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I took breath after breath but still felt like I was choking. Raw terror constricted my lungs as I stumbled back, away from the men who planned to abduct me. They were focused on their injured companion on the ground and didn’t pay attention to me anymore—a mistake that I used it to my advantage. I staggered blindly through the darkness to escape them and had no clue where I was going. My heart beat frantically in my chest, and my eyes roamed around restlessly. I tried to get a glimpse of the ruthless attacker who had ambushed us. Who was he? And where was he? If I was unlucky, I might just run right into his arms.

I whimpered when a dark silhouette suddenly appeared next to me, my body going rigid as I braced myself for the worst. However, the person wasn’t who I had expected and gently squeezed my hand. The streetlamps flickered on and the light allowed me to finally see my surroundings. Baekhyun stood next to me, holding my hand and observing me with concern, his gaze darkening when he spotted the angry red marks on my face. I was immensely thankful to see him, my eyes feeling glossy.

“Baekhyun,” I sniffled.

“They won’t lay a hand on you again, Hyorin.” The husky tone of his voice sent shivers over my back. After getting a better look at him, I noticed a splatter of blood on his cheek. The red fluid was prominent on his milky skin and made me realize who was responsible for the gruesome injury of the man on the ground. My eyes widened in horror. What had Baekhyun done to him? It wasn’t like I felt sorry for the man, but I was shocked about the level of violence Baekhyun had resorted to.

The other three criminals had spotted us and pointed their guns in our direction, forcing Baekhyun to act fast. He took my wrist and pulled me behind the black car. We crouched and he captured my gaze, his serious blue eyes petrifying me.

“You stay here. No matter what happens, don’t come out until I tell you to, do you understand?” he hissed, his firm voice not condoning any objections.

“Please be careful,” I whispered. His lips curled into a confident smirk, but it vanished as soon as he got up to run around the car. At first, I stayed where I was, but when I heard a gunshot followed by a scream of pain, I flinched. I peered around the car, watching the scene in front of me. Baekhyun was fighting them head-on, three people at once. He kicked one in the stomach and followed up with a punch to his face that made his opponent fall over. The man collapsed, and Baekyhun hit him over the head to make him lose consciousness.

The other two men accepted that they wouldn’t stand a chance in a fistfight and relied on their guns, intending to shoot Baekhyun. My bodyguard saw them, but to my astonishment, he didn’t move. The streetlamps flickered, and once more, the parking lot was pitch-black. I couldn’t see them anymore and hoped this wouldn’t be a disadvantage for Baekhyun. I knew he was strong and capable, but if he couldn’t see his opponents, he would be in trouble. I cursed, staying close to the car as I squinted my eyes at the darkness. My heart was pounding in my chest because I was worried about him.

Two gunshots fell, and the silence that followed was frightening. Had they… hit their target? I anxiously strained my ears and could have sworn I picked up a noise, a low grunt. A thud reached my ears and I heard someone curse, their voice distorted in pain. It wasn’t Baekhyun. The light of the streetlamps came back, revealing Baekhyun evading a punch from his only opponent still standing. My brow creased in concern—Baekhyun’s movements were different from before. They looked hesitant and not even half as agile. Something was wrong with him, but I couldn’t tell what it was. He landed another hit, cracking the nose of his opponent who ultimately lost consciousness.

Baekhyun’s fists were covered with blood, but he didn’t take notice, staring down at his fallen opponent. I got up and ran to him, concerned for his well-being. “Baekhyun! Are you okay?” I asked frantically, coming to a halt behind him.

He didn’t seem to hear me at first, but then he turned around in slow motion. When I saw his face, I was shocked to see it was splattered with even more blood than before. His blue eyes were delirious; burning with fiery madness. My breath hitched when his gaze landed on me. I couldn’t move, held in place by his heavy stare. Confusion mixed with fear at his odd behavior, my knees feeling weak all of a sudden.

“B-Baekhyun?” I whispered uneasily, taking a step back. At the sound of my voice, recognition flickered through his eyes, the madness fading away. The peculiar glow in his irises disappeared with it, and they returned to their normal color. I was hypnotized, unable to explain the strange phenomenon.

He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a pained curse. He staggered in my direction and when he fell forward, I hastily jumped to catch him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, slowly letting him down, not knowing what had happened to him. We sunk to the ground where I sat in a kneeling position, holding his body up and leaning his back against my chest. His head rested close to my collarbones, face distorted in agony. He groaned.

