Broken heart


Everything is not what it seems at first glance - a strange thought appeared in your head.

Yes, you believe in it, so you quietly step back from your room, where two bodies are sleeping in an embrace on the bed.

You move further and further away until you pass the door of your apartment, closing it behind you with a soft thud.

You count to 10, slowly, then grab the doorknob again, open it, enter.

Your voice is a little shaky, breaking, so you take one deep breath, long exhalation, draw some air into your lungs:

- Minari, baby, are you home?

You hear the creak of your bed.

You hear hurried footsteps.

You hear a whisper.

Yes, you hear, but you pretend not to.

You give them time to get together, to pretend, to make up some kind of lie.

You give it to them.

You go to the kitchen, kicking off your shoes on the way, leaving a heavy bag near the door, moving tiredly, you go into the kitchen without turning on the light, sit down at the table, wait.

Bare feet appear in your field of vision, but you do not look up from the floor, because you see a second pair of bare feet.

You sigh, although inside you feel like you are suffocating.

You don't want to hear, but the small voice you love so much penetrates through your walls:

“I’m sorry, Nayeon, that you found out like that. I have wanted to tell you for a long time, but did not dare.

You bite down on your bottom lip until it almost draws blood, your hands begin to tremble, so you clench them into fists.

You need to be better than yourself.

You need to be better, you demand from yourself.

- I couldn't control my heart, Nayeon. It's not your fault that I decided to go back to him.

- Foolish heart, I understand, Minari - you master, and you are pleased with your even voice.

You're glad you didn't break down in front of her.

You close your eyes, then feeling no strength, but boldly raise them and meet Mina's dark guilty gaze, as if seeing them for the first time.

You saw the same look then, 2 years ago, when you helped her get rid of her boyfriend, the same one who was now standing next to her.

Then, 2 years ago, you became an unwitting witness to the betrayal of that guy.

You witnessed the scene when Mina caught him with another.

This cycle was repeated several times, until one day you decided to say:

- Hi, baby, I'm sorry, I was detained downstairs - after which, in front of the guy's face, kiss Mina on the lips.

2 years: a year of friendship, a year and a half of courtship and here are the happy 5 months she thought Mina was also in love with you.

You look at him, you see his smirk, you see his victorious look.

He won? No, he lost. Lost exactly. I'll prove it to her, but not now. Now I need to leave, with my head held high, with the pride that remains with me.

You smile at him, he frowns with displeasure, hugs Mina to him and kisses her on the lips in front of your eyes. Kissing her, he looks at your reaction.

You smile, you don't throw your fists, you just look.

And he doesn't like it. He wanted to look like a winner, he wanted to insult you.

You see how her lips are in contact with the male lips and you want to vomit, but you hold back the vomit.

No, you're holding back a scream of rage.

You are above him, you will survive.

- Why are you like this, it was not necessary with Nayeon? – softly scolds Mina, wiping her lips with her hand, bashfully looks at you.

- How long will you be here? Can't you see we're busy here? Or do you want to witness our connection? You turn out to be a masochist, Nayeon, - he said mockingly, clearly showing you where his hands are and caressing Mina.

- I would stay and watch your show, but I'm sorry, they are waiting for me downstairs. I came here to collect a couple of my things, I'll pick up the rest tomorrow morning - you said getting up, approaching the couple, stopping at a very close distance from them, smiling sweetly at them: - Let me pass - you don't ask, you do, you pass between them.

You only hear one pair of feet following you.

You know these steps.

You don't turn around, you just go to your common bedroom, where men's and women's things are scattered.

Another test, but you move mechanically, noticing everything, you purposefully go to the closet.

You hear a rustle behind you, Mina puts things away, hides them.

- Who's waiting for you downstairs? she asks hesitantly. - Jungyoung?

- No, I met her at a party, I promised that I would take her home.

- Wow, this is a beauty! You weren't lying when you said someone was waiting for you! - he entered the bedroom, showing the figure of a girl in the air. - Will you meet?

- No - taking out clothes and putting them in a bag. “Tomorrow I will return the keys to you, leave them under the rug, as usual, Mina. I will take only my things - a voice without emotions, emptiness in the eyes, it seemed to you that your heart was not beating in your chest.

- Okay, we got you. Come by 11:00, by that time we will not be - he ordered .

You barely audibly take another breath.

You force yourself to go.

The bag is so heavy on the shoulder, as if there were weights, not things.

You must get out of here!

A little more, a couple of steps, and you can be angry.


Everything is not what it seems at first glance - this thought appears again.

How could it come back like this?

Why is Mina coming back to him again?

It's not true, just another bad dream. Nonsense. You walk out the door and wake up.

“I’m sorry, Nayeon, I’m to blame for your pain again,” closing the doors behind you, Mina’s voice sounded softly.


The click of the lock, you're still walking.

You go down, rearrange your legs, step on the stairs.

The click of the lock, you're still straight back.

You leave the house, you wave to a familiar stranger, you pretend to know each other.

A familiar stranger comes up to you, takes you by the arm, you smile at each other.

You walk arm in arm, from the height of the apartment window, you can see your happy faces.

You turn a corner and you break.

Your legs give way, your throat is pressed from unshed tears, your fists are unclenched.

A familiar stranger presses you to her chest, lets you cry.

Your eyes are crying without tears.

You're twisted, you're weak, you're broken.

Having calmed down:

-Sorry and thanks for playing along with me.

- Do not worry about it, I myself experienced the same feeling recently. If you still need my shoulder or my hugs, I am free until the morning - a familiar stranger smiles weakly.

-I want to forget myself, - you wheeze, letting the girl hold you.

- Fine, me too. I am Sana, she stretches out her hand, helping you get up from the ground, take care of you, straightens your skirt, shaking off the dirt, straightens your jacket, bandages a scarf around your neck.

You allow care.

- Nayeon - limply shake the outstretched hand.

- Nayeon, will you join me to celebrate my official breakup with my ex-girlfriend Momo? I found out that we are breaking off relations this morning when she wrote me an SMS - Sana smiled bitterly, showing you a wedding ring held between her fingers. -“I don’t love you anymore, I’m sorry,” that’s what the text said. We were preparing for the wedding, after 2 years of dating, the pre-wedding ceremony was supposed to take place tomorrow. And now, sms. I thought it was a joke, but no - taking out the phone, pressing a couple of buttons, showing one picture, two bodies intertwined on the couch. This blonde Momo is pretty, isn't she?

You listened without interrupting.

You listened as you took your first burning sip.

You listened when you danced with her after 10 shots of hot soju.

The last thing you heard before you passed out:

- I'll take you to my house as I don't know where you live. Tomorrow will be better. Better than now.

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