Right meaning of a friendship

Right meaning of a friendship

Hyukjae doesn’t know why he did that. Leeteuk and Lee Soo-man are forcing him to go to therapy to manage his anger issues but the truth is that Hyukjae was skipping his therapy for the last few weeks .... actually he hasn’t been there in the last two months. And now he sees why he shouldn’t have skipped the therapy.


He is restless since waking up today. Some noises coming from the streets woke him up and even if he tried to fall asleep again, he wasn’t lucky. Hyukjae was forced to got up and went into the bathroom. He feels tired and his body is sore, however, dance practice with Donghae for their new album can’t be postponed. Hyukjae must leave his room and goes into the kitchen.


The members are eating breakfast and Hyukjae wants to yell on them to eat silently. Ryeowook is chewing so loudly that it hurts Hyukjae’s ears. Leeteuk is so loud with the frying pan and Hyukjae rather goes in his room to get dressed. Donghae came in a few minutes and together they left the dorm. They started their dance practice and Hyukjae is angry. Why do they have such hard choreography? 


They are good dancers but it doesn’t mean that they always have to have such hard choreography. They are dancing for a few hours and sweat is dripping from their bodies. Finally, they have enough and goes to take a shower. Hyukjae is tired and hungry so he wants to finally head back in the dorm but unfortunately, Shindong came. He is going to create their music video and he needs to speak with them about his ideas. Hyukjae pushed Shindong aside and walked out of the room while they are watching him - Donghae with fear in his eyes and Shindong with anger boiling in his chest. Shindong glared on Donghae who shrugged. Of course that Shindong is mad, he has enough of his work and he is doing a huge favor to them. Donghae runs behind Hyukjae and he is scared to speak with his friend. They get in their van and head back to the dorm. Donghae feels the tension in the air and can’t wait for disappearing in his room. They arrived and Hyukjae took off his shoes and tossed them aside.


“Hey! I am not your maid!”

Leeteuk angrily glared on Hyukjae because he isn’t their slave, he won’t clean after them all the time. Hyukjae grabbed the shoes and banged them against the floor.




He stormed toward his room and thinks that he can be alone but then he opened the door. Yesung is lying on his bed and plays with his phone. 


“What are you doing here?”


Hyukjae wants to be alone, can they give him a few silent minutes?! Yesung only mumbled something and continues playing Kwazy cupcakes. Ryeowook is organizing everything in his closet so his clothes and shoes are all around the room and furniture. Hyukjae’s room was the only one empty room so Yesung ended here with his game. A headache is starting to form in Hyukjae’s head and the annoying sound effects from the game are making everything worse. 




Yesung paused the game and smirked.


“Or else?”


Hyukjae isn’t the only one who can tease. Yesung stands up on the bed and started to jump up and down. He is giggling while jumping and doesn’t see that Hyukjae’s eyes darkened. 


“Leave me alone!”


Siwon has the room next to Hyukjae and he heard the angry shouting. Siwon only smirked because Hyukjae is tasting his own medicine - he is being teased and annoyed. Siwon continues reading his book and doesn’t care about the angry monkey. Hyukjae is watching Yesung who is still jumping on his bed and clenched his fists. He has had enough, he wants to take a nap. Hyukjae jumped to the bed and pushed Yesung with full strength. Yesung yelped in surprise and suddenly flies through the air. He collided with a chest of drawers and sickening crackling noise resonated in the room. 


Siwon lifted his eyes from the book and looks on the wall as if trying to see what is happening in Hyukjae’s room. The sudden silence is suspicious and Siwon got up after a few seconds. Meanwhile, Hyukjae stares on the twisted body which is lying on the floor.




Hyukjae silently chirped and slowly touched Yesung’s shoulder. Suddenly the door opened and Siwon peaked inside.


“Hey what …”


He lost his voice in the moment he spotted unconscious Yesung. Siwon’s eyes widened and he looked on Hyukjae who is staring at his hyung in shock. A thin stream of blood appeared on Yesung’s forehead and Siwon started to scream. Leeteuk almost dropped the vacuum cleaner he was holding and runs to find out who is screaming. All the members gathered in Hyukjae’s bedroom and stare on Hyukjae who is begging Yesung to wake up. He can’t believe it. He took his anger on the most petite person. Pushing Yesung was like pushing a puppy, he is much lighter than Hyukjae. 


