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Saturday arrived too fast for my liking. During the late afternoon, I called Jennie to distract myself from my nervousness. She would constantly ask about Baekhyun, and when she heard we were invited to an event, she squealed so loudly I that had to remove my smartphone from my ear.

“Ouch, Jennie! What was that?” I grumbled but couldn’t suppress a grin. I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, leaning my back against the wall.

“Girl, you need to put a lot of effort into your outfit and styling!” she went on, getting all excited.

“I’d rather not overdo it since I know there will be a ton of sleazy old men at this event,” I complained. Some people at these kinds of events were nice, but most of them were two-faced and could not be trusted.

“You’re not dressing up for them. You’re dressing up for Hyunnie,” she said and although I couldn’t see her, I knew she was smiling widely.

“Jennie, don’t call him that,” I giggled. “Sounds too cute for him.”

“Don’t change the topic! We haven’t finished discussing your outfit!”

“I’ll say it again; if I want to avoid any kind of negative attention, I shouldn’t overdo it,” I reasoned.

“You have a bodyguard, why are you worried?” she persisted, and I sighed.

“You’re not letting this go, are you?”

“Nope,” she chuckled.

We chatted for a while and I enjoyed the distraction it brought. My nervousness faded since Jennie was good at taking my mind off my worries, and I was grateful to have a friend like her. However, I couldn’t escape my uncle’s dreaded business event. Soon, I would have to get ready since it was almost evening. I had already packed a small suitcase for the overnight stay earlier today.

I ended the call and hesitatingly walked to my wardrobe, going over the dresses I owned. I chose a deep black one that would hug my body and flare out at my waist, floating to the ground in soft eaves. Its sleeves were made of black lace that ended in a high collar on my neck. The dress was elegant and classy, fitting for a business event.

I went into the bathroom to put my long hair up, adding a hair clip with a silver flower that glinted in the light. Next, I applied subtle make-up, highlighting my eyes, and painting my lips light pink. I put on the dress, glancing at my reflection in the big mirror in my room. Attempting a smile, I huffed when it took on a desperate tone and gave up. This trip would be terrible, I just knew it.

When I descended the stairs, the others were waiting in the lobby, looking at me when they heard my heels click on the floor. Minho wore a suit nearly identical to Li Chang’s. The latter glared at me, not hiding his disdain for me in the slightest. I avoided his gaze, focusing on Baekhyun instead, who looked incredibly attractive. He also sported a suit, but without a tie, and his dress shirt was black as the night—our colors matched. As usual, delicate feathery braids dangled over his shoulder. He wore a mask of indifference when I arrived, but his eyes followed my every move.

“You look gorgeous, Hyorin,” my uncle said. “Let’s go, the driver is outside.”

I thanked him and followed him to a sleek black sedan in the driveway. The inside of the car was fairly large, allowing for sufficient legroom and space for my long dress. Me and Baekhyun sat opposite my uncle and Li.

Yet again, I noticed the tension between him, Minho, and Li. My uncle’s bodyguard made it a point to glare at Baekhyun with a vengeance. It honestly scared me because I wasn’t used to being surrounded by so much needless hate and anger. What was Li’s problem? Couldn’t he at least try to be polite?

“Mr. Min briefed you about this evening and tomorrow, correct?” Minho asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the car.

“Yes, he did,” answered calmly, resting my hands on my lap. “I know what I need to do.”

“That’s good. I’m proud of you, Hyorin,” he said. I caught Li rolling his eyes but refrained from reprimanding him since I didn’t want to make this car ride any more unbearable than it already was.

“Zero-Four, you are responsible for her safety,” Minho stressed.

Baekhyun merely gave a nod, otherwise, he looked detached like a doll. The blank look in his eyes often appeared when Minho was around, worrying me. He was capable of showing emotions, but my uncle’s presence triggered something in him. Something bad.

The rest of the drive was spent in silence. I sometimes looked out the window or took a peek at Baekhyun. He had resorted to gazing at the scenery with a distant expression, the passing street lamps casting an ominous light over his sharp facial features. His blue eyes seemed to glow when they caught the light, and I once more was mesmerized by how beautiful they were. Soon, he noticed my gaze, prompting me to look away.

When we reached the hotel, the driver opened the door for us, and I left the car last, taking Baekhyun’s hand which he offered to me. As soon as my heels touched solid ground and I didn’t stumble, he let go of my hand, surveying our surroundings. We stood right in front of the main entrance of an impressive hotel building, its exterior design reflecting a blend of modern elegance and traditional Korean aesthetics. I entered the hotel lobby with my uncle, the bodyguards following us. The inside was as extravagant as the exterior, gray and earthy tones dominating the colors. We passed a seating area decorated with small plants and reached the reception desk.

“Good evening, are you guests of Mr. Kim?” the young woman behind the desk asked, wearing a practiced smile.

“Yes. My name is Park Minho, I made a reservation for four people,” my uncle said, handing his credit card to her. She took it, typing something on her computer before returning it.

“Here are your room keys,” she said politely and gave us four distinct cards. I put mine in my purse, making sure not to lose it. “Do you need someone to pick up your luggage?”

“Yes, please,” Minho smiled.

“I will arrange it. Your suitcases will be brought to your rooms. Enjoy your stay!” she said, showing us the way to the hall where we would have dinner with the other guests.

