
Give Me Some Love





Edited and fixed some plot. 




Birds chirping through the dawn of a morning. Breaking the peace with a reminder that it was already time for some people to start their day. The cold wind blow right through the open window as it was already that time of the year. 

Snow was to expect to bury the green grass at any hours by now but that didn't stop certain people to keep going with their daily task. It was his routine to keep going back forth, watering the almost dead roses. 

The petals turning brown as the thorn withered down, not close enough to hurt him from touching all of it on his own. 

'Check for any pest' as he was told by his older brother. 

Even before it was windy and cold, he had been taking care of the roses. It was his side job. Recklessly rummage through the stem, adding more scars next to his old one. 

"Done!" said him happily as he strode back into the house. Stomping his feets a little at the door to shake off some snows that covering his black raven hairs and his winter coat.

"Tea" said a voice that had him almost jump. With a shaky voice he reply 'yes'. 

Walking towards the wall cabinet, he took out the necessary stuff to make some tea for his brothers. Every person had their own taste. 3 cups with different teas and sugars count. He never complain over the fact that the brothes are having such fussy way of drinking something he unable to understand. Even so, he knows his place. 

"Here's the teas." said him as he put the tea in front of the brothers. The three of them enjoy their breakfast before leaving for works. 

No, he didn't join them. As he know, it was his right to be classified as the same as the others. 

"Yesung, my dog need to be taken to the doctor today. I expect her to be fully check up with no problem." said Kangin with no formalities though he was one year younger than Yesung. 

Yesung nod without any reply. Standing still as he waits for them to finish the meals so he can clean the dishes. His legs began to feel numb from the cold temperatures. Hands shaking as he stares out to the window. It was quite snowy. He might had to struggle through the snow on his feets again. 

The other soon begin to disperse away towards their schedule. All three of them had their own job while Yesung was expect to stay at the big house alone. Left to be there by default. 

Before leaving through the garage door, the oldest brother turn around for one last time. 

"Yesung, finish all chores after coming back from the appointment. I expect no task were missed." said Heechul coldly.

"Y--yes, sir.. "


Kim Yesung, the only child of Kim household was absent during the whole life of the Kim's family. No one ever know where he was until the head of the family announce his return several years ago. 5 years to be exact. The strict father never explained to his 3 others (adopted) children the existence of Yesung. Never once he was mentioned throughout 20 years of his alleged age. All they know was Yesung exist to disturb their comfort zone. 

Yesung, he was known to be scrawny man who was just there. Living in the same house as the three brothers who didn't expect to have another sibling. Let alone to be the one who was so suddenly shows up without background. The real child, that's all the Kim's brother know him as. Not that it's wavering their position as the adopted children of the family. The parent love them equally. Equally, except for Yesung. 

The father, Kim Hyunjae, never treat Yesung as his own. It was cold stares and avoidance. No mistreatment yet no love in this past years he brought back the boy. The three brothers was left confused. What's the existence of Yesung supposed to be. Why he was even there to begin with. Why their father bring back the child if he was meant to ignore him. They were even left to attend the boy who aged in between Heechul as the oldest and Kangin as the third. Leaving Ryeowok, as the maknae. Their father died from mysterious illnes the same year Yesung was brought back to the family. 

All they know was, Yesung, the timid brother who easy to control. Despising the way Yesung tried to call them by name, they made him call them the opposite.


He enjoy the sounds of his footsteps stomping on the already thicken snow path. Holding the bag that contains the dog of his brother carefully into his chest, not wanting the dog to be froze as the way he felt at the moment. It took him an hour to reach the vet as he had to take a few kilometers away towards the bus stand.

As he enter the clinic, he was greeted by foul smell of medicines and whiteness. Memories flooded back into his head, uninvited. 

"Kim Yesung, isn't?"

His head shot upwards as he heard his name called. He was greeted by a male that not older than his own age. Smiling all happily as he introduced himself as Lee Sungmin. 

"Mr.Kangin had told me about his assistant to come in his place. Is that Chunhyang inside the bag?" said sungmin as he pointing his fingers at the dog's carriage bag. 

Yesung nod with a hint of confusion and sadness. Assistant. The word keep lingering inside his distraught mind throughout the check up. 

15 minutes has past and it was time for him to pick the dog back and fetch the medicine at the pharmacist.

"Your boss had quite obedience dog! Tell Kangin i said hi!" said Sungmin. 

Yesung scrunch his face up as he recalled the moment where he tried to have conversations with Kangin in the past. The bulky man brush him off quite harshly. 

"Do i have to talk to him?" whisper Yesung softly. So soft that it's end up as a mumbling on Sungmin's ears. 

"Pardon?" said Sungmin in confused. 

"Ah, i mean, you quite close with K--Sir Kangin." said Yesung with stutters. He had never talk this much with a strangers before. His whole life was avoidance and whiteness. 

"Kangin? Yeah. We quite close. He's that nice bastard who always make us laugh like a monkeys." said sungmin with a laughter. 

Yesung tilted his head a little. That was new. He never see those brothers smiles while they were at home. Or was it only towards him, it was a cold shoulder. 

"Ah, really? That's good. I think.. You should told him your greeting by yourself.... I... I might be unable to meet him today.."

Sungmin frown. He look down to the man's chest and stares at the innocent dog. 

