(Not) obvious (Sana)


The time was approaching nightfall, all the girls had already wished good night for a long time and went to bed. Sana, who was lying in her bed, could not sleep, she tossed and turned from side to side, rolling in her mind a recent incident involving JiHyo .

I tried to kiss her lips again. I almost betrayed myself again. My control is not as strong as I bragged to DaHyunie before . What should I do, how can I keep all my feelings a secret?

Sana turned around for a while, then quietly, so as not to wake her roommates, got up and left. Carefully stepping on the floor with her bare feet, she made her way to the maknae's room , without knocking, opened the doors and looked inside. From the side of Dahyun's bed, there was a faint light from the phone, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were already asleep, facing the wall and covering their heads with a blanket. Sana tiptoed over to Dahyun's bed , sat down on it and gently tugged on the edge of the blanket.

- DaHyunie - she whispered to the sleeping girl.

- Sana- unnie? - Throwing back the blanket, Dahyun looked out , then seeing the state of her friend, she opened it wider, moved aside, giving that space. Sana, wasting no time, climbed inside, closer to the wall, settled down, turned to face Dahyun, pouted.

-I’m not doing anything, DaHyunie ,- she said plaintively, snuggling closer to her friend’s warm body. - Today I almost did something not very good.

- Do not worry, unnie - hugging her around the waist, whispered Dahyun, kissing somewhere on the top of her head, - no one understood what actually happened today. JiHyo - unnie , thinks that everything was a joke on your part.

-I almost lost control,- Sana admitted vulnerablely, burying her head in her friend’s neck and sobbing. - My joke almost ruined your birthday. Sorry DaHyunie .

- Shh, shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine - the girl soothed her, kissing her on the temple. - I'll help you cope.

- You already helped, but nothing came of it, I ... Aigoo, Dahyun , did you see how beautiful she was today, how can you resist such beauty? And this smile of hers, listen - quickly grabbed the hand of Dahyun, who her head, lowered it down to her heart, - listen to how it knocks. Honestly, I almost fainted when I heard her laugh. How did you manage to stay calm when Nayeon - unnie kissed you on the cheek? How did you manage to show discontent on your face, hide other emotions?

- It's simple, Sana- unnie , Nayeon - unnie is not my affection.

- Not she? - blinked a couple of times, then lifted her head from her friend's chest, looked at Dahyun in surprise . The girl smiled at her and winked. Sana watched intently, trying to read, but as usual with Dahyun , it is difficult to read. - Don't tell me that "this girl" is me ?

- No - gave a charming laugh, Dahyun slowly shook her head, - it would be easier if it was you, Sana- unnie . It would be easy with you. But no. It's not you or Nayeon - unnie and ... no, not Momo - unnie .

- Not Momorin? - raised her voice, but then froze, listening, but the rest of the maknae did not wake up. “Sorry,” she whispered, still amazed at what she heard. - I always thought it was one of them.

- You were wrong, but - Dahyun paused, grinning sadly, - now is not the time or place to talk about my crush. Now you have come to me for advice, and not vice versa.

- Okay, I'm sorry - they were silent for a while, Sana enjoyed the peace and comfort of her friend, absorbing her love. - What should I say tomorrow, DaHyunie ?

-Don't say anything, just behave as usual. Flirting Sana, playful Sana, cheerful Sana.

- Every day it gets harder to pretend - she sighed, closing her eyes - I'm afraid that soon JiHyo will figure it out. I'm afraid to think the consequences of this.

- I am always with you, unnie - assured Dahyun , - I will always support you.


The next morning, about that "almost kiss" no one remembered. If anyone remembered, they referred to Sana's playful behavior and only laughed, treating everything as a joke. The fact that Sana didn't try to stay with JiHyo for a long time after that incident also didn't bother anyone, including the leader himself. Sana, in turn, watched and watched her from afar, sighing softly, forcing herself to find new things to do. That morning and most of the day, she managed to maintain control.

Until a certain moment.


“In this case, I’m not to blame. Seriously, Dahyunie later proved Sana to her, prayerfully folding her hands in front of her and looking into her eyes cursing . - It's all the fault of the photographer who asked us to pair up and turn our faces to each other.

