They don't understand

AN: So I decided to a bit change this book.


Choi Siwon. 35 years, 185 centimeters, 75 kilos. There are many words that can describe him - handsome, muscular, successful, rich. If you ask his employees, they will say you that he is a great and generous boss. However, there is one word that only one lips can say. And that word is master.


Siwon was studying business and had a dream about being rich and giving work to hundreds of people. And then he met a person who was like a missing puzzle piece which Siwon didn’t considered as missing but still needed him to complete his life. The person was Kim Yesung. A young student of drama and theater arts who wanted to be an actor. They met at a party in someone’s house and Siwon, the man who was receiving of girls with their phone numbers written on them, was captivated. Yesung wasn’t very interested. Siwon was an extrovert with many friends who were around him all the time while Yesung was an introvert who wanted nothing more than some peace with his music and art. It was a marathon to get closer to Yesung and to earn his trust but Choi Siwon isn’t someone who gives up easily. He is more like a lion who is able to chase his prey no matter what. So after two months Siwon got Yesung’s address from his friend Hyukjae and came in his dorm. He was surprised that Yesung is filthy rich, his parents owning the largest chain of dry cleaners in the USA where they live. He knocked on the door of the luxurious dorm and Yesung didn’t open the door. Siwon was knocking on the door so much that his knuckles were almost bleeding and then the door finally opened a bit. A huge brown eye appeared in the gap and Siwon smiled.


“Who are you?”


Yesung isn’t going to let a stranger inside. He is holding a knife behind his back while Siwon introduced himself. Yesung still doesn’t understand what he wants, maybe that the man is a serial killer who will and murder him in no time. Siwon is trying to push the doors open but Yesung screams in fear and quickly closed them. Siwon is knocking on the door again but soon a guy from security came and kindly told him to off. Siwon glanced on the grey door for the last time and knows that he just entered the first level.


Yesung was scared that the man knows his name and also his address. How the hell is that possible? He is asking this question over and over until he met Hyukjae who is boasting that he found a boyfriend for him. Yesung punched him in the face but his tiny hands and weak arms don’t do big damage. 


“What is wrong with you? I only want to see you happy.”


Hyukjae is yelling behind Yesung who is running away and then over the campus in the small theater which belongs to their college. Hyukjae is studying music but he takes few classes like Yesung, unfortunately also lessons of Kabuki theater. Hyukjae slowly walked in the dressing room where is Yesung putting on make-up. 


“You are alone all the time, college is about parties and while you are locked in your dorm all the time.”


Yesung doesn’t pay him any attention and angrily takes his shamisen.


“Stop treating me like a disabled person!”


Yesung is tired of his parents and few friends who are trying to force him into being more social. He doesn’t see something bad on not leaving his room for a few days in a row. 


Hyukjae is trying to look serious but it is hard. There aren’t many girls who study theater arts and none of the other boys fit in female clothes as well as Yesung. His frame is petit and more feminine so he ends playing roles for females all the time. Yesung actually doesn’t mind it, he loves wearing clothes for women and he even bought few dresses and other cute clothes which he wears strictly only inside his dorm. 


But this is something different. He must play geisha almost all the time but he can't quit with this lesson in the middle of the semester. Yesung angrily stormed out of the dressing room and Hyukjae started to change into his costume of a samurai. Hyukjae is muscular and tall so he is always playing warriors. He feels bad that Yesung needs to play girl in every game but it really suits him. Lots of guys think that he is the most able girl when he is wearing a long wig and pretty clothes. They started to practice and work hard for a few hours. Soon this new play is going to have a premiere and many people are going to come. Also, Choi Siwon received an envelope with a ticket from a cupid named Hyukjae. 


Evening of their premiere is here and Yesung is anxiously watching how are the seats filling with people. He is ready to go throw up but then he spotted Siwon. 


Siwon saw Yesung hiding behind the red drapes but doesn’t look at him. He sat down and avoids looking in Yesung’s direction and in few minutes the lights turned off. The play started and Siwon is waiting to see Yesung. He recognized Hyukjae who is playing some samurai who fell in love with a geisha but there is still no Yesung. After a while Siwon recognized that the geisha has the same huge brown eyes like Yesung ... and also the same tiny hands which are skillfully playing on a shamisen. Is it possible? Siwon almost fell off his seat when Yesung started to sing. He wasn’t expecting such a deep and powerful voice from someone so fragile. The whole play is good but Siwon is immersed only in Yesung. Siwon knows numbers and charts, he is studying to be a businessman but he thinks that Yesung is pure talent. At the end of the play, he is applauding like everyone else and then tries to get in backstage. He is acting confidently like he belongs there and no one stops him. He opened four wrong doors before he finally opened the right one.


Yesung is removing the heavy make-up when the door of the dressing room opened again. His eyes stay focused on the mirror.


“Did you run to get me my coke?”


He thought that Hyukjae is back with their drinks but when no one answers, he turned around.


“What are you doing here?!”


Yesung jumps up and takes few steps back while Siwon stays standing with his back pressed to the door.