"You have his dog thou."

"Eh? Ah this. I'll just drop him off at the house later.. Yeah,  just dropping him off.. I'll get going now.. Thanks!" said Yesung in quite rush and panic. He was about to leave when Sungmin grab his hand in a tug. 

"Wait, my nurse told me that he saw you walk here in this snow. Let me send you to Kangin's house. I know where it was. And i can send you home too. " said Sungmin. 

Yesung couldn't understand why. Why would this feminine looking man trying to held him here. His thought was full of trying to avoid the man from knowing that he, Yesung, living with Kangin. 

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine. Thanks."

With that, Yesung bolted away to the front door and disappear into the crowd. 

The doctor was stunned by the refusal. Looking out to the window, he could see, it's started to snow heavily. 

"Sungmin hyung, what are you doing?"

Sungmin turn around and saw his nurse's head peek through the door. 

"Oh, Hae ah. Didn't you told me that Kangin's assistant came here without a car?"

"Yeah. And?"

"Doesn't it weird you out that Kangin, that rich bastard assistant didn't come with a car?"

Donghae nod in realization. But soon brush it off with a reply. 

"Maybe the car broke down or something. I thought i told you the possibility just now?" said Donghae. He did told the doctor about the 'assistant' walking into the clinic with snows on his dark hair. 

The doctor frown again. 

'But the distance between the bus stand to here... 


He had to run his way out to the house as the snows begin to rain heavily. Opening the lock with his shaky hand after he took of his gloves, the knob are freezing cold for his small hands. 

After settling the dog inside his own room, Yesung finish up by preparing the food for the dog. 

Looking around the room, it was a little bit bigger than his. How's a dog having it's own room was an amazement for him after he move in. He learn that his room was a bit far away from the others. It was prepared by the other maid for him before they were fired by Heechul who wanted Yesung to take over their job. 

'Dad's will said that you will be here.'

It was vague. He unable to comprehend any meaning from the will as it was announced years ago. All he knows was, he was bound to the house, alone. 

The room was an A okay for him. Comfy single bed, wardrobe for himself and there was even a built-in bathroom in it. It was one of the reason why he settled himself as the will's said. 

He went into the room to change his soaked clothes. He might catch some flu due to the snow. Before the thought of resting himself, he jump into the bath to reduce the amount of shivering he had. The warm water hits him softly as he hum a melody. 

He love to sing. His mother always sang the same song before she passed away when he was 3 due to cancer. The mother he had known was the kind lady who already bedridden ever since he was born. He never seen his own mother walk. Let alone to even hug him. All he knows was that she can sang so beautifully. 

"Eomma... I miss you greatly." whisper Yesung as he walk toward the bed stand after bath, where's a photo stand still for years now. The only photo he had of his own mother was the one from he was attended by someone who told him that they were from his mother's side. He remembered a child around his age or maybe a bit older came to him with a smiles as he speak, "Come with us".

An alarm broke his thoughts almost immediately. It was the alarm clock given to him by Heechul to be punctual in finishing the chores around the house. Given that he never own a phone to let him been called by the brothers or even texted as a reminder to not forget his 'job'.

He continues his chores and by the time the clock hits 1pm, he had finished it all that were written. It was quite long list. 

He began to cook something as a lunch. Into the middle of cooking, the front door open up, revealing Ryeowook who had come back from his class. The short boy came into the kitchen where Yesung stood still facing the stove. He had learn to not say anything to the brothers if there's nothing to be said after a few incident where Heechul madly shouting at him for disturbing their family's moment in the living room.

His hand keep stirring the stew in nervous. He knows well that there's nothing to be scared of Ryeowook been that the younger was all about ignoring him and never said a thing. 

"What are you cooking now?" said Ryeowook all of sudden earning a shriek from Yesung who didn't expect the smaller to say anything. 

"Tsk, stop making weird noises. What are you cooking? I'm hungry." said Ryeowook in cold tone. 

"K-Kimchi stew... I'll prepare your food now.." said Yesung as he hurries to prepare the said meals. 

Ryeowook just nod and make his way to the dining table. He waits for few more minutes and soon the food was neatly prepared in front of him. 

In the middle of eating, he saw Yesung was just standing at the kitchen door with his head hanging low. 

"What are you doing there. You don't want to eat or what?" said Ryeowook in annoyance. 

Yesung dumbfounded by the order and only tilting his head in confusion. 

"I said, come here and eat. It's your meals too!" said Ryeowook in more annoyances. He never able to understand the older's confusion. It's irked him how innocent and weird the older being around him but not once crossed his mind to treat the older as a servant of the house like his brothers did. 

"Y-Yes!" said Yesung as he prepared his own food and sat three seats away from Ryeowook as an insurance for himself to not anger the boy. Ryeowook himself was fine with it and continue his food silently. 

Throughout the meals, Ryeowook realize the manners of the older in eating his food. Yesung keep sighing and putting down his chopsticks. Massaging his hands underneath the table and soon continue his meals again. Sometimes in the middle of it, Yesung would space out without warning. It's was soon down to Ryeoowok that he had finished his own meals and keep watching the older to finish his. It was somehow, entertaining. 

Ryeowook then went to wash his own dishes and stand at the end of table, quite a blindspot for Yesung to even realize he was there. 

