I'm Ready

The Wedding
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. . . BREAKING NEWS: EXO's Chen announce s he's getting married & expecting a child. EXO''s Chen has confirmed that he is planning to get married . . .




. . .Chen, posted a handwritten letter to EXO's fancafe, in which he shared the news with fans. In it he wrote that he has a girlfriend who I want to be with for the rest of my life . . . 


“So . . . They released it already . . .”


. . . He mentioned his worry in wanting to share the news with fans without surprising them too much, and that he had spoken with SM Entertainment and his fellow EXO members before choosing to share the news publicly. He also thanked the EXO members for their love, as well as the fans for their long-standing love and support . . .


“Right!. . .Don’t worry, everything will be fine . . .”


. . . SM Entertainment have since confirmed that Chen will be marrying his girlfriend, a non-celebrity, in a private ceremony with close family and friends. The agency has also confirmed that his fiancée is expecting a child, but as a non-celebrity, the details of her pregnancy will remain private . . .Congratulations to the couple! . . .


“Oh right, Congratulations . . . Congratulations Jongdae ah . . . You will be fine”


“Hyung!! . . .Baekhyun Hyung!” I was surprise on a sudden call.

“Oh Kai ah, Whats up? . . “

“Come on . . . Manager Hyung is calling us now, we need to go . .”

“Alright! . . . Coming!”


I am at my usual place, the practice room, when Kai picked me up. We just got back from a US tour as Super M, and now I’m back, preparing for another project coming ahead. I can feel a busy year coming ahead of me. Is this new? No, this is just an ordinary day in my life.

I am Byun Baekhyun, a son, a brother, an EXO member and an artist, and let me share with you, a part of my amazing but crazy life.


. . . Message Tone . . . 


“I heard you’re back, Call me if your free” A smile immediately flash on my lips when I saw this message.

“Oh Hyung, Looks like your day is complete now . . .hehehe” Sehun teasingly said.

“Shh!  . . .” and I silently shut him off. We were on our way back to our dorm when our Manager suddenly speak up.

“I guess you already know now about Jongdae . . .“

“Ahh I already read about the company statement, Wahh . . .Jongdae Hyung is really brave” Kai said.

“He really is . . .I hope he’ll be fine after this announcement, I hope they wouldn’t push him to the edge . . .” I said.

“Ooohhhh . . . You’re getting worried again Hyung, they’ll be fine . . .”

“Jongin is right Baekhyun, Jongdae will be fine, and we will surely protect him . . .”

“Ahh Protect him . . . he’s lucky . . .” I suddenly felt sad when I heard that they will protect him, while me? I feel like its unfair, The way they treated us is so unfair and its- . . . . Uhh! . . Never mind, its all in the past. Whats the sense of ranting about the past, no one really knows and no one will care.


“Ey Hyung! Cheer up! . . .Its all in the past, what matters now is that you two are ok now, right?”

“Right . . .” and I finally smiled. Minutes have passed and we finally reach our dorm, I hurriedly go to my room and lie on my bed.


“Huh!! . . .I’m tired . . .I’m really tired!!!” I just scream on my pillow, releasing all my stress and frustrations in life.


. . . .Ring . . .Ring . . .Ring


I jolted up from my bed when I heard my phone ring, I knew it was our usual time.         


“Ahnyeong!” I greeted.

“Ahnyeong!~ hehe”

“How are you?”

“I’m tired”

“Me too . . .I think I need some energizer now”

“hhmmm . . . Mmmmmuuuuwaaaah!!” and I smile on my phone when she flashes her lips on her camera to give me a virtual kiss, again.

“hahaha . . . Mwuah! I miss you, really . . . I miss you Taeyeon ah!”

“Ahh I miss you too Koong ah . . .”

“Did you came from your practice?”

“Yeah, everyone is busy right now for my upcoming concert next week, and I need to practice hard for the new choreo . .oh I hate the dance part . . “

“Ohh? But your cute when you dance though . . .”
”Ey~, you just say that because you love me . . .”
”Your right, because I love you . . . haha”

“Me too, I love you Baek . . . so much!”

9 years . . . 9years has passed and here I am still madly in love with my Taeyeon. I was the happiest man alive back then when she said I love you too to me. I feel like all my hardship in getting her to notice me, had paid off when she kiss me for the first time. I was happy, we were happy but it didn’t last, reality hit us when our news came out and it shook the fans all over the world Because of that, we needed to break up. And letting her go was the hardest decision I’ve made. All they knew was that we’d gone separate ways, but that’s what they think.