- You just had to look and smile at her, Sana- unnie - cutely scolded her, Dahyun , biting her lower lip.

- I looked, you saw, because I was there myself. Have you seen my efforts?

- I saw your torment, unnie . It's one thing to show you are in love with a friend, you always have that look, unnie , another thing to bend so close to almost kiss her on the lips. Again.

- But I didn't kiss her! - in a loud whisper, nervously glancing around, said Sana. Then doubt flashed in her eyes. “I didn't kiss her, did I?

“No, but I would have kissed if I hadn't coughed to get your attention. Sana- unnie , what did we discuss this morning? You agreed with me to avoid JiHyo - unnie today .

- But, I did so, before the photo shoot. Dahyunie , what should I do now? Did you see the way she looked at me? I'm sure by the end of the day JiHyo will ask what is wrong with me.

- Do not even think to suggest that I lie to the leader, Sana- unnie .

- I didn't even think of that. Knowing your position, don't lie. Although, there is a small paradox here. You don't like to lie, but you still lie to me. You are hiding your feelings for one of the members .

- What have you decided that I'm hiding , unnie ? - defensively folded her arms across her chest, slightly moving away from her older friend. - How do you know that I have not told her?

- And you are silent? Who is she, how did she react, are you together now? - Sana fell asleep with questions, for the first time in the whole day genuine happiness for the "sister" was reflected in her eyes.

- I confessed my feelings, but I was rejected, now I pretend that it is convenient for me to be her friend again - at the last word, Dahyun closed, taking a step back, looking at the floor.

- Oh god, I'm sorry, forgive me, Dahyunie . All my damn curiosity. Instead of discussing me, I brought up a topic that you dislike. Sorry…

- Girls! - interrupted Sana Momo, going out into the courtyard of the set, looking at them suspiciously. - Now we will all be photographed together.


Yes, that moment seemed to almost negate all of Dahyun's efforts . Sana was very grateful to have her younger friend by her side. Without Dahyun, she would have ruined everything, and perhaps now everything would not be so bright and blooming. With Dahyun, she could share the most intimate, knowing that she would not condemn, support. Sana remembered the impulse when she burst into the maknae-line room and found one Dahyun there and blurted out:

- I fell in love with JiHyo .

And then she froze in anticipation. She endured so much, suffered, hid that the first person she wanted to share was Dahyun . Dahyun has always been a special person to her.

Then Dahyun smiled at her, inviting her to sit next to her, said:

- I'm glad for you, unnie .

Since then, more than two months have passed since the confession, Dahyun helped her in every possible way.

Everything went well so far.

So far, no one suspected anything.

But "yet" cannot last forever. Someone will see, someone will be interested, someone will ask.

After that near-kissing incident in the photo shoot, Momo, as Sana's closest friend, noticed strange behavior. Distinguishing behavior. She began to closely look at the two members, noticing that they were always nearby, communicating only with each other.

Maybe there is nothing strange here, only if not for the conversation she overheard by chance. She was asked to bring Dahyun and Sana back to the set to take a group photo. Momo left the building, noticing her friends standing near the wall, talking quietly. Smiling, Momo wanted to call them, but then she heard a loud whisper from Sana:

- But I didn't kiss her!

And she did not freely listen to the rest, realizing with amazing clarity the subsequent words from Sana and the answers from Dahyun .


Momo: Why was Sana hiding this from me? Why did she only share with Dahyun? We're best friends, she knows my innermost secrets. So why did she keep such feelings a secret?

Maybe she was afraid that you would not understand her, condemn her - a quiet voice squeaked. “It's not easy to admit that you are in love with a girl. Not a guy, but a girl.

But we are friends, almost sisters ...

The hardest thing for relatives to admit is that voice again.

Dahyunie she said ...

So there was a reason for that. You heard what Dahyunie said. She had already confessed to someone, but was refused. Getting rejected by a loved one can easily break you. But she did not break down, endured and is now friends with someone. Dahyunie is so strong. She is a strong support for Sana. Don't doubt her when she sees fit, Sana will tell you.