The older's antic went on for quite awhile till Ryeowook look at his wristwatch and realized, Yesung took 30 minutes to finish his food. After he saw Yesung begin to clear the table, Ryeowook quickly hides and went into his own room with thousands question. Questioning what had he just saw. He had never realized or even care about Yesung's attitude before. 

'Is he.. Sick or something?'



December 15th, it was his free time to explore everything. Been that he was never introduced to any technology ever since he came into the house, he had never watch television or even use any gadgets to entertain himself. A moment ago he had went around the house backyard to find anything interesting. Away from his brothers so that they can have some time to themselves, he had been always hanging around the garden where the roses withered. 

He remembered this place. Even from the very first step he take into the mansion, he had always wanted to go to this particular garden. It was his mother's. He was once told that every type of flower that could bloom in the country was planted there. Mrs.Kim had been always into gardening even before the illness took her freedom away. Roses, lilly, lavender and even sunflower was there for quite sometime. His mother told him, the sunflower was there because of him. The flower blooms a day after he was born as if it was cheering for his own very existence, unlike the others. But soon the illness took away his mother's life and the garden was left to dead. And he too was dragged away from the garden of love. 

Walking onto the snowy pavement, Yesung strolled towards the supposed place where the sunflower was once there. All that was left was stick and twig. The flower bed was covered with dirt and snow. 

He hunch down as he pull the coat to cover his almost thin body, gathering more warmth for him to reach out for the snow on the ground. He scoop away the snow with his bare hands, carefully cleaning the said flower bed into much more clear view of dirts. Smiles contently as he poke a hole into the ground. Deeper as he likes it and stopping just to take something out from his coat. A paper bag full of sunflower seeds. 

With a smile, he began by putting the seeds into the digged hole one by one. It was his fifth one when a cough startled him, leading him to stumble forward with his knees on the ground. 

"What are you doing here?" said Kangin with a frown. A hint of worries quickly take over as he saw Yesung whince from his small 

"I... I... 

"I'm asking you. What are you doing. It's cold out here." said Kangin with much calmer tone as he saw Yesung stand up with not much of a problem. 

"Eo.. Eomma love sunflower. I'm planting few... right now." said Yesung as he pointing at the covered hole. 

Kangin peek over the smaller and sigh heavily. He turn his focus back on Yesung and saw that the older was almost covered in dirt. 

"Who gave you the seeds? Did you went around stealing behind our back?" said Kangin in suspicion. 

Yesung quickly shakes his head and hug the paper bag close to his chest. Fearing that Kangin would take away his precious. 

"Ahjumma next door give it to me! I swear!" said Yesung in a little shout. Soon he realize his attitude and begin to bow so many time to apologize. 

Kangin sigh once again. Not that he cares much but maybe there's a little bit trust in it. Or perhaps he would storm towards the next door neighbor to ask for the truth. Giving the older sunflower seeds at this weather was weird enough.

"Fine. But don't you know, you can't grow it in this weather. Just wait till the right season and get back inside. You'll burdening us if you got sick or something." said Kangin.

Yesung widening his eyes. He never knew things about the cold weather. Thus he quickly turn around and dug the hole once again, leaving Kangin to frown and pull him back at once. 

"I told you to stop that!" shout Kangin angrily. 

"No! My sunflower! I wanna take it out or it'll die like eomma!" shouts Yesung in panic. 

Kangin were shocked by the sudden voice rise and the words that came out from his little mouth, he soon letting go the smaller man. He watch as Yesung dug the holes and put the retrieved seeds back into the bag. Yesung smile in relieved and went back into the house, leaving Kangin without looking back. 

"He left me here?" said Kangin in baffled. He shook his head and begin to dust of the dirt he got from the struggle. The older's antic had him questioning, was he 5 or something?

"Tskk, where's this ahjumma? Clowning him like a fool." grunted Kangin as he make his way to the neighbor house. 

He arrive there in a minute and immediately knock on the door calmly. He knows he had to act polite or else the Kim's name would be tainted. 

"Oh Kangin ah. What's bring you here?" said the aunt once he saw the nice looking young man from next door. 

"Hi ahjumma. I just wanna ask something if it doesn't bother you."

The auntie nod and let Kangin continue. 

"Did you gave my b--brother a sunflowers seed few days ago?" said Kangin, the word brother had him cough a little bit. 

"Oh. Yesungie? Yeah but definitely not few days ago. If I'm not mistaken, i gave to him 2 months ago. Is there something wrong?" said the auntie curiously. 

A frown make it's way to Kangin face. With apologetically, he ended the conversation with a smile and left the house. On the way back home which only took him 2 minutes had turn into 5 minutes thinking. 

'If it was give to him months ago...  Why now?'


The three brothers hang around the living room. Munching on chips and simply having the moment with each others been that Kangin and Heechul took some time off from their office 2 days before Christmas. 

It's given that Heechul and Kangin both inherited the company after their father passed away. They had once thought the company would fall onto Yesung's hand, been that the man was the real blood of the Kim. But instead, the father had wrote vaguely how Yesung wasn't incompetent enough to handle the works thus leaving both of them to share the company. 