“Baekhyun, where are you inju…” I trailed off when my eyes found the reason for his pain. On the side of his torso, red stained his hoodie, leaving no doubt he had been hit by a bullet. “Oh my God,” I gasped, tears welling up in my eyes. “I have to call an ambulance.” Already reaching for my phone in my pocket, I was surprised when his eyes shot open suddenly.

“No ambulance,” he rasped, coughing.

“But Baekhyun, this is serious! You need professional help,” I reasoned.

“I don’t want… to… g-go to a… hospital,” he forced out, giving me a desperate look that had me pause. He seemed distraught at the thought of going there, but I couldn’t let him lie here. He needed help now.

“Please, Hyorin,” he added when he saw me unlocking my phone, the bright screen illuminating my face. “I… I won’t die.”

“How do you know that?” I snapped, losing my patience with him. His body felt frighteningly cold as it rested against mine and it scared the hell out of me. I didn’t want to lose him because some random criminal had shot him!

“I heal fast,” he muttered. “No hospital.”

I stared at him in disbelief, not understanding why he was so stubborn about something completely normal. When you were heavily injured, hospitals were the first place to go to. With trembling fingers, I took the soaked fabric and pulled it up carefully, not wanting to hurt him by accident. Scarlet blood soiled his skin, and the sight made me nauseous. I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat and tried to keep myself together. As far as I could see, the bullet had only grazed his side, not hurting his organs. It was a relief, but he could still die from blood loss if this wasn’t treated.

I gritted my teeth, looking at my smartphone and typing the emergency number, but hesitating to call. Baekhyun’s blood-coated hand weakly touched my wrist in an attempt to stop me. I met his distraught gaze, shocked when I saw the desperation in it grow. I had never seen this emotion on him, the sight tearing at my heart. The mere thought of going to a hospital seemed to scare him to the core, but I didn’t understand why. Doctors and hospitals existed so that people could be saved—nobody would do anything to him, yet here he was, pleading with me as if I wanted to lead him to the slaughter.

“Don’t do it, please,” he whispered.

“Damn it, Baekhyun,” I cursed, holding back a sob. My eyes were wet with tears. I was so scared for him, scared to lose him. “What do you expect me to do, then?”

“Just… just get me home,” he mumbled, his eyes closing.

“Not when you’re bleeding so much. I have to do something about it first,” I breathed, worriedly observing him. He nodded, relieved I gave up on calling the ambulance. “I’m getting the first aid kit from the car.”

Carefully, I let him down, laying him on the ground. He frowned, his lips twitching when he was hit by another wave of pain. I got up hastily and sprinted to our car. Ripping open the trunk, I grabbed the small box and ran back to Baekhyun. My knees almost gave out when I finally reached him and sat down.

“Stay awake,” I said strictly, touching his cheek with my hand, not caring about the blood which now stained my fingers. His eyes opened and focused on me, but it was apparent he was fighting to stay conscious.

I smiled tensely at him, opened the first aid kit, and cleaned off the blood around the graze wound. It was a lot, and seeing it worried me further. I cleaned it until I could properly see the injury. The blood was clotting already, which surprised me. This wasn’t normal. Although the bullet had only grazed him, the wound was nasty—it should take longer for the healing process to start. Frowning in confusion, I prepared an antiseptic and carefully applied it to the injury. He tensed and cursed under his breath, prompting me to take his hand to calm him down. He squeezed tightly and didn’t let go for a while until I had to fetch the gauze bandage.

“Do you think you can sit up? I’ll help you.” I put my arm around his back and supported him as I pulled him into a sitting position. He breathed out sharply, closing his eyes. My heart clenched seeing him suffer and I bit my lip when tears pricked at my eyes.

“Please hold out,” I whispered nervously while I wrapped his stomach. Lastly, I put a knot on the ends to make sure the bandage would hold until we were home. I let his hoodie fall over it, staring at the big red stain for a long moment. It was ripped where the bullet had pierced the fabric and I realized how close it had come to hitting his stomach. That would not have ended well. He must have tried to evade the bullet at the very last possible moment.

“Let’s go before they wake up—or before the police arrives and asks questions. Someone must have noticed the gunshots just now,” I said, eyeing the unconscious men nervously. Baekhyun might get in trouble for the excessive level of violence he had used against them…

“They… they won’t get up… any time… s-soon,” he rasped, the ghost of a smirk appearing on his pale lips despite the pain he was in. “I might have snapped… a few bones." I grimaced, not wanting to think about what exactly he had done to them. He’d fought like a devil earlier, using the darkness to his advantage—it had been disturbing to watch. I shuddered just thinking about it.