3 years, Its been 3 years since we got back together, Yes! You heard it right, We got back together. When? No one knows . . .  Seriously, no one knows, even us, we don’t know the exact date, We thought,whats the point of pretending and be so awkward with each other, when we knew in ourselves who our hearts really wanted. And so we did, we woke up one day and made a decision to secretly reunite since we still love each other and we cant stand anymore being away from each other. This time, we were very cautious not to get caught again, because if we do, it will really be the end for both of us. We try hard to avoid each other or try not to get distracted by each others presence, but sometimes I couldn’t help but to stare at my ever beautiful girlfriend, in which I always got caught, if not by my teasing members, some fans would or even the other artists and that was so embarrassing, but thankfully, that didn’t start another traumatic rumors about us.

“Ah by the way, I heard the news about Chen . . .tell him my congratulations” Taeyeon said.

“Ah I will” I suddenly thought of this fantasy in my mind, to which made me unconsciously smile.

“Hmm . .. Why are you smiling?” She ask.

“Nothing. . . I just thought, what if one day, It will be my turn to announce my marriage . . .What do you think will happen then?” I ask. She suddenly gets quiet and her face turn serious. I can see the fear in her eyes, the same fear I saw when our dating news came out, 6 years ago.

“Taeyeon? . . . . Honey?” I worriedly ask.

“Oh I’m sorry Baek, I’m just surprise with your thought, I suddenly think about that”

“Sorry, Did it make you uncomfortable?”

“Ahh no no . .Its ok” Even until now, I still feel sorry whenever I bring up that kind of topic, we were still both sensitive about it but Taeyeon is more vulnerable on that. Well who wouldn’t be? After all the hate, death threats and everything that happened on us before, I feel like we did something immoral or inhumane to deserve that. We felt that we were unfairly treated by our own fans, and I don’t want to blame them, cause we cant please anybody, but still, it was really unfair. That was my worst days ever.

“Taeyeon ah . . . I hope when that time comes, they will gladly accept and support us”

“But Baek, don’t expect anything, when that time comes, it will less hurt by then”

“But Taeyeon, I do really want to announce to the world that I will marry you one day”

“hahaha . . . Don’t sound like you’re already sure that I’ll marry you, we don’t know what will happen in the future”

“Eh? Why? . . You don’t want to marry me?”

“Hmmmm . . .” and she really think hard,

“Ohh? . . . Why you think so hard? Still doubting at me?”

“hahaha . . No, I’m really sure of you, I just don’t want to go beyond on what the future the holds, lets just stay at the present”

“Alright . .. But Taeyeon ah I promise you, I loved, I love and I will always love you, always remember that”

“I know Baekhyun ah . . and me too, I always love you . ..”

Marriage, simple word but comes with a heavy responsibility for both couple. Marriage is not something, you can back off from whenever you want. It is a big commitment and requires a hard work, for it to work. It takes a lot of maturity and preparedness before entering that stage and I salute my dear friend Jongdae, to happily commit his self to that, plus they’re having a great blessing ahead of them. I’m so happy for him, finally, he’s starting on his greatest dream.


If you will ask me, if I’m ready? Well . . . .


“I don’t know . . .”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“Jongdae ah, were different . . . you’re contented with your life now, I have so many plans in my head, the company has so many plans for me . .  I don’t know, if I am ready for that, and besides, I’m sure Taeyeon will also say so . .”

“But Baekhyun, were not getting any younger, don’t you want to slowly settle down your priorities, like marriage, and remember your parents are waiting for a grandchild from you. . .”
”I know, I don’t forget that, but I don’t know . . .ah how about you? When did you realize, that ahh! this is the right time?”

“Well, I just don’t decide that because I got her pregnant, like what the others would thought. I decided to marry my fiance because I love her so much thats it, and I cant see myself, being with another woman in future. It just came in my mind and I don’t want to slip off this great blessings in my hand, so here I am, a happy husband-to-be”

“Wahh you’re really awesome Jongdae-ah . . .I wish I had the courage like yours”
”Well, it will come someday Baekhyun. You’re just being sharpened by now, someday you’ll get the courage to express your feelings to Taeyeon Noona, and I’m sure our true fans, will support you”

“I hope so Jongdae . . .I hope so …”

“hahaha Don’t lose hope bro!~ …”

“I won’t . . ..AHHH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!”

If not for the fans, I wouldn’t be here where I am right now and I am very thankful for that, But if not also for the fans, I wouldn’t be this regretful and sorry for myself. My personal life is really affected by my over boarding fans, to which I wont ever understand. But thats my life, thats the life of a public figure here in our kind of society. I know I wouldn’t be able to escape this, unless I leave this industry, in which I wouldn’t dare to do.

