have been friends for 2 years. Yuri and Yena transferred to the school during their 2nd year, and was later befriended by Minjoo and Yujin since they all were in the same class.

"She's been absent for three days already, I think it's time you check up on her later Minjoo. We don't have school tomorrow anyway." Yuri suggested.

"Yeah, I'll probably spend my night at their house. I want to take care of her the whole night and make up for the last three days I didn't see her." Minjoo sighed.

Yujin has been sick for three days already. Minjoo couldn't find the time to visit her because they were loaded with school works during weekdays, but luckily, tomorrow's the weekends. She can finally go and check on Yujin's condition

"Tell her to get well soon for me."

"For us." Yena suddenly popped. "Don't get me out of the picture!"

"See? You're overacting again! I only forgot to include you and you tell me that as if I did it on purpose."

"K." Yena replied at her and stuck her tongue out.

"Tell Yujin I'm sorry I can't visit her, okay? I have to go to school during weekends because of student council meeting." Yena said.

"It's fine, Yena. She'll understand," Minjoo answered.

“Me, too. My parents have plans and they said I’m coming with them. I’ll just probably text Yujin.” Minjoo nodded at Yuri.

Their conversation was cut when the school bell suddenly rang and their teacher entered the room. Minjoo tried to listen to their lecture but she failed. Her thoughts were flying, she was worried about Yujin. Thinking how she was doing right now, and if she was fine, or if she has eaten already. She couldn't think straight, impatiently waiting for the school to end and go to her girlfriend.

Wait for me, Yujin-ah. Minmin's going to take care of you now.





The door quickly opened after Minjoo rang the bell. She was welcomed by Wonyoung, Yujin's younger sister.

"Unnie! You didn't tell us you'll be coming." Wonyoung said and told Minjoo to come inside their house.

"I wanted to surprise Yujin, Wonnie. Is she resting?" Minjoo asked.

"Yeah, she's probably sleeping at her room. She's been like that for three days straight unnie. We always bring her food to her room because she doesn't go out. Mom and dad have been convincing her to get checked by a doctor but she refuses." Wonyoung explained.

"Where are your parents?"

"They're at work, prolly arriving soon."

Minjoo nodded at Wonyoung, "I'll go up, Wonnie~ I'll check up on her."

"Tell me if you need anything unnie."

Minjoo went upstairs and knocked on Yujin's door but there were no responses. She twisted the knob and the door opened so she went inside. She saw Yujin lying down the bed. She dropped her bag at the table and went near her.

"Yujin-ah..." Minjoo caressed her face gently which made Yujin wake up.


"It's me, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm so tired even when I did nothing, and my body’s aching.” Yujin replied.

"Go on and rest a bit more, hmm? Don't worry about our school works, I'll help you with it. The only thing you should worry about now is for you to get well, I miss my bright Yujinnie."

"Hmmm." Yujin slowly nodded and smiled, "I missed you, Minjoo-ya."

"I missed you more, that's why I came here." Minjoo pecked Yujin's forehead.

"Lay down beside me." Minjoo did what Yujin told her. She lied down beside Yujin and hugged her tight. She placed the back of her palm at Yujin's neck and felt it hot.

"Yujin-ah, you're hot. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I already drank my meds. It'll go off soon. Let's sleep, you're probably tired from school." Yujin replied as she wrapped her arms around Minjoo and caressed the girl's hair. Minjoo felt sleepy with Yujin's soothing touch and later fell asleep without realizing.




Minjoo woke up after hearing Yujin's cough. The girl was sitting at the edge of the bed while holding a glass of water.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, feeling Yujin's temperature with her back hand and felt it burning hot.

"Yujin-ah... you're burning hot! Let's go to the hospital, we'll bring you there. This isn't normal already." Minjoo then went out of bed and sat infront of Yujin. The girl's lips were pale, and she had tired eyes.

"M-Minjoo-ya... I don't feel so good..." Yujin weakly answered, and she eventually passed out. Minjoo was panicking and called for Wonyoung, waiting for rescue to come. She continuously tapped Yujin's cheeks trying to wake her up until she noticed something on Yujin's hands.







Yujin woke up and tried to familiarize the surroundings, everything was white and she was wearing a hospital gown. She still felt weak, trying to sit on her bed when she sensed something holding her hand.

It was Minjoo who was asleep.

Yujin tucked the hair blocking Minjoo’s face on her ear which made Minjoo flinch and eventually woke up, “Yujin-ah...”

“Hey, beautiful.” she smiled.

“Are you feeling well now?” Minjoo asked.

“A bit. I still feel tired. I’ve been sleeping for the past four days but my body feels weak.”

“You made me so worried after passing out last night, do you know that? Your mom even cried after she saw blood on your hand... we were all panicking.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want that to happen Minjoo.”

Minjoo placed her palm on Yujin’s cheeks and gave her an assuring smile, “No one wanted that to happen. Just rest a bit more, okay? Your parents told me they’ll leave work early and come here. Wonyoung’s at home to take some clothes. For now, I’ll be your nurse.”

“What a beautiful, fine nurse. I think I wouldn’t want to get discharged, let me live here forever with my nurse.” Yujin chuckled.

“Silly. I don’t want seeing you here at a hospital, get well soon and we’ll go to wherever you want to go alright?”

“Yes ma’am!” Yujin answered.

The door swung open and there came out Yujin’s parents, followed by Wonyoung. They all smiled and greeted the two.

“Yujin, you’re finally awake.” Soojin, her mother came to her and hugged her, “We were so worried about you.”

“I’m sorry I had you worrying mom, dad.” 

Young-il nodded and patted Yujin’s head, “It wasn’t your fault.”

“Unnie, how are you now? Are you already okay? I told you to get hospitalized already but you didn’t listen! See what happened? I almost had a heart attack after seeing you pass out on your bed!” Wonyoung worriedly said.

Soojin calmed Wonyoung down after the latter raised her voice, she understands her daughter. Seeing someone important to you look lifeless on her bed, and with Minjoo quivering in fear, it only worsened her anxiety that time.

“I’m sorry too, Wonyo. I’ll get well soon to repay you for your kindness during my sickness.” Yujin softly smiled.

The five continued their talk, encouraging Yujin to take care of herself until she decided to take a nap, she was feeling tired all of a sudden. They let her sleep for a while and watched her sleep in peace. Few minutes later, the doctor came inside the room holding a paper.

“Good evening. I already have the result of the tests we’ve done to the patient,” the doctor said and raised the paper he was holding.

“Good evening doc, what’s the news? We’re hoping for a good one.” Young-il replied.

“I don’t think this is of a good news, but I ought you need to know.”

All their faces straightened and looked at each other, curious about the news the doctor came up.

“She’s diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.” the doctor said.

Minjoo’s face drew shock. She couldn’t utter a word after hearing what the doctor had told them, she weren’t sure of what leukemia is, but she knows it’s not a joke.

“You mean the blood cancer, do

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