So what should I do now? Pretend?

It will be better this way. Until.

With a heavy heart, Momo called the girls, announcing that there would be a joint photo now.


She had to wait another two weeks for Sana's confession, but during all these weeks Momo began to notice Sana's looks, touches, sighs, smiles towards JiHyo . And she also noticed how Sana tried to avoid the girl, but all attempts were in vain.

The confession took place on Saturday morning, when they went for a walk together. More precisely, Momo was walking her pets, and Sana volunteered to keep company.

They talked about everything, laughed at jokes, recalled the first time they walked here. Then, somehow it happened by itself, Sana suddenly said:

- Momo, how would you react if one of the members said he loved a girl?

- Love cannot be alone. The heart does not dwell on the fact that you only need to love the guy. If you fell in love, be happy.

- Truth? Oh Momorin - Sana hugged her happily. - I was so afraid to tell you.

- Say what , Sana?

- My heart began to beat faster when I look at JiHyo - Sana whispered shyly in Japanese. - Do you judge me?

-No, of course not, Sana-chan. On the contrary, I'm so happy for you - answered Momo in Japanese, hugging her friend tightly. - I will always be on your side. Always - kissed on the cheek, pulling back a little. - Does anyone else know? She asked, knowing the answer perfectly well.

- Yes, I'm sorry, but I told Dahyunie first . I had to tell someone about my discovery, only Dahyunie was at home , so ...

- So, only me and Dahyun know ?

- Yes. Just you two. And please Momorin , I'm not ready to tell anyone else yet ...

- You know me, I won't tell anyone.


It was getting harder to hide my affection, my admiration, every day.

There were more and more random errors.

There are many moments when Sana jokingly touched her lips to her shoulder, biting lightly on the neck, bringing her face close to JiHyo's .

There are many moments when hands hugged from the back, put their palms on their chest, tickled on the sides, under the knees.

There are many moments when the voice uttered strange compliments.

JiHyo blamed Sana 's usual behavior, but Dahyun and Momo were well aware that their friend was losing control.

One day, while sitting with them in the living room and watching a midnight movie, Sana whispered:

“I'm afraid I'll do something stupid soon.

- What are you talking about?

Sana just shrugged and continued to watch the movie.


The next day, the group was scheduled to prepare for the concert. They have been divided into units to show a versatile group. When it came to pull a piece of paper with the member's name out of the hat, Sana's name was JiHyo, respectively, JiHyo pulled out Sana's name. Thus, they became a duo. Thus, spend a lot of time together.

Sana looked at Da Hyun and Momo in dismay, a tortured smile at the joyful JiHyo who enthusiastically listed all the songs she wanted to perform at the concert.

- You have long wanted to do a cover of Taemin dance , I'm certainly not Momo, but why don't we try? Sana interrupted her babbling as she watched the leader's face light up and she nods in agreement.

-We can handle it, Sana-unnie. We'll have a great cover. You just need to practice more and remember all the movements. From this day on we will live in the rehearsal room.

A little later, as Dahyun and Momo dragged her to the far end of the room, Sana humbly said:

- We'll be alone all this time. Just me and JiHyo. What should I do?

-Be yourself, Sana-chan.

- But, if I am myself, I cannot control myself ...

-In any case, we are always on your side, Sana-unnie.


What can happen to two girls in one place if one of them is in love with the other?

For someone who does not know about falling in love, or anything special, just have a great time with a friend.

For the one who is in love, here is the problem.

Sana knew what she was going for, she mentally set herself up and prepared herself.


It's one thing when you set yourself up, it's another thing when you saw a girl in a tight-fitting T-shirt with spaghetti straps with short breeches, revealing an elastic belly.

Plus, short hair is tied in an impromptu mini-ponytail, which completely reveals the neck.

Sana swallowed, glancing down JiHyo, stopping at the cleavage, the hollow drawing her gaze to herself, just as the girl's abs, strong hips, slender legs and pretty nail polish attracted her gaze.

The music began, the choreographer began to show the movement, at first slowly, then repeating faster.