“I wanted someone so talented as you.”


Siwon doesn’t want to also add that the pink kimono which is Yesung wearing drives him crazy. He can only imagine Yesung’s slim body which is hiding under it. 

Yesung is praying that Hyukjae is going to save him and unfortunately his dumb friend met another dumb friend and went away with them. The theater is now almost empty. There is a janitor who is cleaning the floor and a few actors who are also changing their clothes.


“I am going to scream.”


Yesung’s voice is shaking because he is locked in one room with his stalker and he has nowhere to run or hide.


“If you scream, I will need to silence you with a kiss.”


This is too much for Yesung and he opened his mouth to scream but Siwon’s trained body is moving too fast. In blink of an eye Siwon threw himself on Yesung and pressed his back to a wall behind them. He forcefully gripped Yesung’s small chin and smacked his lips on Yesung’s doll-like lips. The petite man screams but it is muffled, almost non existing noise. Siwon’s strong arm circled his tiny waist and Yesung is desperately trying to push him away. Siwon isn’t moving even for an inch, no, he is holding Yesung tightly. He has to admit that Yesung’s lips taste so good, Yesung’s strawberry lip balsam forces Siwon to bite the soft flesh. Yesung opened his mouth in pain and his eyes widened when he feels something wet and hot invading cavern off his mouth. Siwon is on Yesung’s lips for a while and then pulled away because he needs to breathe. Yesung is shocked and out of breath. His knees are shaking and surprisingly his is hard. 


Siwon is staring on Yesung who has swollen lips and flushed cheeks. Suddenly Yesung darted across the room to the door. Siwon isn’t going to run behind him, he only fixed his shirt and then casually walked out of the dressing room while whistling.


Yesung hided in a toilet cabin and heavily breathes. He doesn’t know why his feels so hot and wet, it was something on Siwon what made him feel tiny. Siwon is so strong, and how he forcefully tilted his head back to kiss him ... Yesung moaned because that was something what he has never felt before. After few minutes he calmed down and went back in the dressing room. Some part of him is sad after he sees that the room is empty. 


He sat down again and finished getting rid of the make-up and then changed his clothes. Yesung is walking home and feels so cold when he unlocked the door of his dorm. Yesung walked over to a place where is his turtle and put few leaves of fresh salad close to the turtle. Yesung is hungry too but the fridge is empty and he doesn’t want to go out to do grocery shopping. He opened a can of Coca cola and goes in the bathroom. There is a long marble counter with two basins, in the corner is a walk-in-shower. Next to it is a washing machine with dryer and Yesung has also a sunken tub also made from white marble. Yesung prepared himself bubble bath and then sinks his tired body in the warm water. Yesung put a towel under his head and then stares on the ceiling. From time to time he takes a sip of the cola and smiles after remembering that today he managed to be completely without food, he only had two cans of cola. Yesung shifted a bit and the warm water is 

splashing around. What is Siwon doing?


Yesung put his hand under the water and pushed two fingers in his . He liked that Siwon was treating him roughly but carefully in the same time. He his few times and moaned. Yesung speeds up and feels an slowly building in his body. 


“Siwon ...”


Yesung unknowingly moaned the name in the second when his tighten up and his juices shot out. Yesung is breathing rapidly while his body is shuddering under waves of his . Only then he realized what name left his lips and blushed. He quickly got out of the tub and laid down on his huge bed. He is panting for a while and then rolled over and checked his phone. There is no message or call from his parents, like usually. It looks like the only prove they need that their son is alive is the fact that money is leaving his bank account. Yesung was still hoping that they will at least text him and ask how his play went. He wrote an email to them about it and he is sure that his busy mom and dad read it but they still don’t care enough to call him.


Maybe that it is his fault. His parents are working hard to stay on top and they give him so much money. Maybe he should be more grateful. Yesung reached his hand for his oversized satin shirt and pulled it over his head. He threw the blanket over his body and curled into a small ball. Yesung would like to have a boyfriend but he doesn’t know how to start a relationship. He has a , he is a boy with a , how can he be brave enough to find a man? Yesung bitterly chuckled. Well, he doesn’t need to look for a man, Choi Siwon is basically stalking him.

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64 streak #1
Chapter 1: This sounds super interesting!
390 streak #2
Chapter 4: Babe! Update??? T^T
390 streak #3
Chapter 4: oh my! why did you reject that proposal Sungie!!?? I thought you love Siwon T^T
Ms_koala #4
Chapter 4: Moree.....
390 streak #5
Chapter 3: beib, are you not going to update this story again? I'm so curious
Chapter 3: Thank you for updating^^
390 streak #7
Chapter 3: Uhum, I just realized you put -- there XDDD~
390 streak #8
Chapter 3: Finally, I was so curious about Ryeowook here. I thought that he was going to be the villain, being a Siwon's ex boyfriend or something like that XD
390 streak #9
Chapter 2: woaaah, smekseeeeh~ <3333
LongBanana #10
Chapter 1: You refused Siwon even tough you want him in your , Yesungie..