During times like this, the brothers would simply talk to each other. Sharing stories only with each other, except Yesung. The said man was told to stay in his room. Kangin had told them how many days had been ever since Kangin keep caught the smaller in act, trying to plant the sunflower again and again. For his own good, Kangin told him to never left his room till he was allowed  to be free. 

"Did he seriously do that?" said Heechul after Kangin told them everything. "Why is he so weird?" he continues. 

"Hyung, the other day i saw him spacing out in front of the pool too. I don't know what's going on inside his head. It was so cold out there. Is he trying to catch a cold to get our attention or what?" said Ryeowook as he begin to feel more into the topic. 

Heechul frown. He too had the same thing to be told. He know the second brother are not like the other. But no matter how much research he done to get the information about the latter, it was always dead end. As if something was stopping him from doing so. 

As they were about to continue, the doorbell rang several times. Ryeowook ran towards the door and greet the uninvited guest. 

"Kibum?" said Ryeowook in surprise. He peek onto Kibum shoulder and found the family's doctor was there with Kibum. 

"Hey Ryeowook ah. Can i come in?" said Kibum with a smile. 

Ryeowook led them to where the others were. Heechul cheerily greet their cousin and invited them to the living room. 

"What's bring you here, man? And there's Leeteuk hyung too. " said Kangin as he's eyeing the family doctor in curious. 

"Oh, we come to take Yesung away from you guys." said Kibum as he nod at the doctor. 

Leeteuk stands up and begin to make his way to Yesung's room. Baffling the other as Heechul tried to stop Leeteuk from intruding their house. 

"What are you guys doing?! Why would you take him away?" said Ryeowook in anger. 

"Oh, i forgot to tell you guys. I won the right to take Yesung into my family cares. Not that you guys even knows there's a fight from your lawyer with ours. Oh wait, your lawyer did tried to said something to you guys but you brush him off." Kibum bantering stop when he saw Yesung walk towards him in confusion. 

"Bummie? You here?" said Yesung happily as he jump into Kibum's arm with a giggles. 

"Aigoo my Sungie. Are you having fun here?" said kibum as he patting Yesung's head softly. 

The trio were again left baffle by how spoilt Yesung acts with their cousin. 

Yesung pulls away from the hug and stuttered his lies out. Fun and happy slip away from his mouth heavily. 

"You don't have to lie Sungie ah. It's okay, Bummie will finally live with you like bummie promised." said Kibum with child like voice, just for Yesung. He then nod at Leeteuk to take away Yesung and waits for him at the car. 

"Hey!" said Heechul as he tried to stop the two only to be halted by someone else. 

"Choi Siwon?! What are you doing here? And what this right of taking care of Yesung? He's an adult!" said Heechul in yelling.

Siwon sigh. He was the lawyer of the head of the Kim's. And he too was the one who had to lost on the fight for Yesung's right. 

"I'm sorry, Heechul ssi. I tried to get a hold of you but your secretary keep saying that you were busy. And with evidence, you lost the right of Yesung." said Siwon with a sigh. 

"What right?! Freaking told me the truth and stop being cryptic!" shout Heechul but quickly calmed by Kangin who too, wanted to know the truth. 

"Let's have a seat first." said Siwon. 

Kibum smugly smiles at them and went for the couch first. Soon, all five of them excluding Leeteuk and Yesung who waited in the car, seated nicely in the living room. 

"Talk." said Heechul impatiently. 

"First. Let me clear this confusion. Yesung, as you know had come to this house 5 years ago. I bet, none of you guys know him or where he had been for the past 20 years before that." said Siwon and he wait till he saw the others nod timidly. 

"Yesung had been living with Kibum ssi for 17 years. Before that, he live here, with late Mr and Mrs Kim. As you know, you guys been adopted without knowing who was Mrs.Kim. Madame Kim passed away when Yesung was 3. She's suffered from cancer but before giving birth to Yesung, she was diagnosed with cancer free. The therapy works well. But right after Yesung was born, the cancer came back in quite speed. She was bed ridden right after Yesung was 2 months old. It was quite devastating situation for both Yesung and Mr.Kim. Given that... Yesung suffered from autism and few sickness that came with it." said Siwon.

The trio eyes went wide. Autism word fall heavily into their heart. All their questions regarding the man's antic was sadly, been answered. 

"But he looks normal!" said Ryeowook in disbelieve. 

"That's because he took some medicine. It was to control his delusional. His autism was mild enough to let him learn and act like normal people. It was thanks to Kibum's family, they took care of him and even send him to school for special need. For that, you guys only know the Yesung now. The Yesung before was always confused and unable to withstand long conversation. It was life threatening, that's why Doctor Leeteuk came here once in awhile. You guys never knew Leeteuk came here to meet Yesung before?" said Siwon. 

The others shake theirhead no. Their eyes was no longer focusing on the lawyer and instead, it was on Kibum. The man's smiles never falter from his face.

"But... Why dad.."

Siwon understand what Kangin trying to say the moment he saw the man's face. 

"Mr.Kim blame Yesung for his wife death. He despise that child so much to the point he didn't realize Yesung's condition need proper care. He was too indulge in misery and mourning over his wife that he absentmindedly agreed to give Yesung to Kibum's parent. They were more than glad to take that child away due to his wife's word. Mrs.Kim knew something was wrong with her husband and told her sister beforehand. That's how Mr.Kim forgot about his son and went on with his life."