Days had passed and as what I already thought, things didn’t go well after the announcement of Chen’s marriage, some supported him, I’m grateful for that, but theres also some who turned their back on him, on which I can hardly relate, I’ve been there once, I know its hard. But as a strong man he is, I know he can get through this.

Its been a hell week for me, but I wouldn’t forget to express my congratulation for the success of my girlfriends concert, Oh I just love her music. I love her, but I lover her music more, it makes me more in love with her. I secretly watch her concert on day 1, with a cap,eyeglass and mask, I sat at the very top with her parents and VIPs, because of course I’m a Very Important Person for my love. After the concert I quickly go to the spare room beside her dressing room and message her.


“Hi Honey!, Congratulations on your concert!! As expected from my great Taengoo!~ . . .Can’t wait to hug you, hurry up and meet me up here at the spare room”


After a while I didn’t receive a reply from her, so I decided to call her, but then . . .


. . . Knock . . .knock. . .


When I open the door, I was surprise to see Taeyeon in her still fabulous encore dress, smiling at me. I greeted her and she immediately hug me, and kiss me on my lips, Oh I miss her lips so much. I didn’t passionately kiss her back cause I don’t want to get hard on times like this, I knew she’s tired and there will be another concert tomorrow, so I don’t want to bang her up and get her tired the whole night. I also have my respect for my girlfriend, and besides the parents are here, so I must be a good boy.

“Wahh! Taeyeonie!! Chukkahae!!” I scream my heart outs as I hug her small body.

“Yah!! Someone might hear you! . . .Shhh!”

“Hahaha Don’t worry, no one will stop me, I’m just happy and proud of you My Taeyeon, for another successful concert, Whoooh! I just can’t shout really loud at the top because I was beside your parents and someone might notice me . . .”

“Ahhh So that’s why Hayeon told me that you don’t seem so energetic just how you used to . .”

“Ahh hehe, I was damn so nervous whenever I scream for your name, I feel like their eyes are on me, specially Jiwoong Hyung, I think he’s watching my every moves.”

“Oh Don’t be so nervous, they’re just like that, but they love you, you know that right, Baek?”

“I know, But, Gosh!! Taeyeon! That was . . .Daebak!!  . .As expected from my love”

“Hahaha . . . Looks like you really enjoy the concert, you still look so hyper, can’t you calm down”

“Oh I’m sorry Babe, I’m just so proud of you . . .”
”Awww . . . Thank you Baek . . .” and she hug me tight.


“AH by the way Taeyeon, I’ll be leaving to LA tomorrow, so I guess I wont be seeing you for a couple of weeks”

“Tour again? . .” She sadly said.

“Yeah, What can you do, you have an awesome boyfriend here, I’m in demand everywhere” I jokingly said, to at least lift up her mood.

“Ahh . . . hahaha awesome, hahaha” and she finally laugh.

“Hmmm .. .I’ll miss you, Taeyeon ah . . . But don’t worry, I’ll still call you, no matter what” I said as I hug her.

“You better be, or else, you wont see this face again” she said as she breaks the hug.

“Oh no no, I wont let that happen, I cant afford to lose you again not anymore” I said.

“I’ll miss you too Baek . . .” and we ended that night with a simple kiss of goodbye. She just finish her first day of concert and I don’t want to tired her up so, I left right away, after that short meeting. No one know when will we see each other again.


Another days has passed and here I am, with my Super M members practicing our routine for our US tour.

“Hey Baekhyun Hyung, isn’t it today the Seoul Music Awards?” Taemin came in holding his phone in his hands.

“Oh right, my Taengoo is nominated today, I better watch it live” And I get my phone and stream the awarding.

“Dont be so excited Hyung! You look more tense than the artists there” Kai said.

“Shhh!! . . . she ‘s performing now . . .” and I was again mesmerized by my ever beautiful girlfriend.

“My gosh! since when did she get this beautiful?” I thought. I was speechless the whole time she’s performing I just look at her face.

“Oh I miss you so much Taengoo ah!” I thought.

“Hyung!, Are you crying?” I was in the middle of my moment, when Mark suddenly came in. What a time to ruin my time. I just didn’t mind them, luckily the time is on my side. I don’t see any sight of our manger so I just keep on watching.


“ . . . And the Seoul Music Award, Disk Daesang goes to . . . . ..Bangtan Sonyeondan!!”


“Wahh! As expected . . . they deserve it . .” I said as I clap my hand on them.


“ . . .And  now for the next Awards .

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