Sana stood next to JiHyo, their gazes meeting in a mirror image, a smile beaming on her lips.

The music began, Sana's world turned upside down as JiHyo's body began to move.

Instead of focusing entirely on learning choreography, Sana was distracted, very distracted, so she was often mistaken.

It became worse after an hour of training had passed and the first beads of sweat began to roll down the neck into the hollow between the s.

Sana stumbled almost without falling, but JiHyo's strong arms grabbed her just in time.

What she was trying to avoid became inevitable, skin contact occurred.

She has such soft skin ...

She smells good ...

There is no smell of sweat at all, even if it was, I would not mind ...

How nice it is to lie on her chest and hear the steady beat of her heart ...

I wonder how it would knock if I kissed ...

I wonder what her skin tastes like ...

Probably sweet ...

No, probably salty ...

Although, who cares, it's JiHyo's skin ...

- Sana-unnie! Sana-unnie! - called such a familiar voice in the distance, but Sana swam in the world of bliss, almost hearing nothing. - Sana-unnie, what's wrong with you? Maybe call a doctor?

Disgusting word.

Sana jumped abruptly from the floor where she was reclining on JiHyo, her eyes widening.


What is it for me? Someone please help. Otherwise, I will disgrace the whole agency.

- No, you don't need a doctor! She squeaked, blushing deeply. - I'm fine!

“But you have a fever, unnie,” JiHyo said worriedly, taking her friend by the hand, bringing her back to her lap. “Get down, Sana-unnie. You need to rest, your whole face and neck are red.

- I ... - Oh, how soft! I want to bury my head between my knees and ... Damn, Sana, keep your libido to yourself! “Thank you, JiHyo, but I'd rather train.” She jumped up again and moved away from the girl at arm's length.

- Are you sure? JiHyo's voice still sounded genuine care and love for her older friend.

“Absolutely - with a certainty she doesn't have,” Sana said without looking at JiHyo.

If JiHyo noticed Sana's strange behavior, she didn't show it.

Something strange has been happening to Sana lately, and it's always in her presence. After talking with Nayeon and Jeongyeon, who advised her to wait, she decided to postpone the questions. But it cannot last long. If Sana doesn't open up soon, she will make her confess with the authoritative tone of a leader.

And now she let go.


For a while.

Until the end of the concert.

- If you're sure, then let's continue. The sooner we finish studying this movement. So much the sooner we'll go home. -JiHyo smiled softly at her, re-playing the song track.

A soft smile haunted the entire night, so Sana was unable to fall asleep properly.


Three days of sweet torture.

Three days of sweet dreams.

Three days of prayer to everyone who can, to make her tired body move in the right direction and not go astray.

Three days of pleading with your eyes not to stare at skin.

Three days of pleading to keep your mouth shut, so as not to blurt out embarrassing words not related to dance during the rehearsal.

In general, for Sana, these three days were agony, and she was very happy that at last today was the day when her torment would end.


On the night of Thursday to Friday, when the concert was to take place, JiHyo waited until everyone in the dorm was asleep, then quietly slipped out of bed, tiptoed out of the room, walked down the hallway, into the hallway, got dressed and left the apartment. In her hands she only held a glowing phone, where there was a sent message with cute hearts at the end.

Sneaking into the parking lot, JiHyo approached the young man who was waiting for her.

They didn't exchange a word, they just hugged, and after the young man bent down and kissed JiHyo.

Their meeting did not last long, only 15 minutes, and during the whole time they talked with kisses.

After JiHyo, she secretly returned back, listening with bated breath to any rustle.

Her secret remained a secret.

At least she thought so.


On the night of Thursday to Friday, when the concert was to take place, Sana could not sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, listening to the girls breathing. Her thoughts were completely taken over by a certain girl sleeping nearby.

Maybe, girls are right? Enough for me to hide. It's time to open up. Tomorrow, after the show, I'll talk to JiHyo. Tomorrow I will talk about my feelings.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a rustle. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an obscure figure get out of bed.


For some reason, Sana was sure she wasn't going to the bathroom or the kitchen. JiHyo again, like in the last couple of weeks, sneaks out of the house.