"Heartless bastard. How dare he forgot such beautiful person?!" Kibum grunt as he look away in anger. He was one of those who saw how Yesung was mistreated over the early years of his life. He saw Yesung just like his little brother being that he was much older than him. 

"We... We didn't know about that. Dad never once said things about having his own child before he adopted us..." said Ryeowook. 

"Of course you didn't know. You guys were so busy controlling and commanding him here and there. If it wasn't for my other cousins, i won't know that you guys had him walk in this cold weather alone. I was this close to burn this house if it wasn't for Eunhyuk's words in saying that i won't be able to see my Sungie again." said Kibum

'Eunhyuk?' thought Kangin. It hits him how the name soundes so familiar. Eunhyuk work with Lee Sungmin all thise time. It wasn't that weird for them to hear such gossips here and there knowing Sungmin had quite big mouth. 

"And to even call him assistant. I guess this will be tha last time you guys controlling him. I don't want to make him wait anymore. Leeteuk told me that Yesung had been forgetting his medicine due to you guys stupid chores." said Kibum without any smiles on his face. Anger was clear to shows his despise towards the sibling's attitude. 

"W--wait! We didn't know everything! Let me talk to him please!" said Kangin in plead. He deeply wish he wasn't so harsh towards the man if he had known this truth long ago. And yet he went on to treat the man like a servant that he isn't. 

"Too late. He's no longer your brothers. You guys can take everything even thou i know, you guys never will be deserve for the fortune that was supposed to be his. At least, in my house, there's no order for him to do whatever he likes." said Kibum with final note. "Bye, Kims."

Heechul was about to beat the man in the midstof his anger if it wasn't for Siwon's strong hands, captivating his.

"Let them be, Heechul ssi. Besides, he was right. All my life of working with your father had me learn it all. Yesung  deserve the happiness he had before when he live with Kibum. By the way, i finally crack open your father harddrive. It was left along with the will. I think you guys will understand why he did things to Yesung and why he even bring that boy here." said Siwon as he left the brothers in tears and more questions to be answer.

Ryeowook was the first to open mouth after minutes being left by the guests. 

"I... It's that why he's been acting this way... We force him... Hyung?" said Ryeowook with sobbings. "Hyung,  i didn't know he was sick for real..." he continues with more harsh sobbing. 

Heechul went over the maknae and engulf him with hug. Assuring the smaller that he wanted to make up with everything but he knows well, it was all impossible for now. 

"Should we... Open this?"said Kangin as he hold out the usb Siwon gave him. 

The two note and fetch a laptop to open the content. There's was nothing other than one video. It was 15 minutes long of curiosity. They decided to watch it right away. 

As soon as the video starts, it shown a familiar room that they knew where it was located. In this house, on the third floor. There was their father study room. 

The video soon shows their father, walk into the room and sat in front of the camera. Face distressed and tiredness was clear shown on his old face. 

"I... I start to record this for my boy, Yesung. My poor poor boy. Knowing nothing...yet, why am i treating him as a stranger. He was so innocent. Naive. Knows nothing about this world. And his face. It was too similar to hers... Everything was too cruel. I tries to treat you just like how i treat your adopted brother. But every time i saw your face.... Gosh... Jonghwa ah... He look too much like you... His eyes are so beautiful and yet it was painful to watch him."

The man's stop talking for awhile. Taking a deep breath in between his ugly sobbing. He's rubbing his face roughly as he trying to calm himself. 

"I decided to take him back from his auntie's house. It was pain to watch him cry as he clings onto his cousins. He grown so well. They feed him well. Everything was just fine. And it was the only time that i learn about his sickness. I never knew... And of course, my in-laws almost beat me down if it wasn't for Yesung came running towards me just to defense this stupid old man...  Ever since then, i took care of him. Even thou i never had the guts to look him into the eyes, i watch him explore our house again. I watch as he keep going back and forth into the garden. I know he missed his mothers as much as i miss her. Gosh... He's beautiful just like her... But why i can't... Appa are so sorry, Sungie ah... I am so sorry..."

By the time the video hits 10 minutes in, the brothers was already bawling their eyes out. Crying as they watch how their father sputtering his regret over and over again. 

Right after the video end with another apologise from the father, Heechul's phone went off, disturbing their sadness. 


"Hello. I assume you have finish the video." said Siwon upon hearing the sniffles from the other side. 

"Tskk. What?!" said Heechul with a blush. 

"Maybe this wasn't the best time to tell you this but I don't want to let this forgotten just like that." said Siwon. 


"Your dad, he never died from any illness. That video was taken on the same day he was found dead inside his room. Heechul ah, he had killed himself from all the guilt. I'm so sorry for hiding this from you guys."

The final words hit him harsh. Everything that he knows was all lies countless b*****it. It was a fat lie feeded by his father's family side. For what? It was useless to even thought about it. 


Heechul turns towards his two younger brothers. Explaining this would be for him. 


A pitter patter noises took over the whole corridor of the Kim's house. Laughter bream through the noises as the other keep shouting for the laughing one to wait for him. It was quite merrier than before, having their eyes candy there back again was the best day for them. 

"Sungie, stop running or you'll hurt yourself! Hyung promise hyung won't tickles you again!"