We entered a hallway that led us into a spacious room adorned with elegant décor to match the occasion. A single long table was set with fine china, crystal glassware, and polished silverware—no expense had been spared. Many other guests had already arrived and taken their seats. I expected Baekhyun to stay close, but when I sat next to Minho, I saw him and Li stepping back. They moved to a wall behind us and remained there. I noticed a few other bodyguards near them and concluded they had to stay at a distance during dinner. I felt strangely vulnerable when Baekhyun wasn’t around and automatically tensed my shoulders, fingers fidgeting with the black fabric of my dress. My posture was too stiff, betraying my unease as I sat at the table. I did my best to hide my anxiousness, but I doubted it was working—the death threats had made me paranoid. Turning my head slightly, I caught Baekhyun’s gaze resting on me.

“It’s good to see you, Mr. Park,” a man sitting across from us said. He was a bit older than Minho and wore a blue tie with his black suit. I had never seen him before but assumed my uncle knew him from work.

“Likewise, Mr. Kim. Thank you for your invitation tonight,” Minho said. “May I introduce my niece to you? She’s accompanying me this weekend.” Kim’s gaze landed on me, scrutinizing me from head to toe. Although it was unpleasant, I forced a polite smile on my face. Tonight was all about pretending and leaving a good impression for the sake of my uncle’s business…

“Hello, Mr. Kim. I’m Park Hyorin,” I introduced myself.

“It’s nice to meet you,” he replied, the smile on his lips not quite reaching his eyes. He intimidated me, so I was glad when the conversation shifted to another topic, my uncle sharing anecdotes from work.

Soon, the first course arrived, and I busied myself with eating, occasionally participating in the conversations around me. Unfortunately, I was sitting next to a woman who loved gossiping. She had a loud and annoying voice I just couldn’t ignore and my patience waned fast.

A wave

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Looks like this story got featured! 🥹 Thanks for your support, guys! I was pretty surprised when I opened AFF today. 😭💕


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745 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🔥💗🔥💗🔥

Chapter: O N E

👀 It's only the first scene of the first chapter, but so many things happened! 👀 Of course, it's not confusing, not one bit, actually, the picture was painted clearly and it was easy to understand who is who, who is threatened, etc. Minho is obviously a big fish in town because of his company, and let's face it, those rich people have many enemies - so I am not surprised, not one bit, but... that's where the interesting part comes in! 👀 (I am also curious to know how her parents died!) Anyhow, they started talking about bodyguards, well Minho started talking about it, and with each word or sentence, things got more mysterious! 😮 First, the name is interesting, Zero Four, second when he started explaining to her how this man is different and how he was/is part of some experiments. Even if she doesn't know the details it's enough to give her an eerie feeling about him, but of course, she trusts her uncle and won't question him, but I believe many would wonder the same as Hyorin did! 😮👀 Then when the lights suddenly started to flicker and Minho snapped it made me blink as it was apparent that he was talking to Zero Four a.k.a Baekhyun - even though it confused Hyorin, it raised many questions. 😮👀 It also makes me jump to theories! But I will mention only one for now, as I don't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. 👀

I might be wrong... or not... but I will say what is on my mind.

1. Because of the experiments, he became a supernatural being.

Also, to top it all off, Baekhyun is awfully quiet and the eerie feeling only increases. No wonder that she couldn't help but think about Minho and what he told her. It's not something that one can ignore. Hmm. 👀😮 There are many questions indeed. 😮👀 And I do agree with her, things don't make sense at some point when it comes to everything that she has learned. 👀😮

😮😣 There is nothing worse then being in an awkward situation where the atmosphere is more then strange. 😮😣 I swear, at times it feels like she is sitting next to a robot. *sighs* But I do like her efforts though. I mean, she is trying her best to start a conversation with him and try to be friendly... but he isn't allowing it... that's clear as a day. 😫 Either way, in the end, she found out his real name, although, it would have been better if he had told her. She doesn't bite... and a friendly conversation won't cost him anything... *sighs* Oh, well. Anyway, later on in the day, things took a different turn and Hyorin saw a different side to him, the not-so-pretty one (to call it like that) when he snapped because of the comments, in the process hurting Hyorin a bit because of his words, but I must admit, I like her stubbornness. 👌😉 She wants to prove to him that she is not like that and also she believes that there is a soft demeanor under that cold Bakehyun's facade. 😉👌 I am looking forward to seeing how it goes! 😉👌👏

The final scene was a little bit better... he used more words... but still not good enough. He is still stiff and she is putting in A LOT of effort to get him to talk. *sighs* Heck, she is even trying to get to know him a bit better by asking some questions... 👀

The picture at the end is wow! 😍🥰 It matches well. 😉👌

It's only the first chapter, but it got me hooked! I am so looking forward to seeing how things go from here on out, and I also like the different writing style in this one, using the first person, it's quite a nice change! 😉👏👌

Thank you for this lovely chapter! 💗🌹

745 streak #2

This one I am reading next! 😉 I love the mystery already and the vibe it gives! 😉

reveluv316 814 streak #3
congrats on feature
culoapaperella #4
thank you for the meal 😋
NoraMyFics #5
Congrats on getting featured!!

I remember following your story when it was on going. and even after not being here in recent years, I still remember your story name Zero and most of the plot!! And I think I'll re-read it again, and if I'm not wrong this is going to b my third read of this story!
So happy that it got featured!! this story completely deserves it!!
15 streak #6
Chapter 1: this is good so far!
Nlnz2016 #8
Chapter 23: Congratulations on the feature. Well deserved
omgggg, finally a baekhyun fic on the front page again. CONGRATULATIONS JESS!
Congratulations 🎉👏🎉