Then, Sana respected her and did not follow.

But not today.


On that ill-fated night, when Sana's whole world shattered, two more members could not sleep: Dahyun, who wanted to drink water in the kitchen, and Momo, who was leaving the restroom.


They both witnessed Sana's breakdown after seeing JiHyo in the arms of a tall guy.

They both managed to take her away so that no one would see her tears, her tears, her broken heart.

They both consoled her, hugging her tightly, kissing her on the back of her head, on her temple, cradling her in their arms.

That night, Sana felt empty in her soul, her breathing became difficult, she seemed to be numb.

The only thing the girls heard from her, besides crying, was:

- I'm late…


On Friday morning, JiHyo was summoned to the principal.

On the same day, news spread throughout the world that Kang Daniel and Park JiHyo were dating.

The same evening, after the performance, Sana asked the director, and when she returned, she told all the girls:

- I want to take a break. I need some time to be alone. Sorry to be so sudden, but it will be better for me.


Sana leaves for the airport early Saturday morning while everyone is still asleep, with only Dahyun and Momo going with her. Saying goodbye, they hugged her tightly:

- Come back when you're ready. And call at any time, we will always answer.


JiHyo wants to know the reason for Sana's departure. She requests an audience with the director. The girls are waiting for the result. When JiHyo returns:

- He didn't explain anything to me.


Over the next days, she tries to contact Sana, but all calls are ignored or one response was given:

I'm bouncing back.

On all questions about leaving, Sana kept silent.

JiHyo didn't understand, but made her friend's decision, confident that when she was ready she would tell her everything.

This is what the "sisters" do, isn't it?


In the days that follow, she learns that Sana most often communicates with Da Hyun and Momo, sometimes texting with the rest of the members.

Why is she ignoring me?

Attempts to find out through Dahyun or Momo about the reason for leaving were unsuccessful.

- It's not our right to tell. If he wants, he will tell you.


Is she mad at me?


But what did I do wrong?


The relationship with Daniel does not last long. They eventually realize that all their feelings were admiration. Although, after the breakup, JiHyo cried, consoling herself in the girls' arms, telling all her thoughts and fears.


We are not a complete roster. I miss Sana. I want to hear her voice, see her face, be near her.

When will you be back?


Sana returns suddenly, without warning, just before the band's performance in the concert hall. She just walks into the dressing room, smiles brightly, holding bags of food on the weight, her sweet, slightly thin with excitement, voice:

- Who wants ramen, raise your hands?


Sana returns with unexpected news , her face shines, there is a change in her, something that is not yet familiar. She is calm, easy-going, all glows with happiness.

-I found myself, girls, - she explains, when the first shock of surprise passed and the members asked a question. -And I found someone who helped me cope with my heartache.

- Who is your chosen one? - Nayeon asked while still hugging the girl tightly.

-The most wonderful person,- Sana said softly, twirling the ring on her left index finger.

- Do we know him? JiHyo asked without leaving her friend, already happy that she was there.

- Today I will introduce you - Sana smiled. - Today, after I meet with Once . I will leave immediately after the winner is announced.

-I can't wait to meet the one who stole your heart, - Jeongyeon reported , hugging her friend once more before stepping on stage after being told "1 minute to leave!" As she walked out of the dressing room, Jeongyeon heard Sana's quiet reply.

- My heart is still occupied by another person.


JiHyo does not step away from Sana, she is always by her side.

This Sana talks to JiHyo more, laughs at her jokes, willingly answers questions.

This Sana is a completely new person.

This Sang Woo JiHyo doesn't know at all.

She tried to find that old version of Sana, but she couldn't find it.

Who is that stranger?

How did she meet him?

Is she happy? Ha, JiHyo, of course she's happy, look at her, she's all glowing!


An unexpected surprise awaited them in the hostel; an unfamiliar black-haired girl was sitting in the living room.

JiHyo was about to ask who she was, but instead of a girl, Sana replied:

- Meet. Here is "the same wonderful man who stole my heart." Yu Mimi , my girlfriend. I hope you become friends.


A couple of simple words, ordinary words, such as you usually hear in any part of the globe, so why be so surprised now?