"Jae hyung's lying again!" shout Yesung as he turn his head around while running, leaving Kibum who was watching them quickly ran towards in front of him to avoid the smaller from hitting any objects. 

They know it well how clumsy Yesung could be thus having the whole house baby proof by them and became extra overprotective.

"Goctha!" said Kibum as he grab the smaller by his waist. He hoist up the smaller and begin to walk towards the center of the living room where they had been playing all day. 

"Rest for awhile. You'll get sick if you keep running around." said Jaejong who follow right behind them. 

Ever since they manage to win over the right to take care of Yesung, Jaejong and Kibum take care of the smaller 24 hours. Not once they had left Yesung in some strangers hand even when it was work time. The thought of losing Yesung was enough to have him guarding Yesung in overprotective manner. 

"Hyung, do you want me to cook something?"said Yesung as he got up from Kibum's hold. Eyes waiting for any order as if it was his reason to be there. 

Kibum groaned silently. Hating the way the other Kims had change their once playful and naive Yesung into somewhat servant type of a person. Never once Kibum and his parents allowed Yesung to do anything in his life. It was enough to have the smaller there as their beloved one. 

"I told you, you don't have to do anything anymore. Look at your baby  hand. It was all scars and pain. Let ahjumma cook for us, okay?"

Yesung nod and join them back on the couch. He felt restless to be so subtle and not doing anything. 5 years was enough to change one routine from cheerfully playing around the house to obediently doing chores. 

"Sungie ah, how about we went for a shopping? Christmas is in 3 days and hyung sure you want something as a gift right?" said Jaejoong.

Yesung eyes glistening from excitement. It's been awhile he had Christmas shopping with the two. Given that the excitement from the supposed 4 consecutive years holidays was gone. Left alone inside the big house as his other brothers was nowhere to be found. He had thought for this year, thing could change for the 4 of them but waiting was all could do. 

He nod vigorously as begin to ramble all things he wanted to buy. 

It was a slip of his little mouth. Mentioning how he had been always thought about buying specific gifts for his 3 brothers. It was so specific, he knows too well what suits for the brothers and what not. 

Kibum sigh dejectedly from the smaller rambling. Though it was not in Yesung capability to realize he has saying the stupidest thing Kibum had heard, Kibum hates his Yesung's kind heart for that. 

The older of the 3, Jaejoong could only chuckles. Deep down his heart, he hates how it was only about those stupid brothers. He decided to keep the smaller in his view all the time. No longer leaving him alone for other to take him away from them. 


"Bummie! There!" shout Yesung happily as he skip his feet away towards a clothing stores. 

"Careful! Sungie!" said Kibum as he ran after the smaller and grab his hand worriedly. 

Yesung smile sheepishly as he enter the stores with Kibum. Jaejoong had asked them to go first as searching for a parking lot in this season of the year was a bit harder than usual. The shorter begin to eyes certain men's isle.

"For Heechul hyung!" said Yesung as he pointed at one particular mannequin that wore one piece jumpsuit. 

Kibum eye the said clothes and gagged from the style. It was so not for a man like him. It hits him how the smaller was still going on about having gift for the trio Kim. 

"Sungie, do you really want to buy gift for them?" said Kibum as he turn the smaller to face him. 

Yesung hesitate for few seconds. Fighting from his inner headspace. He knew well the other weren't treating him the best but something about having them as brothers was always gonna takes him back his father had told him about the brothers. 

'You have three others brother. Adopted.'

It was as simple as that but it was esthetic to say the least. Though he grew up with Kibum and Jaejoong, it wasn't the same as having the real brothers there, for him. 

It was decided. He was being optimistic about it and getting more excited as he keep chanting which suited the most for his Heechul hyung. Kibum didn't have the heart to say no when it was the brightest smiles his loved one felt at the moment. He presume with helping the smaller searching the right one. 

"Bummie, is this good!?" said Yesung as he took on of the red jumpsuit ans showa it to Kibum. "Heechul hyung said he likes red!"

Kibum was about to say something along the line of how the redness resemble santa than the stupid diva, he was then cut off by a voice agreeing to the choice from behind. 

"I do like red."

Yesung jerked from the familiar voice and begin to shudder without turning around. Indifferent with Yesung, Kibum turn around with cold expression. 

"Let's go Sungie. It's stink here." said Kibum as he harshly tug on the smaller's arm, leading the jumpsuit to fall on the ground. 

"Wait! Can we talk?"

Kibum look into the older's eyes. It was full of regret. And he hates how Yesung fall for it. 


There they were in a cafe inside the mall, seated in position where Kibum facing Heechul while Yesung keep playing with the hem of his shirt next to Kibum. Nervousness broke out after he had thought Heechul was there to nag at him for not being at the mansion, doing chores. 


Kibum brows lifted as he glare at the androgenic man. Had he going deaf from all the annoying talk Yesung gave him about the brothers? 

"Just that? Was it enough for 5 years Yesung had been taken away from us? You guys didn't even know about his sickness." said Kibum stone cold. 

Yesung grab Kibum's arm and clings on it. Silently told the man to not hurt his hyung with his doe eyes. Kibum groan as he clicking his tongue while looking away from Yesung. 