Leeteuk kneeled down next to Yesung and gently cradles his head in his hands. He gasped after seeing a deep gash hiding in his hair and glares on Hyukjae.


“What have you done!?”


Leeteuk Yesung’s cheeks and hopes that the feline eyes will open. 


“Sungie, wake up!”


Shindong ran to get something to stop the bleeding and handed a fresh towel to Leeteuk. Leeteuk quickly pressed the fabric on the gash and tries to sit up the limp body. Only now they can see that Yesung’s left arm is weirdly twisted and it must be broken. Leeteuk is panicking and told Donghae to help him with picking Yesung up. They are carrying him in Siwon’s car to quickly get him in a hospital and Siwon is driving. He might be a church boy but he is driving fast and broke a few rules before the car pulled in front of the nearest hospital. Yesung is slowly waking up because of Leeteuk’s hysterical screaming and whimpered in pain. Everyone turned their eyes to him and a nurse leads them in an emergency room. A doctor came and immediately took an X-ray of Yesung’s left arm. He is a bit dazed because of the strong hit which his head received and tries to squirm away from the doctor’s cold hands. Leeteuk grabs his healthy hand and started to hush him with silent words. The X-ray showed that his arm is broken so he needs a cast but for now they need to pay attention to the gash on his head. Yesung doesn’t mind that they are wheeling him somewhere. The MRI machine is turning and twisting around him and Yesung is slowly becoming more aware of what happened. Hyukjae pushed him off a bed. Yesung silently starts to cry because he can’t find out why he did that.

The doctor found out that Yesung has only a mild concussion so he is going to get the wound stitched and they are free to go. The doctor put a plaster cast on the broken arm and prepared for stitching the wound. Meanwhile, Hyukjae and the other members arrived and try to find Leeteuk to know how is Yesung feeling. Leeteuk is busy sitting down next to an examination table and the doctor is stitching the wound. Yesung is terrified of blood and needles so a hospital is hell for him. Leeteuk is holding Yesung’s head in his hands and tries to encourage him because soon it is going to be over and they will head home. He is the only one who is with Yesung in the emergency room and the other members are killing Hyukjae with their eyes. He knows that there is nothing that he can say to fix what he did. He is nervously rubbing his palms against his trousers and his eyes are roaming around the hallway. The uncomfortable chairs are creaking under the men who are trying to find some comfortable position. They are nervous and wait for Leeteuk. After twenty more minutes Leeteuk walks out with Yesung hanging on him. The doctor gave him strong painkillers and now he is too high to care. Leeteuk doesn’t spare a glance at Hyukjae and focuses on Yesung. He gets him in the car and Siwon takes them home.


The wound on Yesung’s hair is covered with plaster so they don’t need to look on the ugly gash. Leeteuk carefully picked him up and helped Yesung in his bedroom. Ryeowook tucked his hyung in his bed and goes to prepare a snack for him. Leeteuk put an ice pack on Yesung’s left hand which is a bit swollen and then left the room. Hyukjae was waiting outside and immediately walks to him. Before he can ask Leeteuk pushed him against a wall.


“Why the hell did you do that?”


Leeteuk shakes with crying Hyukjae who doesn’t know what to say. He would like to know why he pushed Yesung. He just wanted to hurt him, the feeling came out of nowhere and Hyukjae couldn’t have stopped it. He can only cry now and hope that they will forgive him.


“I thought that the therapy is helping you and now this.”


Leeteuk let go of him and he is about to go in his room to take a nap but suddenly an idea came.


“The therapy …. are you seeing your therapist?”


The answer is clear from Hyukjae’s reaction. He cast his eyes away and silently shakes his head no.


“Great, so you snapped, hurt Yesung and what next? You will beat all of us?”


Leeteuk scoffed and rubs his face. He is tired and he knows that one unpleasant talk is waiting for him. Their boss will be so mad. Yesung needs at least few days long break before taking part in the group activities again. In the middle of their comeback, this situation isn’t very nice. Leeteuk bites on his lips when he hears that his phone is ringing and sighed. He can’t ignore call from their boss so he quickly goes to pick it up. Hyukjae thinks that now he can sneak in Yesung’s room but suddenly Siwon came out of nowhere and pushed him away.