There are no stereotypes in love, the heart can love anyone.

There doesn't always have to be love between a guy and a girl.

It is quite normal if there is such love between the same .

There is nothing to be ashamed of here.


From the girls did not hear: "What?" "Have you fallen in love with a girl?" "You are sick?"

No, instead, she walked up to Sana's friend Da Hyun first, held out her hand to shake, and smiled amiably.

- Hello, I'm Dahyun, when we get to know each other better, you can call Tofu or Dubu.

- Dahyun? Did I talk to you on the phone? Mimi asked shyly, shaking her hand in return.

- Yes I. Finally, I see you in the face, Mimi - smiled sweetly, giving that confidence.

- Hi, I'm Momo. You talked to me too, - coming from the other side of Momo, smiling.

- Yes, I remember your voice - the girl relaxed, hearing familiar voices. - Nice to finally see you, Momo-chan.

- Momorin, DaHyunie, do you know her?

- Yes, when Sana called in recent months, we talked with Mimi - the girls confirmed.


Why not with me?

Why does she only share secrets with Dahyun and Momo?

Sana doesn't trust me anymore?

Why did she leave so suddenly then?

Will I ever recognize her?


Bad thoughts filled the group leader's head.

The heart began to fill with unwanted feelings.

JiHyo didn’t want to distance herself, didn’t want to hide, and in order not to get bogged down in alienation, she decided to have a "5 Minute Straight Talk".

San didn't have to persuade, she seemed to be waiting for such a moment.

And so, after six months, 7 days and 21 hours 45 minutes 14 seconds, JiHyo finally finds out the reason.

Do I want to hear it?


Sana and JiHyo sat side by side on the couch in a tense silence, waiting for whoever would start the dialogue first.

Oddly enough, but the first silence was broken by Sana, and she began with strange words:

- On Friday, I wanted to confess to one person that I have long been in love with him. I decided for myself that it was enough to hide my feelings. On the eve of my confession, I once again spoke with Da Hyun and Momo, they gave me confidence.

- What happened? - while the mouth asked the question, thoughts returned chaotically that day. Her heart clenched treacherously in her chest, she began to suspect what answer would be given.

- Nothing, just that night I found out that my crush has someone. I saw their secret date and kiss.


Sana talks about ...

Oh no!

- In order not to complicate, I decided to just leave. Heal your wounds on your own, far from the group, from the person you loved. He hurt me without knowing it. And after a long time away from him, I was glad that he did not know. It was better for both of us.

- Mimi ... she ...

- Mimi, my medicine, she finds a way to my heart - Sana looked sideways, then returned to JiHyo's gaze , and there was something in her gaze that could not be made out.

- Do you still love that person? - decided to clarify, trying to calm the alarming heartbeat.

- Yes, I love, - JiHyo's heart skipped a beat, Sana after a little pause, added - but my love is different now, more friendship than romance. Mimi knows that this person will mean more to me, always in the first place, but she understands everything, because she herself went through this.

- I know this man? - already guessing who was talking about, after all, JiHyo asked.

Sana said nothing, smiled sadly.

- Sorry, I'm not in my business ...

-No, it's okay, it's just that you're asking the wrong questions, JiHyo, - Sana's voice sounded softly.

Yes, right, why would I want to know?

-So you're back now, Sana? - JiHyo asked hopefully, as Sana's final return has not yet been confirmed.

-Good question, - Sana nodded, stepping closer but still keeping her distance. - I will perform with you at the next concert, the director agrees. - JiHyo timidly reached out, not knowing whether she has the right to touch again.

Sana was silent, then took a deep breath and an audible breath.

-It's okay JiHyo, it's okay now, don't worry, - Sana replied, taking a step towards her, finally hugging her, hugging her tightly and kissing her on the cheek. - Let all my feelings remain a secret, don’t you agree?

Jihyo hugged Sana again instead of answering, thinking to herself,

Yes, don't say anything, I don't need to know what I suspected. Our friendship is more important. And I am happy for you that you have found a person who will reciprocate you. She responded to feelings that I will never answer. Sorry about that, Sana.

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