"I know. We done wrong. But... I.. I'm not gonna victimized ourselves but we didn't know a thing. We were adopted. Having the only child of Kim... It's threatening our spot.. I'm so sorry Yesung ah. I didn't deserve a thing that the Kim gave to me." said Heechul with tears in his eyes. Looking right into Yesung confused eyes. He didn't understand much but all he knows was his hyung was sad. Had he forgot to take his medication again? He unable to make out a words as tears begin to pour from his own eyes. 

"Yah yah!  Why are you crying too? Sungie ah, don't cry." said Kibum as he try to coax the crying smaller. 

"Bu..but.. Heechul hyung cries.... I feel sad..." Yesung begin to slur his words as he sobbing harder. 

"Aigoo, hyung are so sorry. Hyung stop crying then..." said Heechul with a chuckles. As he tried to wipe Yesung's tears away, a slap on his hand had him flinched. 

He look up only to find his cousin, Jaejong stand still next to him. Eyes shown great dissapoinment while his left hands seems to be holding onto someone else hand. Behind him was Ryeowook who came with Heechul but got lost in the crowd after Heechul went running for no reason. 

"Don't touch my baby, Heechul ssi. Here, your lost lamb." said Jaejong as he push Ryeowook to sit next to Heechul and he went next to Yesung. 

"What are you doing here? Stalking our Sungie?" said Jaejoong. He had been there right behind them all along. Listening to all the conversation with Ryeowook who was forced captive to him. 

"It's completely coincidence. We were here for groceries. But... I think this was our only opportunity to meet Yesung." said Heechul dejectedly. 

"Why?" said Yesung with a pout. 

"Well. First, we did wrong. Secondly, look at your bodyguard." said Ryeowook with a sass. 

The two said bodyguard glares at the spicy mouth cousin. They knew Ryeowook never did wrong to Yesung but still, his sass was one of the reason why they didn't like the Kim's brother. 

"what wrong?" asked Yesung again. "Aa... I don't understand... I want to buy gift!" said Yesung in what they saw as mood swing. 

"Ah, i forgot to give him medicine. We should eat here first then we can continue. He need to eat before taking his medicine." said Jaejong casually as he begin to check on the menu. 

Heechul and Ryeowook who still not used to Yesung's antic could only nods. They went on to order foods and begin to learn more about Yesung. The smaller never order the food by himself. He can't focus much on the too many words on the book. As the time went by, they too learn that Yesung need help with eating. Casually were told to hold his spoon better and to be told if he were to space out. Sometimes in the midst of eating, Yesung would stop and begin to lost focus as he look out to the mall's corridor, counting many of the shopper there. 

"Sungie, eat. Or i won't let you buy gifts." said Kibum as he wipe a bit of excess sauce on Yesung's cheeks. 


Soon, they finish their food and begin to watch how Jaejoong prepare few medicine he had brought inside his bag for Yesung. Heechul watch as Yesung whine from time to time. Hating the taste of the medicine. His heart falls when Yesung cried for the last medicine. Had he always endure this by himself when he was living with them? Thought Heechul. 

"Good boy! Now hyung let you pick everything you want!" said Jaejoong as he tried to coax Yesung. It work greatly with Yesung mood swing.

"Jaejoong ah, can i join?" said Heechul timidly. He feel it was such a waste to let this opportunity of knowing Yesung, gone. 

Jaejoong eyes went wide. He had plan it to be only him, Kibum and their baby and yet how the two was dare to ruin it had him furious.

"Join!" sais Yesung in excitement and immediately cupping his own mouth as he realized how he was still awkward with his brothers. 

"See, Yesung hyung wanted it too. Besides, we wanted to make up for everything. Please, Kibum hyung..." said Ryeowook wiyh genuine plea. 

Kibum sigh for the hundred time already. Seeing how excited Yesung was, Kibum nod dejectedly as he giving Jaejoong a knowing look. Their brother's bond wasn't that easy to be broke, they thought. 


Yesung keep humming to himself how the he wanted the red jumpsuit so much and now it was left to pay for it.  He went to search Kibum to let the man know he had done picking. He was too focused on searching the other to the point he begin to lost himself in the woman section. It was full of lingerie and weird stuff that Yesung didn't know what to call. Reasing the tag was such a hassle for him. 

It didn't took then long enough to realize Yesung had went missing. They disperse into individual and begin to search everywhere inside the big clothing store. 

It was as Heechul went into hat section he found the smaller crouching down. Possibly getting distracted with the colorful hats he was at. 

"Yesung ah?"

Yesung shriek and look up only to find Heechul looking at him worriedly. 

"What are you doing? Do you want hats?" said Heechul unsure. He never know what the smaller like. 

Yesung shake his head as he point at one of the black colored hat. 

"Kangin love hat." said Yesung. "But there two black... I don't know whay to choose..."

Heechul chuckles softly. His face softened and begin to crouch down next to Yesung. 

"Well, he's okay with everything. I'm sure he love whatever you buy for him." said Heechul in the soothest voice he had ever use towards Yesung. 

Yesung couldn't help but to be amaze by the warmth. He keep staring at Heechul face, without realizing it, he had been touching and caressing Heechul's face softly. Getting curiousof how beautiful his hyung had been. Heechul who was stunned at first begin to feel calm by the small hands. It was pure innocence and naive touch he had ever face. Just like that, he never knew it was that easy to feel loved by Yesung. 