“Don’t dare to even think about it.”


Siwon glares on him and disappeared in Yesung’s room. Hyukjae knows that he deserves it. He hurt Yesung and it could have ended much worse. What if Yesung banged his head against the furniture with a bigger force? He could have died. Hyukjae went into his room and Donghae quickly left after seeing him but gave him a disgusted look before leaving. Hyukjae lay down and stares on the ceiling. He didn’t know that skipping his therapy will end like this. Hyukjae is silently crying and hears that other members are getting ready to go to bed. He is patiently waiting for a few hours and when he is sure that everyone is asleep, he sneaked out of his room. He slowly opened the door of Yesung’s room but his bed is empty. Hyukjae hears some noises coming from the kitchen and goes there. 


Yesung is standing in front of the fridge with a bottle of water in his good hand. His hair is a mess and only the white bandage shines in the middle of the black hair. He is huffing in frustration because he is thirsty and the stupid lid won’t budge. He is ready to toss the bottle somewhere and drinking the weirdly tasting water from the tap when a hand grabbed the bottle. He turned around and visibly flinched when he recognized Hyukjae standing there in the dark kitchen. Hyukjae opened the bottle for him and holds it up to him. However, Yesung isn’t moving to take it and Hyukjae put the bottle on the kitchen counter. Only then Yesung lifts the bottle and takes a long gulp.


“Yesungie, I am so sorry.”


Yesung doesn’t look at him and watches the bottle in his hand. He can’t trust Hyukjae, not after what he did. He doesn’t know if Hyukjae isn’t mad. Maybe that he is overacting but he doesn’t want another trip to a hospital. 


“I am sorry for hurting you. I couldn’t have helped it.”


Yesung looked at him and doesn’t understand it. Hyukjae pushed him so why is he trying to look innocent? 


“I have anger issues and felt ashamed for needing a therapy so I was skipping it.”


Yesung didn’t know about Hyukjae’s problems, only Leeteuk knows about it. Yesung his arm trapped in the cast and peeked on Hyukjae.


“It was also my fault, I shouldn’t have jumped on your bed. I thought that we were only joking, I only teased you a bit.”


They are standing there in the kitchen until Yesung’s stomach rumbled. Hyukjae smiled and opened a kitchen cabinet where they store instant noodles. 


“I think that we should have a small snack before going back to the beds.”


Yesung pointed on a cup with ramen with barbecue flavor and Hyukjae takes the cup with ramen with spicy chicken flavor for himself. He started to boil water and then poured it in the cups. They need to wait for 4 minutes and the silence is a bit awkward until Yesung decided to speak.


“You know …. uhm there is nothing wrong with therapy. You need it to feel better.”


Hyukjae chuckled on looked on his hyung. 


“And what about your self-esteem problems? Or Heechul’s depressions?”


It is hard to accept the fact that you need help. Moreover, many people still think that you can’t be unhappy when you are an idol. They all know it and the cruelty of being labeled as mentally ill has taken a lot of their friends. 


“Fine, I will find someone to help me with my self-esteem problems and you will work on your anger issues.”


Hyukjae removed the lid of the cups with noodles and grabs two pairs of chopsticks.


“Let's seal the deal with noodles. I promise that I won’t hurt anyone ever again.”


Hyukjae gently hugs his petite hyung and Yesung smiles but then grimaced in annoyance. He is rubbing his broken arm and Hyukjae quickly asked what is wrong.


“It itches.”


Hyukjae cast his eyes away and opened the fridge. He hands him another ice pack and opened two bottles of beer. Yesung has to reject it because he doesn’t know how would his painkillers react together with it. He is happy with water and they eat in silence. They have no idea that their cooking woke up Leeteuk who went to see who is awake. He was worried that Yesung is sick but then found him in the kitchen with Hyukjae. Leeteuk saw them hugging and his anger calmed down a bit. He is still mad at Hyukjae but at least Yesung is okay.


Hyukjae feels ashamed and guilty whenever he spots the bandage on Yesung’s head but at least now they are both going to work on their problems. Hyukjae will get rid of his anger issues and Yesung will do something with his terribly low self-esteem. This is the right meaning of friendship - they can help and support each other and even if they fight sometimes, they can always find the strength to forgive.

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399 streak #1
Chapter 1: beautiful friendship there #wiping my tears