I reached a hand out to him and he wrapped his fingers around my wrist so I could pull him up. He swayed, but I was next to him instantly, supporting him so he could lean some of his weight on me. We walked to the car with slow steps. I helped him sit in the passenger seat and took the driver's seat. By the time I started the engine, he was breathing shallowly, gritting his teeth. His complexion had turned ashen, and the blood on his face paired with the white hair made him look like a demon.

“Can you hold out for a bit longer? If you really don’t want to go see a doctor… well…” I said concernedly. We had painkillers at home… not that they would help if he got blood poisoning or something equally dangerous.

“I’m okay,” he muttered, closing his eyes and leaning his head back. It was the last thing he said before falling silent for the duration of the drive.

It was late and the streets were relatively empty, allowing us to reach the mansion without running into problems. I parked the car in the garage. Unfortunately, my uncle was home since his car was he

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Looks like this story got featured! 🥹 Thanks for your support, guys! I was pretty surprised when I opened AFF today. 😭💕


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745 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Chapter: O N E

👀 It's only the first scene of the first chapter, but so many things happened! 👀 Of course, it's not confusing, not one bit, actually, the picture was painted clearly and it was easy to understand who is who, who is threatened, etc. Minho is obviously a big fish in town because of his company, and let's face it, those rich people have many enemies - so I am not surprised, not one bit, but... that's where the interesting part comes in! 👀 (I am also curious to know how her parents died!) Anyhow, they started talking about bodyguards, well Minho started talking about it, and with each word or sentence, things got more mysterious! 😮 First, the name is interesting, Zero Four, second when he started explaining to her how this man is different and how he was/is part of some experiments. Even if she doesn't know the details it's enough to give her an eerie feeling about him, but of course, she trusts her uncle and won't question him, but I believe many would wonder the same as Hyorin did! 😮👀 Then when the lights suddenly started to flicker and Minho snapped it made me blink as it was apparent that he was talking to Zero Four a.k.a Baekhyun - even though it confused Hyorin, it raised many questions. 😮👀 It also makes me jump to theories! But I will mention only one for now, as I don't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. 👀

I might be wrong... or not... but I will say what is on my mind.

1. Because of the experiments, he became a supernatural being.

Also, to top it all off, Baekhyun is awfully quiet and the eerie feeling only increases. No wonder that she couldn't help but think about Minho and what he told her. It's not something that one can ignore. Hmm. 👀😮 There are many questions indeed. 😮👀 And I do agree with her, things don't make sense at some point when it comes to everything that she has learned. 👀😮

😮😣 There is nothing worse then being in an awkward situation where the atmosphere is more then strange. 😮😣 I swear, at times it feels like she is sitting next to a robot. *sighs* But I do like her efforts though. I mean, she is trying her best to start a conversation with him and try to be friendly... but he isn't allowing it... that's clear as a day. 😫 Either way, in the end, she found out his real name, although, it would have been better if he had told her. She doesn't bite... and a friendly conversation won't cost him anything... *sighs* Oh, well. Anyway, later on in the day, things took a different turn and Hyorin saw a different side to him, the not-so-pretty one (to call it like that) when he snapped because of the comments, in the process hurting Hyorin a bit because of his words, but I must admit, I like her stubbornness. 👌😉 She wants to prove to him that she is not like that and also she believes that there is a soft demeanor under that cold Bakehyun's facade. 😉👌 I am looking forward to seeing how it goes! 😉👌👏

The final scene was a little bit better... he used more words... but still not good enough. He is still stiff and she is putting in A LOT of effort to get him to talk. *sighs* Heck, she is even trying to get to know him a bit better by asking some questions... 👀

The picture at the end is wow! 😍🥰 It matches well. 😉👌

It's only the first chapter, but it got me hooked! I am so looking forward to seeing how things go from here on out, and I also like the different writing style in this one, using the first person, it's quite a nice change! 😉👏👌

Thank you for this lovely chapter! 💗🌹

745 streak #2

This one I am reading next! 😉 I love the mystery already and the vibe it gives! 😉

reveluv316 814 streak #3
congrats on feature
culoapaperella #4
thank you for the meal 😋
NoraMyFics #5
Congrats on getting featured!!

I remember following your story when it was on going. and even after not being here in recent years, I still remember your story name Zero and most of the plot!! And I think I'll re-read it again, and if I'm not wrong this is going to b my third read of this story!
So happy that it got featured!! this story completely deserves it!!
15 streak #6
Chapter 1: this is good so far!
Nlnz2016 #8
Chapter 23: Congratulations on the feature. Well deserved
omgggg, finally a baekhyun fic on the front page again. CONGRATULATIONS JESS!
Congratulations 🎉👏🎉