"Hyung are so sorry for what we have done...." whispers Heechul as he sniffles. Guilt wash over his thoughts. Feeling sorry for the things he had done towards such innocent creatures. 

Yesung begin to feel his hands wet and confused. He didn't know why his hyung keep crying but it's hurt him to watch his hyung sad face. 

"Don't cry. Don't cry." hummed Yesung, engulfing the crying hyung into a hug and begin to rock their body left and right. 

Wasn't enough with the guilt, Yesung had to do the kindest thing and calming his hyung which didn't work well. It had Heech crying even louder. To hell with people watching them. It was his moment and he cherish it whether it was at clothing stores or anywhere else. 

Few minute past, the two came back to other after Heechul phoned them. But to their surprise, Heechul came back with Gucci shades cover his puffy eyes. But his nose had gave it away by how red it was. Ryeowook who didn't get it tried to ask Heechul but only were brushed off by the older. 

As they paid for the stuff, Heechul wanted to have the gift by Yesung but instead, Yesung furiously ran away and hide behind Jaejoong. 

"No! I need to wrap it and give it on Christmas morning! No peeking!" said Yesung, earning quite laugh by others as they all had seen the gift. 

"But... Hyung won't be there with you..." said Heechul. 

Yesung tilted his head in confuse. Why wouldn't his hyung be there? 

Kibum and Jaejoong knew what the older meant and sigh.

"Fine fine. We celebrate it together. But at our house for sure." said Kibum with a squinting eyes. 

Heechul and Ryeowook immediately cheering. At least, at least they had the chance to ment for their wrong doing. Making up to the most precious human being they had falsely abuse. 

*Christmas morning*

The smell of freshly baked biscuits was everywhere in the Kim's house. Helping to turn down the temperature a little bit as it was already snow softly. Giving of the white bed everywhere on the yard and pavement. So cold yet so warmth in the eyes of passerby. It was calm winter for the special day  indeed. 

Kibum walk into Yesung room where the smaller was still nested inside his thick comforter. Only few of his black raven hair could be seen from it. Kibum smile lovingly as he saw how peaceful Yesung slept underneath the comforter. He begin to caress Yesung's  cheeks softly. Waking him up as he could feel cold hands pinching his cheeks again and again. Yesung bright eyes met his caregiver's. He knew, it was Christmas.

Jaejoong was busying downstairs cooking for their breakfast when he heard loud thumping. Along with it he can hear how worries Kibum had became when Yesung excitedly went running towards the Christmas tree. 

"You have to wait for your brothers!" said Kibum as he saw Yesung tried to open one of the gift. 

Yesung smile sheepishly as he put it back. 

They first had breakfast before Jaejoong help Yesung into his ugly sweatshirt after the smaller's arm got tangled with the soft wool of the shirt.

As they came back downstairs, the frontdoor open up, revealing the people Yesung had been waiting all winter morning. Heck, he wished this was already been done for years but alas, he was so grateful for the greatest gift ever. 

All his brother including his cousins were here, being there, warmth spreading more and more. Everything was finally where it was. As Yesung had been longed for. Family. One big family. And one big love. 

"hyung!" shout Yesung as he went running and throw himself onto Heechul. Sobbing softly as he keep thanking them for being there with him. Making his heart full again as the winter come. 

"Thank you."







P/S: yeah. Long as heck lol. It's a Christmas story for you guys. I'm not a Christian so i might got the tradition or something wrong. Sorry haha. As you see, it's an angsty with happy end. I know i might rust a little bit for not writing for long time. But I still need more time for my series. Thank you for reading my story!!!!! 

Also, i add some link that linked to a YouTube mv of my favorite Norwegian artist, Aurora Aksnes. She's so pure and innocent and her songs are everything to me. The title of this story is the lyrics of her songs, 


I would be happy if you click the link given, you won't regret my suggestion ~~~~~

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There's so many typos. Forgive me XD


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Ohyouarenana #1
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful!! I love this so much
Chapter 1: Read the story with KRY's song as a background made me cry so bad ??? It's a great story though. Thank you for the happy ending for my Yesungie~
Chapter 1: Oh may gosh how dare U make me cry TT...TT

the first part us so heartbreaking TT...TT. but down to last it was so heartwarming!. This one have really great ending. I mean look like movie story. All the problem solved but you just give them the beginning of their happy life and mend their heart without showing it in the story .. I love it . KEEP WRITING! I'M SELF DECLARED YIUR FAN UWAAAAAA.
Still this story is soooooo great!
Chapter 1: this so beautiful~~ i cried my eyes out while reading ~~~ thank you for this beautiful story~
LongBanana #5
Chapter 1: Oh , I had a flu while read your story :') now, I can't breath because I keep snot coming out of my nose :'')

It's the best story before christmas come ..
400 streak #6
Chapter 1: wuaaah it's really a nice story to read! I cried a lot in the middle, but then smiled like crazy when Sungie got the attention of Kim's brothers~ I LOVE THIS!!!!

Upvote <3333
400 streak #7
Chapter 1: Yesung = cinderella (???) << after reading a little #continue to read
Chapter 1: After reading your story just now.. I realized so many Kim out there ...
But I make a wrong decision to read it before gotta work huhuhu...
Yesung is an Angel... Huhuhu...